75 research outputs found

    Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Filsafat Pancasila Notonagoro.

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    Kata kunci: Pancasila - Notonagoro

    Landasan Aksiologis Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Filsafat Pendidikan

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    Perumusan sistem pendidikan nasional membutuhkan pemikiran yang mendalam, yaitu sampai ke pertimbangan landasan-landasan ontologis, epistemologis, dan aksiologis. Landasan aksiologis sistem pendidikan nasional penting sebagai dasar untuk menganalisis penerapan teori pendidikan yang berkaitan dengan tujuan pendidikan, terutama dalam kaitannya dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Fungsi pendidikan nasional adalah untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir rasional dan membentuk akhlak mulia dalam kaitannya dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila, yaitu nilai-nilai religius, kemanusiaan, persatuan, demokrasi, dan keadilan. Tujuan pendidikan nasional adalah untuk mengembangkan potensi siswa agar dapat berpikir secara rasional, dan berakhlak mulia dalam kaitannya dengan nilainilai Pancasila, yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai kebenaran, kebaikan, keindahan, dan religius, serta konstruktif dan kreatif agar mampu bertanggung jawab untuk memajukan bangsa Indonesia dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan tuntutan masyarakat modern didasarkan pada demokrasi dan keadilan


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    A harmonious community life will bring a positive logical consequence for national development. The harmony society is determined by the relationship between individuals of one with the other individual. A sense of belonging, mutual respect, and respect is an important factor for the creation of a harmonious community life. Such values that should be fundamental in any behavior in daily life began to be abandoned. Evolution according to Teilhard de Chardin at the fact is that the motion is continuously development from simple led to the perfection. Humans will continue to evolve toward perfection, i.e. Point Omega. The Omega point is God. God is the Alpha and Omega.  Perfection will be achieved through personalized with love in the presence of inverting.  Chastity value in theory of human evolution according to Chardin will base the vital value. Love is the energy that will be capable of carrying a human on personalized, therefore love must be present in every activity of individuals as members of a family in Indonesia so that it will reach the personalization that will bring a logical consequence in harmony and happiness


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    A harmonious community life will bring a positive logical consequence for national development. The harmony society is determined by the relationship between individuals of one with the other individual. A sense of belonging, mutual respect, and respect is an important factor for the creation of a harmonious community life. Such values that should be fundamental in any behavior in daily life began to be abandoned.Evolution according to Teilhard de Chardin at the fact is that the motion is continuously development from simple led to the perfection. Humans will continue to evolve toward perfection, i.e. Point Omega. The Omega point is God. God is the Alpha and Omega. Perfection will be achieved through personalized with love in the presence of inverting. Chastity value in theory of human evolution according to Chardin will base the vital value. Love is the energy that will be capable of carrying a human on personalized, therefore love must be present in every activity of individuals as members of a family in Indonesia so that it will reach the personalization that will bring a logical consequence in harmony and happiness

    Perkembangan pemikiran Ludwig Wittgenstein sebagai sarana refleksi terhadap Bhinneka Tunggal Ika = The Development of Ludwig Wittgenstein\u27s Though as Reflection Mean to Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

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    This thesis described about .philosophical problems in Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in monism and pluralism perspectives. Wittgenstein is one of some analytical philosophers, who thought about linguistic problems in philosophy. His thinking divided into two periods. The first period was represented by Tractatus Loco-Philosoplucus, which assumed that we need uniformity in philosophical language. The second period was represented by The Philosophical Investigations, which assumed that our living has pluriformity in the ordinary language. Such ordinary language was expressed and represented by multiplicity of language-games, which have rule of games. The development of Wittgenstein\u27s thought as reflection mean to Bhinneka Tunggal lka, where will be find out the main philosophical problems, namely the One and the Many, or unity and plurality, or uniformity and pluriformiW. The One and the Many were perennial problems in the history of Western philosophy, since Plato until contemporary .philosophies. An inquiry into reality arose two opinions, namely morusm and pluralism. Monism assumed that reality is singular, while pluralism assumed that reality is plural. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as Indonesian symbol means that they are indeed different, but they are of the same kind. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika showed multi-ethnics, multi-linguistics, multi-religions in Indonesia, and all of them been synthesized in unity. The existence of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika categorically is different from Pancasila. The existence of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is an "ought to" Indonesia to transcend multiplicity, while Pancasila is the First Princi- ple for Indonesia. Key-Words: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, uniformity, pluriformity, unity, plurality, the One, the Man


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    All nations may have similarities and differences in value systems. The values, which are considered noble by each nation's culture, are generally similar, but the hierarchy of believed values is different. The hierarchy of values is a specific historical product of each nation. Hatta explained that main ideas of Pancasila as the state ideology is formulated in the Preamble of the Constitution (Undang-Undang Dasar 1945). An issue that should be considered is to formulate Pancasila as an ethical norm of Indonesian life. The ethical norm is formed as the basic for building Indonesians dignity in the future. The ethics of Pancasila is an ethical norm as a guidance for the State and people of Indonesia in implementing Pancasila. In implementing Pancasila, the State must provide a guarantee for people of Indonesia in practicing their religious beliefs, obtaining a decent livelihood and their human rights, promoting the establishment of unity in diversity, majoring consultative dialogue and rejecting authoritarianism, and also actualizing the social justice through political and economical justice

    Pengembangan Kebudayaan sebagai Identitas Bangsa

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    Usaha menghadapi hidup masa kini serta membangun masyarakat di masa depan memerlukan kesinambungan dengan kehidupan kultural masa lampau

    Pengembangan Kebudayaan Sebagai Identitas Bangsa.

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    Kata kunci: Kebudayaan - Identitas Bangsa
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