1,801 research outputs found

    Postsettlement growth of two estuarine crab species, Chasmagnathus granulata and Cyrtograpsus angulatus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Grapsidae): laboratory and field observations

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    The estuarine grapsid crabs Chasmagnathus granulata and Cyrtograpsus angulatus belong to the most typical and dominant inhabitants of brackish coastal lagoons in southeastern South America. In a combined laboratory and field investigation of juvenile growth, we measured the increase in body size in these species under controlled conditions as well as in field experiments (in Mar Chiquita lagoon, Argentina), seasonal changes in size frequency distribution of a natural population, and growth related changes in selected morphometric traits of male and female juveniles (relations between carapace width, carapace length, propodus height and length of the cheliped, and pleon width). At 24°C, Cy. angulatus grew faster than Ch. granulata; it reached the crab-9 instar (C9; 13 mm carapace width) after 92 days, while Ch. granulata required 107 days to reach the C8 instar (7.4 mm). At 12°C, growth ceased in both species. The pleon begins to show sexual differences in the C5 (Cy. angulatus) and C8 instar (Ch. granulata), respectively, while the chelae differentiate earlier in Ch. granulata than in Cy. angulatus (in C4 vs C6). In the field, growth was maximal in summer, and was generally faster than in laboratory cultures. However, there is great individual variability in size (about 25% even in the first crab instar) and in size increments at ecdysis, increasing throughout juvenile growth. Our data indicate that, in the field, small-scale and short-term variations in feeding conditions, temperature, and salinity account for an extremely high degree of variability in the absolute and relative rates of growth as well as in the time to sexual differentiation

    Chiral Anomaly and Classical Negative Magnetoresistance of Weyl Metals

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    We consider the classical magnetoresistance of a Weyl metal in which the electron Fermi surface possess nonzero fluxes of the Berry curvature. Such a system may exhibit large negative magnetoresistance with unusual anisotropy as a function of the angle between the electric and magnetic fields. In this case the system can support a new type of plasma waves. These phenomena are consequences of chiral anomaly in electron transport theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Uso de hábitat, crecimiento relativo y talla de madurez, calculada mediante diferentes modelos, del cangrejo violeta Platyxanthus crenulatus (Decapoda: Brachyura)

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    We describe the most noteworthy changes occurring during the post-metamorphic phase in both sexes of the purple stone crab Platyxanthus crenulatus. Spatial structure of the populations by size and early changes in colour pattern and relative growth of chelae suggest an ontogenic migration from intertidal to deeper waters. Before reaching maturity and laying eggs, females undergo a tight sequence of morpho-physiologic changes over a narrow size range (44-64 mm carapace width [CW]). In contrast, males undergo two main phases related to sexual maturity. Early in their lives, they develop sperm and accelerate the relative growth of the chelae (35-45 mm CW). Morphologic maturity of males comes later, when relative growth rate reaches the maximum and decelerate (65-70 mm CW). Adult males are larger and develop conspicuously largest chelae than females. Morphometric analyses were performed by two different techniques: the traditional procedure, which describes relative growth relationships as power functions; and an alternative, smoothing spline–based model that is non-dependent on previous assumptions. The results of the alternative analysis were coherent with other reproductive indicators and ancillary observations, allowing a more comprehensive understanding of the relative growth. We provide supporting material containing the respective script written in R program to be used freely in future studies.Se describen los eventos más remarcables durante la ontogenia de la fase post-metamórfica del cangrejo violeta de las rocas Platyxanthus crenulatus. Las poblaciones estudiadas aparecen estructuradas por talla, lo que sumado a cambios tempranos en el patrón de coloración y en la tasa de crecimiento relativo de las quelas de ambos sexos, sugiere la existencia de una migración ontogénica desde el intermareal hacia aguas más profundas. Antes de alcanzar la madurez y extruir huevos, las hembras atraviesan una serie de cambios morfo-fisiológicos en un rango de tallas estrecho (44-64 mm). En contraste los machos muestran dos fases bien diferenciadas en relación a la madurez sexual. Tempranamente desarrollan esperma y aceleran el crecimiento relativo de las pinzas (35-45 mm). La madurez morfológica se alcanza posteriormente cuando la tasa de crecimiento relativo alcanza su máximo y comienza a desacelerarse (65-70 mm). Los machos adultos son más grandes y tienen quelas de mayor tamaño que las de las hembras. Los análisis morfométricos fueron realizados aplicando paralelamente dos técnicas diferentes: el procedimiento tradicional, que describe al crecimiento relativo como una función potencial, y un método alternativo, no dependiente de supuestos a priori, basados en splines. Los resultados del análisis alternativo fueron coherentes con los demás indicadores reproductivos y observaciones auxiliares permitiendo una comprensión más amplia del crecimiento relativo. Se adjuntan los comandos necesarios para aplicar ambos métodos libremente usando el programa R

