137 research outputs found

    Current efficiency in the chlorate cell process

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    A mathematical model has been set up for current efficiency in a chlorate cell acting as an ideal electrochemical tubular reactor with a linear increase in hypochlorite concentration from the entrance to the exit. Good agreement was found between the results on current efficiency experimentally obtained under simulated industrial chlorate production conditions and the theoretical values provided by the mathematical model. © 2014 SCS. All rights reserved

    Effect of milling and annealing on microstructural, electrical and magnetic properties of electrodeposited Ni-11.3fe-1.4W alloy

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    A nanostructured Ni-11.3Fe-1.4W alloy deposit was obtained from an ammonium citrate bath at a current density of 600 mAcm -2. XRD analysis shows that the deposit contains an amorphous matrix having embedded nanocrystals of the FCC phase of the solid solution of Fe and W in Ni with the average crystal grain size of 8.8 nm. The deposit has a high internal microstrain value and a high minimum density of chaotically distributed dislocations. The effect of milling and annealing of the Ni-11.3Fe-1.4W alloy on electrical and magnetic properties was studied. Structural changes in the alloy take place during both annealing and milling. Upon deposition, the alloy was heated to 420 °C. Heating resulted in structural relaxation which induced a decrease in electrical resistivity and an increase in magnetic permeability of the alloy. Further heating of the alloy at temperatures higher than 420 °C led to crystallization which caused a reduction in both electrical resistivity and magnetic permeability. The milling of the alloy for up to 12 hours caused a certain degree of structural relaxation and crystallization of the alloy. The increase in crystal grain size up to 11 nm and the partial structural relaxation induced a decrease in electrical resistivity and an increase in magnetic permeability of the alloy. Heating the powders obtained by milling at 420 °C led to complete structural relaxation, reduced electrical resistivity, and increased magnetic permeability. During heating of the powders obtained by milling at temperatures above 420 °C, crystallization and a significant increase in crystal grain size occurred, leading to a reduction in both electrical resistivity and magnetic permeability. The best magnetic properties were exhibited by the alloys milled for 12 hours and annealed thereafter at 420 °C. In these alloys, crystal grains were found to have an optimum size, and complete relaxation took place, resulting in a maximum increase in magnetic permeability

    Radiation-chemical synthesis of thermo- and pH-sensitive antibacterial silver/poly(N-isopropilacrylamide-co-itaconic acid) nanocomposites.

