75 research outputs found

    Mulher, mãe e... trabalhadora de enfermagem

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    The purpose of this paper is to reveal the meaning of the phenomenon "being a woman, mother and nursing professional" to nursing professionals through a qualitative study and a phenomenological approach. Women who work at a public hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro are the subjects of this research. The analysis of their statements allowed the identification of meanings that made it clear that women consider it complicated to conciliate home, work and kids, especially when they are small. Thus, what can be inferred from their statements is that being a woman, mother and professional is a challenge for them, who constantly have their abilities tested.Este trabalho se propõe a desvelar o significado para as profissionais de enfermagem do fenômeno "ser mulher, mãe e trabalhadora de enfermagem" , através de um estudo qualitativo, comabordagem fenomenológica. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram mulheres atuantes num hospital geral público do município do Rio de Janeiro. A análise dos depoimentos permitiu a ação de unidades de significado evidenciando que as de poentes acham complicado conciliar casa, trabalho e filhos, sendo mais difícil quando os filhos são pequenos. Assim, pudemos desvel ar das falas que ser mulher, mãe e profissional é desafiador para essas mulheres que, continuamente, sentem suas capacidades sendo testadas

    The occurrence of pre-eclampsia in women pregnant for the first time attending prenatal care consultation at a university hospital

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    Objective: To investigate the characteristics of pregnant for the first time attended at prenatal; identify the incidence of preeclampsia in pregnant for the first time attended consultations in prenatal care. Method: A descriptive, quantitative, retrospective, held at a University Hospital in Rio de Janeiro. The charts of women pregnant for the first time attended from 2008 to 2009 were analyzed with descriptive statistics support. Results: There were 264 (56,3%) admissions of pregnants for the first time. Were part of the sample set 105 records. In this group, 43 (40,9%) women showed in the edema, 2 (1,9%) had proteinuria, 29 (27,6%) had no abnormalities of blood pressure measurements. Conclusion: In the analyzed sample there was no record of preeclampsia, however 41 (38,9%) women showed changes compatible with BP Disease Specific Hypertension in Pregnancy (HDP). Nurses have an important role in the multidisciplinary team, for early detection of complications during pregnancy contributes to reducing the incidence of maternal mortality and morbidity

    Working with the history of life: a research(er's) mishaps

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    Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, cuja autora relata a sua experiência na realização da tese de Doutorado pelo método de História de Vida. Descreve a abordagem metodológica, explicitando a técnica para a coleta e a análise dos relatos bem como as eventuais dificuldades que possam surgir durante a realização da pesquisa. Argumenta que esse método possibilita a aproximação entre o pesquisador e os sujeitos. Destaca a necessidade de se incluir a dimensão subjetiva do cuidado na prestação de assistência à clientela.In this study, characterized as a qualitative one, whose author tells about her experience when accomplishing her Doctorate thesis for the History of life method. She describes the methodological approach, turning explicit the collection and the report analysis technique as well as the incidental difficulties that may turn up during the research completion. She concludes that this method turns the approach among the researcher and the individuals feasible. It points out the need to include the subjective dimension of the care in the assistance rendered to the clientele.Se trata de un estudio de una naturaleza cualitativa, cuya autora relata su experiéncia en la realización de la teses de Doctorado por el método de historia de vida. Describe un tratamiento metodológico, explicando la técnica para la colecta y el análisis de los relatos bien como las eventuales dificultades que pueden surgir durante la realización de la investigación. Concluye que el método posibilita una aproximación entre el investigador y los sujetos. Destaca la necesidad de incluyir la dimensión subjetiva del cuidado en la prestación de asisténcia a la clientela

