19 research outputs found

    Scorzonera sensu lato (Asteraceae, Cichorieae) – taxonomic reassessment in the light of new molecular phylogenetic and carpological analyses

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    Scorzonera comprises 180–190 species and belongs to the subtribe Scorzonerinae. Its circumscription has long been the subject of debate and available molecular phylogenetic analyses affirmed the polyphyly of Scorzonera in its wide sense. We provide a re-evaluation of Scorzonera and other related genera, based on carpological (including anatomical) and extended molecular phylogenetic analyses. We present, for the first time, a comprehensive sampling, including Scorzonera in its widest sense and all other genera recognised in the Scorzonerinae. We conducted phylogenetic analyses using Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analyses, based on sequences of the nuclear ribosomal ITS and of two plastid markers (partial rbcL and matK) and Maximum Parsimony for reconstructing the carpological character states at ancestral nodes. Achene characters, especially related to pericarp anatomy, such as general topography of the tissue types, disposition of the mechanical tissue and direction of its fibres, presence or absence of air cavities, provide, in certain cases, support for the phylogenetic lineages revealed. Confirming the polyphyly of Scorzonera, we propose a revised classification of the subtribe, accepting the genera Scorzonera (including four major clades: Scorzonera s. str., S. purpurea, S. albicaulis and Podospermum), Gelasia, Lipschitzia gen. nov. (for the Scorzonera divaricata clade), Pseudopodospermum, Pterachaenia (also including Scorzonera codringtonii), Ramaliella gen. nov. (for the S. polyclada clade) and Takhtajaniantha. A key to the revised genera and a characterisation of the genera and major clades are provided

    Genetic variability of SARS-CoV-2 in biological samples from patients in Moscow

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    Currently, a lot of attention is given to SARS-CoV-2 subpopulations and their coexistence with different genomic variants within the same patient. In this study, we performed next-generation whole-genome sequencing and assembly of viruses from samples representing swabs or autopsy specimens obtained from patients diagnosed with СOVID-19, which were initially confirmed by the real-time polymerase chain reaction (Ct = 10.4–19.8). Samples were prepared for sequencing by using the SCV-2000bp protocol. The obtained data were checked for presence of more than one SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants in a sample. Variants of nucleotide substitutions, coverage for each variant, and location of the variable position in the reference genome were detected with tools incorporated in the CLC Genomics Workbench program. In our search for variable nucleotide positions, we assumed that the sample had two genetic variants (not more); the threshold value ≥ 90% was set for probability of the identified variant. Variants represented by less than 20% of the reads in the total coverage were not taken into consideration. The obtained results showed that 5 samples had variability, i.e. they had several genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2. In 4 samples, both of the detected genomic variants differed only in one nucleotide position. The fifth sample demonstrated more substantial differences: A total of 3 variable positions and one three-nucleotide deletion. Our study shows that different genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2 can coexist within the same patient

    New combinations in Asiatic Oxybasis (Amaranthaceae s.l.): evidence from morphological, carpological and molecular data

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    FIGURE 2. The distribution of Oxybasis micrantha (dots) based on the specimens seen, and O. gubanovii (triangles) based on Sukhorukov (1999, 2002) as well as additional Chinese specimens seen.Published as part of Sukhorukov, Alexander P., Uotila, Pertti, Zhang, Mingli, Zhang, Hong-Xiang, Speranskaya, Anna S. & Krinitsyna, Anastasiya A., 2013, New combinations in Asiatic Oxybasis (Amaranthaceae s.l.): evidence from morphological, carpological and molecular data, pp. 1-12 in Phytotaxa 144 (1) on page 5, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.144.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/509998

    New combinations in Asiatic Oxybasis (Amaranthaceae s.l.): evidence from morphological, carpological and molecular data