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    U okviru ove doktorske disertacije izvedena je radijaciono-hemijska sinteza i karakterizacija novih nanokompozita na bazi umreţenih polimernih matrica N-izopropilakrilamida (NiPAAm) i itakonske kiseline (IK) i nanočestica srebra (Ag/P(NiPAAm/IK)). Za sintezu nanokompozita je korišćena radiolitička metoda koja omogućava umreţavanje i fino podešavanje svojstava nosača tj. polimerne matrice, ali i formiranje nanočestica srebra ţeljenih svojstava unutar polimerne matrice (in situ sinteza). Radiolitička metoda sinteze je izvedena pod dejstvom gama zračenja na kobaltnom (60Co) izvoru. Sintetisani uzorci su podvrgnuti detaljnoj fizičko-hemijskoj karakterizaciji u cilju dobijanja informacija o polimernim matricama kao nosačima i nanočesticama srebra kao nanopuniocima, ali i u cilju ispitivanja njihovog sinergističkog dejstva u nanokompozitnim sistemima. Morfologija umreţenih sistema je ispitana primenom skenirajuće elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) i mikro kompjuterizovane topografije (mikro-CT), a studija bubrenja praćenjem kinetike bubrenja u medijumima različitih pH-vrednosti i temperature, pri čemu su simulirani fiziološki uslovi. Utvrđeno je da prisustvo itakonske kiseline i inkorporacija nanočestica srebra utiču na morfologiju nanokompozita, parametre polimerne mreţe, kao i na kapacitet bubrenja. Optička svojstva nanokompozita su ispitana metodom spektroskopije u ultraljubičastoj i vidljivoj oblasti spektra (UV-Vis) i teorijskim modelovanjem primenom MiePlot 3.4 programskog paketa čiji je algoritam zasnovan na Mie-ovoj teoriji. U apsorpcionim spektrima je zapaţena karakteristična plazmonska apsorpcija sa maksimumom u opsegu od 390 nm do 412 nm, dok je modelovanjem određeno da se vrednost prečnika nanočestica srebra kreće između 6,8 nm i 16,2 nm...In this study, radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of the novel nanocomposite systems based on silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and crosslinked copolymer matrix of N-isopropylacrylamide (NiPAAm) and itaconic acid (IA) (Ag/P(NiPAAm/IA)) were performed. Radiolytic method, which is used for synthesis, enables fine tuning of properties of polymer matrix as a carrier, as well as formation of the silver nanoparticles with desired properties within polymer matrix (in situ synthesis). The radiolytic synthesis method is carried out by gamma irradiation at a cobalt (60Co) radiation facility. Synthesized samples were undergo to detailed physico-chemical characterization in order to obtain information about polymer matrix as a carrier and silver nanoparticles as a nanofillers, but also to examine their synergistic effects in the nanocomposite systems. Morphology of the crosslinked systems was performed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro computerized topography (micro-CT), while swelling study was performed by monitoring the swelling kinetics in the swelling media with different pH and temperature, i.e. in simulated physiological conditions. It has been shown that the addition of itaconic acid and incorporation of AgNPs have influences on the morphology, network parameters as well as on the swelling capacity. The optical properties of the nanocomposites were investigated by ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and theoretical modeling using MiePlot 3.4 software package, with algorithm based on Mie's theory. Obtained absorption spectra exhibit the characteristic plasmon peak with maxima between 390 nm and 412 nm, while the modeling has shown that the mean size of the silver nanoparticles was in the range between 6.8 nm and 16.2 nm..

    Effect of electrodeposition current density on the microstructure and magnetic properties of nickel-cobalt-molybdenum alloy powders

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    Nanostructured nickel-cobalt-molybdenum alloy powders were electrodeposited from an ammonium sulfate bath. The powders mostly consist of an amorphous phase and a very small amount of nanocrystals with an mean size of less than 3 nm. An increase in deposition current density increases the amorphous phase percentage, the density of chaotically distributed dislocations and internal microstrains in the powders, while decreasing the mean nanocrystal size. The temperature range over which the structural relaxation of the powders deposited at higher current densities occurs is shifted towards lower temperatures. A change in relative magnetic permeability during structural relaxation is higher in powders deposited at higher current densities. Powder crystallization takes place at temperatures above 700oC. The formation of the stable crystal structure causes a decrease in relative magnetic permeability

    Average shape of fluctuations for subdiffusive walks

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    We study the average shape of fluctuations for subdiffusive processes, i.e., processes with uncorrelated increments but where the waiting time distribution has a broad power-law tail. This shape is obtained analytically by means of a fractional diffusion approach. We find that, in contrast with processes where the waiting time between increments has finite variance, the fluctuation shape is no longer a semicircle: it tends to adopt a table-like form as the subdiffusive character of the process increases. The theoretical predictions are compared with numerical simulation results.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication Phys. Rev. E (Replaced for the latest version, in press.) Section II rewritte

    Energy constrained sandpile models

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    We study two driven dynamical systems with conserved energy. The two automata contain the basic dynamical rules of the Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld sandpile model. In addition a global constraint on the energy contained in the lattice is imposed. In the limit of an infinitely slow driving of the system, the conserved energy EE becomes the only parameter governing the dynamical behavior of the system. Both models show scale free behavior at a critical value EcE_c of the fixed energy. The scaling with respect to the relevant scaling field points out that the developing of critical correlations is in a different universality class than self-organized critical sandpiles. Despite this difference, the activity (avalanche) probability distributions appear to coincide with the one of the standard self-organized critical sandpile.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure

    Different roles of radical scavengers - ascorbate and urate in the cerebrospinal fluid of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients

