66 research outputs found
Modification of alginate, cellulose and xylan from plant cell wall, with phenolic compоunds and amines, for obtaining hydrogels
Polisaharidi biljnog ćelijskog zida nalaze se u prirodi u velikim količinama, relativno su jeftini i lako dostupni i stoga predstavljaju odličan polazni izvor za sintezu novih materijala i proizvodnju hidrogelova za imobilizaciju enzima i lekova...Polysaccharides from plant cell wall are found in nature in large quantities, they are relatively cheap and readily available, and therefore present an excellent source of starting material for the synthesis and production of new hydrogels for immobilization of enzymes and drugs..
Modification of alginate, cellulose and xylan from plant cell wall, with phenolic compоunds and amines, for obtaining hydrogels
Polisaharidi biljnog ćelijskog zida nalaze se u prirodi u velikim količinama, relativno su jeftini i lako dostupni i stoga predstavljaju odličan polazni izvor za sintezu novih materijala i proizvodnju hidrogelova za imobilizaciju enzima i lekova...Polysaccharides from plant cell wall are found in nature in large quantities, they are relatively cheap and readily available, and therefore present an excellent source of starting material for the synthesis and production of new hydrogels for immobilization of enzymes and drugs..
Modification of alginate, cellulose and xylan from plant cell wall, with phenolic compоunds and amines, for obtaining hydrogels
Polisaharidi biljnog ćelijskog zida nalaze se u prirodi u velikim količinama, relativno su jeftini i lako dostupni i stoga predstavljaju odličan polazni izvor za sintezu novih materijala i proizvodnju hidrogelova za imobilizaciju enzima i lekova...Polysaccharides from plant cell wall are found in nature in large quantities, they are relatively cheap and readily available, and therefore present an excellent source of starting material for the synthesis and production of new hydrogels for immobilization of enzymes and drugs..
Supplementary data for article: Prodanović, O.; Spasojević, D.; Prokopijević, M.; Radotić, K.; Markovic, N.; Blažić, M.; Prodanović, R. Tyramine Modified Alginates via Periodate Oxidation for Peroxidase Induced Hydrogel Formation and Immobilization. Reactive and Functional Polymers 2015, 93, 77–83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2015.06.004
Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2015.06.004]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1966
Covalent immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on novel macroporous poly(GMA-co-EGDMA) for phenol removal
For the purpose of immobilization, one of the most commonly used enzymes is horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Different carriers can be used as supports for the immobilization of HRP: alginate, pectin, magnetic-beads, macroporous copolymers, silicas etc. Covalent binding of an enzyme to the carrier leads to the formation of strong linkage, thus preventing the enzyme leakage. Macroporous copolymers with different porous characteristics were used for the immobilization of horseradish peroxidase by employing periodate and glutaraldehyde method. Five and 25 mg of HRP were immobilized per gram of the copolymer. Increasing the amount of added enzyme leads to the increase of specific activity of immobilized enzyme. Copolymer with the pore diameter of 297 nm showed the most promising results in terms of specific activity. Immobilized enzymes can be used for the removal of phenolic compounds from waste effluents
Biljni polisaharidi kao hidrogelovi
У последњих 20 година, расте интересовање за биополимере, не само међу биохемичарима и молекуларним биолозима, него и у другим научним областима, а посебно у области науке о материјалима. Главне предности биополимера у односу на полимере из фосилних горива, јесу јефтино добијање из обновљивих извора и биоразградивост. Полисахариди су најзаступљенија класа биополимера у природи. Целулоза је главна структурна компонента ћелијског зида виших биљака и по количини најобилнији биополимер на земљи. За њом следи хемицелулоза, која представља скуп хетерополисахарида различите структуре. Најзаступљенији морски полисахарид је алгинат, конституент ћелијског зида мрких морских алги. Полисахариди поседују бројне функционалне групе, погодне за различите врсте хемијских модификација. Јонизабилне групе обезбеђују им хидрофилност, као и способност везивања наелектрисаних молекула и јона. Све ове особине допринеле су да полисахариди постану одличан материјал за производњу хидрогелова. Хидрогелови на бази биополимера нашли су своју примену у индустрији, пољопривреди, фармацији, медицини, заштити животне средине..