    Mulher e trabalho: a história de vida de mães trabalhadoras de enfermagem

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    This study focused on the life of women who are both mothers and nursing professionals, applying the method of life history. The goals were: to describe the every day life of these professionals; to identify the influence of the profession on these women and to analyze the perception of this reality based on their history of life. Data partial analysis showed that the profession interferes in women's lives, considering their type of activity, and that quite often it changes deeply the family's daily routine. Women pointed out that their extremely hard working days cause tiredness and stress. Authors concluded that although women value their career, they are overburdened with the amount of functions, pointing out the importance of the husbands' role sharing the family daily routine.Se trata de un estudio cualitativo utilizando el método historia de vida, teniendo como objeto la cotidianidad de las mujeres-madres-trabajadoras en enfermería. Los objetivos fueron: describir el día a día de estas profesionales; identificar la interferencia de la profesión en la vida de esta mujer y analizar la percepción de esta realidad tomando como base su historia de vida. El análisis parcial de los datos reveló que la profesión interfiere en la vida de la mujer, especialmente por el tipo de actividad que realiza y, en muchas situaciones, provoca un cambio significativo en la rutina familiar. La doble jornada, vivida por la gran mayoría, fue señalada como una de las causas de cansancio y estrés. Puede concluirse que aunque la mujer valorice la actividad profesional, se siente sobrecargada con la acumulación de funciones resaltando la participación del marido en el día a día en familia.Trata-se de estudo qualitativo utilizando o método de história de vida, tendo como objeto o cotidiano das mulheres-mães-trabalhadoras de enfermagem. Os objetivos foram: descrever o dia-a-dia dessas profissionais, identificar a interferência da profissão na vida dessa mulher e analisar a percepção dessa realidade tomando como base sua história de vida. A análise parcial dos dados revelou que a profissão interfere na vida da mulher, especialmente pelo tipo de atividade que realiza e, em muitas situações, provoca mudança significativa na rotina familiar. A dupla jornada, vivenciada pela grande maioria, foi apontada como uma das causas de cansaço e estresse. Pode-se concluir que, embora a mulher valorize a atividade profissional, se sente sobrecarregada com o acúmulo de funções, relevando a participação do marido compartilhando o dia-a-dia em família

    Epidemiological profile of consulting women at the prenatal service of a university hospital

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    Trata-se de um estudo descritivo em abordagem quantitativa tendo como objeto as gestantes atendidas na consulta de pré-natal e o objetivo de identificar esta clientela traçando seu perfil epidemiológico. O Ambulatório de Obstetrícia de um Hospital público do município do Rio de Janeiro foi o cenário, onde foram investigadas 118 fichas de atendimento cadastradas de janeiro a junho de 2003. A análise dos resultados evidenciou que a maioria das mulheres estudadas concentra-se na faixa etária de 19 - 25 anos (39,8%); casadas (38,9%); com ensino fundamental (29,6%); ocupação do lar (33,8%); multíparas (58,4%); iniciaram o pré-natal com idade gestacional entre 14 e 17 semanas (18,6%); tiveram anteriormente partos vaginais (79) e não referiram queixas na primeira consulta (39%). Podemos concluir que o atendimento obstétrico contribui de maneira significativa para a redução da morbi-mortalidade das gestantes, possibilitando a orientação de intercorrências no ciclo grávido-puerperal e a prevenção de complicações.Se trata de un estudio descriptivo con abordaje cuantitativo tenien-do como objeto a gestantes atendidas en consulta prenatal y el objetivo de identificar a esta clientela trazando su perfil epidemiológico. El escenario fue el consul-torio externo de obstetricia de un Hospital público del municipio de Rio de Janeiro, donde fueron investigadas 118 fichas de atención registradas de enero a junio del 2003. El análisis de los resultados evidenció que la mayoría de las mujeres estudiadas se concentra en el grupo etáreo de 19 - 25 años (39,8%); casadas (38,9%); con enseñaza fundamental (29,6%); amas de casa (33,8%); multíparas (58,4%); iniciaron el prenatal con edad gestacional entre 14 y 17 semanas (18,6%); tuvieron anteriormente partos vaginales (79%) y no refirieron quejas en la primera consulta (39%). Podemos concluir que la atención obstétrica contribuye de manera significativa en la reducción de la morbimortalidad de las gestantes, posibilitando la orientación de ocurrencias en el ciclo grávido-puerperal y la prevención de complicaciones.The characteristics of pregnant women in prenatal consultation are described in this article in a quantitative approach. The aim of this study is to identify this group by sketching its epidemiological profile. 118 attendance reports dated from January to June 2003 were investigated in the obstetrics service in a city of Rio de Janeiro public hospital. The analysis showed that the highest percentage is comprised of women in the age group of 19-25 years (39,8%); that are married (38,9%); have basic consultation between 14 and 17 weeks of pregnancy (18,6%); had previous vaginal birth (79%); have basic school education (29,6%); are housewives (33,8%); have more than one child (58,4%); and did not mention complaints in the first consultation (39%). It can be concluded that obstetric consultation can substantially help reduce morbi-mortality of pregnant women, since it makes possible the guiding of intercurrences and the prevention of troubles during and after the period of pregnancy


