36 research outputs found

    Ultrafast generation and decay of a surface metal

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    Band bending at semiconductor surfaces induced by chemical doping or electric fields can create metallic surfaces with properties not found in the bulk, such as high electron mobility, magnetism or superconductivity. Optical generation of such metallic surfaces via BB on ultrafast timescales would facilitate a drastic manipulation of the conduction, magnetic and optical properties of semiconductors for high-speed electronics. Here, we demonstrate the ultrafast generation of a metal at the (10-10) surface of ZnO upon photoexcitation. Compared to hitherto known ultrafast photoinduced semiconductor-to-metal transitions that occur in the bulk of inorganic semiconductors, the metallization of the ZnO surface is launched by 3-4 orders of magnitude lower photon fluxes. Using time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, we show that the phase transition is caused by photoinduced downward surface band bending due to photodepletion of donor-type deep surface defects. At low photon flux, surface-confined excitons are formed. Above a critical exciton density, a Mott transition occurs, leading to a partially filled metallic band below the equilibrium Fermi energy. This process is in analogy to chemical doping of semiconductor surfaces. The discovered mechanism is not material-specific and presents a general route for controlling metallicity confined to semiconductor interfaces on ultrafast timescales

    Localization-dependent charge separation efficiency at an organic/inorganic hybrid interface

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    By combining complementary optical techniques, photoluminescence and time-resolved excited state absorption, we achieve a comprehensive picture of the relaxation processes in the organic/inorganic hybrid system SP6/ZnO. We identify two long-lived excited states of the organic molecules of which only the lowest energy one, localized on the sexiphenyl backbone of the molecule, is found to efficiently charge separate to the ZnO conduction band or radiatively recombine. The other state, most likely localized on the spiro-linked biphenyl, relaxes only by intersystem crossing to a long-lived, probably triplet state, thus acting as a sink of the excitation and limiting the charge separation efficiency.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Revealing the Competing Contributions of Charge Carriers, Excitons, and Defects to the Non-Equilibrium Optical Properties of ZnO

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    Due to its wide band gap and high carrier mobility, ZnO is an attractive material for light-harvesting and optoelectronic applications. Its functional efficiency, however, is strongly affected by defect-related in-gap states that open up extrinsic decay channels and modify relaxation timescales. As a consequence, almost every ZnO sample behaves differently, leading to irreproducible or even contradicting observations. Here, a complementary set of time-resolved spectroscopies is applied to two ZnO samples of different defect density to disentangle the competing contributions of charge carriers, excitons, and defects to the non-equilibrium dynamics after photoexcitation: Time-resolved photoluminescence, excited state transmission, and electronic sum frequency generation. Remarkably, defects affect the transient optical properties of ZnO across more than eight orders of magnitude in time, starting with photodepletion of normally occupied defect states on femtosecond timescales, followed by the competition of free exciton emission and exciton trapping at defect sites within picoseconds, photoluminescence of defect-bound and free excitons on nanosecond timescales, and deeply trapped holes with microsecond lifetimes. These findings do not only provide the first comprehensive picture of charge and exciton relaxation pathways in ZnO, but also uncover the microscopic origin of previous conflicting observations in this challenging material and thereby offer means of overcoming its difficulties

    Dynamic screening of quasiparticles in WS2_2 monolayers

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    We unravel the influence of quasiparticle screening in the non-equilibrium exciton dynamics of monolayer WS2_2. We report pump photon energy-dependent exciton blue/red-shifts from time-resolved-reflectance contrast measurements. Based on a phenomenological model, we isolate the effective impact of excitons and free carriers on the renormalization of the quasi-free particle band gap, exciton binding energy and linewidth broadening. This work provides a comprehensive picture of the competing phenomena governing the exciton dynamics in WS2_2 upon photoexcitation

    Inhibition of the photoinduced structural phase transition in the excitonic insulator Ta2_2NiSe5_5

