32 research outputs found

    The importance of the crop rotation for the increase of maize crop productivity and preservation of the agroecosystem.

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    Системи биљне производње најчешће су усмерени на остварење високих и стаблних приноса и усева. Специјализацијом пољопривредне производње у Србији, стајњак је мање доступан, тако да се количина минерализоване органске материје мора надокнадити из других извора. Најрационалнији начин је измена система гајења усева, односно повећање фреквенције легуминоза у плодоредима. Присуство биљака из фамилије Fabaceae значајно доприноси ефикасности плодореда, јер се принос кукуруза повећава, а употреба минералних азотних ђубрива смањује и за 50% што је значајна уштеда, а и важно је за очување земљишта. Предности вишепољног плодореда су мања учесталост обраде земљишта и тиме уштеда у енергентима, смањен унос минералних азотних ђубрива и количина примењених хербицида. У том смислу испитиван је значај плодореда за повећање продуктивности кукуруза и очување агроекосистема. Пољски оглед је заснован у пролеће 2009. године, по сплит-сплит-плот систему и извођен током четири године (2009., 2010., 2011. и 2012.) на огледном пољу Института за кукуруз „Земун Поље“, на земљишту типа слабокарбонатни чернозем. У огледу су била заступљена три фактора: систем биљне производње (плодоред), хибрид кукуруза и начин сузбијања корова. Испитивана су четири система биљне производње: монокултура кукуруза (МК), двопољни плодоред кукуруз-пшеница (К-П), тропољни плодоред кукуруз-соја-пшеница (К-С-П) и тропољни плодоред кукуруз-пшеница-соја (К-П-С). Усев кукуруза је био заступљен кроз два хибрида Института за кукуруз “Земун Поље“, од којих је један хибрид старије генерације ЗП 677, а други је хибрид нове генерације ЗП 606...The cropping systems are most often aimed at achieving high and stable yields of crops. Due to specialisation in agricultural production in Serbia, manure has become less available, thus the amount of mineralised organic matter has to be compensated from other sources. Modifications in cropping systems, that is the increase in frequency of legumes in crop rotations, are the most rational method. The presence of plants of the family Fabaceae significantly contributes to the efficiency of the crop rotation, because it increases maize yields, reduces the application of mineral nitrogen fertilisers by 50%, which is a considerable saving, and it is important for soil preservation. The advantages of the polycrop rotation are less frequent tillage and thereby saving in energy, applied amounts of both mineral nitrogen fertilisers and herbicides. In this regard, the significance of the crop rotation for the increase of maize yields and preservation of the agroecosystem was observed. The trial was set up according to the split-split-plot design in 2009 and was carried out on slightly calcareous chernozem in the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, for the succeeding four years (2009-2012). The following three factors were included into the trial: the plant production system (crop rotation), maize hybrid and weed control. The following four plant production systems were studied: maize continuous cropping (MCC), two-crop rotation (maize-wheat, MW) and two three-crop rotations (maize-soybean-wheat, MSW and maize-wheat-soybean, MWS). The maize crop was represented by the following two hybrids developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje: ZP 677 (developed earlier) and ZP 606 (developed in recent times)..

    Exploring The Motives Of Religious Travel By Applying The Ahp Method – The Case Study Of Monastery Vujan (Serbia)

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    Religious tourism is considered as the oldest form of people’s travel. Thousands of years ago people travelled miles led by religious motives. Even though pilgrimage is older than most of the other tourism forms, research on the major motives for religious travel still occupies scientific attention. Vujan Monastery represents one of the main riddles among religious tourism researchers in Serbia. After the mysterious healing of Serbian Patriarch Pavle in 1946 who suffered from tuberculosis, this monastery became one of the most famous sacred places for orthodox Christians. The principle aim of this paper is to propose a new way for exploring and ranking the religious motivation using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach. In addition, the study proposes a set of motives – both religious and secular, which can be applied for exploring the motivations for visiting any sacred site. The method was applied to discover the main motives which drive people to visit Vujan Monastery, get their rankings, as well as their preferences between different types of secular and religious motives. The results indicated a strong preference for religious motives compared to secular motives of visit of this sacred site. On balance, the research provides us with a complete ranking structure, encompassing all analyzed motives of visit which show us a clear picture of the main motivation for visits to Vujan monastery

