207 research outputs found

    Efficiency of use of national games of Yakut people in studies of physical training in a higher education institution

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    The purpose of the present research is to demonstrate experimentally the positive effect of the Yakut national games on the formation of the basic physical qualities of the students of the university. The students of NEFU participated in research. In studies of experimental groups Yakut national games with objects and without objects were included. Traditional games of Yakut people in the lessons on physical education, served as means of dynamic development of physical qualities such as strength, speed, flexibility, endurance and agility

    Efficiency of use of national games of Yakut people in studies of physical training in a higher education institution

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    The purpose of the present research is to demonstrate experimentally the positive effect of the Yakut national games on the formation of the basic physical qualities of the students of the university. The students of NEFU participated in research. In studies of experimental groups Yakut national games with objects and without objects were included. Traditional games of Yakut people in the lessons on physical education, served as means of dynamic development of physical qualities such as strength, speed, flexibility, endurance and agility


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    The article is devoted tо the specific question in Russian art history – to the problem of light in the works of J. Balla from the perspective of Light art genesis. The insufficiently researched genesis of light art .in Modernism and Italian Futurism is followed by the incomplete understanding of phenomenon. This circumstance requires an appeal to the historical roots of Light art, particularly, to the period when artists started including artificial light into the practice of fine art and started using it as a medium. As a result of the research in the art of J. Balla the genesis of Light art has been revealed. The article examines the consistent change in the approach to light in the main futuristic manifestos and works of art. In Balla’s paintings of the 1910s, light was used as an image and element of art, while in plastic complexes and scenography of the theatrical production “Fireworks” it was used as a material (medium). The ballet “Fireworks” is proposed to be considered as prototypical work of light art. The results of the study can be used in the art historical research and cultural analysis of the history and modernity of light art. The research methodology is based on the art historical analysis of texts and works of art, as well as on the comparative method

    Triple molybdates one-, one - and three(two)valence metals

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    The authors thank Ph. D. M. K. Alibaeva, Ph. D. I. A. Gudkova and Ph. D. I. V. Korolkova for participation in the research.The review summarizes experimental data on the phase formation, structure and properties of new complex oxide compounds group - triple molybdates containing tetrahedral molybdate ion, two different singly charged cation, together with tri- or divalent cation. The several structural families of these compounds were distinguished and it shown that many of them are of interest as luminescent, laser, ion-conducting or nonlinear optical materials.The work is executed at partial support of the Russian Foundation for basic research (projects No. 08-03-00384, 13-03-01020 and 14-03-00298)

    Does remote work erode trust in organizations?:A within-person investigation in the COVID-19 context

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    The global COVID-19 pandemic led to a widespread increase in remote work arrangements. This trend raised concerns regarding the potential negative ramifications it might have for organizational trust and cooperation. We explored the initial effect of COVID-19 induced remote work on trust in organizations: trust in co-workers, trust in the supervisor and in the organization at large. In a four-wave longitudinal survey of remote workers (N ∼ 1000) in the UK conducted between May 2020 and August 2020 (first COVID wave), we examined the association between the share of remote work (out of total working hours) and different forms of trust at work. The results showed that, for the same individual, increasing the share of working hours spent remotely was associated with more trust in the organization at large (but not in the supervisor and co-workers). Further, during the months where individuals spent more time working remotely, they experienced lower turnover intentions (but not less burnout or more work engagement, productivity, and satisfaction) compared to the months where they spent less time working remotely. The results contribute to the literature on flexible work arrangements, organizational trust, and other work outcomes.</p

    Spectral and photometric studies of the polar USNO-A2.0 0825-18396733

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Results of photometric and spectral studies of the new magnetic cataclysmic variable (polar) USNO-A2.0 0825-18396733 are presented. Photometric data in the B, V, and Rc filters show that this object exhibits a red excess of Rc − V = 1m. A red continuum with superposed strong single-peaked Balmer emission lines and HeII λ4686 Å emission, weak lines of neutral helium, and lines of heavy elements are observed in the object’s spectra. Doppler maps constructed using the hydrogen and ionized-helium lines indicate that these lines form near the inner Lagrangian point, and that their formation is associated with an accretion stream. The spectra and radial-velocity curves indicate the eclipse of the white dwarf in the system to be partial. Radial-velocity curves derived for emission lines are used to estimate the component masses. The mass of the white dwarf is estimated to be 0.71–0.78M⊙, and the mass of the red dwarf to be 0.18–0.20M⊙

    Optical study of the polar BM CrB in low accretion state

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    This paper presents a spectral and photometric study of the poorly studied polar BM CrB. Three states of the polar brightness and signs of transition from one-pole to two-pole accretion mode were found by an analysis of ZTF data. It is shown that the transition from the low state to the high state changes the longitude of the main accretion spot (by 17\approx 17^{\circ}) and increases its elongation (by 10\approx 10^{\circ}). The spectra contain Zeeman absorptions of the Hα\alpha line which are formed at a magnetic field strength of 15.5±115.5\pm1 MG. These absorptions are likely produced by a cold halo extending from the accretion spot at 1/4\approx {^1/_4} of the white dwarf radius. Modeling of the behavior of the Hα\alpha emission line shows that the main source of emission is the part of the accretion stream near the Lagrangian point L1_1, which is periodically eclipsed by the donor star. The spectra exhibit a cyclotron component formed in the accretion spot. Its modeling by a simple accretion spot model gives constraints on the magnetic field strength B=1540B=15-40 MG and the temperature Te15T_e\gtrsim15 keV