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    Resumo Objetivos: Conhecer a percepção das gestantes adolescentes sobre emprego dos métodos contraceptivos; discutir a vivência das jovens relacionada à contracepção e práticas sexuais. Método: Pesquisa descritiva em abordagem qualitativa, com emprego da entrevista semi-estruturada e técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Participaram do estudo 17 gestantes adolescentes. Na análise temática das entrevistas emergiram quatro categorias: As adolescentes e adoção dos métodos contraceptivos; A contracepção na visão das gestantes adolescentes; As atividades educativas e a participação das jovens; Métodos Contraceptivos: dúvidas e incertezas das adolescentes. Conclusão: O estudo revela a vulnerabilidade das jovens para a ocorrência de uma gestação não planejada e o risco de uma reincidência. Acreditamos que as práticas educativas podem contribuir para o esclarecimento dos jovens acerca de sua sexualidade e práticas sexuais, prevenindo agravos na saúde sexual e reprodutiva. Abstract Goals: Perceptions of pregnant adolescents about employment of contraceptive methods; discuss the experience of young people regarding contraception and sexual practices. Method: Descriptive Research, qualitative approach, employment of content analysis technique and semi-structured interview. Results: Participated in the study 17 pregnant adolescents. The thematic analysis of interviews emerged four categories: The adolescent and adoption of contraception; contraception in vision of pregnant adolescents; educational activities and participation of young people; methods contraceptives: doubts and uncertainties of teenagers. Conclusion: The study highlights the vulnerability of youth to the occurrence of an unplanned pregnancy and the risk of a recurrence. We believe that educational practices can contribute to the understanding of young people about their sexuality and sexual practices, preventing injuries from sexual and reproductive health. Resumen Objetivos: Estudiar la percepción de las adolescentes embarazadas en el empleo de métodos anticonceptivos, para discutir la experiencia de los jóvenes relacionadas con la anticoncepción y las prácticas sexuales. Método: Estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo, con el uso de la técnica de entrevista semi-estructurada y el análisis de contenido. Resultados: El estudio incluyó a 17 adolescentes embarazadas. En el análisis temático de las entrevistas revelaron cuatro categorías: Adolescentes y la adopción de métodos anticonceptivos; anticoncepción en la vista de las adolescentes embarazadas; actividades educativas y la participación de los jóvenes, los métodos anticonceptivos: las dudas y las incertidumbres de los adolescentes. Conclusión: El estudio pone de relieve la vulnerabilidad de los jóvenes a la ocurrencia de un embarazo no planificado y el riesgo de una recurrencia.Creemos que las prácticas educativas pueden contribuir a la comprensión de los jóvenes sobre su sexualidad y las prácticas sexuales, la prevención de lesiones de la salud sexual y reproductiva

    Breastfeeding during adolescence: life history of first-time mothers

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    Objective: To identify the factors that influence on primiparous adolescent mothers' breastfeeding and to comprehend the meaning of it to this woman. Method: This is a descriptive, of qualitative nature research. The subjects were 14 primiparous adolescent mothers, invited to participate in the research during the puericulture consulting in a Basic Health Care Unit, in Rio de Janeiro. The data were collected using a recorder with application of Life History technique and analyzed with thematic-categorical content. The study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of HUPE/UERJ under the Nº1116/2005. Results: The youngsters revealed the existence of several factors those influence the meaning they attach to breastfeeding as the biological, psychological, social, economic and family aspects, contributing to the construction of a multiplicity of meanings. Conclusion: The adolescent mother, when conceive her first baby experiences the emotion and felling associated with maternity and breastfeeding act