    Investigation of large-diameter flange joint with soft-gasket

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    U središtu je interesa ovog rada ponašanje spojeva prirubnice i mekane gumene brtve koja je tipična vrsta brtve za isparivače. Montirana konstrukcija ispitala se prema normi EN 13445-3, a naprezanja su se mjerila tenzometrima. Numerička analiza u programskom paketu ABAQUS obuhvaćala je nekoliko modela s različitim detaljima. Ti su modeli bili podešeni u skladu sa zabilježenim podacima iz ispitivanja. U radu su prikazane i dokumentirane preporuke koje se tiču složenosti modela koji je potreban kako bi se postigla zadovoljavajuća razina predviđanja nelinearnog ponašanja spojeva prirubnica.This study focuses on behaviour of the flanged joint with a soft rubber gasket, which is a common type of gasket for evaporator structures. The assembled structure is tested according to EN 13445-3, and strain values are measured using strain gauges. The numerical analysis in ABAQUS comprises several models with different levels of detail. These models are calibrated according to test data. Recommendations regarding the model complexity that is required to obtain satisfactory prediction of non-linear behaviour of flange joints are presented and documented

    Značaj veličine vegetacionog prostora za zakorovljenost i prinos kukuruza

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    The arrangement pattern, i.e. shape and size of vegetative space available to growing plants influences crop-weed competitive interaction and weed abundance. Most researches show that growing row crops such as maize, soybean, sunflower etc., with narrow row space, has as a result lower weed infestation and better yield parameters. In this study the effects of the maize vegetative space, which are achieved with combination of different row spaces and spaces between plants in the row, on the weed distribution and fresh matter and some morphological and productive parameters of maize were investigated. The crop density was the same for all arrangement patterns and herbicide application was included with three levels: full and half of the recommended dose and control without herbicide application. In all three years of investigation, the weed fresh matter declined with decreasing row spaces and was, on average, the lowest for the narrower row space and herbicide application at recommended doses (38,6; 12,8 and 351,1 g m-2). In such arrangement pattern of maize plants, significant influence on the fresh matter of D. stramonium, S. nigrum and A. retroflexus, was achieved. Herbicide application at half of the recommended dose also significantly influenced level of weediness compared to untreated control. The size of maize vegetation space significantly influenced grain yield in 2005 and 2006, otherwise, the herbicide application had a significant influence on maize yield in all years. Grain yield did not differ significantly according to LSD-test between treatments with full and half rate of herbicides.Prostorni raspored odnosno oblik i veličina vegetacionog prostora kojim raspolažu gajene biljke značajno utiče na kompeticijske interakcije između useva i korova a time i na zastupljenost korova. Rezultati većine istraživanja su pokazali da gajenje širokoredih useva kao što su kukuruz, soja, suncokret i dr. sa smanjenim međurednim rastojanjem, utiče na smanjenje zakorovljenosti ali i na parametre rodnosti. U radu je ispitivan uticaj veličine vegetacionog prostora koji je ostvaren kombinovanjem međurednog razmaka i razmaka između biljaka u redu u okviru iste gustine, u uslovima primene herbicida u preporučenim i smanjenim količinama, na zastupljenost pojedinih vrsta korova i njihovu biomasu kao i na neke morfološke i produktivne osobine kukuruza. Najmanja ukupna sveža masa korova je u sve tri godine, utvrđena na varijanti sa najmanjim međurednim rastojanjem i primenjenom kombinacijom herbicida izoksaflutol+acetohlor u preporučenoj količini (38,6; 12,8 i 351,1 g m-2). U takvom obliku vegetacionog prostora, značajno je smanjenja sveža masa vrsta D. stramonium, S. nigrum i A. retroflexus. Primena herbicida u polovini preporučene količine takođe je značajno smanjila nivo zakorovljenosti u poređenju sa netretiranom kontrolom. Veličina vegetacionog prostora značajno je uticala na prinos zrna kukuruza u 2005. i 2006. godini, dok je količina primenjenih herbicida vrlo značajno uticala na visinu prinosa u svim godinama. Međusobna poređenja visine prinosa između varijanti sa primenom herbicida u preporučenoj i polovini preporučene količine, na osnovu LSD-testa, nisu pokazale značajne razlike