    Defects and boundary layers in non-Euclidean plates

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    We investigate the behavior of non-Euclidean plates with constant negative Gaussian curvature using the F\"oppl-von K\'arm\'an reduced theory of elasticity. Motivated by recent experimental results, we focus on annuli with a periodic profile. We prove rigorous upper and lower bounds for the elastic energy that scales like the thickness squared. In particular we show that are only two types of global minimizers -- deformations that remain flat and saddle shaped deformations with isolated regions of stretching near the edge of the annulus. We also show that there exist local minimizers with a periodic profile that have additional boundary layers near their lines of inflection. These additional boundary layers are a new phenomenon in thin elastic sheets and are necessary to regularize jump discontinuities in the azimuthal curvature across lines of inflection. We rigorously derive scaling laws for the width of these boundary layers as a function of the thickness of the sheet

    Mesoscopic mechanism of adiabatic charge transport

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    We consider adiabatic charge transport through mesoscopic metallic samples caused by a periodically changing external potential. We find that both the amplitude and the sign of the charge transferred through a sample per period are random sample specific quantities. The characteristic magnitude of the charge is determined by the quantum interference.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Spacetime Embedding Diagrams for Black Holes

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    We show that the 1+1 dimensional reduction (i.e., the radial plane) of the Kruskal black hole can be embedded in 2+1 Minkowski spacetime and discuss how features of this spacetime can be seen from the embedding diagram. The purpose of this work is educational: The associated embedding diagrams may be useful for explaining aspects of black holes to students who are familiar with special relativity, but not general relativity.Comment: 22 pages, 21 figures, RevTex. To be submitted to the American Journal of Physics. Experts will wish only to skim appendix A and to look at the pictures. Suggested Maple code is now compatible with MapleV4r

    Dynamics of ripple formation on silicon surfaces by ultrashort laser pulses in sub-ablation conditions

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    An investigation of ultrashort pulsed laser induced surface modification due to conditions that result in a superheated melted liquid layer and material evaporation are considered. To describe the surface modification occurring after cooling and resolidification of the melted layer and understand the underlying physical fundamental mechanisms, a unified model is presented to account for crater and subwavelength ripple formation based on a synergy of electron excitation and capillary waves solidification. The proposed theoretical framework aims to address the laser-material interaction in sub-ablation conditions and thus minimal mass removal in combination with a hydrodynamics-based scenario of the crater creation and ripple formation following surface irradiation with single and multiple pulses, respectively. The development of the periodic structures is attributed to the interference of the incident wave with a surface plasmon wave. Details of the surface morphology attained are elaborated as a function of the imposed conditions and results are tested against experimental data

    Linguistic incompetence: giving an account of researching multilingually

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    This paper considers the place of linguistic competence and incompetence in the context of researching multilingually. It offers a critique of the concept of competence and explores the performative dimensions of multilingual research and its narration, through the philosophy of Judith Butler, and in particular her study Giving an account of oneself. It explores aspects of risk, justice, narrative limit and a morality of multilingualism in emergent multilingual research frameworks. These theoretical dimensions are explored through consideration of ‘linguistically incompetent’ ethnographic work with refugees and asylum seekers, in contexts of hospitality and in life long learning research in the Gaza Strip, and of early attempts to learn new languages. The paper offers a prospect of a relational approach to researching multilingually and affirms the vulnerability at the heart of linguistic hospitality

    Contact lines for fluid surface adhesion

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    When a fluid surface adheres to a substrate, the location of the contact line adjusts in order to minimize the overall energy. This adhesion balance implies boundary conditions which depend on the characteristic surface deformation energies. We develop a general geometrical framework within which these conditions can be systematically derived. We treat both adhesion to a rigid substrate as well as adhesion between two fluid surfaces, and illustrate our general results for several important Hamiltonians involving both curvature and curvature gradients. Some of these have previously been studied using very different techniques, others are to our knowledge new. What becomes clear in our approach is that, except for capillary phenomena, these boundary conditions are not the manifestation of a local force balance, even if the concept of surface stress is properly generalized. Hamiltonians containing higher order surface derivatives are not just sensitive to boundary translations but also notice changes in slope or even curvature. Both the necessity and the functional form of the corresponding additional contributions follow readily from our treatment.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX, RevTeX styl

    On the Nature of Infrared Singularities in d2d\leq 2 Disordered Interacting Systems

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    We address the problem of infrared singularities in the perturbation theory for disordered interacting systems in d2d\leq 2. We show that a typical, sufficiently large interacting system exhibits a linear instability in the spin triplet channel. In a density-density channel, although stability is preserved, a large number of soft modes is accumulated. These phenomena are responsible for the instability of the weak-interacting fixed point. Although generic, the unstable direction and soft modes are highly sample specific and can not be effectively captured by conventional techniques based on an averaging procedure. Rather, the instability is determined by the largest eigenvalues of the polarization operator. We propose to employ the optimal fluctuation method for evaluating the probability of such events.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX. References added, minor change