30 research outputs found

    Analysis of Human Gait Based on Smartphone Inertial Measurement Unit: A Feasibility Study

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    In that feasibility study we report on the capability of the inertial measurement units embedded in a smartphone to adequately reconstruct the spatio-temporal trajectory of human head during a widely used the Timed Up and Go (TUG) motor test. The data obtained with the help of a commercially available motion stereo video capture system served as the reference. We found that the trajectories reconstructed from the signals of 3-axial accelerometer and gyroscope of a smartphone matched well with those obtained by a conventional video system. In the time domain this matching was clearly high, while in the spatial domain there were inconsistencies between two methods seen at the “sit-to-stand” and “stand-to-sit” phases. In conclusion, the smartphone's sensor system efficiently reconstructed the spatio-temporal trajectories. Therefore, even relatively cheap MEMS sensors can be used for the purpose of reliable motion analysis, especially in the condition when the body effectively damps mechanical shocks and vibrations during the TUG test. Vertical human movements during walking can be measured even by inertial sensors in smartphones with rather low cut-off frequencies (15-25 Hz)

    On the security of consumer wearable devices in the Internet of Things

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    Miniaturization of computer hardware and the demand for network capable devices has resulted in the emergence of a new class of technology called wearable computing. Wearable devices have many purposes like lifestyle support, health monitoring, fitness monitoring, entertainment, industrial uses, and gaming. Wearable devices are hurriedly being marketed in an attempt to capture an emerging market. Owing to this, some devices do not adequately address the need for security. To enable virtualization and connectivity wearable devices sense and transmit data, therefore it is essential that the device, its data and the user are protected. In this paper the use of novel Integrated Circuit Metric (ICMetric) technology for the provision of security in wearable devices has been suggested. ICMetric technology uses the features of a device to generate an identification which is then used for the provision of cryptographic services. This paper explores how a device ICMetric can be generated by using the accelerometer and gyroscope sensor. Since wearable devices often operate in a group setting the work also focuses on generating a group identification which is then used to deliver services like authentication, confidentiality, secure admission and symmetric key generation. Experiment and simulation results prove that the scheme offers high levels of security without compromising on resource demands

    Heartbeats in the Wild: A Field Study Exploring ECG Biometrics in Everyday Life

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    This paper reports on an in-depth study of electrocardiogram (ECG) biometrics in everyday life. We collected ECG data from 20 people over a week, using a non-medical chest tracker. We evaluated user identification accuracy in several scenarios and observed equal error rates of 9.15% to 21.91%, heavily depending on 1) the number of days used for training, and 2) the number of heartbeats used per identification decision. We conclude that ECG biometrics can work in the wild but are less robust than expected based on the literature, highlighting that previous lab studies obtained highly optimistic results with regard to real life deployments. We explain this with noise due to changing body postures and states as well as interrupted measures. We conclude with implications for future research and the design of ECG biometrics systems for real world deployments, including critical reflections on privacy.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, CHI'2

    Inertial Sensor-Based Gait Recognition: A Review

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    With the recent development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), inertial sensors have become widely used in the research of wearable gait analysis due to several factors, such as being easy-to-use and low-cost. Considering the fact that each individual has a unique way of walking, inertial sensors can be applied to the problem of gait recognition where assessed gait can be interpreted as a biometric trait. Thus, inertial sensor-based gait recognition has a great potential to play an important role in many security-related applications. Since inertial sensors are included in smart devices that are nowadays present at every step, inertial sensor-based gait recognition has become very attractive and emerging field of research that has provided many interesting discoveries recently. This paper provides a thorough and systematic review of current state-of-the-art in this field of research. Review procedure has revealed that the latest advanced inertial sensor-based gait recognition approaches are able to sufficiently recognise the users when relying on inertial data obtained during gait by single commercially available smart device in controlled circumstances, including fixed placement and small variations in gait. Furthermore, these approaches have also revealed considerable breakthrough by realistic use in uncontrolled circumstances, showing great potential for their further development and wide applicability

