451 research outputs found

    Zuckeralkohole und myo-Inosit in Weinen und Sherries

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    Alditols and myo-inositol in wines and sherriesThe alditols - erythritol, xylitol, arabitol, mannitol, sorbitol and myo-inositol - occur in increasing amounts in German wines as the quality of these wines rises. Especially in "Auslese", "Beerenauslese" and "Trockenbeerenauslese" wines alditols can constitute as much as 17.5 % of the sugar-free extract and therefore are a significant part of it. These sugar alcohols surely are involved in the full-bodyness of wines just as glycerol is.The presence of sorbitol - even if higher than the tolerated amount of 70 mg/l - does not indicate a falsification with pomefruit juice. In "Q.b.A." wines 5 of 12, in "Kabinett" wines 17 of 42 and in "Spätlese" wines 14 of 23 have higher amounts. Not one of the "Auslese" wines showed less than 84 mg/l sorbitol. "Beerenauslese" and "Trockenbeerenauslese" wines contained up to 989 mg/l of sorbitol. Mannitol, myo-inositol and arabitol were also detected in unexpected high quantities. The maximum amount of mannitol was nearly 13 g/l in a "Trockenbeerenauslese" wine : Nearly 2.5 g/l of myo-inositol and 2.3 g/l of arabitol were found in these high quality wines. All alditols are natural in wines. The high concentrations found presumably stem from their synthes is by Botrytis cinerea and by associated yeasts on grapes infected by this mould

    Über die Herkunft von Gluconsäure, 2- und 5-0xo-Gluconsäure sowie Glucuron- und Galacturonsäure in Mosten und Weinen

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    Origin of gluconic, 2- and 5-oxo-gluconic, glucuronic and galacturonic acids in mustsand winesGluconic acid and their oxidation products 2- and 5-oxo-gluconic acid and also glucuronic acid are not of grape berry or grape must origin. The occurrence of these sugar acids in Botrytis infected berries and in the corresponding wines indicated initially the formation of these products by Botrytis. Other metabolites made a formation by acetic acid bacteria probable. Investigations of musts and berries infected by acetic acid bacteria showed that these metabolites are mainly produced by acetic acid bacteria. Application of pure cultures of acetic acid bacteria demonstrated that these bacteria are the main producers of sugar acids.Therefore the influence of acetic acid bacteria on the quality of musts and wines - especially on high quality wines - is much higher than expected before. Some metabolites up to now seen as substances produced by Bot1ytis are mainly produced by the co-infecting acetic acid bacteria

    Über das Vorkommen von Galacturon- und Glucuronsäure sowie von 2- und 5-0xo-Gluconsäure in Weinen, Sherries, Obst- und Dessertweinen