Horseradish peroxidase immobilization within micro-beads of oxidized tyramine-alginate for phenol removal from wastewater
Natural polymers such as alginate, pectin, chitosan etc. were used as carriers for the immobilization of different types of enzymes. Among investigated enzymes, peroxidases hold a special place. Immobilized enzymes are frequently used in phenol removal reactions. In this research horseradish peroxidase was immobilized within alginate micro-beads. This natural polymer was previously oxidized with sodium periodate and modified with tyramine hydrochloride. Percent of oxidation was varied from 2.5 mol% to 10 mol%, and an increase in specific activity was noticed with increasing the oxidation percent. Immobilized peroxidases showed satisfactory stabilities after 10 days of storage. Phenol concentration in a batch reactor decreased during its oxidation with horseradish peroxidase immobilized on tyramine-alginate hydrogels
Poređenje dve metode za imobilizaciju HRP u alginatu za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda
Poznato je da peroksidaze iz rena (HRP) reaguju sa fenolima iz vode gradeći nerastvorna jedinjenja, koja onda mogu jednostavno da se uklone iz vodene faze. Glavni nedostatak ovog procesa predstavlja inaktivacija enzima te je stoga dosta pažnje usmereno na imobilizaciju peroksidaze u cilju uklanjanja fenolnih jedinjenja. Cilj našeg rada bio je da uporedimo dve metode za imobilizaciju HRP na alginatnom matriksu i nađemo imobilizat sa najboljim osobinama. HRP je imobilisana na nativnom i perjodatno oksidovanom alginatu. Nakon imobilizacije u alginatnim kuglicama, enzimska aktivnost je određivana spektrofotometrijski sa pirogalolom i H2O2 kao supstratima.
Rezultati koje smo dobili ukazuju da HRP imobilisana na perjodatno oksidovanom alginatu ima veći stepen vezane aktivnosti, i nižu specifičnu aktivnost u odnosu na imobilizaciju na nativnom alginatu nakon imobilizacije. Nakon pet dana ispiranja imobilizat HRP u perjodatno oksidovanom alginatu je imao veću i specifičnu aktivnost i stoga je bolji kandidat za uklanjanje fenola iz otpadnih voda u protočnom reaktoru
Poređenje četiri metode za imobilizaciju HRP u alginatu radi potencijalne primene u prečišćavanju otpadnih voda
Industrial wastewater often contains toxic phenolic compounds, which have been classified as hazardous
pollutants. It has been shown that horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is able to react with phenols in water and
form non-soluble compounds that could be easily removed from the aqueous phase. The aim of our work was to
compare the four methods for the immobilization of HRP on alginate matrix and to find the immobilisate with
the best properties. First, we immobilized HRP on the native and periodate oxidized alginate. Then we modified
both the enzyme and the polymer and tried immobilizations of aminated HRP on the oxidized alginate and
oxidized HRP on the aminated alginate. Imobilizate of aminated enzyme on oxidized matrix showed the best
characteristics and potential for application in the continuous removal of phenol from wastewater
Horseradish peroxidase immobilization within micro-beads of oxidized tyramine-alginate for phenol removal from wastewater
Natural polymers such as alginate, pectin, chitosan etc. were used as carriers for the immobilization of different types of enzymes. Among investigated enzymes, peroxidases hold a special place. Immobilized enzymes are frequently used in phenol removal reactions. In this research horseradish peroxidase was immobilized within alginate micro-beads. This natural polymer was previously oxidized with sodium periodate and modified with tyramine hydrochloride. Percent of oxidation was varied from 2.5 mol% to 10 mol%, and an increase in specific activity was noticed with increasing the oxidation percent. Immobilized peroxidases showed satisfactory stabilities after 10 days of storage. Phenol concentration in a batch reactor decreased during its oxidation with horseradish peroxidase immobilized on tyramine-alginate hydrogels
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