505 research outputs found

    Esperienze di didattica della fisica in diversi livelli del sistema educativo

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    The growing interest of people in science events, the projects supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research to foster STEM teaching in different levels of the education system and the introduction of modern physics in some Italian high schools, contributed to the strengthening of interaction between schools, universities and research centers. This interaction realized in dedicated activities characterized by innovative communication and education strategies.This paper presents the events of science dissemination organized in the last years by the University of Ferrara and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics taking into account some case study differentiated by contents, recipients and education strategies.Comment: The article is written in Italia

    Glassy magnetic behavior and correlation length in nanogranular Fe-oxide and Au/Fe-oxide samples

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    In nanoscale magnetic systems, the possible coexistence of structural disorder and competing magnetic interactionsmay determine the appearance of a glassy magnetic behavior, implying the onset of a low-temperature disordered collective state of frozen magnetic moments. This phenomenology is the object of an intense research activity, stimulated by a fundamental scientific interest and by the need to clarify how disordered magnetism effects may affect the performance of magnetic devices (e.g., sensors and data storage media). We report the results of a magnetic study that aims to broaden the basic knowledge of glassy magnetic systems and concerns the comparison between two samples, prepared by a polyol method. The first can be described as a nanogranular spinel Fe-oxide phase composed of ultrafine nanocrystallites (size of the order of 1 nm); in the second, the Fe-oxide phase incorporated non-magnetic Au nanoparticles (10-20 nm in size). In both samples, the Fe-oxide phase exhibits a glassy magnetic behavior and the nanocrystallite moments undergo a very similar freezing process. However, in the frozen regime, the Au/Fe-oxide composite sample is magnetically softer. This effect is explained by considering that the Au nanoparticles constitute physical constraints that limit the length of magnetic correlation between the frozen Fe-oxide moments

    EpCAM expression varies significantly and is differentially associated with prognosis in the luminal B HER2+, basal-like, and HER2 intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is frequently expressed in breast cancer, and its expression has been associated with poor prognosis. Breast cancer can be subdivided into intrinsic subtypes, differing in prognosis and response to therapy. METHODS: To investigate the association between EpCAM expression and prognosis in the intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer, we performed immunohistochemical studies on a tissue microarray encompassing a total of 1365 breast cancers with detailed clinicopathological annotation and outcomes data. RESULTS: We observed EpCAM expression in 660 out of 1365 (48%) cases. EpCAM expression varied significantly in the different intrinsic subtypes. In univariate analyses of all cases, EpCAM expression was associated with a significantly worse overall survival. In the intrinsic subtypes, EpCAM expression was associated with an unfavourable prognosis in the basal-like and luminal B HER2(+) subtypes but associated with a favourable prognosis in the HER2 subtype. Consistently, specific ablation of EpCAM resulted in increased cell viability in the breast cancer cell line SKBR3 (ER(−), PR(−), and HER2(+)) but decreased viability in the breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 (ER(−), PR(−), and HER2(−) ). CONCLUSION: The differential association of EpCAM expression with prognosis in intrinsic subtypes has important implications for the development of EpCAM-targeted therapies in breast cancer

    A bulk superconducting MgB2 cylinder for holding transversely polarized targets

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    An innovative solution is being pursued for the challenging magnetic problem of producing an internal transverse field around a polarized target, while shielding out an external longitudinal field from a detector. A hollow bulk superconductor can trap a transverse field that is present when cooled through its transition temperature, and also shield its interior from any subsequent field changes. A feasibility study with a prototype bulk MgB2 superconducting cylinder is described. Promising measurements taken of the interior field retention and exterior field exclusion, together with the corresponding long-term stability performance, are reported. In the context of an electron scattering experiment, such a solution minimizes beam deflection and the energy loss of reaction products, while also eliminating the heat load to the target cryostat from current leads that would be used with conventional electromagnets

    Development and Evaluation of the Magnetic Properties of a New Manganese (II) Complex: A Potential MRI Contrast Agent

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive powerful modern clinical technique that is extensively used for the high-resolution imaging of soft tissues. To obtain high-definition pictures of tissues or of the whole organism this technique is enhanced by the use of contrast agents. Gadolinium-based contrast agents have an excellent safety profile. However, over the last two decades, some specific concerns have surfaced. Mn(II) has different favorable physicochemical characteristics and a good toxicity profile, which makes it a good alternative to the Gd(III)-based MRI contrast agents currently used in clinics. Mn(II)-disubstituted symmetrical complexes containing dithiocarbamates ligands were prepared under a nitrogen atmosphere. The magnetic measurements on Mn complexes were carried out with MRI phantom measurements at 1.5 T with a clinical magnetic resonance. Relaxivity values, contrast, and stability were evaluated by appropriate sequences. Studies conducted to evaluate the properties of paramagnetic imaging in water using a clinical magnetic resonance showed that the contrast, produced by the complex [Mn(II)(L’)2] × 2H2O (L’ = 1.4-dioxa-8-azaspiro[4.5]decane-8-carbodithioate), is comparable to that produced by gadolinium complexes currently used in medicine as a paramagnetic contrast agent

    magnetic and structural investigation of growth induced magnetic anisotropies in fe50co50 thin films