    Integrisana primena plodoreda i herbicida za kontrolu korova u kukuruzu

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    Research on nonherbicidal weed management strategies that integrate other weed management systems with herbicide use are still actual. Crop rotation is important measure within IWMS, aimed to successful maize production and pest control. Sequences with row and grain crops, legumes and cereals allow application of herbicides with different mode of action which directly infl uences weed abundance. Sequence composition is important as much as number and type of crop because of applied measures and their carry over effects. Effects of maize monoculture and three crop rotation maize-wheat-soybean and maize-soybean-wheat, integrated with herbicide application at recommended and low rates on annual and broadleaf maize weed control, were studied. The best effects on maize weed control showed MSW rotation, especially with the application of the recommended rate of herbicides. In this production system, biomasses of the annual and perennial weeds were significantly lower after one cycle of rotation, in all herbicide treatments. Cereal crop such as wheat together with herbicides used for its production, is much better preceding crop for maize weed control than soybean.Proučavanja nehemijskih mera za kontrolu korova, kao i njihove integrisane primene sa herbicidima u okviru integrisanog sistema mera za kontrolu korova (Integrated Weed Management System - IWMS), su i dalje veoma aktuelna. Plodored je važna mera za uspešno gajenje useva uz istovremenu kontrolu korova i drugih štetnih organizama. Smena širokoredih useva i strnina, leguminoza i žita omogućava primenu herbicida sa različitim mehanizmima delovanja čime se direktno utiče na zastupljenost korova. Osim broja i vrste useva koje ulaze u sastav plodoreda, veoma je važan i njihov redosled u rotaciji, jer će mere koje se primenjuju u prethodnom usevu imati efekat i na naredne useve. U ogledu je proučavan uticaj monokulture i dva tropoljna plodoreda kukuruz- pšenica-soja i kukuruz-soja-pšenica uz primenu herbicida, na zastupljenost jednogodišnjih i višegodišnjih korova u kukuruzu. U pogledu kontrole zakorovljenosti, najbolji efekat je ispoljio tropoljni plodored kukuruz-soja-pšenica, posebno uz primenu herbicida u preporučenoj količini. Nakon jedne rotacije useva, biomasa jednogodišnjih, a naročito višegodišnjih korova je značajno smanjena u svim varijantama primene herbicida. Pšenica je, u pogledu kontrole korova, kao gusti usev, uz herbicide koji se primenjuju tokom njenog gajenja, pogodnija kao predusev za kukuruz u odnosu na soju

    Mogućnosti primene sulfonilurea i triketonskih herbicida u usevu samooplodnih linija kukuruza