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    In deutschen Weinen verschiedener Qualitätsstufen, in französischen und spanischen Rotweinen, in Sherries sowie in Obstweinen und Dessertweinen wurden Galacturon- und Glucuronsäure sowie 2-0xo- und 5-0xo-Gluconsäure quantitativ bestimmt.Galacturonsäure kommt in weißen deutschen Qualitäts- und Kabinettweinen sowie in Spätlesen in Konzentrationen zwischen 150 und 500 mg/1 vor. In Auslesen wurden meist 300-1000 mg/l, in Beerenauslesen 200-600 mg/1 und in Trockenbeerenauslesen 300-500 mg/l gefunden. Die Abnahme der Galacturonsäuremengen in den zuletzt genannten Spitzenweinen mag in Einklang stehen mit der Zunahme der Galactarsäure (Schleimsäure), die wahrscheinlich aus der Oxidation der Galacturonsäure durch Essigsäurebakterien entsteht. Rotweine enthalten wegen abweichender Gewinnungsverfahren mehr Galacturonsäure. In deutschen und spanischen Rotweinen normaler Qualitäten lag der Schwerpunkt zwischen 500 und 1100 mg/l.Glucuronsäure liegt in viel geringerer Menge vor: Bei Qualitätsweinen bis Beerenauslesen zwischen 0 und 20 mg/1, bei Trockenbeerenauslesen und Rotweinen zwischen 5 und 20 mg/l.2-0xo-Gluconsäure wurde in Qualitäts- und Kabinettweinen sowie in Spätlesen meist nur in Konzentrationen zwischen 0 und 10 mg/1 gefunden. In den meisten Auslesen lagen 0-40 mg/1 vor. Beerenauslesen enthalten meist 30-150 mg/l. In Trockenbeerenauslesen wurden Mengen zwischen 0 und 290 mg/l bestimmt.5-0xo-Gluconsäure ist in deutschen Rotweinen und Qualitätsweinen meist mit 20-60 mg/l vertreten, in Kabinettweinen und Spätlesen sind es 20-80 mg/l, in Auslesen 30-90 mg/l, in Trockenbeerenauslesen 10-100 mg/l, in Beerenauslesen 40-100 mg/l und mehr.In Sherries entspricht der Galacturonsäuregehalt demjenigen normaler deutscher Weine. Die anderen oxidierten Zuckersäuren kommen nicht oder nur in kleinsten Mengen vor. In Obstweinen und Dessertweinen sind die Galacturonsäuremengen meist gering, und auch die genannten Glucose-Oxidationsprodukte kommen nicht oder nur in Spuren vor.Es ist anzunehmen, daß die 2-0xo- und die 5-0xo-Gluconsäure sowie die Glucuronsäure von Essigsäurebakterien aus Glucose und die Galactarsäure ebenfalls durch Essigsäurebakterien aus Galacturonsäure gebildet werden.Galacturonic, glucuronic, 2- and 5-oxo-gluconic acids in wines, sherries, fruit and dessert winesGalacturonic, glucuronic, 2- and 5-oxo-gluconic acids were quantitatively determined in German wines of different quality, French and Spanish red wines, sherries, fruit and dessert wines.Galacturonic acid was found in German "Q.bA.", "Kabinett'' and "Spätlese" wines in concentrations of 150-500 mg/l. In "Auslese" wines 300-1000 mg/l, in "Beerenauslese" wines 200-600 mg/l and in ''Trockenbeerenauslese" wines 300-500 mg/l were found. The diminished amounts of galacturonic acid in high quality wines may be in accord with an increase in the galactaric acid content. Galactaric acid is possibly an oxidation product of galacturonic acid by acetic acid bacteria. Red wines contain more galacturonic acid than white ones, depending on the different mode of production. In German and Spanish red wines 500-1100 mg/l of galacturonic acid has been determined. The highest amount of galacturonic acid found was 1537 mg/1 in a "Beerenauslese" wine.Glucuronic acid was found in much lower quantities. "Q.bA." wines to "Beerenauslese" showed 0-20 mg/l, ''Trockenbeerenauslese" wines and red wines had 5---20 mg/l.2-0xo-gluconic acid occurred in "Q.bA.", "Kabinett" and "Spätlese" wines in quantities of 0-10 mg/l. Most of the "Auslese" wines contained Q-40 mg/l, some had more than 100 mg/l of this acid. "Beerenauslese" wines normally had 30--150 mg/l, in some cases more than 200 mg/l. In "Trockenbeerenauslese" wines, amounts between 0 and 290 mg/l were determined.5-oxo-gluconic acid was found in higher quantities than 2-oxo-gluconic acid. In German red wines and "Q.bA." wines 20--60 mg/l, in "Kabinett" and "Spätlese" wines 20--110 m/l, in "Auslese" wines 30-90 mg/1, in "Beerenauslese" wines 40--100 mg/1 and in ''Trockenbeerenauslese" wines 10-100 mg/l were determined. Sometimes more than 200 mg/1 of this acid was detectable.Sherries showed the same amount of galacturonic acid as normal German wines. The other oxidized sugar acids were only found in very small amounts. Very often the ·sherries lacked these acids. Fruit and dessert wines showed very low amounts of galacturonic acid. The other acids were absent or only found in trace amounts. lt can be supposed, that 2-oxo-, 5-oxo-gluconic and glucuronic acids are produced by acetic acid bacteria from glucose, as galactaric acid is produced by oxidation of galacturonic acid by these bacteria

    Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Mosten und Weinen aus gesunden und aus Botrytis-infizierten Traubenbeeren I. Säurestoffwechsel, Zuckerstoffwechselprodukte, Leucoanthocyangehalte

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Abbau von Beereninhaltsstoffen bzw. die Bildung von Stoffwechselprodukten aus ihnen durch Botrytis während der Infektion der Traubenbeeren. Zur Bestimmung des Botrytis-Einflusses auf die Veränderung der Moste wurden Moste aus Botrytis-infiziertem mit Mosten aus infektionsfreiem, im übrigen aber gleichem Beerenmaterial verglichen. Dieser Vergleich einiger für die Weinbereitung wichtiger Stoffe lieferte folgende Ergebnisse: W e i n s ä ur e wurde bevorzugt abgebaut, relativ stärker als Zucker. Die Weinsäuregehalte der Moste aus Botrytis-befallenen Beeren lagen um etwa 1-3 g/l tiefer als die aus gesunden Beeren. - A p f e 1 s ä u r e wurde ungefähr im gleichen Prozentsatz abgebaut, in dem Zucker verbraucht wurde. Die Äpfelsäurewerte der „faulen" Moste waren daher im Durchschnitt um 1,5 g/l erhöht. - G l u c o n s ä u r e ist in „gesunden" Mosten nur in relativ kleinen Mengen enthalten, ,,faule" Moste können aber mehr als 4 g/l enthalten. Gluconolacton wurde nicht gefunden. - Z i t r o n e n s ä u r e war in „gesunden" Mosten in Mengen unter 100 mg/l nachweisbar, ,,faule" Moste enthalten etwa das doppelte. Bei der Vergärung der Moste erhöhte sich der Zitratgehalt um fast das doppelte. - 0 x a l e s s i g s ä u r e war in Mosten aus nicht infizierten Beeren nicht nachzuweisen. In stark infizierten Beeren ist die Oxalacetatbildung aber beträchtlich. Der Höchstwert betrug 15,7 mg/l. In den Weinen konnte dagegen kein Oxalacetat gefunden werden. - G l y c er i n : Während „gesunde" Moste kaum 1 g/l enthalten, wurde als Ergebnis der Botrytis-Infektion im Höchstfalle 14,20 g Glycerin/l festgestellt. Durch die Gärung wurde der Glycerinwert bei den „gesunden" Mosten relativ stärker erhöht als bei den „faulen". - A c e t a l d e h y d : Die Werte der „gesunden" und der „faulen" Moste lagen alle unter 3 mg/l. Bei der Vergärung der „faulen" Moste wurde 58% mehr Acetaldehyd gebildet. - P y r u v a t war in den „faulen" Mosten um 50% erhöht. Bei der Vergärung war die Pyruvat-Bildung der „faulen" Moste 3,5mal höher als die der gesunden. Der starke Pyruvat-Stau wird wahrscheinlich durch Thiamin-Mangel verursacht. - K e t o g l u t a r a t enthalten die „gesunden" Moste durchschnittlich 10 mg/l, die „faulen" 21,5 mg/l. Nach der Gärung enthielten die „gesunden" Proben 49,7 mg/l, die „faulen" 119,0 mg/l. - SO2 - B i n d u n g : Sie betrug bei den „gesunden" Mosten durchschnittlich 77 mg/l, bei den „faulen" 116 mg/l. - L e u c o an t h o c y a n e haben bei Botrytis-Befall der Beeren stark abgenommen. Während der Gärung erfolgte eine Verringerung durch die Hefe. Ein Jungwein aus „gesunden" Beeren enthielt 4,0 mg/l, sein Pendant aus „faulen" Beeren aber nur 1,5 mg/l.Comparative investigations on musts and wines from healthy and Botrytis-infestedgrape-berries.I. Metabolism of organic acids, metabolites of sugars, and leucoanthocyanincontentsIn grape-berries infested by Botrytis cinerea, the decomposition of several constituents important to vinification and their transformation into certain metabolites were investigated and compared with healthy berries of the same quality. The following results were obtained: Compared to sugar, t a r t a r i c a c i d was preferably reduced. The content was approximately 1-3 g/l lower in musts from Botrytis-infested berries than in musts from healthy ones. - M a l i c a c i d was approximately reduced to the same percentage as sugar. Therefore, the malic acid content was increased by 1,5 g/l in musts from infested berries. - G l u c o n i c a c i d : Only comparatively small quantities were found in "healthy" musts, whereas "infested" musts can contain more than 4 g/l. Gluconolacton was not found. - C i t r i c a c i d : Quantities below 100 mg/l were determined in "healthy" musts, "infested" musts contained about twice as much. During fermentation the citric acid content was nearly doubled. - 0 x a l a c e t i c a c i d could not be ascertained in musts from healthy berries. However, considerable amounts of this constituent were produced in strongly infested berries. Their maximum content was 15,7 g/l. On the other hand, no oxalacetate was found in the wines. - G l y c e r o l : Although the "healthy" musts contained by 1 g/l only, glycerol could be found up to a maximum of 14,20 g/l in "infested" musts. During fermentation the glycerol-content was comparatively more increased in "healthy" musts than in "infested" musts. - Ac e t a l d e h y d e : In any case, the contents were below 3 mg/1 in "healthy" musts and "infested" musts. During fermentation, however, 58 & more acetaldehyde was produced in the "infested" musts. - P y r u v i c a c i d was increased by 50% in "infested" musts. During fermentation the production of pyruvic acid was 3,5 times as high in "infested" musts as in "healthy" musts, which was probably caused by a deficiency of thiamin. - K e t o g l u t a r i c a c i d : Approximately 10 mg/l were present in "healthy" samples and 21,5 mg/l in "infested" musts. After fermentation the "healthy" specimens showed 49,7 mg/l, the "infested" ones 119,0 mg/l. - SO2 - f i x a t i o n was approximately 77 mg/l in "healthy" musts, in "infested" musts 116 mg/l. - L e u c o a n t h o c y a n i n s were very much reduced by Botrytis-infection. During fermentation a further decrease was caused by yeasts. A young wine from healthy berries contained 4,0 mg/l, its counterpart from infested berries 1,5 mg/l only