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    Two new combinations are proposed in Oxybasis (Chenopodioideae, Chenopodiaceae or Amaranthaceae s.l.). Chenopodium micranthum, described from Russia in the 1860s and known as C. urbicum subsp. sinicum in China, is assigned specific rank in Oxybasis. It appears to be widespread in China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Asiatic Russia. The Siberian-Mongolian C. gubanovii, recently described as a new species in Chenopodium sect. Pseudoblitum, is also assigned to Oxybasis. Molecular phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum parsimony (MP) methods confirmed the placement of C. micranthum and C. gubanovii in the genus Oxybasis. Distribution maps of O. micrantha and O. gubanovii are provided, the latter species being reported for the first time in the Chinese part of the Altai Mountains. A lectotype for C. micranthum (- O. micrantha) is designated

    The systematic position of Dryopteris blanfordii subsp. nigrosquamosa (Ching) Fraser-Jenkins within the genus Dryopteris Adans.

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    Dryopteris blanfordii (C.Hope) C.Chr. is a member of the Dryopteridaceae, growing in high altitude Picea or Abies forests (2900–3500 m) in China and India. Phylogenetic relationships between D. blanfordii subsp. nigrosquamosa and closely related species of Dryopteris were investigated using a combined analysis of multiple molecular data sets (the protein-coding region of rbcL and matK genes and intergenic spacers psbA-trnH, trnP-petG, rps4-trnS, trnL-trnF and rbcL-accD). An assumption about the position of D. blanfordii subsp. nigrosquamosa within Dryopteris was made by using the Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference approach and chloroplast marker sequences of Dryopteris species from GenBank. The results demonstrated that Asian taxa D. blanfordii subsp. nigrosquamosa and D. laeta as well as two American species D. arguta and D. marginalis belong to the same clade, all four of them being part of Dryopteris section Dryopteris

    Assessment of ITS1, ITS2, 5′-ETS, and trnL-F DNA Barcodes for Metabarcoding of Poaceae Pollen

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    Grass pollen is one of the major causes of allergy. Aerobiological monitoring is a necessary element of the complex of anti-allergic measures, but the similar pollen morphology of Poaceae species makes it challenging to discriminate species in airborne pollen mixes, which impairs the quality of aerobiological monitoring. One of the solutions to this problem is the metabarcoding approach employing DNA barcodes for taxonomical identification of species in a mix by high-throughput sequencing of the pollen DNA. A diverse set of 14 grass species of different genera were selected to create a local reference database of nuclear ITS1, ITS2, 5′-ETS, and plastome trnL-F DNA barcodes. Sequences for the database were Sanger sequenced from live field and herbarium specimens and collected from GenBank. New Poaceae-specific primers for 5′-ETS were designed and tested to obtain a 5′-ETS region less than 600 bp long, suitable for high-throughput sequencing. The DNA extraction method for single-species pollen samples and mixes was optimized to increase the yield for amplification and sequencing of pollen DNA. Barcode sequences were analyzed and compared by the barcoding gap and intra- and interspecific distances. Their capability to correctly identify grass pollen was tested on artificial pollen mixes of various complexity. Metabarcoding analysis of the artificial pollen mixes showed that nuclear DNA barcodes ITS1, ITS2, and 5′-ETS proved to be more efficient than the plastome barcode in both amplification from pollen DNA and identification of grass species. Although the metabarcoding results were qualitatively congruent with the actual composition of the pollen mixes in most cases, the quantitative results based on read-counts did not match the actual ratio of pollen grains in the mixes

    Assessment of ITS1, ITS2, 5′-ETS, and <i>trnL-F</i> DNA Barcodes for Metabarcoding of Poaceae Pollen