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    Herbicide efficacy is one of the most important herbicide properties. In addition to efficacy, the herbicide should possess certain selectivity for the crops. If there is not selectivity, it is possible to damage the plants after herbicide application, which can lead to loss of yield. The growing technology of broad row crops, such as maize, involves the application of herbicides as a measure of weed control. The aim of this study was to examine the selectivity of sulfonylurea and triketons herbicides applied in five lines, following visual plant changes (EWRC) and grain yield. Herbicides were applied at recommended doses for the production of hybrid maize, as well as in double doses. The applied triketons (mesotrione and topramezone) did not cause significant damage to the lines tested, unlike sulfonylureas (rimsulfuron and foramsulfuron). Sulfonylureas significantly influence of grain yield, the highest in early maturity group lines. Triketons had no effect on grain yield of maize lines examined.Efikasnost prema korovima je jedna od najbitnijih osobina herbicida. Pored efikasnosti, herbicid bi trebalo da poseduje i odgovarajuću selektivnost prema usevu u kome se primenjuje. Ukoliko se selektivnost herbicida nedovoljno poznaje moguće je da dođe do oštećenja useva posle primene, što može dovesti i do gubitka prinosa. Tehnologija gajenja širokorednih useva, kakav je kukuruz, podrazumeva primenu herbicida, kao meru suzbijanja korova. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita selektivnost sulfonilurea i triketonskih herbicida u usevu pet linija kukuruza, praćenjem vizuelnih promena na samim gajenim biljakama (EWRC) i prinosa zrna. Herbicidi su primenjeni u količinama preporučenim za proizvodnju hibridnog kukuruza, kao i u dvostruko većim. Triketonski herbicidi (mezotrion i topramezon) nisu izazvali značajna oštećenja na ispitivanim linijama, za razliku od sulfonilurea herbicida (rimsulfuron i foramsulfuron). Prinos zrna linija kukuruza pod uticajem sulfonilurea je značajno varirao, najviše kod linija ranih grupa zrenja. Triketonski herbicidi nisu imali uticaja na prinos zrna ispitivanih linija kukuruza

    Mogućnosti i efekti primene herbicida Lumax za suzbijanje korova u kukuruzu

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    The presence of weeds in crops affected by the reduction quantity and quality of the grain yield. Weed control is an integral part of the technology of maize production. The presence of weeds sometimes solves with constant application of the same measure, the most common is the herbicide use, which has a number of consequences. Often weed control is integrated with other measures, where the most important place belongs to the application of herbicides. The aim of experiment was to examin the possibility of applying herbicides Lumax whose basis is the triple combination of active ingredients (s- metolachlor , mesotrione and terbuthylazine), for control weeds in maize. The effects of herbicide applied after planting and before crop emergence (BBCH 00-09) and applied in the initial stages of crop growth and development (BBCH 11-13), were examined in experiment, as well as the effect of different amounts of herbicides on the most common types of weeds in maize. According to obtained results it can be concluded that the herbicide Lumax effectively suppresses all annual weeds, especially applied after corn emergence.Prisustvo korova u usevima utiče na smanjenje količine i kvaliteta prinosa. Suzbijanje korova je obavezna mera i sastavni deo tehnologije gajenja kukuruza. Problem zakorovljenosti se nekada rešava stalnom primenom jedne iste mere, najčešće primenom herbicida, što ima brojne posledice. Neretko se korovi planski suzbijaju kombinovanom primenom više mera, među kojima važno mesto pripada primeni herbicida. U ogledu je ispitivana mogućnost primene herbicida Lumax čiju osnovu čini trojna kombinacija aktivnih materija (s-metolahlor, mezotrion i terbutilazin), namenjenog suzbijanju uskolisnih i širokolisnih korova u kukuruzu. Upoređivani su efekti primene herbicida tretiranjem zemljišta posle setve a pre nicanja (BBCH 00-09) i primene posle nicanja useva (BBCH 11-13), kao i delovanje različitih količina herbicida na najzastupljenije vrste korova u kukuruzu. Iz dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da herbicid Lumax efikasno suzbija jednogodišnje korovske vrste, naročito ako je primenjen u početnim fazama rastenja i razvića kukuruza