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    Ferrous iron, released from iron deposits in the motor cortex and other brain regions of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients, participates in the Fenton reaction in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) alongside H2O2, which is continuously released by neuronal cells. In vivo, the production of notoriously reactive hydroxyl radicals via this reaction could lead to the progression of the disease. Herein, we have examined the effect of ascorbate and uric acid on the production of hydroxyl radicals in CSF from both sporadic ALS patients and control subjects. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy identified ascorbyl radicals in CSF from ALS patients whereas it was undetectable in control CSF. The addition of H2O2 to the CSF from ALS patients provoked further formation of ascorbyl radicals and the formation of hydroxyl radicals ex vivo. The hydroxyl addition of uric acid to CSF from ALS patients diminished the production of hydroxyl radicals. In conclusion, there are clear differences between the roles of the two examined radical scavengers in the CSF of ALS patients indicating that the use of ascorbate could have unfavourable effects in ALS patients

    Nonuniversal scaling behavior of Barkhausen noise

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    We simulate Barkhausen avalanches on fractal clusters in a two-dimensional diluted Ising ferromagnet with an effective Gaussian random field. We vary the concentration of defect sites cc and find a scaling region for moderate disorder, where the distribution of avalanche sizes has the form D(s,c,L)=s(1+τ(c))D(sLDs(c))D(s,c,L) = s^{-(1+\tau (c))}{\cal{D}}(sL^{-D_s(c)}). The exponents τ(c)\tau (c) for size and α(c)\alpha (c) for length distribution, and the fractal dimension of avalanches Ds(c)D_s(c) satisfy the scaling relation Ds(c)τ(c)=α(c)D_s(c)\tau (c) =\alpha (c). For fixed disorder the exponents vary with driving rate in agreement with experiments on amorphous Si-Fe alloys.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, 4 PostScript figures include

    The effects of human wild-type and FALS mutant L144P SOD1 on non-vascular smooth muscle contractions

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    Uvod: Mutirana bakar, cink superoksid-dizmutaza (SOD1) može da pravi agregate, sto predstavlja početni uzrok oštećenja motornog neurona može da izazove nastanak bolesti. U ovom radu su pokazani efekti humane bakar, cink super-oksid dizmutaze iz krvi pacijenata obolelih od familijarne amiotrofične lateralne skleroze (FALS) sa Leu144Phe (L144F) mutacijom i normalne (wild-type - WT) humane SOD1, iz krvi zdravih kontrola, na glatkom mišiću. Metode: Izolovali smo WT i L144F SOD1 enzime kod osam odabranih FALS pacijenata sa L144F mutacijom na egzonu 5 i pet zdravih kontrola. Dalje smo ispitivali aktivnost SOD1 u dobijenim uzorcima adrenalinskom metodom i elektro-foretski ih profilisali. Konačno, izolovanu WT i L144F SOD1 aplicirali smo na izolovani uterus pacova. Rezultati: Aktivnost L144F SOD1 je statistički značajno manja (p lt 0,05) u poređenju sa aktivnosti WT SOD1 zdravih kontrola. L144F ne izaziva relaksaciju glatkog mišića, kao sto je to slučaj sa WT SOD1. Zaključak: Naši rezultati pokazuju da izostanak relaksacije mišićnog tonusa u prisustvu mutirane SOD1 može imati štetni povratni efekat kod FALS pacijenata.Background: Mutated copper, zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (SOD1) may self-aggregate, an event that could also be an initial cause of motor neuron malfunction leading to disease onset. The effects of human mutated SOD1 protein from the blood of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS) patients bearing Leu144Phe (L144F) mutation were compared to wild-type (WT) human SOD1 derived from healthy examinees, for enzymatic activity and the effects on isometric contractions of non-vascular smooth muscle. Methods: We isolated WT and L144F SOD1 enzymes from eight patients with FALS, L144F mutation in exon 5 and eight healthy controls. We then investigated SOD1 activities in the obtained samples by the adrenaline method and profiled them electrophoretically. Finally, we applied WT and L144F SOD1 on the isolated rat uterus. Results: L144F SOD1 showed lower superoxide-dismutating activity compared to WT human SOD1. We found that, in contrast to WT human SOD1, mutated L144F does not induce smooth muscle relaxation. Conclusions: Our data suggest that the lack of relaxation of muscle tonus in the presence of mutated SOD1 may have pathogenic feedback effects in FALS