12 research outputs found

    INLISLite dalam Manajemen Layanan Perpustakaan Sekolah

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    The management of special services in school libraries in general aims to provide smoothness to the learning process and to meet the needs of learners for learning reference sources. In order for the purpose of learning and education in schools to be achieved, the library plays an important role in supporting the implementation of learning to take place successfully. Library management must be planned, organized, and controlled so that library functions can be utilized optimally by providing excellent service to its users. The forms of services in the library are circulation services, reference services and information services. With the use of advances in library technology, it has an INLISlite automation system that makes it easier to manage library services. This research uses qualitative methods with literature studies as a data collection technique. This research is expected to be a reference for other libraries that have not implemented INLISlite automation


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    The paper is entitled “The Use of Describe and Draw Game For Improving Students’ Speaking Ability” (Pre-experimental Study Done In The First Grade of Vocational High School). This research focused on finding out whether or not Describe and Draw game can improve students’ speaking ability and to know whether or not the students like being taught Describe and Draw Game in improving students’ speaking ability. The subject of this research were first grade of SMK Taruna Cempakamulya. The Population of this research was X-AP of SMK Taruna Cempakamulya, with 30 students. In conducting this research, the researcher collected the data from the class that was carried out through pre-test, post-test, and questionnaire. The result of this research showed that improving students’ speaking ability by using Describe and Draw game was effective. It can be seen from the result of the t-test showed that in significance degree of 0.05, the value comparison is 14.643 > 2.045. It means that to (t-observation) is higher than tt (t-table). It could be said that t-test was higher than t-table. So, the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It means that “The Use of Describe and Draw Game for Improving Students’ Speaking Ability” is effective. In other words Describe and Draw Game improve students’ speaking ability in the first grade of SMK Taruna Cempakamulya. And the result of questionnaire showed that more than half of the students agreed that using Describe and Draw improve their speaking ability. The students also gave positive response towards Describe and Draw Game for improving their speaking ability.Keywords: Describe and Draw, Game, Speaking

    Penyusunan Artikel Hasil Penelitian: Workshop Bagi Guru Sman 1 Dawarblandong Mojokerto

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    The preparation of research articles is an obligation of high school teachers as an effort to support their careers. However, many of the teachers of SMAN 1 Dawarblandong have experienced difficulties in compiling articles. This community service uses workshops. The participants are teachers of SMAN 1 Dawarblandong. This activity will be divided into two stages, namely the initial stage starting with the dissemination of the delivery of the definition of scientific articles and the importance of writing scientific articles and the second stage of a workshop on assisting the preparation of scientific articles based on research results. From these activities, it was found that teachers were more familiar with the basic concepts of scientific articles and were able to compile scientific articles of research results well

    Pengaruh Jumlah Tanggungan Keluarga Dan Pendidikan Terhadap Kemiskinan

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    This study aims to determine the influence of number of family dependents and education on poverty of the village communities in Sari Murni Village, Randangan Sub-Distric, Pohuwato Regency. The method used in this study is a quantitative method. The respondes amounted to 34 people in Sari Murni Village, Randangan Sub-Distric, Pohuwato Regency. The main instrument used was questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by linear regression and continued to be carried out with the classical assumption test. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The population and samples were selected from a total of 34 low-income families with less than four family dependents (4) in Sari Murni Village, Randangan Sub-Distric, Pohuwato Regency. The result of the variability regardine poverty and education in Sari Murni Village, Randangan Sub-Distric, Pohuwato Regency indicated that the number of family dependens and education simultaneously affect poverty

    Peran Pengambil Kebijakan dan Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan Penularan Filariasis (Studi Kualitatif)