    Značaj sistema integrisanih mera za kontrolu korova u kukuruzu

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    Continual application of the same measures in the agricultural practice leads to the disturbances in connexions in agro-ecosystem. For the reason of damaging effects of herbicides, the combined application of the several measures for weed control, as a part of Integrated Weed Management System - IWMS is applying in the world and in our country in recent time. The concept of this system is development of the programs for weed control owing to combined or integrated application of preventive, direct, mechanical, chemical, biological and other measures. According to the presence of great number of weed species in maize crop, which have different life cycles and surviving types, it is unreal to expect that application of one measure solely could have satisfactory effect in weed control and lowering of potential weediness through the lowering of seed reserve and vegetative organs of weed plants in soil. The effect of application of the chosen measures system must not be short-lived, but it has to show results during the longer period. Moreover, it isn’t literal weed eradication, but reduction of the weed number to the level which could be tolerated by the crop, without threatening of the yield and radical disturbing of the balance in agro-ecosystem. Bearing all that in mind, the effects of combined application of the different measures of IWMS (crop rotation, tillage, fertilization, genotype choice, herbicide application) in maize weed control were analysed.Stalna primena istih mera u poljoprivredi vremenom dovodi do narušavanja odnosa u agroekosistemu. Radi smanjenja štetnog delovanja herbicida, u svetu i kod nas se poslednjih godina sve više preporučuje kombinovana primena više mera za kontrolu korova u okviru sistema integrisanih mera (Integrated Weed Management System IWMS). Koncept ovog sistema je razvoj programa za kontrolu korova putem kombinovane ili integrisane primene preventivnih, direktnih, mehaničkih, hemijskih, bioloških i drugih mera. S obzirom da se u usevu kukuruza javlja veliki broj vrsta korova sa različitim životnim ciklusima i načinima preživljavanja, nerealno je očekivati da primena bilo koje mere pojedinačno može imati zadovoljavajući efekat u kontroli korova i smanjenju potencijalne zakorovljenosti kroz smanjenje rezervi semena i vegetativnih organa korovskih biljaka u zemljištu. Efekat primene odabranog sistema mera ne sme biti samo trenutan, naprotiv, mora da ima rezultate i na duži vremenski period. Isto tako, ne radi se o bukvalnom uništavanju, tj. iskorenjivanju korova, već o svođenju njihove brojnosti na nivo koji usev može da toleriše tako da prinos nije ugrožen a ravnoteža u agrosistemu nije radikalno narušena. Imajući sve navedeno u vidu, analizirani su efekti kombinovane primene različitih mera iz sistema integrisanih mera (plodored, obrada, đubrenje, gustina gajenja, izbor genotipa, primena herbicida) u kontroli korova u kukuruzu

    Efekat interakcije genotipa i gustine setve na rodnost kukuruza na navodnjavanom černozemu

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    The aim of these studies was to determine the number of plants per hectare that would provide the maximum utilization of the genetic yielding potential of maize hybrids belonging to different FAO maturity groups and would also contribute to a rational use of seeds. The two-factorial trial was performed on irrigated chernozem in the period 2006-2008, according to the split-plot method with four replicates. Hybrids ZP 578 (FAO 500) and ZP 735 (FAO 700) observed in the combination with seven sowing densities (G1 - 40,816 plants ha-1, G2 - 50,125 plants ha-1, G3 - 59,524 plants ha-1, G4 - 69,686 plants ha-1, G5 - 79,365 plants ha-1, G6 - 86,286 plants ha-1 and G7 - 98,522 plants ha-1). Gained results show that statistically very significant differences in maize grain yields were obtained between the studied hybrids and the sowing densities. The lowest yields were recorded for all studied hybrids at the lowest sowing density (40,861 plants ha-1). The yield projection shows that the maximum grain yield of the hybrid ZP 578, i.e. hybrid ZP 735 can be expected at the level of 13.53 t ha-1, i.e. 12.86 t ha-1 at the sowing density of 84,000 plants ha-1, i.e. 72,000 ZP plants ha-1, respectively. In accordance with the rational use of seeds, high yields are obtained by sowing that provides 60,000 plants of ZP 578 ha-1 and 50,000 plants of ZP 735 ha-1.Cilj proučavanja bio je da se utvrdi broj biljaka po hektaru koji stvara uslove za maksimalno korišćenje genetičkog potencijala rodnosti dva hibrida kukuruza različite FAO grupe zrenja i ujedno doprinosi racionalnoj upotrebi semena. Dvofaktorijalni ogled izveden je u periodu 2006-2008 na navodnjavanom černozemu, po metodi razdeljenih parcela u četiri ponavljanja. Isptitivani su hibridi ZP 578 (FAO 500) i ZP 735 (FAO 700) u kombinaciji setve sa sedam gustina (G1 - 40,816 bilj. ha-1, G2 - 50,125 bilj. ha-1, G3 - 59,524 bilj. ha-1, G4 - 69,686 bilj. ha-1, G5 - 79,365 bilj. ha-1, G6 - 86,286 bilj. ha-1 and G7 - 98,522 bilj. ha-1). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su između ispitivanih hibrida i gustina setve ostvarene statistički veoma značajne razlike prinosa zrna kukuruza. Najniže prinose ispitivani hibridi su ostvarili pri najmanjoj gustini setve (40,816 bilj. ha-1). Projekcija prinosa pokazuje da se maksimalan prinos zrna hibrida ZP 578 može očekivati na nivou 13,53 t ha-1 pri gustini setve 84.000 bilj. ha-1, a 12,86 t ha-1 hibrida ZP 735 pri gustini 72.000 bilj ha-1. U skladu sa racionalnom upotrebom semena, visoki prinosi hibrida ZP 578 obezbeđuju se sklopom sa 60.000 biljaka, a hibrida ZP 735 sa 50.000 biljaka po hektaru