    Use of illustrations in film adaptations of literature

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    V prvem, teoretičnem delu raziskovanja smo se vprašali, kaj točno je filmska upodobitev in do kakšnih razsežnosti segajo njene zmogljivosti. Vsesplošno prepričanje kritikov s področja filmske adaptacije velja, da filmske upodobitve ne obsegajo zmožnosti upodobitve zgodbe, ki je zapisana v knjigi. Za nekatere je dovolj že razlog, da gre za popolnoma drugačen medij sporočanja, medtem ko se jih večina ukvarja z vsebino in tem, kako nemogoče jo je pravilno prenesti na filmsko platno. V diplomskem delu smo raziskali, katere teorije vodijo do takšnih prepričanj in na čem slonijo. Ob tem smo naleteli tudi na dejstvo, da filmske upodobitve, narejene po knjižnih predlogah, svojim izvirnikom dajejo novo vrednost in večje povpraševanje. Sum, do katerega je prišlo ob pojavu filma, da bo ta izrinil knjige, je torej napačen. Tako filmska upodobitev kot njen izvirnik eden drugemu nudita določeno mero varnosti in pozornosti. To smo raziskali na podlagi nekaterih primerov filmskih upodobitev. Ob tem nas je zanimalo, ali so si filmske upodobitve, ki nastanejo po ilustriranih knjižnih predlogah, podobne z ilustracijami svojih izvirnikov. Raziskali smo, kako poteka prenos zgodbe iz knjige v filmski medij, in ob tem našli drugačne funkcije ilustracije in poklice, ki se s tem ukvarjajo. Zanimalo nas je tudi, kako pri svojem delu v proces nastajanja filma režiserja Tim Burton in Federico Fellini vključujeta ilustracijo in kakšen je v njunih očeh njen namen. Glede na to, da se ilustracijo uporablja kot predlogo, nas je zanimalo, ali se jo potemtakem lahko smatra kot skico. V praktičnem delu smo ustvarili ilustracijo z enakim namenom, kot ga imajo tiste, ki jih uporabljajo v procesu nastajanja filma. Naredili smo hipotetični prototip ilustracije kot prvo vizualno upodobitev, ki bi bila potrjena s pisateljeve strani in lahko služi kot osnova, na katero bi se lahko opirali filmski ustvarjalci ob izdelovanju filmske upodobitve iste zgodbe.In the first, theoretical part, we asked ourselves what a film adaptation actually is and what it can offer. A common misconception of the critics of this field is that film adaptations are incapable to present all the aspects of the story captured in a book. While most critics are concerned with the content of the story that is being presented on a movie screen, for some the fact that the film is a different medium is a reason enough to doubt its ability. In this diploma work we researched the theories that lead to such assumptions and what they are based on. During our research we found that film adaptations based on books give their literary sources a new value and a higher book sale demand. The arrival of the medium of film led to the assumption that the film would eliminate the medium of books, an assumption which proved mistaken. In reality, film adaptations and their literary sources - books provide a sense of security and attention to one another. We explored this idea through some examples of film adaptations. In our research we also wondered if film adaptations based on books keep the look of the book illustrations they are based on. We also researched the transmission from book into film, and while doing so we identified other functions of illustration and the jobs involved in their making. We were intereseted in the work process of two film directors, Tim Burton and Federico Fellini, who both include illustration and sketches in their work processwe discussed their view of the function of illustration. Considering the fact that illustration is used as a template, we wondered if illustration can be viewed as sketch. For the practical part we made an illustration with the same intention as those made for a film production. We made a hypothetical prototype of a visual representation, which would then be approved by the book author and would serve as a visual sample for the creators of the film adaptation

    Fear permits mobbing in the workplace

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    Nadlegovanje ali trpinčenje na delovnem mestu, mobing, je vedno bolj aktualna problematika današnjega časa. Potrebno se je s problemom soočiti in ga v dobro vseh vključenih, v najkrajšem času odpraviti oziroma ga preventivno preprečiti. Kdo so največkrat žrtve, od koga so največkrat trpinčene in kako ravnati v primeru trpinčenja na delovnem mestu, je naloga vseh, ki se zavedamo problema, da žrtvam pomagamo in jih v tem ne puščamo samih. Mobing je z vidika človekovega dostojanstva neetično dejanje in ima na organizacijo negativen vpliv. Ta negativen vpliv se odraža kot nezadovoljstvo zaposlenih, slabem organizacijskem vzdušju, absentizmu in dolgoročno posledično tudi zdravju zaposlenih ter rezultatih dela. Opravljena raziskava je pokazala, da se problem mobinga, odraža predvsem v nezadostnem informiranju in znanju zaposlenih s področja mobinga oziroma njegovi ozaveščenosti. Vsi vključeni v procesu mobinga se ne zavedajo tako svojih dejanj, odgovornosti ter na drugi strani svojih pravic. Okolica na trpinčenje ne odreagira pravočasno zaradi strahu ali neznanja, zaradi česar je problem še toliko večji. Implementacija informiranja, izobraževanja in usposabljanje zaposlenih, bi bistveno zmanjšalo razsežnost problema, prav tako zavedanje vodilnih v podjetju, da navsezadnje so največje bogastvo podjetja ravno zaposleni, zato bi bilo potrebno graditi na izboljšanju organizacijske klime, odnosov in povečati skrb za njihovo zdravje in dobro počutje.Harassment or mobbing in the workplace is an increasingly large issue in today\u27s times. It is necessary to deal with the problem in the best interests of all involved, eliminate it or prevent it as soon as possible. Who are most often victims, most often maltreated and how to deal with maltreatment in the workplace, is the task of all who are aware of the problem of helping and not letting the victims alone. The conducted research has shown that the problem of mobbing mainly reflected in the insufficient information and knowledge of the employees in the field of mobbing or its awareness. Not all involved in the mobbing process are aware of both their actions, their responsibilities, and their rights on the other. The neighborhood of maltreatment and its experiments are not reacting in due time because of fear or ignorance, which makes the problem even greater. The conducted research has shown that the problem of mobbing mainly reflected in the insufficient information and knowledge of the employees in the field of mobbing or its awareness. Not all involved in the mobbing process are aware their actions, their responsibilities, and their rights on the other. The neighborhood of maltreatment and its experiments are not reacting in due time because of fear or ignorance, which makes the problem even greater. Implementation of information, education and training of employees would significantly reduce the dimension of the problem. As well as the awareness of the leaders in the company, that ultimately, they are only the largest wealth of the company, and therefore it would be necessary to build on improving the organizational climate, relations and increasing the concern for their health and well-being

