55 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Rendering Using Shadowmaps

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    Shadow mapovanie je najpoužívanejšia metóda ktorá sa využíva v real-time 3D grafike na tvorbu tieňov v lokálnych osvetlovacích modeloch. Táto práca krok-za-krokom vysvetľuje proces vytvárania shadow máp. Porovnané su metódy výpočtu hĺbkovej odchylky ako aj filtrovacie metódy, a zároveň je odvodený výpočet normálovej odchýlky pre filtrovacie kernely s premennou veľkosťou. Taktiež popíšeme proces ako efektívne obaliť frustum kamery kaskádovým frustumom. Popri tom vysvetlíme ako využiť moderné OpenGL API na zníženie výkonnostných nedostatkov.Shadow mapping is the most widely used method in real-time 3D graphics for producing shadows in local light models. This thesis step-by-step explains the process of creating shadow maps. Depth biasing as well as filtering methods are analysed, then the calculation of normal offset bias for variable sized kernels is derived. We describe the process of efficiently fitting stable cascade frustums to view frustum. Also shown is how to use modern OpenGL to reduce performance overhead.

    Heavy minerals in sediments from the Mošnica Cave: Implications for the pre-Quaternary evolution of the middle-mountain allogenic karst in the Nízke Tatry Mts., Slovakia

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    The cave deposits from the Mošnica Cave located on the northern slope of the Nízke Tatry Mts. were analysed by sedimentological, petrographical and mineralogical methods. Based on mineralogical study the cave sediments are composed of dolomite, quartz, muscovite, amphibole, chlorite, calcite, Kfeldspar and plagioclase. Heavy mineral assemblage is formed by garnet, zircon, apatite, monazite, tourmaline, staurolite, rutile, titanite, epidote, sillimanite, allanite, andalusite and barite. Opaque minerals are represented by ilmenite, pyrite, magnetite, Cr-spinel, Fe-oxyhydroxides and chalcopyrite. Detailed research of chemical composition of the heavy minerals points to their source rocks formed by granitoids, amphibolites and amphibolite gneisses representing the crystalline basement and probably by Triassic cover sediments of the Lúžna Formation. Presence of the allochthonous minerals in the cave from metamorphic complex recently occurred on the opposite southern slope of the Nízke Tatry Mts. indicates a past larger catchment area of the allogenic karst of Mošnica Valley on the pre-Quaternary less dissected terrain. A change of watershed boundary leading through the central range of the Nízke Tatry Mts. was probably connected with the tilting of this mountain range towards the north, in the compression regime during the Late Tertiary

    Cyber risk modelling using copulas

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    Cyber risk or data breach risk can be estimated similarly as other types of operational risk. First we identify problems of cyber risk models in existing literature. A large dataset consisting of 5,713 loss events enables us to apply extreme value theory. We adopt goodness of fit tests adjusted for distribution functions with estimated parameters. These tests are often overlooked in the literature even though they are essential for correct results. We model aggregate losses in three different industries separately and then we combine them using a copula. A t-test reveals that potential one-year global losses due to data breach risk are larger than the GDP of the Czech Republic. Moreover, one-year global cyber risk measured with a 99% CVaR amounts to 2.5% of the global GDP. Unlike others we compare risk measures with other quantities which allows wider audience to understand the magnitude of the cyber risk. An estimate of global data breach risk is a useful indicator not only for insurers, but also for any organization processing sensitive data

    Ohodnocení kybernetického rizika v bankovním odvětví

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    Nikdy nebylo důležitější diskutovat o věcech týkajících se kybernetické bezpečnosti než teď. Žijme ve světě, kde zločinci nemusí fyzicky navštívit banku, aby z ní mohli ukrást peníze, kde výsledky voleb můžou být ovlivněny uniknutími daty z osobních emailových účtů, kde na vyhrání války země potře- buje kvalifikované počítačové specialisty více než silné zbraně a kde pacienti nedostanou doporučené ošetření, protože nemocnice je pod kybernetickým útokem. Finanční odvětví jakožto páteř každé moderní ekonomiky vyžaduje přiměřenou ochranu proti kybernetickým trestním činům. Zabýváme se hlavními kybernetickými hrozbami pro finanční instituce a možnostmi ochrany. Následně představíme Basel II Framework pro ohodnocení operačního rizika a vyhodnotíme riziko úniku dat v empirické analýze. 1There has never been more need to discuss cybersecurity related issues. We live in a world where criminals do not have to physically visit a bank to steal money from it, where elections results can be influenced by data breached from personal email accounts, where to win a war a country needs skilled cybersecurity specialists rather than powerful weapons and where patients do not get recommended treatment because a hospital is under a cyberattack. The financial industry as a backbone of any modern economy requires adequate protection against cybercrime. We discuss major cyber threats for financial institutions as well as possible protection methods. After that we introduce Basel II Framework for operational risk assessment and we evaluate data breach risk in an empirical analysis. 1Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Územno-správne členenie Slovenska

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    Dependences between definitions of finiteness. II

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