    The production of knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases in young people: a bibliometric research

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    Objective: Identifying and characterizing the scientific production of nurses related to young people's vulnerability to sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study (2009-2013), of type bibliometric research, conducted through the search of publications on the Health Virtual Library and the catalog of theses and dissertations of Brazilian Association of Nursing. The sample consisted of 40 articles, 05 theses and 05 dissertations. Results: The most of the publications were carried out by nurses’ teachers with doctoral degree. The theme of HIV/aids, focus of health education, field research and qualitative analysis of the findings had greater representativeness in the sample analyzed. Conclusion: Although STD have been manifested in young people and the Health Ministry of Brazil showing the increased incidence of HIV/aids in this group, the scientific literature on the subject in the studied timeframe is irregular and reduced

    The handling and disposal of sharps among nursing staff of an intensive care unit

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    Objective: To identify the factors that expose ICU nursing staff to accidents by sharp tools during the handling and disposal of these utensils. Method: Quantitative, descriptive and exploratory research, using the document analysis technique. It was analyzed 39 accidents chips with four ICU nursing workers, between 2005 and 2010, in a university hospital in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Results: The years of 2008 and 2009 had the highest accident records. As for sectors, the General Intensive Care Unit had the highest (46%) percentage. Among the professionals who crashed over, the nurses (49%) were highlighted and the needles were the material (69.2%) more involved in accidents. Conclusion: Mainly the implementation of strategies to reduce exposure for professional risks, especially measures to disposal and proper storage of sharp tools


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    Objective is to identify the potential of educational strategies for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections among young university students from a cross-cultural perspective, based on the analysis of their knowledge and behaviors. Research of mixed method, of the type incorporated concomitantly, with theoretical-philosophical alicerece in cross-cultural theory. Sample for convenience composed of young people from two Rio de Janeiro universities, 1256 being in the QUAN stage and 57 in the Qual, respectively. Analyze two quantitative results (SPSS software) and thematic-categorical content for the focus groups. The universities have information on STIs and preventive practices, however, these have not become a useful knowledge capable of reshaping their sexual behaviors, and mobilizing them to adopt safe sexual behaviors. The use of transcultural theory enriched the research and allowed to understand the behavior of two young university students in their relationships, affective and sexual, signaling the group's vulnerabilities to transcultural determinants.The objective was to identify the potential of educational strategies for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections among university students from a cross-cultural perspective, based on the analysis of their knowledge and behavior. Mixed method research, of the concomitantly incorporated type, with a theoretical-philosophical foundation in transcultural theory. Convenience sample composed of young people from two universities in Rio de Janeiro, 1256 in the QUAN stage and 57 in the Qual stage, respectively. Analysis of quantitative results (SPSS software) and thematic-categorical content for the focus groups. University students have information about STIs and preventive practices, however, these do not become useful knowledge capable of reshaping their sexual behavior and mobilizing them to adopt safe sexual behavior. The use of the Transcultural Theory enriched the investigation and allowed understanding the behavior of university students in their relationships, affective and sexual, signaling the group's vulnerabilities to transcultural determinants.Objetivou-se identificar as potencialidades de estratégias educativas para prevenção de Infecções sexualmente transmissíveis entre jovens universitários na perspectiva transcultural, a partir da análise de seus conhecimentos e comportamentos. Pesquisa de método misto, do tipo incorporada concomitante, com alicerce teórico-filosófico na teoria transcultural. Amostragem por conveniência composta por jovens de duas universidades cariocas sendo 1256 na etapa QUAN e 57 na Qual, respectivamente. Análise dos resultados quantitativos (software SPSS) e de conteúdo temático-categorial para os grupos focais. Os universitários possuem informações sobre as IST e práticas preventivas, contudo, estas não se convertem em um saber útil capaz de remodelar seus comportamentos sexuais, e mobilizá-los à adoção de comportamentos sexuais seguros. A utilização da Teoria transcultural enriqueceu a investigação e permitiu compreender o comportamento dos jovens universitários em suas relações, afetivas e sexuais sinalizando as vulnerabilidades do grupo aos determinantes transculturais