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    Femtosecond time-resolved mid-infrared reflectivity is used to investigate the electron and phonon dynamics occurring at the direct band gap of the excitonic insulator Ta2_2NiSe5_5 below the critical temperature of its structural phase transition. We find that the phonon dynamics show a strong coupling to the excitation of free carriers at the \Gamma\ point of the Brillouin zone. The optical response saturates at a critical excitation fluence FC=0.30 ± 0.08F_C = 0.30~\pm~0.08~mJ/cm2^2 due to optical absorption saturation. This limits the optical excitation density in Ta2_2NiSe5_5 so that the system cannot be pumped sufficiently strongly to undergo the structural change to the high-temperature phase. We thereby demonstrate that Ta2_2NiSe5_5 exhibits a blocking mechanism when pumped in the near-infrared regime, preventing a nonthermal structural phase transition

    Ultrafast Electronic Band Gap Control in an Excitonic Insulator

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    We report on the nonequilibrium dynamics of the electronic structure of the layered semiconductor Ta2_2NiSe5_5 investigated by time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. We show that below the critical excitation density of FC=0.2F_{C} = 0.2 mJ cm−2^{-2}, the band gap narrowsnarrows transiently, while it is enhancedenhanced above FCF_{C}. Hartree-Fock calculations reveal that this effect can be explained by the presence of the low-temperature excitonic insulator phase of Ta2_2NiSe5_5, whose order parameter is connected to the gap size. This work demonstrates the ability to manipulate the band gap of Ta2_2NiSe5_5 with light on the femtosecond time scale

    Instantaneous band gap collapse in photoexcited monoclinic VO2_2 due to photocarrier doping

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    Using femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy we demonstrate that photoexcitation transforms monoclinic VO2_2 quasi-instantaneously into a metal. Thereby, we exclude an 80 femtosecond structural bottleneck for the photoinduced electronic phase transition of VO2_2. First-principles many-body perturbation theory calculations reveal a high sensitivity of the VO2_2 bandgap to variations of the dynamically screened Coulomb interaction, supporting a fully electronically driven isostructral insulator-to-metal transition. We thus conclude that the ultrafast band structure renormalization is caused by photoexcitation of carriers from localized V 3d valence states, strongly changing the screening \emph{before} significant hot-carrier relaxation or ionic motion has occurred

    How hybrid excitons suppress charge separation: ultrafast, but delayed

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    Inorganic/organic hybrid systems offer great technological potential for novel solar cell design due to the combination of high charge carrier mobilities in the inorganic semiconductor with the chemical tuneability of organic chromophore absorption properties. While ZnO basically exhibits all necessary properties for a successful application in light-harvesting, it was clearly outpaced by TiO2_2 in terms of charge separation efficiency. The physical origin of this deficiency is still under debate. Here, we use a combination of femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy with many-body ab initio calculations to demonstrate that optical excitation of the chromophore is followed by (1) ultrafast electron transfer into the ZnO bulk (350 fs), (2) electron relaxation, and (3) delayed (100 ps) recapture of the electrons at a 1 nm distance from the interface in (4) a strongly bound (0.7 eV) hybrid exciton state with a lifetime exceeding 5 μ\mus that is analysed by taking into account pump-probe delay-dependent photostationary population dynamics. Beyond this identification and quantification of all elementary steps leading to the suppression of charge separation at ZnO interfaces, our key finding is the substantially delayed hybrid exciton formation. It opens up a sufficiently large time window for counter-measures with the potential to finally successfully implement ZnO in light-harvesting or optoelectronic devices without significant efficiency losses.Comment: main: 11 pages, 3 figures supporting: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Inhibition of the photoinduced structural phase transition in the excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5{\mathrm{Ta}}_{2}{\mathrm{NiSe}}_{5}

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    Femtosecond time-resolved midinfrared reflectivity is used to investigate the electron and phonon dynamics occurring at the direct band gap of the excitonic insulator Ta2NiSe5 below the critical temperature of its structural phase transition. We find that the phonon dynamics show a strong coupling to the excitation of free carriers at the Γ point of the Brillouin zone. The optical response saturates at a critical excitation fluence FC=0.30±0.08 mJ/cm2 due to optical absorption saturation. This limits the optical excitation density in Ta2NiSe5 so that the system cannot be pumped sufficiently strongly to undergo the structural change to the high-temperature phase. We thereby demonstrate that Ta2NiSe5 exhibits a blocking mechanism when pumped in the near-infrared regime, preventing a nonthermal structural phase transition