    Efekti primene plodoreda i mineralnih đubriva na lisnu površinu i prinos zrna pšenice

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    Experiment where we examined effects of crop rotation and mineral fertilizers on leaf area and wheat grain yield was set up 1986. on experimental field of Maize Research Institute in Zemun Polje. In experiment exist two type of cropping systems: maize-wheat crop rotation and maize-soybean-wheat crop rotation. We used two type of mineral fertilizers: N:P:K 15:15:15 (which we applied before wheat sowing) and Urea 46% N (we applied in period of wheat side dressing). Fertilizers used in four different quantities. We examined leaf area of wheat flag leaf, total leaf area and wheat grain yield. In this paper we used one-year results (from 2013). Based on results of examination, crop rotation and mineral fertilizers have had strong influence on leaf area of flag leaf, total leaf area and wheat grain yield. For all examined parameters, with using of maize-soybean-wheat rotation we achieved much better results than with using of maize-wheat rotation. The highest values of leaf area (57,99 cm2/cm2 for flag leaf and 253,66 cm2/cm2 total leaf area) and grain yield (4,28 t/ha) we achieved in maize- soybean-wheat rotation with application of higher doses of fertilizers. The lowest values of leaf area (25,31cm2/cm2 for flag leaf and 123,12 cm2/cm2 total leaf area) and grain yield (1,99 t/ha) we achieved in maize-wheat rotation without application of mineral fertilizers.Ogled u kome su ispitivani efekti primene plodoreda i mineralnih đubriva na lisnu površinu i prinos zrna pšenice zasnovan je 1986. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za kukuruz u Zemun Polju. Ispitivanja su obavljena u dvopoljnom plodoredu kukuruz-pšenica i tropoljnom plodoredu kukuruz-soja-pšenica. Korištena su mineralna đubriva N:P:K 15:15:15 (pred setvu pšenice) i UREA (za prihranu). Oba đubriva su primenjena u četiri različite količine. Ispitivana je lisna površina lista zastavičara, ukupna lisna površina i prinos zrna pšenice. U radu su prikazani rezultati iz 2013.godine. Na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja utvrđeno je da su lisna površina lista zastavičara, ukupna lisna površina i prinos zrna pšenice u visokom stepenu zavisni od primenjenog plodoreda i količine đubriva. Za sve ispitivane parameter, u tropoljnom plodoredu kukuruz-soja-pšenica dobijene su mnogo veće vrednosti nego u dvopoljnom plodoredu kukuruz kukuruz-pšenica. Najveće vrednosti lisne površine (57,99 cm2/cm2 za list zastavičar i 253,66 cm2/cm2 za ukupnu lisnu površinu), kao i prinos zrna (4,28 t/ha) dobijene su u tropoljnom plodoredu, uz primenu većih doza đubriva. Najmanje vrednosti lisne površine (25,31 cm2/cm2 za list zastavičar i 123,12 cm2/cm2 za ukupnu lisnu površinu) i prinos zrna (1,99 t/ha) dobijene su u dvopoljnom plodoredu bez primene đubriva