2,478 research outputs found

    Weak non-linearities and cluster states

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    We propose a scalable approach to building cluster states of matter qubits using coherent states of light. Recent work on the subject relies on the use of single photonic qubits in the measurement process. These schemes have a low initial success probability and low detector efficiencies cause a serious blowup in resources. In contrast, our approach uses continuous variables and highly efficient measurements. We present a two-qubit scheme, with a simple homodyne measurement system yielding an entangling operation with success probability 1/2. Then we extend this to a three-qubit interaction, increasing this probability to 3/4. We discuss the important issues of the overhead cost and the time scaling, showing how these can be vastly improved with access to this new probability range.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Photonic Hybrid State Entanglement Swapping using Cat State Superpositions

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    We propose the use of hybrid entanglement in an entanglement swapping protocol, as means of distributing a Bell state with high fidelity to two parties, Alice and Bob. The hybrid entanglement used in this work is described as a discrete variable (Fock state) and a continuous variable (cat state superposition) entangled state. We model equal and unequal levels of photonic loss between the two propagating continuous variable modes, before detecting these states via a projective vacuum-one-photon measurement, and the other mode via balanced homodyne detection. We investigate homodyne measurement imperfections, and the associated success probability of the measurement schemes chosen in this protocol. We show that our entanglement swapping scheme is resilient to low levels of photonic losses, as well as low levels of averaged unequal losses between the two propagating modes, and show an improvement in this loss resilience over other hybrid entanglement schemes using coherent state superpositions as the propagating modes. Finally, we conclude that our protocol is suitable for potential quantum networking applications which require two nodes to share entanglement separated over a distance of 5-10 km when used with a suitable entanglement purification scheme

    Applications of Coherent Population Transfer to Quantum Information Processing

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    We develop a theoretical framework for the exploration of quantum mechanical coherent population transfer phenomena, with the ultimate goal of constructing faithful models of devices for classical and quantum information processing applications. We begin by outlining a general formalism for weak-field quantum optics in the Schr\"{o}dinger picture, and we include a general phenomenological representation of Lindblad decoherence mechanisms. We use this formalism to describe the interaction of a single stationary multilevel atom with one or more propagating classical or quantum laser fields, and we describe in detail several manifestations and applications of electromagnetically induced transparency. In addition to providing a clear description of the nonlinear optical characteristics of electromagnetically transparent systems that lead to ``ultraslow light,'' we verify that -- in principle -- a multi-particle atomic or molecular system could be used as either a low power optical switch or a quantum phase shifter. However, we demonstrate that the presence of significant dephasing effects destroys the induced transparency, and that increasing the number of particles weakly interacting with the probe field only reduces the nonlinearity further. Finally, a detailed calculation of the relative quantum phase induced by a system of atoms on a superposition of spatially distinct Fock states predicts that a significant quasi-Kerr nonlinearity and a low entropy cannot be simultaneously achieved in the presence of arbitrary spontaneous emission rates. Within our model, we identify the constraints that need to be met for this system to act as a one-qubit and a two-qubit conditional phase gate.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figure

    The efficiencies of generating cluster states with weak non-linearities

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    We propose a scalable approach to building cluster states of matter qubits using coherent states of light. Recent work on the subject relies on the use of single photonic qubits in the measurement process. These schemes can be made robust to detector loss, spontaneous emission and cavity mismatching but as a consequence the overhead costs grow rapidly, in particular when considering single photon loss. In contrast, our approach uses continuous variables and highly efficient homodyne measurements. We present a two-qubit scheme, with a simple bucket measurement system yielding an entangling operation with success probability 1/2. Then we extend this to a three-qubit interaction, increasing this probability to 3/4. We discuss the important issues of the overhead cost and the time scaling. This leads to a "no-measurement" approach to building cluster states, making use of geometric phases in phase space.Comment: 21 pages, to appear in special issue of New J. Phys. on "Measurement-Based Quantum Information Processing

    A symmetry analyser for non-destructive Bell state detection using EIT

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    We describe a method to project photonic two-qubit states onto the symmetric and antisymmetric subspaces of their Hilbert space. This device utilizes an ancillary coherent state, together with a weak cross-Kerr non-linearity, generated, for example, by electromagnetically induced transparency. The symmetry analyzer is non-destructive, and works for small values of the cross-Kerr coupling. Furthermore, this device can be used to construct a non-destructive Bell state detector.Comment: Final published for

    A high-efficiency quantum non-demolition single photon number resolving detector

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    We discuss a novel approach to the problem of creating a photon number resolving detector using the giant Kerr nonlinearities available in electromagnetically induced transparency. Our scheme can implement a photon number quantum non-demolition measurement with high efficiency (\sim99%) using less than 1600 atoms embedded in a dielectric waveguide.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Significantly revised. More discussion on the potential experimental realisatio

    Quantum chaos in open systems: a quantum state diffusion analysis

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    Except for the universe, all quantum systems are open, and according to quantum state diffusion theory, many systems localize to wave packets in the neighborhood of phase space points. This is due to decoherence from the interaction with the environment, and makes the quasiclassical limit of such systems both more realistic and simpler in many respects than the more familiar quasiclassical limit for closed systems. A linearized version of this theory leads to the correct classical dynamics in the macroscopic limit, even for nonlinear and chaotic systems. We apply the theory to the forced, damped Duffing oscillator, comparing the numerical results of the full and linearized equations, and argue that this can be used to make explicit calculations in the decoherent histories formalism of quantum mechanics.Comment: 18 pages standard LaTeX + 9 figures; extensively trimmed; to appear in J. Phys.

    Weak nonlinearities: A new route to optical quantum computation

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    Quantum information processing (QIP) offers the promise of being able to do things that we cannot do with conventional technology. Here we present a new route for distributed optical QIP, based on generalized quantum non-demolition measurements, providing a unified approach for quantum communication and computing. Interactions between photons are generated using weak non-linearities and intense laser fields--the use of such fields provides for robust distribution of quantum information. Our approach requires only a practical set of resources, and it uses these very efficiently. Thus it promises to be extremely useful for the first quantum technologies, based on scarce resources. Furthermore, in the longer term this approach provides both options and scalability for efficient many-qubit QIP.Comment: 7 Pages, 4 Figure

    Single photon quantum non-demolition in the presence of inhomogeneous broadening

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    Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) has been often proposed for generating nonlinear optical effects at the single photon level; in particular, as a means to effect a quantum non-demolition measurement of a single photon field. Previous treatments have usually considered homogeneously broadened samples, but realisations in any medium will have to contend with inhomogeneous broadening. Here we reappraise an earlier scheme [Munro \textit{et al.} Phys. Rev. A \textbf{71}, 033819 (2005)] with respect to inhomogeneities and show an alternative mode of operation that is preferred in an inhomogeneous environment. We further show the implications of these results on a potential implementation in diamond containing nitrogen-vacancy colour centres. Our modelling shows that single mode waveguide structures of length 200μm200 \mu\mathrm{m} in single-crystal diamond containing a dilute ensemble of NV^- of only 200 centres are sufficient for quantum non-demolition measurements using EIT-based weak nonlinear interactions.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures (some in colour) at low resolution for arXiv purpose

    Spill time-structure and main dipole power converter ripple in SIS-18

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