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    In this paper, we investigate the magnetic properties of Fe50 Co50 polycrystalline thin films, grown by dc-magnetron sputtering, with thickness (t) ranging from 2.5 nm up to 100 nm. We focused on the magnetic properties of the samples to highlight the effects of possible intrinsic stress that may develop during growth, and their dependence on film thickness. Indeed, during film deposition, due to the growth technique and growth conditions, a metallic film may display an intrinsic compressive or tensile stress. In our case, due to the Fe50Co50 magnetolastic properties, this stress may in its turn promote the development of magnetic anisotropies. Samples magnetic properties were monitored with a SQUID magnetometer and a magneto–optic Kerr effect apparatus, using both an in–plane and an out–of–plane magnetic field. Magnetoresistance measurements were collected, as well, to further investigate the magnetic behavior of the samples. Indications about the presence of intrinsic stress were obtained accessing samples curvature with an optical profilometer. For t ≤ 20 nm, the shape of the in-plane magnetization loops is squared and coercivity increases with t, possibly due to fact that, for small t values, the grain size grows with t. The magnetoresistive response is anisotropic in character. For t > 20 nm, coercivity smoothly decreases, the approach to saturation gets slower and the shape of the whole loop gets less and less squared. The magnetoresistive effect becomes almost isotropic and its intensity increases of about one order of magnitude. These results suggest that the magnetization reorientation process changes for t > 20 nm, and are in agreement with the progressive development of an out-of-plane easy axis. This hypothesis is substantiated by profilometric analysis that reveals the presence of an in-plane compressive stress

    Effects of EpCAM overexpression on human breast cancer cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recently, EpCAM has attracted major interest as a target for antibody- and vaccine-based cancer immunotherapies. In breast cancer, the EpCAM antigen is overexpressed in 30-40% of all cases and this increased expression correlates with poor prognosis. The use of EpCAM-specific monoclonal antibodies is a promising treatment approach in these patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to explore molecular changes following EpCAM overexpression, we investigated changes of the transcriptome upon EpCAM gene expression in commercially available human breast cancer cells lines Hs578T and MDA-MB-231. To assess cell proliferation, a tetrazolium salt based assay was performed. A TCF/LEF Reporter Kit was used to measure the transcriptional activity of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. To evaluate the accumulation of β-catenin in the nucleus, a subcellular fractionation assay was performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the first time we could show that expression profiling data of EpCAM transfected cell lines Hs578T<sup>EpCAM </sup>and MDA-MB-231<sup>EpCAM </sup>indicate an association of EpCAM overexpression with the downregulation of the Wnt signaling inhibitors SFRP1 and TCF7L2. Confirmation of increased Wnt signaling was provided by a TCF/LEF reporter kit and by the finding of the nuclear accumulation of ß-catenin for MDA-MB-231<sup>EpCAM </sup>but not Hs578T<sup>EpCAM </sup>cells. In Hs578T cells, an increase of proliferation and chemosensitivity to Docetaxel was associated with EpCAM overexpression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These data show a cell type dependent modification of Wnt signaling components after EpCAM overexpression in breast cancer cell lines, which results in marginal functional changes. Further investigations on the interaction of EpCAM with SFRP1 and TCF7L2 and on additional factors, which may be causal for changes upon EpCAM overexpression, will help to characterize unique molecular properties of EpCAM-positive breast cancer cells.</p

    Dark matter search in a Beam-Dump eXperiment (BDX) at Jefferson Lab

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    MeV-GeV dark matter (DM) is theoretically well motivated but remarkably unexplored. This Letter of Intent presents the MeV-GeV DM discovery potential for a 1 m3^3 segmented plastic scintillator detector placed downstream of the beam-dump at one of the high intensity JLab experimental Halls, receiving up to 1022^{22} electrons-on-target (EOT) in a one-year period. This experiment (Beam-Dump eXperiment or BDX) is sensitive to DM-nucleon elastic scattering at the level of a thousand counts per year, with very low threshold recoil energies (∼\sim1 MeV), and limited only by reducible cosmogenic backgrounds. Sensitivity to DM-electron elastic scattering and/or inelastic DM would be below 10 counts per year after requiring all electromagnetic showers in the detector to exceed a few-hundred MeV, which dramatically reduces or altogether eliminates all backgrounds. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations are in progress to finalize the detector design and experimental set up. An existing 0.036 m3^3 prototype based on the same technology will be used to validate simulations with background rate estimates, driving the necessary R&\&D towards an optimized detector. The final detector design and experimental set up will be presented in a full proposal to be submitted to the next JLab PAC. A fully realized experiment would be sensitive to large regions of DM parameter space, exceeding the discovery potential of existing and planned experiments by two orders of magnitude in the MeV-GeV DM mass range.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, submitted to JLab PAC 4

    Electromagnetic turbulent structures: A ubiquitous feature of the edge region of toroidal plasma configurations

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    Electromagnetic features of turbulent filaments, emerging from a turbulent plasma background, have been studied in four different magnetic configurations: the stellarator TJ-II, the Reversed Field Pinch RFX-mod, a device that can be operated also as a ohmic tokamak, and the Simple Magnetized Torus, TORPEX. By applying an analogous diagnostic concept in all cases, direct measurements of both field-aligned current density and vorticity were performed inside the filament. The inter-machine comparison reveals a clear dependence of the filament vorticity upon the local time-averaged E x B flow shear. Furthermore, a wide range of local beta was explored allowing concluding that this parameter plays a fundamental role in the appearance of filament electromagnetic features
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