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    Filariasis is still a health problem in East TanjungJabung and Belitung regencies even though mass treatment activities have been carried out for five rounds. Both districts are still endemic for filariasis because the Microfilaria rate (Mf rate) is still more than 1%. This study aims to identify the role of the community of various parties in controlling filariasisin Tanjung Jabung Timur and Belitung regencies. The research design is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Informants for the in-depth interviews were health workers at the district, sub-district and village levels as well as the village community. The number of health worker informants was 10 people, 16 community leaders, 16 cadres, and 9 sufferers, while the FGD consisted of 4 groups. Each group consists of 7 participants. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and group discussions and the data were analyzed qualitatively. Recruitment of informants for determining in-depth interviews using the snow ball method. The results showed that the roles of officers and policy makers in TanjungJabung Timur Regency were quite good, but in Belitung Regency they were less involved. Meanwhile, the role of community leaders in Indonesia is still not optimal in controlling filariasisespecially in disseminating information about filariasis. Therole of community leaders in East Tanjung Jabung Regency is more powerful than Belitung Regency. Filariasis control activities still need support from policy makers in allocating budgets and the role of community leaders to mobilize the community to be actively involved in controlling filariasis

    Pengolahan Bahan Alam dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Tahan Tubuh di Era Pandemi

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    Jamu merupakan pengobatan tradisional yang mampu mengatasi masalah kesehatan salah satunya untuk memperkuat sistem imun tubuh. Pengobatan pada zaman sekarang kebanyakan menggunakan pengobatan modern tetapi jamu masih banyak peminat dikalangan masyarakat perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Tujuan dalam kegiatan KKN ini untuk memberikan sosialisasi mengenai pelatihan bagaimana cara pengolahan bahan alam dalam upaya meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh di era pandemi. Sebagai sasaran adalah warga Rw.09 Kel. Jembatan Besi Kec. Tambora, Jakarta Barat khususnya ibu rumah tangga. Metode pelaksaan kegiatan ini yaitu dengan memberikan sosialisasi dan edukasi pada masyarakat serta pembagian leaflet, masker, hand sanitizer, pemasangan poster dan pembagaian hasil produksi jamu kepada masyarakat setempat. Hasil dari kegiatan ini terdapat peningkatan pemahaman pada warga RW. 09 dari hasil kuesioner yang sudah didapat menunjukkan bahwa warga RW. 09 dapat memahami mengenai macam-macam jamu, khasiat jamu, cara pembuatan jamu dengan baik dan benar


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the level of women's participation in entrepreneurship on the socioeconomic level of the family in Labuhan Ijuk Village, Moyo Hilir Sub-District. This type of research is associative research. The population in this study are women who run entrepreneurship in Labuhan Ijuk Village, Moyo Hilir Sub-District, amounting to 64 people. Determination of the sample using a saturated sample, ie all the population is used as a sample. The tool used to collect data is by using a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using simple linear regression analysis, t test and coefficient of determination (R2). The results of this study indicate that the level of women's participation in entrepreneurship has a positive and significant impact on the socioeconomic level of the family in Labuhan Ijuk Village, Moyo Hilir Sub-District. This means that the high socioeconomic level of the family in Labuhan Ijuk Village, Moyo Hilir Sub-District is influenced by the high level of women's participation in entrepreneurship in helping the family economy. The degree of influence of the variable level of women's participation in entrepreneurship on the socio-economic level of the family in Labuhan Ijuk Village, Moyo Hilir Sub-District is 86%, while the remaining 14% is influenced by other variables outside this research model


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sacara jelas pelaksanaan retribusi Pasar Labuhan Sumbawa Kecamatan Labuhan Badas serta hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan retribusi pasar dan upaya untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang bersumber dari para pejabat dan petugas yang secara langsung menangani pelaksanaan retribusi pasar di Kabupaten Sumbawa dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari bahan kepustakaan yang berkaitan dengan judul skripsi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pengamatan/ observasi, wawancara/interview dan kepustakaan. Setelah data terkumpul selanjutnya di analisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Retribusi Pasar Labuhan Sumbawa Kecamatan Labuhan Badas pada tahun 2015-2019 berjalan dengan baik. Untuk Tahun 2015, tahun 2016, tahun 2017 dan tahun 2018 dapat melebihi target yang telah ditetapkan, sedangkan pada Tahun 2019 penerimaan retribusi pasar tidak bisa memenuhi target yang telah ditetapkan disebabkan keadaan ekonomi masyarakat yang tidak stabil sehingga menyebabkan pendapatan wajib retribusi sangat sediki