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    Grass pollen is one of the major causes of allergy. Aerobiological monitoring is a necessary element of the complex of anti-allergic measures, but the similar pollen morphology of Poaceae species makes it challenging to discriminate species in airborne pollen mixes, which impairs the quality of aerobiological monitoring. One of the solutions to this problem is the metabarcoding approach employing DNA barcodes for taxonomical identification of species in a mix by high-throughput sequencing of the pollen DNA. A diverse set of 14 grass species of different genera were selected to create a local reference database of nuclear ITS1, ITS2, 5′-ETS, and plastome trnL-F DNA barcodes. Sequences for the database were Sanger sequenced from live field and herbarium specimens and collected from GenBank. New Poaceae-specific primers for 5′-ETS were designed and tested to obtain a 5′-ETS region less than 600 bp long, suitable for high-throughput sequencing. The DNA extraction method for single-species pollen samples and mixes was optimized to increase the yield for amplification and sequencing of pollen DNA. Barcode sequences were analyzed and compared by the barcoding gap and intra- and interspecific distances. Their capability to correctly identify grass pollen was tested on artificial pollen mixes of various complexity. Metabarcoding analysis of the artificial pollen mixes showed that nuclear DNA barcodes ITS1, ITS2, and 5′-ETS proved to be more efficient than the plastome barcode in both amplification from pollen DNA and identification of grass species. Although the metabarcoding results were qualitatively congruent with the actual composition of the pollen mixes in most cases, the quantitative results based on read-counts did not match the actual ratio of pollen grains in the mixes

    Identification, Expression Analysis, and Target Prediction of Flax Genotroph MicroRNAs Under Normal and Nutrient Stress Conditions

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    Cultivated flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is an important plant valuable for industry. Some flax lines can undergo heritable phenotypic and genotypic changes (LIS-1 insertion being the most common) in response to nutrient stress and are called plastic lines. Offspring of plastic lines, which stably inherit the changes, are called genotrophs. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in a crucial regulatory mechanism of gene expression. They have previously been assumed to take part in nutrient stress response and can, therefore, participate in genotroph formation. In the present study, we performed high-throughput sequencing of small RNAs extracted from flax plants grown under normal, phosphate deficient and nutrient excess conditions to identify miRNAs and evaluate their expression. Our analysis revealed expression of 96 conserved miRNAs from 21 families in flax. Moreover, 475 novel potential miRNAs were identified for the first time, and their targets were predicted. However, none of the identified miRNAs were transcribed from LIS-1. Expression of 7 miRNAs (miR168, miR169, miR395, miR398, miR399, miR408, and lus-miR-N1) with up- or down-regulation under nutrient stress (on the basis of high-throughput sequencing data) was evaluated on extended sampling using qPCR. Reference gene search identified ETIF3H and ETIF3E genes as most suitable for this purpose. Down-regulation of novel potential lus-miR-N1 and up-regulation of conserved miR399 were revealed under the phosphate deficient conditions. In addition, the negative correlation of expression of lus-miR-N1 and its predicted target, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 gene, as well as, miR399 and its predicted target, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 gene, was observed. Thus, in our study, miRNAs expressed in flax plastic lines and genotrophs were identified and their expression and expression of their targets was evaluated using high-throughput sequencing and qPCR for the first time. These data provide new insights into nutrient stress response regulation in plastic flax cultivars

    Improved Protocols of ITS1-Based Metabarcoding and Their Application in the Analysis of Plant-Containing Products

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    Plants are widely used for food and beverage preparation, most often in the form of complex mixtures of dried and ground parts, such as teas, spices or herbal medicines. Quality control of such products is important due to the potential health risks from the presence of unlabelled components or absence of claimed ones. A promising approach to analyse such products is DNA metabarcoding due to its high resolution and sensitivity. However, this method&#8217;s application in food analysis requires several methodology optimizations in DNA extraction, amplification and library preparation. In this study, we present such optimizations. The most important methodological outcomes are the following: (1) the DNA extraction method greatly influences amplification success; (2) the main problem for the application of metabarcoding is DNA purity, not integrity or quantity; and (3) the &#8220;non-amplifiable&#8222; samples can be amplified with polymerases resistant to inhibitors. Using this optimized workflow, we analysed a broad set of plant products (teas, spices and herbal remedies) using two NGS platforms. The analysis revealed the problem of both the presence of extraneous components and the absence of labelled ones. Notably, for teas, no correlation was found between the price and either the absence of labelled components or presence of unlabelled ones; for spices, a negative correlation was found between the price and presence of unlabelled components