    Vergleichende Untersuchungen von Mosten und Weinen aus gesunden und aus Botrytis-infizierten Traubenbeeren

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    II. Modellversuche zur Veränderung des Mostes durch Botrytis-Infektion und ihre Konsequenzen für die Nebenproduktbildung bei der GärungDie vorliegenden Untersuchungen sollten die Frage klären, ob die hohe Pyruvat- und Ketoglutaratbildung bei der Vergärung edelfauler Moste und die u. a. von ihr ausgehende hohe SO2-Bindung von Auslesen verursacht wird vom hohen Zukkergehalt, vom Aminosäure- bzw. Stickstoffmangel oder vom geringen ThiaminGehalt dieser Moste.Hierzu wurde Mostnormal belassen,einem Botrytis-Bewuchs unterworfen,kationenarm gemacht,um die erwartete Botrytis-Wirkung zu simulieren, insbesondere einen Aminosäure- und Thiamin-Mangel zu erzeugen. Die so hergestellten Varianten wurden jeweilsa) ohne Zusatz,b) nach Zusatz eines Aminosäurengemisches,c) nach Zusatz von Ammonium-Ionen vergoren.Alle diese Varianten wurden außerdem mit 0,5 mg Thiamin/l angereichert und danach vergoren. Die Analyse der S02-bindenden Hefe-Stoffwechselprodukte ergab bei den Botrytis-bewachsenen und den kationenverarmten Proben eine sehr starke Pyruvat- und Ketoglutaratbildung, wie sie auch schon von uns bei der Vergärung edelfauler Moste beobachtet worden war. Der Anstau dieser Metaboliten wird vom Stickstoffgehalt nicht beeinflußt. Allein von Thiamin wird er in jedem Falle auf eine normale Konzentration verringert.Dieses Ergebnis beweist, daß das hohe SO2 -Bedürfnis von Weinen aus Botrytisinfizierten Beeren zu einem wesentlichen Teil eine Folge des gestörten Stoffwechsels der Hefe bei der Vergärung dieser Moste ist. Ursache dieser Stoffwechselstörung ist die Thiamin-Verarmung des Beeren-Inhaltes durch Botrytis. Die Hefe in solchen Mosten kann infolge ihres Thiamin-Defizits die Thiamin-abhängige Decarboxylierung ihrer Metaboliten Pyruvat und Ketoglutarat nicht normal vollziehen. Beide SO2 -bindenden Hefestoffwechselprodukte stauen sich daher in hohen Konzentrationen an, die ein Mehrfaches dieser Werte bei normalen Jungweinen betragen können. 0,5 mg Thiamin/! normalisieren diese Stoffwechselstörung der Hefe und die von ihr ausgehende erhöhte SO2 -Bindung von Weinen aus edelfaulem Lesegut.   Comparative investigations on musts and wines from healthy and ,Botrytis-infestedgrape-berries. II. Pattern tests on changing of musts by Botrytis infestion and their consequences for the production of by-products of fermentationDuring the fermentation of "noble rotten" musts (musts from Botrytis-infested grapes) the production of pyruvic acid and ketoglutaric acid is significantly increased, which causes high SO2 binding. Investigations were performed to clarify whether this process is due to the high sugar concentration, a deficiency of amino acids or nitrogen, or to the low thiamine content of these musts.Therefore, samples of must were treated as follows:a) unadulterated,b) infested by Botrytis,c) treated with cation exchanger in order to simulate the presumed effect of Botrytisand, particularly, to cause a deficiency of amino acids and thiamine. These variants were fermenteda) without