310 research outputs found

    Reduced differential transform method for solving (1 + n) – Dimensional Burgers' equation

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    AbstractThis paper discusses a recently developed semi-analytic technique so called the reduced differential transform method (RDTM) for solving the (1 + n) – dimensional Burgers' equation. The method considers the use of the appropriate initial or boundary conditions and finds the solution without any discretization, transformation, or restrictive assumptions. Four numerical examples are provided in order to validate the efficiency and reliability of the method and furthermore to compare its computational effectiveness with other analytical methods available in the literature


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    Amavata is a very common disorder affecting a much larger population. The disease closely resembles Rheumatoid Arthritis on the basis of clinical manifestations. In the present study, we have considered Rheumatoid Arthritis parallel to Amavata and studied the effect of Rasona Pinda, a traditional Ayurvedic drug. 40 patients of Amavata were selected and randomly divided into two groups A and B. Group A was trial group and Group B was control group. Group A received Rasona Pinda and group B as control group received Indomethacin orally, duration of treatment for both the groups was 45 days with a follow up on every 15th day. The drug was selected as it is described in Chakradatta Amavatadhikara and also owing to its properties. Results were assessed according to a specially prepared grading system for pain, swelling, stiffness, tenderness, general functional capacity, walking time, grip power, pressing power, etc and changes observed in laboratory profile. Significant improvement was seen in symptoms in group A, and on comparing the results in the two groups it was found that the difference was highly significant with improvement in almost all the symptoms in group A. and also, it was found that the drug was free of side effects and showed improvement in the general health of the patient. The study suggests that Rasona Pinda can be a reliable alternative in the management of Amavata.&nbsp

    Effects of epiphyseal proteins and melatonin on the blood biochemical parameters of fluoride-intoxicated rats

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    We examined the effects of fluoride intoxication on certain blood plasma biochemical indices in rats. Forty-eight adult female Wistar rats weighing 123-142 g were divided into eight groups: two control groups (0 and 28 days) and six experimental groups, namely sham-injected animals (vehicle), those injected with pineal proteins (PP) and melatonin (Mel), intoxicated with fluoride (F), and also F⁺PP and F⁺Mel groups. Fluoride (150 ppm, per os administration with drinking water), melatonin (10 mg/kg, i.p.), and PP (100 μg/kg, i.p.) were administered daily for 28 days. Blood samples were collected at the end of experiments to estimate plasma [Na⁺] and [K⁺], alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and levels of glucose and proteins in different animal groups. The plasma [K⁺] and [Na⁺], and ALP activity were significantly (P < < 0.05) elevated in F-treated animals, as compared with others. Administration of PP and Mel in F-treated rats caused significant (P < 0.05) reduction of [Na⁺], [K⁺], and ALP levels. Interestingly, PP and Mel administrations resulted in noticeable (P < 0.05) increases in the plasma glucose level in F-intoxicated animals, as compared to other groups. These findings convincingly indicate that PP and Mel exert ameliorative effects on fluoride-induced adverse changes in certain biochemical parameters in rats.Вивчали впливи інтоксикації фторидом на деякі біохімічні показники плазми крові щурів. 48 дорослих самиць щурів лінії Вістар (маса тіла 123–142 г) були розділені на вісім груп: дві контрольні (виміри на початку експерименту та на 28-й день) і шість експериментальних, тваринам яких протягом 28 днів ін’єкували розчинники (плацебо-контроль), пінеальні протеїни (ПП, 100 мгк/кг, внутрішньоочеревинно) і мелатонін (Мел, 10 мг/кг, внутрішньоочеревинно), а також уводили NaF (150 ppm) з питною водою. У сьомій та восьмій групах досліджували ефекти F⁺ПП і F⁺Мел. Наприкінці експерименту відбирали проби крові для оцінки концентрацій глюкози, плазмових протеїнів, [Na⁺], [К⁺] та активності лужної фосфатази (ЛФ) у різних групах тварин. Концентрації К⁺, Na⁺ та активність ЛФ у групі інтоксикованих фторидом щурів були істотно (P < 0.05) збільшені. Паралельне введення ПП і Мел тваринам, які отримували фторид, викликало істотне (P < 0.05) зниження концентрацій Na⁺ та К⁺, а також активності ЛФ. Цікаво відзначити, що введення ПП і Мел призводило до помітного (P < 0.05) підвищення рівня глюкози в плазмі крові інтоксикованих фторидом тварин порівняно з таким у щурів інших груп. Ці дані переконливо свідчать про те, що ПП і Мел впливають нормалізуючим чином на індуковані фторидом негативні зрушення певних біохімічних параметрів у щурів

