598 research outputs found

    Euphorbia royleana, a botanical pesticide affects ultimobranchial gland of the catfish Heteropneustes fossilis

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    Heteropneustes fossilis were subjected to high and low doses of the latex of Euphorbia royleana for short-term and long-term exposures, respectively. The blood was analyzed for plasma calcium levels, and the ultimobranchial glands fixed and examined. Serum calcium levels declined after 48 h following short-term exposure, and this decrease continued until the end of the experiment. The ultimobranchial cells exhibited a decrease in the cytoplasmic staining response after 96 h following treatment, and the nuclear volumes slightly decreased. Chronically exposed fish also exhibited a decline in serum calcium levels, but much later, on day 7, again progressively declining until the close of the experiment. Up to day 14 following treatment there was no change in histological structure of the ultimobranchial glands, but then there was a decrease in nuclear volume and the cytoplasm displayed a weak staining response. There was some vacuolization and degeneration.Keywords: Botanicals, calcitonin, calcium, teleos

    Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics of COVID-19: The Case Study of Italy and Spain

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    In December 2019, a severe respiratory syndrome (COVID-19) caused by a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was identified in China and spread rapidly around the globe. COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020. With eventually substantial global underestimation, more than 225 million cases were confirmed by the end of August 2021, counting more than 4.5 million deaths. COVID-19 symptoms range from mild (or no symptoms) to severe illness, with disease severity and death occurring according to a hierarchy of risks, with age and preexisting health conditions enhancing the risks of disease severity manifestation. In this paper, a mathematical model for COVID-19 transmission is proposed and analyzed. The model stratifies the studied population into two groups, older and younger. Applied to the COVID-19 outbreaks in Spain and in Italy, we find the disease-free equilibrium and the basic reproduction number for each case study. A sensitivity analysis to identify the key parameters which influence the basic reproduction number, and hence regulate the transmission dynamics of COVID-19, is also performed. Finally, the model is extended to its stochastic counterpart to encapsulate the variation or uncertainty found in the transmissibility of the disease. We observe the variability of the infectious population finding its distribution at a given time, demonstrating that for small populations, stochasticity will play an important role.Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 79249

    First record of avian cestode Variolepis podicepsi n.sp. from Podiceps rufficolis (Pallas) from Jhansi, U.P., India

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    Twenty eight cestodes were obtained from three little grebs, Podiceps rufficolis (Pallas) from Jhansi. Morphological studies of the cestodes revealed that they belonged to the genus, Variolepis Spasskii and Spasskaja, 1954 of the sub family Hymenolepidinae Perrier, 1897 family Hymenolepidae Ralliet and Henery, 1909 and regarded as n.sp Variolepis podicepsi

    Structural basis for the carbohydrate specificities of artocarpin: variation in the length of a loop as a strategy for generating ligand specificity

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    Artocarpin, a tetrameric lectin of molecular mass 65 kDa, is one of the two lectins extracted from the seeds of jackfruit. The structures of the complexes of artocarpin with mannotriose and mannopentose reported here, together with the structures of artocarpin and its complex with Me-α-mannose reported earlier, show that the lectin possesses a deep-seated binding site formed by three loops. The binding site can be considered as composed of two subsites; the primary site and the secondary site. Interactions at the primary site composed of two of the loops involve mainly hydrogen bonds, while those at the secondary site comprising the third loop are primarily van der Waals in nature. Mannotriose in its complex with the lectin interacts through all the three mannopyranosyl residues; mannopentose interacts with the protein using at least three of the five mannose residues. The complexes provide a structural explanation for the carbohydrate specificities of artocarpin. A detailed comparison with the sugar complexes of heltuba, the only other mannose-specific jacalin-like lectin with known three-dimensional structure in sugar-bound form, establishes the role of the sugar-binding loop constituting the secondary site, in conferring different specificities at the oligosaccharide level. This loop is four residues longer in artocarpin than in heltuba, providing an instance where variation in loop length is used as a strategy for generating carbohydrate specificity

    Modeling and optimal control of dengue disease with screening and information

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    This study presents a mathematical model for dengue transmission which quantifies two very important aspects: one, the impact of information-based behavioural response, and the other, the segregation of infected human population into two subclasses, ‘detected’ and ‘undetected’. For the proposed model, the sensitivity analysis is conducted to identify the key model parameters which not only influence the basic reproduction number, but also regulate the transmission of dengue. Further, in order to find the optimal pathways for suitable control interventions that reduce the dengue prevalence and economic burden, an optimal control problem is proposed by considering information-induced behavioural change, quarantine, screening, use of repulsive measures and culling of mosquitoes as control interventions. A weighted sum of various costs incurred in applied controls and the cost due to dengue disease (productivity loss) is incorporated in the proposed cost functional. The analysis of control system using Pontryagin’s maximum principle leads the existence of the optimal control profiles. Further, an exhaustive comparative study for seven different control strategies is conducted numerically. Our findings emphasize that every individual control strategy has their own impact on reducing the cumulative count of infection as well as cost. The combined impact of all control interventions is highly effective and economically viable in controlling the prevalence of dengue. We also investigated the effect of the basic reproduction number on the designed control strategies and observed that the comprehensive use of controls keeps a strong tab on the infective even if the severity of epidemic is high

    Error assessment of biogeochemical models by lower bound methods (NOMMA-1.0)

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    Biogeochemical models, capturing the major feedbacks of the pelagic ecosystem of the world ocean, are today often embedded into Earth system models which are increasingly used for decision making regarding climate policies. These models contain poorly constrained parameters (e.g., maximum phytoplankton growth rate), which are typically adjusted until the model shows reasonable behavior. Systematic approaches determine these parameters by minimizing the misfit between the model and observational data. In most common model approaches, however, the underlying functions mimicking the biogeochemical processes are nonlinear and non-convex. Thus, systematic optimization algorithms are likely to get trapped in local minima and might lead to non-optimal results. To judge the quality of an obtained parameter estimate, we propose determining a preferably large lower bound for the global optimum that is relatively easy to obtain and that will help to assess the quality of an optimum, generated by an optimization algorithm. Due to the unavoidable noise component in all observations, such a lower bound is typically larger than zero. We suggest deriving such lower bounds based on typical properties of biogeochemical models (e.g., a limited number of extremes and a bounded time derivative). We illustrate the applicability of the method with two real-world examples. The first example uses real-world observations of the Baltic Sea in a box model setup. The second example considers a three-dimensional coupled ocean circulation model in combination with satellite chlorophyll a
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