8 research outputs found

    Method and system for measuring sound velocity

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    A method and system for determining the speed of sound in a fluidic medium by determining the travel time of an acoustical signal a predetermined distance in a fluidic medium by generating a cyclical reference signal of a predetermined frequency and transmitting a portion of the reference signal through the medium. The transmitted portion of the reference signal is received after travelling a predetermined distance in the fluidic medium. The cycles of the cyclical reference signal are counted during the period of time between the transmitting and receiving of the portion of the reference signal wherein the travel time of the portion of the reference signal, is the number of cycle counts divided by the frequency. The speed of the acoustical signal through the fluidic medium is a function of the path length divided by the travel time

    SeisCORK meeting report

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    SeisCORK meeting, November 15 and 16, 2004, Stress/Mohr Engineering, Houston, Texas 77041-1205The purpose of this meeting was to explore design options to simultaneously acquire borehole seismic data and hydro-geological data (pressure, temperature, fluid sampling and microbiological sampling) on a single CORK system. The scientific focus was to add a seismic component to the Juan de Fuca Hydrogeology program. By permanently installing a sensor string in the borehole our goal was to enable: l) time-lapse VSP's and offset VSP's with sufficient data quality to study amplitude versus offset, shear wave anisotropy, and lateral heterogeneity; 2) monitoring of micro- and nano- earthquake activity around the site for correlation with pressure transients. Because of the difficulty in ensuring adequate coupling through multiple casing strings we concluded that it was impractical to install the vertical seismic array with 10m spacing (50-60 nodes) that would be necessary for VSP's and time-lapse VSP's. We did describe a scenario for a vertical seismic array with approximately 100m spacing (5-6 nodes) that could be used for offset-VSP's and seismic monitoring. This uses some unique technology and involves two seismic strings: one in the annulus between the 4- 1/2" and 10-3/4" casings and one in the middle of the 4-1/2" casing.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE-0450318

    Report of a workshop on technical approaches to construction of a seafloor geomagnetic observatory

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    This report considers the technical issues on sensors, data recording and transmission, control and timing, power, and packaging associated with constricting a seafloor geomagnetic observatory. Existing technologies either already in use for oceanographic purposes or adapted from terrestral geomagnetic observatories could be applied to measure the vector magnetic field components and absolute intensity with minimal development. The major technical challenge arises in measuring absolute direction on the seafloor because terrestral techniques are not transferrable to the deep ocean. Two solutions to this problem were identified. The first requires the development of an instrument which measures the instantaneous declination and inclination of the magnetic field relative to a north-seeking gyroscope and the local vertical. The second is a straightforward extension of a precision acoustic method for determining absolute position on the seafloor.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under grant EAR94-21712 and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits observed from bottom photography taken during the INDOMED-1 expedition

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    A near-bottom survey of a 24-km length of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) crest near the Leg 54 drill sites has established that the axial ridge is a 12- to 15-km-wide lava plateau, bounded by steep 300-meter-high slopes that in places are large outward-facing fault scarps. The plateau is bisected asymmetrically by a 1- to 2-km-wide crestal rift zone, with summit grabens, pillow walls, and axial peaks, which is the locus of dike injection and fissure eruption. About 900 sets of bottom photos of this rift zone and adjacent parts of the plateau show that the upper oceanic crust is composed of several different types of pillow and sheet lava. Sheet lava is more abundant at this rise crest than on slow-spreading ridges or on some other fastspreading rises. Beyond 2 km from the axis, most of the plateau has a patchy veneer of sediment, and its surface is increasingly broken by extensional faults and fissures. At the plateau's margins, secondary volcanism builds subcircular peaks and partly buries the fault scarps formed on the plateau and at its boundaries. Another deep-tow survey of a patch of young abyssal hills 20 to 30 km east of the spreading axis mapped a highly lineated terrain of inactive horsts and grabens. They were created by extension on inward- and outwardfacing normal faults, in a zone 12 to 20 km from the axis. Sediments sampled on the rise crest and flanks are mixtures of calcareous ooze and metalliferous precipitates, and they have been redistributed by southerly currents with average velocities of 9 cm/s

    Progress report on the development of the seafloor borehole array seismic system (phase II) : July 14, 1992 to January 31, 1996

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    The Seafloor Borehole Array Seismic System (SEABASS) was originally developed to record autonomously on the seafloor the signals received on a four-sonde three-component borehole geophone array in the VLF band (2-50Hz)(Stephen eta!., 1994). The system is designed to use the wireline re-entry capability (Spiess, 1993; Spiess eta!., 1992) to install and retrieve the seafloor instrumentation (Figures 1 and 2). Following the successful demonstration of this technology on the LFASE (Low Frequency Acoustic-Seismic Experiment) project in September 1989, it was decided to extend the capability to broadband (1000sec-5Hz) borehole seismometers which could be used for permanent seafloor seismic observatories in the Ocean Seismic Network (Orcutt and Stephen, 1993; Purdy and Dziewonski, 1988; Purdy and Orcutt, 1995; Stephen, 1995; Sutton and Barstow, 1990; Sutton eta!., 1988; Sutton eta!., 1965). The Broadband Borehole Seismic System (B3S2) is the prototype system for permanent broadband borehole seismic observatories on the seafloor. It has three major components: i) a broadband borehole seismometer, the Teledyne 54000, modified for seafloor operations by Scripps-IGPP; ii) the re-entry system provided by Scripps-MPL; and iii) the seafloor recording system developed by WHO I. Because of the similarity of the seafloor recording system to SEABASS we have named this new system SEABASS-ll. This report discusses the development of SEABASS-Il at WHOI in the period from July 14, 1992 to January 31, 1996. The motivation for the project and a work statement are contained in WHOI proposals 7016 and 7016.1. This report is a collection of documentation prepared while the work was being carried out. Some of the issues discussed in early memos were subsequently changed. Modifications and further testing of SEABASS-ll, as well as final system integration tests with the borehole andreentry systems (both of which are also still being modified and tested) have still to be carried out in preparation for the OSN Pilot Experiment Cruise in Spring 1997. This is a preliminary report only and presents work in progress. It will be useful to the engineering team as a historical reference of the sequence of events in the development of SEABASS-ll but it should not be considered as a technical manual for the instrumentation

    Broadband borehole seismic system integration tests : report of the system integration tests at MPL/SIO

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    This report describes a series of tests performed at SIO/MPL, Point Lorna the week of 17 November 1997 designed to achieve integration of the Broadband Borehole Seismic System (BBBSS) in preparation for the OSN Pilot Experiment cruise on RN Thompson during January 1997. Representatives from all groups were present (see appendix A), with their respective parts of the system and support equipment. It was anticipated that these tests would result in the complete integration of the various components of the borehole seismometer system in preparation for the January cruise. The system would be assembled and tested following a plan (see appendix C) that would culminate in the fully integrated borehole seismometer being wet tested off the MPL pier.This work is sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant Nos. OCE 9522114and OCE 9523541 with additional support from Scripps Institute of Oceanography and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutio