18 research outputs found

    Representações socias em enfermagem: comentários sobre teses e dissertações Social representations: commentary about thesis and dissertations

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    O ponto de partida deste trabalho se constitui de um levantamento de teses e dissertações desenvolvidas por enfermeiros com o objetivo de verificar como a representação social foi utilizada enquanto referencial teórico nestas pesquisas. Através de uma leitura sistemática dos trabalhos destacou-se as temáticas, os principais resultados e as reflexões que estes propunham para as práticas profissionais de enfermagem. Constatou-se, a partir dos trabalhos analisados que este referencial teórico é utilizado pelos enfermeiros, e que alguns estudos desenvolvidos trazem resultados significativos favorecendo a mudança da visão desses profissionais.<br>The starting point of this work consists on a revision of thesis and dissertations developed by nurses aiming to check how the social representation was used as a theoretical referencial on these researches. Through a sistematic reading of these works some points were dettached, as thematic, main resultas and reflections proposed in order to atain professional practice nursing. It was ascertained from the analysed works that this theoretical referencial is used by nurses, and that some studies developed introduce significative results from these professionals

    Cohesion in Exercise Groups: An Overview

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    The purpose of the present paper is to outline the results from research that has focused on cohesion effects in exercise groups. The review contains six sections. In the first section, the constitutive definition of cohesion is provided and typical operational definitions used to assess the construct in physical activity contexts are outlined. In the second section, the question of whether cohesion is relevant in exercise groups is addressed. In the third section, we focus on the results from research that has focused on individual preferences for group- versus individual-based contexts for physical activity. Finally, the next three sections focus on results associated with the explanation (why is it?), prediction (what will be?), and intervention/control (how can we?) stages of science in relation to cohesion and physical activity-related behaviors, cognitions, and affective responses

    Using Concept Lattices for Text Retrieval and Mining

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    Abstract. The potentials of formal concept analysis (FCA) for informa-tion retrieval (IR) have been highlighted by a number of research studies since its inception. With the proliferation of small-size specialised text databases available in electronic format and the advent of Web-based graphical interfaces, FCA has then become even more appealing and practical for searching text collections. The main advantage of FCA for IR is the possibility of eliciting context, which may be used both to im-prove the retrieval of specic items from a text collection and to drive the mining of its contents. In this paper, we will focus on the unique features of FCA for building contextual IR applications as well as on its most critical aspects. The development of a FCA-based application for mining the web results returned by a major search engine is envisaged as the next big challenge for the eld.