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    Mass Drug Administration (MDA ) for lymphatic filariasis (LF) control was completed in 2016, however, the result of the Transmission Assessment Survey-1 (TAS -1) with the Brugia Rapid Test confirmed that 17 children were positive. This shows that LF transmission is still going on in Pelalawan District. The study aimed to identify the diversity of mosquito species that responsible for LF transmission in Pelalawan District. Data were collected from Sialang Bungkuk Village and Ukui Village 1 in September and November 2017. Mosquitoes were captured using the modified human landing collection with a double net method for 12 hours from 6 pm to 6 am. Catching mosquitoes carried out twice with an interval of 1 month at two fishing locations. Detection of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) of Brugia malayi in all types of mosquitoes using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). A total of 1,276 adult mosquitoes was caught in these two study locations. They consisted of 25 species. Mansonia dives was the predominant species in Sialang Bungkuk Village with outdoor Man Hour Density (MHD) 17.67 mosquitoes/person/hour, while Armigeres kesseli was the predominant species in Ukui 1 village with outdoor MHD 25.68 mosquitoes/person/hour. the estimated age of the mosquito in Sialang Bungkuk Village ranged from 4,24 to 32,83 days. Among them,  the oldest mosquito species was Culex gellidus, while Culex nigropunctatus was identified as the oldest mosquito in Ukui 1 village 0-7,82 days. DNAs were detected among  Ma. dives and Culex. quinquefasciatus. The potential mosquito habitats found in two locations were found at swamps, rubber soaking ponds, ripples in rubber gardens, unused pools. We concluded that these species were responsible for filariasis transmission in that habitats. Abstrak Pemberian Obat Pencegahan Massal (POPM) filariasis di Kabupaten Palalawan telah selesai dilaksanakan tahun 2016, akan tetapi setelah dilakukan survei Transmission Assesment Survey-1 (TAS-1), ditemukan tujuh belas anak positif mikrofilaria. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan masih adanya penularan filariasis di kabupaten tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman spesies nyamuk yang berpotensi menjadi vektor filariasis limfatik di Kabupaten Pelalawan. Data dikumpulkan dari Desa Sialang Bungkuk dan Kelurahan Ukui Satu pada bulan September dan November 2017. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukan menggunakan metode modifikasi human landing collection, menggunakan double net selama dua belas jam, pada pukul 18.00-06.00 WIB. Penangkapan dilakukan dua kali dalam selang waktu satu bulan.  Deteksi Brugia malayi pada semua jenis nyamuk tertangkap dilakukan menggunakan metode  Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Jumlah nyamuk dewasa tertangkap di dua lokasi sebanyak 1.276 ekor, terdiri dari 25 spesies. Spesies nyamuk yang mendominasi di Desa Sialang Bungkuk adalah Mansonia dives dengan Man Hour Density (MHD) luar rumah 17,67 nyamuk/orang/jam, sedangkan di Kelurahan Ukui Satu, spesies nyamuk dominan adalah Armigeres kesseli dengan MHD luar rumah  25,68 nyamuk/orang/jam. Rentang  perkiraan umur nyamuk di Desa Sialang Bungkuk adalah 4,24-32,83 hari, spesies nyamuk yang mempunyai perkiraan umur paling panjang adalah Culex gellidus. Rentang perkiraan umur nyamuk di Kelurahan Ukui Satu adalah 0-7,82 hari, spesies nyamuk yang mempunyai perkiraan umur paling panjang adalah Culex nigropunctatus. Hasil pemeriksaan PCR menunjukkan B.malayi terdeteksi pada Ma. dives dan Culex  quinquefasciatus. Habitat potensial nyamuk di dua lokasi adalah rawa-rawa, kolam perendaman karet, kobakan di kebun karet, dan kolam yang tidak terpakai. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah jenis nyamuk di habitat tersebut berpotensi sebagai vektor filariasi