    PN G068.1+11.0: A young pre-cataclysmic variable with an extremely hot primary

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    © 2016, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.An analysis of spectroscopic and photometric data for the young pre-cataclysmic variable (PCV) PN G068.1+11.0, which passed through its common-envelope stage relatively recently, is presented. The spectroscopic and photometric data were obtained with the 6-m telescope and Zeiss-1000 telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. The light curves show sinusoidal brightness variations with the orbital-period time scale and brightness-variation amplitudes of Δm = 1.m41, 1.m62, and 1.m57 in the B, V, and R bands, respectively. The system’s spectrum exhibits weak HI (Hβ–Hδ) andHeII λλ4541, 4686, 5411 Å absorption lines during the phases of minimum brightness, as well as HI, HeII, CIII, CIV, NIII, and OII emission lines whose intensity variations are synchronized with variations of the integrated brightness of the system. The emission-line formation in the spectra can be fully explained by the effects of fluorescence of the ultraviolet light from the primary at the surface of the cool star. All the characteristics of the optical light of PN G068.1+11.0 confirm that it is a young PCV containing sdO subdwarf. The radial velocities were measured from a blend of lines of moderately light elements, CIII+NIII λ4640 Å, which is formed at the surface of the secondary due to reflection effects. The ephemeris of the system has been improved through a joint analysis of the radial-velocity curves and light curves of pre-cataclysmic variable, using modelling of the reflection effects. The fundamental parameters of PN G068.1+11.0 have been determined using two evolutionary tracks for planetary-nebula nuclei of different masses (0.7 M⊙and 0.78M⊙). The model spectra for the system and a comparison with the observations demonstrate the possibility of refining the components’ effective temperatures if the quality of the spectra used is improved

    Иерархическая кластеризация как метод снижения размерности в задаче оптимизации инвестиционного портфеля Марковица

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    Optimal portfolio selection is a common and important application of an optimization problem. Practical applications of an existing optimal portfolio selection methods is often difficult due to high data dimensionality (as a consequence of the large number of securities available for investment). In this paper, a method of dimension reduction based on hierarchical clustering is proposed. Clustering is widely used in computer science, a lot of algorithms and computational methods have been developed for it. As a measure of securities proximity for hierarchical clustering Pearson pair correlation coefficient is used. Further, the proposed method’s influence on the quality of the optimal solution is investigated on several examples of optimal portfolio selection according to the Markowitz Model. The influence of hierarchical clustering parameters (intercluster distance metrics and clustering threshold) on the quality of the obtained optimal solution is also investigated. The dependence between the target return of the portfolio and the possibility of reducing the dimension using the proposed method is investigated too. For each considered example in the paper graphs and tables with the main results of the proposed method - application which are the decrease of the dimension and the drop of the yield (the decrease of the quality of the optimal solution) - for a portfolio constructed using the proposed method compared to a portfolio constructed without the proposed method are given. For the experiments the Python programming language and its libraries: scipy for clustering and cvxpy for solving the optimization problem (building an optimal portfolio) are used.Составление оптимального портфеля ценных бумаг является важным и частым случаем решения задачи оптимизации. Практическое применение существующих методов составления оптимального портфеля часто затруднено из-за большого числа доступных для инвестирования ценных бумаг (и, как следствие, большой размерности исходных данных). В данной работе предлагается метод снижения размерности исходных данных, основанный на иерархической кластеризации доступных для инвестирования ценных бумаг. Для кластеризации, широко используемой в компьютерных науках, уже разработано множество алгоритмов и методов. В качестве меры близости ценных бумаг для иерархической кластеризации используется коэффициент парной корреляции Пирсона. Далее исследуется влияние предложенного метода на качество получаемого оптимального решения на нескольких примерах составления оптимального портфеля ценных бумаг по модели Марковица. Также исследуется влияние параметров иерархической кластеризации (метрики межкластерного расстояния и порогового значения кластеризации) на изменение качества получаемого оптимального решения. Исследуется зависимость между целевой доходностью портфеля и возможностью снижения размерности с помощью предложенного метода. Для каждого рассмотренного примера приводятся графики и таблицы с основными полученными результатами применения метода — понижением размерности и падением доходности (снижением качества оптимального решения) у портфеля, построенного с применением предложенного метода по сравнению с портфелем, построенным без применения предложенного метода. Для проведения экспериментов используется язык программирования Python и его библиотеки: scipy для проведения кластеризации и cvxpy для решения задачи оптимизации (построения оптимального портфеля)