    Use of illustrations in film adaptations of literature

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    In the first, theoretical part, we asked ourselves what a film adaptation actually is and what it can offer. A common misconception of the critics of this field is that film adaptations are incapable to present all the aspects of the story captured in a book. While most critics are concerned with the content of the story that is being presented on a movie screen, for some the fact that the film is a different medium is a reason enough to doubt its ability. In this diploma work we researched the theories that lead to such assumptions and what they are based on. During our research we found that film adaptations based on books give their literary sources a new value and a higher book sale demand. The arrival of the medium of film led to the assumption that the film would eliminate the medium of books, an assumption which proved mistaken. In reality, film adaptations and their literary sources - books provide a sense of security and attention to one another. We explored this idea through some examples of film adaptations. In our research we also wondered if film adaptations based on books keep the look of the book illustrations they are based on. We also researched the transmission from book into film, and while doing so we identified other functions of illustration and the jobs involved in their making. We were intereseted in the work process of two film directors, Tim Burton and Federico Fellini, who both include illustration and sketches in their work process; we discussed their view of the function of illustration. Considering the fact that illustration is used as a template, we wondered if illustration can be viewed as sketch. For the practical part we made an illustration with the same intention as those made for a film production. We made a hypothetical prototype of a visual representation, which would then be approved by the book author and would serve as a visual sample for the creators of the film adaptation

    Inertial Sensor-Based Gait Recognition: A Review

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    With the recent development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), inertial sensors have become widely used in the research of wearable gait analysis due to several factors, such as being easy-to-use and low-cost. Considering the fact that each individual has a unique way of walking, inertial sensors can be applied to the problem of gait recognition where assessed gait can be interpreted as a biometric trait. Thus, inertial sensor-based gait recognition has a great potential to play an important role in many security-related applications. Since inertial sensors are included in smart devices that are nowadays present at every step, inertial sensor-based gait recognition has become very attractive and emerging field of research that has provided many interesting discoveries recently. This paper provides a thorough and systematic review of current state-of-the-art in this field of research. Review procedure has revealed that the latest advanced inertial sensor-based gait recognition approaches are able to sufficiently recognise the users when relying on inertial data obtained during gait by single commercially available smart device in controlled circumstances, including fixed placement and small variations in gait. Furthermore, these approaches have also revealed considerable breakthrough by realistic use in uncontrolled circumstances, showing great potential for their further development and wide applicability

    Hidden Markov Model-Based Smart Annotation for Benchmark Cyclic Activity Recognition Database Using Wearables

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    Activity monitoring using wearables is becoming ubiquitous, although accurate cycle level analysis, such as step-counting and gait analysis, are limited by a lack of realistic and labeled datasets. The effort required to obtain and annotate such datasets is massive, therefore we propose a smart annotation pipeline which reduces the number of events needing manual adjustment to 14%. For scenarios dominated by walking, this annotation effort is as low as 8%. The pipeline consists of three smart annotation approaches, namely edge detection of the pressure data, local cyclicity estimation, and iteratively trained hierarchical hidden Markov models. Using this pipeline, we have collected and labeled a dataset with over 150,000 labeled cycles, each with 2 phases, from 80 subjects, which we have made publicly available. The dataset consists of 12 different task-driven activities, 10 of which are cyclic. These activities include not only straight and steady-state motions, but also transitions, different ranges of bouts, and changing directions. Each participant wore 5 synchronized inertial measurement units (IMUs) on the wrists, shoes, and in a pocket, as well as pressure insoles and video. We believe that this dataset and smart annotation pipeline are a good basis for creating a benchmark dataset for validation of other semi- and unsupervised algorithms