    Evaluation of Vertical Coherence Length, Twist and Microstrain of GaAs / Si Epilayers Using Modified Williamson-Hall Analysis

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    Modified Williamson-Hall (WH) analysis is used to determine the reliable values of the microstructures for Zincblende epilayers grown on non-polar substrates. Systematic high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) experiments are performed for several skew symmetric reflections which enable an accurate measurement of the values of vertical coherence length (VCL) and microstrain of GaAs epilayers grown on Si. Furthermore, a simple method based on the orientation of Burgers vector is proposed for estimating the ratio of tilt and twist. In this method, the twist can be found easily once tilt is known. It is rather quick and the measured values of twist are very similar to those which are otherwise estimated by acquiring numerous HRXRD scans along with tedious fitting procedures. Presence of 60 mixed dislocations is confirmed from the cross sectional high resolution transmission electron microscope images of GaAs / Si samples. Furthermore, the estimated value of VCL is equivalent to the layer thickness measured by the surface profiler. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3598

    Dissipative Future Universe without Big Rip

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    The present study deals with dissipative future universe without big rip in context of Eckart formalism. The generalized chaplygin gas, characterized by equation of state p=Aρ1αp=-\frac{A}{\rho^\frac{1}{\alpha}}, has been considered as a model for dark energy due to its dark-energy-like evolution at late time. It is demonstrated that, if the cosmic dark energy behaves like a fluid with equation of state p=ωρp=\omega\rho; ω<1\omega < -1, as well as chaplygin gas simultaneously then the big rip problem does not arises and the scale factor is found to be regular for all time.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Genesis of Dark Energy: Dark Energy as Consequence of Release and Two-stage Tracking Cosmological Nuclear Energy

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    Recent observations on Type-Ia supernovae and low density (Ωm=0.3\Omega_{m} = 0.3) measurement of matter including dark matter suggest that the present-day universe consists mainly of repulsive-gravity type `exotic matter' with negative-pressure often said `dark energy' (Ωx=0.7\Omega_{x} = 0.7). But the nature of dark energy is mysterious and its puzzling questions, such as why, how, where and when about the dark energy, are intriguing. In the present paper the authors attempt to answer these questions while making an effort to reveal the genesis of dark energy and suggest that `the cosmological nuclear binding energy liberated during primordial nucleo-synthesis remains trapped for a long time and then is released free which manifests itself as dark energy in the universe'. It is also explained why for dark energy the parameter w=2/3w = - {2/3}. Noting that w=1 w = 1 for stiff matter and w=1/3w = {1/3} for radiation; w=2/3w = - {2/3} is for dark energy because "1""-1" is due to `deficiency of stiff-nuclear-matter' and that this binding energy is ultimately released as `radiation' contributing "+1/3""+ {1/3}", making w=1+1/3=2/3w = -1 + {1/3} = - {2/3}. When dark energy is released free at Z=80Z = 80, w=2/3w = -{2/3}. But as on present day at Z=0Z = 0 when radiation strength has diminished to δ0\delta \to 0, w=1+δ1/3=1w = -1 + \delta{1/3} = - 1. This, thus almost solves the dark-energy mystery of negative pressure and repulsive-gravity. The proposed theory makes several estimates /predictions which agree reasonably well with the astrophysical constraints and observations. Though there are many candidate-theories, the proposed model of this paper presents an entirely new approach (cosmological nuclear energy) as a possible candidate for dark energy.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, minor correction