184 research outputs found

    Theology Central to Bible Minor Revisions

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    Cedarville University is announcing revisions to the Bible minor, a requirement for all students. This change will impact incoming students as well as current freshmen, sophomore and junior students. According to Chris Miller, Ph.D., biblical and ministry studies chair and senior professor of biblical studies, the revisions were made to improve how theology is taught and maximize teaching outcomes by improving the sequencing between courses

    Jewerl Maxwell Announces Book Publication

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    Jewerl Maxwell, Ph.D., associate dean of the center for lifelong learning and assistant professor of political science at Cedarville University, co-authored “Tough Times for the President: Political Adversity and the Sources of Executive Power” with professor, author and presidency scholar Ryan J. Barilleaux

    Cedarville Hosts National Urban Education Conference

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    Cedarville and Central State Universities are joining to host the National Urban Education Conference “Passion, Power and Performance, Now” on Jan. 23, 2013. The conference will prepare educational professionals for the challenges of teaching in urban environments. Dr

    Greek Identity in the Middle Ages

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    Designing a web-application to support home-based care of childhood CKD stages 3-5: Qualitative study of family and professional preferences

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    Background: There is a lack of online, evidence-based information and resources to support home-based care of childhood CKD stages 3-5. Methods. Qualitative interviews were undertaken with parents, patients and professionals to explore their views on content of the proposed online parent information and support (OPIS) web-application. Data were analysed using Framework Analysis, guided by the concept of Self-efficacy. Results: 32 parents, 26 patients and 12 professionals were interviewed. All groups wanted an application that explains, demonstrates, and enables parental clinical care-giving, with condition-specific, continously available, reliable, accessible material and a closed communication system to enable contact between families living with CKD. Professionals advocated a regularly updated application to empower parents to make informed health-care decisions. To address these requirements, key web-application components were defined as: (i) Clinical care-giving support (information on treatment regimens, video-learning tools, condition-specific cartoons/puzzles, and a question and answer area) and (ii) Psychosocial support for care-giving (social-networking, case studies, managing stress, and enhancing families' health-care experiences). Conclusions: Developing a web-application that meets parents' information and support needs will maximise its utility, thereby augmenting parents' self-efficacy for CKD caregiving, and optimising outcomes. Self-efficacy theory provides a schema for how parents' self-efficacy beliefs about management of their child's CKD could potentially be promoted by OPIS. © 2014 Swallow et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Health literacy: setting an international collaborative research agenda

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Health literacy is an increasingly important topic in both the policy and research agendas of many countries. During the recent 36<sup>th </sup>Annual Meeting of the North American Primary Care Research Group, the authors led an audio-taped 3-hour forum, "<it>Studying Health Literacy: Developing an International Collaboration</it>," where the current state of health literacy (HL) in the United States (US) and United Kingdom (UK) was presented and attendees were encouraged to debate a future research agenda.</p> <p>Discussion of Forum Themes</p> <p>The debate centred around three distinct themes, including: (1) refining HL definitions and conceptual models, (2) HL measurement and assessment tools, and (3) developing a collaborative international research agenda. The attendees agreed that future research should be theoretically grounded and conceptual models employed in studies should be explicit to allow for international comparisons to be drawn.</p> <p>Summary and Authors Reflections</p> <p>The importance of HL research and its possible contribution to health disparities is becoming increasingly recognised internationally. International collaborations and comparative studies could illuminate some of the possible determinants of disparities, and also possibly provide a vehicle to examine other research questions of interest.</p

    Ділове спілкування як важливий компонент процесу комунікації поліцейських

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    Землянська, О. В. Ділове спілкування як важливий компонент процесу комунікації поліцейських / Олена Володимирівна Землянська, Джеймс Н. Сперос // Особистість, суспільство, закон : тези доп. учасників міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., присвяч. пам’яті проф. С. П. Бочарової (м. Харків, 25 квіт. 2019 р.) / МВС України, Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2019. – С. 180-183.Розглянуто сутність ділового спілкування, його основні засоби (вербальні та невербальні), позитивні та негативні чинники успішності спілкування. Підкреслено важливість використання засобів та чинників ділового спілкування у професійній діяльності працівників різних підрозділів поліції для підвищення її ефективності.The essence of business communication, its main means (verbal and non-verbal), positive and negative factors of successful communication are considered. The importance of using the means and factors of business communication in the professional activity of employees of various police units to increase its effectiveness is emphasized.Рассмотрены сущность делового общения, его основные средства (вербальные и невербальные), положительные и отрицательные факторы успеваемости. Подчеркнута важность использования средств и факторов делового общения в профессиональной деятельности работников разных подразделений полиции для повышения ее эффективности