additives,b) after addition of an amino acid mixture,c) after addition of ammonium-ions.Besides, all these variants were fermented with a dose of 0,5 mg thiamine/l. The analysis of the so. binding metabolites showed a very high formation of pyruvic acid and ketoglutarlc acid in Botrytis-infested samples and in the cationdepleted ones, as already observed in fermented musts with "noble rot". The accumulation of these metabolites is independent of the nitrogen content. In any case, it is diminished to a normal concentration only by thiamine.The result proves that the high requirement of SO2, in wines made from Botrytisinfested grapes is essentially caused by the disturbed metabolism of yeasts during the fermentation of these musts. This disturbance is due to the thiamine depletion in grapes by Botrytis. Owing to this deficiency, the yeast in these musts cannot perform the normal decarboxylation of its metabolites pyruvic acid and ketoglutaric acid. Therefore, both SO2 binding metabolites build up to high concentrations which can amount to a multiple of the quantity found in normal young wines. A dose of 0,5 mg thiamine/1 normalizes the metabolism of the yeasts and, in consequence of this process, the increase in SO2 binding in wines made from Botrytis-infested material

    Search for composite and exotic fermions at LEP 2

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    A search for unstable heavy fermions with the DELPHI detector at LEP is reported. Sequential and non-canonical leptons, as well as excited leptons and quarks, are considered. The data analysed correspond to an integrated luminosity of about 48 pb^{-1} at an e^+e^- centre-of-mass energy of 183 GeV and about 20 pb^{-1} equally shared between the centre-of-mass energies of 172 GeV and 161 GeV. The search for pair-produced new leptons establishes 95% confidence level mass limits in the region between 70 GeV/c^2 and 90 GeV/c^2, depending on the channel. The search for singly produced excited leptons and quarks establishes upper limits on the ratio of the coupling of the excited fermio

    Search for lightest neutralino and stau pair production in light gravitino scenarios with stau NLSP

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    Promptly decaying lightest neutralinos and long-lived staus are searched for in the context of light gravitino scenarios. It is assumed that the stau is the next to lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) and that the lightest neutralino is the next to NLSP (NNLSP). Data collected with the Delphi detector at centre-of-mass energies from 161 to 183 \GeV are analysed. No evidence of the production of these particles is found. Hence, lower mass limits for both kinds of particles are set at 95% C.L.. The mass of gaugino-like neutralinos is found to be greater than 71.5 GeV/c^2. In the search for long-lived stau, masses less than 70.0 to 77.5 \GeVcc are excluded for gravitino masses from 10 to 150 \eVcc . Combining this search with the searches for stable heavy leptons and Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model staus a lower limit of 68.5 \GeVcc may be set for the stau mas

    Procalcitonin for diagnosis of infection and guide to antibiotic decisions: past, present and future

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    There are a number of limitations to using conventional diagnostic markers for patients with clinical suspicion of infection. As a consequence, unnecessary and prolonged exposure to antimicrobial agents adversely affect patient outcomes, while inappropriate antibiotic therapy increases antibiotic resistance. A growing body of evidence supports the use of procalcitonin (PCT) to improve diagnosis of bacterial infections and to guide antibiotic therapy. For patients with upper and lower respiratory tract infection, post-operative infections and for severe sepsis patients in the intensive care unit, randomized-controlled trials have shown a benefit of using PCT algorithms to guide decisions about initiation and/or discontinuation of antibiotic therapy. For some other types of infections, observational studies have shown promising first results, but further intervention studies are needed before use of PCT in clinical routine can be recommended. The aim of this review is to summarize the current evidence for PCT in different infections and clinical settings, and discuss the reliability of this marker when used with validated diagnostic algorithms

    Measurement of inclusive π0\pi^{0} production in hadronic Z0Z^{0} decays

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    An analysis is presented of inclusive \pi^0 production in Z^0 decays measured with the DELPHI detector. At low energies, \pi^0 decays are reconstructed by \linebreak using pairs of converted photons and combinations of converted photons and photons reconstructed in the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter (HPC). At high energies (up to x_p = 2 \cdot p_{\pi}/\sqrt{s} = 0.75) the excellent granularity of the HPC is exploited to search for two-photon substructures in single showers. The inclusive differential cross section is measured as a function of energy for {q\overline q} and {b \bar b} events. The number of \pi^0's per hadronic Z^0 event is N(\pi^0)/ Z_{had}^0 = 9.2 \pm 0.2 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 1.0 \mbox{(syst)} and for {b \bar b}~events the number of \pi^0's is {\mathrm N(\pi^0)/ b \overline b} = 10.1 \pm 0.4 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 1.1 \mbox{(syst)} . The ratio of the number of \pi^0's in b \overline b events to hadronic Z^0 events is less affected by the systematic errors and is found to be 1.09 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.01. The measured \pi^0 cross sections are compared with the predictions of different parton shower models. For hadronic events, the peak position in the \mathrm \xi_p = \ln(1/x_p) distribution is \xi_p^{\star} = 3.90^{+0.24}_{-0.14}. The average number of \pi^0's from the decay of primary \mathrm B hadrons is found to be {\mathrm N} (B \rightarrow \pi^0 \, X)/\mbox{B hadron} = 2.78 \pm 0.15 \mbox{(stat)} \pm 0.60 \mbox{(syst)}

    Search for new phenomena using single photon events in the DELPHI detector at LEP

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    Data are presented on the reaction \epem~\into~\gamma + no other detected particle at center-of-mass energies, \sqs = 89.48 GeV, 91.26 GeV and 93.08 GeV. The cross section for this reaction is related directly to the number of light neutrino generations which couple to the \zz boson, and to several other phenomena such as excited neutrinos, the production of an invisible `X' particle, a possible magnetic moment of the tau neutrino, and neutral monojets. Based on the observed number of single photon events, the number of light neutrinos which couple to the \zz is measured to be N_\nu = 3.15 \pm 0.34. No evidence is found for anomalous production of energetic single photons, and upper limits at the 95\% confidence level are determined for excited neutrino production (BR < 4-9 \times 10^{-6}), production of an invisible `X' particle (\sigma < 0.1 pb), and the magnetic moment of the tau neutrino (< 5.2 \times 10^{-6} \mu_B). No event with the topology of a neutral monojet is found, and this corresponds to the limit \sigma < 0.044/\epsilon pb at the 95\% confidence level, where \epsilon is the unknown overall monojet detection efficiency