Mogućnosti i efekti primene herbicida Lumax za suzbijanje korova u kukuruzu


The presence of weeds in crops affected by the reduction quantity and quality of the grain yield. Weed control is an integral part of the technology of maize production. The presence of weeds sometimes solves with constant application of the same measure, the most common is the herbicide use, which has a number of consequences. Often weed control is integrated with other measures, where the most important place belongs to the application of herbicides. The aim of experiment was to examin the possibility of applying herbicides Lumax whose basis is the triple combination of active ingredients (s- metolachlor , mesotrione and terbuthylazine), for control weeds in maize. The effects of herbicide applied after planting and before crop emergence (BBCH 00-09) and applied in the initial stages of crop growth and development (BBCH 11-13), were examined in experiment, as well as the effect of different amounts of herbicides on the most common types of weeds in maize. According to obtained results it can be concluded that the herbicide Lumax effectively suppresses all annual weeds, especially applied after corn emergence.Prisustvo korova u usevima utiče na smanjenje količine i kvaliteta prinosa. Suzbijanje korova je obavezna mera i sastavni deo tehnologije gajenja kukuruza. Problem zakorovljenosti se nekada rešava stalnom primenom jedne iste mere, najčešće primenom herbicida, što ima brojne posledice. Neretko se korovi planski suzbijaju kombinovanom primenom više mera, među kojima važno mesto pripada primeni herbicida. U ogledu je ispitivana mogućnost primene herbicida Lumax čiju osnovu čini trojna kombinacija aktivnih materija (s-metolahlor, mezotrion i terbutilazin), namenjenog suzbijanju uskolisnih i širokolisnih korova u kukuruzu. Upoređivani su efekti primene herbicida tretiranjem zemljišta posle setve a pre nicanja (BBCH 00-09) i primene posle nicanja useva (BBCH 11-13), kao i delovanje različitih količina herbicida na najzastupljenije vrste korova u kukuruzu. Iz dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti da herbicid Lumax efikasno suzbija jednogodišnje korovske vrste, naročito ako je primenjen u početnim fazama rastenja i razvića kukuruza

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