9 research outputs found

    Beiträge zur Klärung der biogenen Partikelbildung über borealen Nadelwäldern

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    Der Beitrag der biogenen Kohlenwasserstoffe auf das Klima und ihr quantitativer Anteil bei der Bildung und dem Wachstum von organischen Aerosolen konnte noch nicht befriedigend geklärt werden. Daher wurden die täglichen Änderungen der Konzentrationen von verschiedenen biogenen flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen (BVOCs) und ausgewählter Oxidationsprodukte in der Gas- und Partikelphase an ausgewählten Tagen in Hyytiälä, Finnland, untersucht. a-Pinen und D3-Caren dominieren die Monoterpenverteilung über dem Nadelwald in Hyytiälä, Finnland, gefolgt von b-Pinen und Camphen. Die absoluten Konzentrationen variieren stark von < 10 bis mehreren Hundert ppt. Typischerweise werden die höchsten Konzentrationen in der Nacht und während der frühen Morgenstunden und die niedrigsten tagsüber erreicht. Die Hauptoxidationsprodukte von a-Pinen, Pinonaldehyd, und von b-Pinen, Nopinon, wurden in der Atmosphäre über dem nördlichen Nadelwald nachgewiesen und zeigten die höchsten Konzentrationen in den frühen Morgenstunden mit einer maximalen Konzentration von 140 ppt für Pinonaldehyd und von 45 ppt für Nopinon. Die täglichen Konzentrationsänderungen können zusammen mit den Mischungsverhältnissen ihrer Vorläufersubstanzen dazu benutzt werden, Perioden von deutlicher VOC Oxidation aufzuzeigen. Für die drei wichtigsten Monoterpene wurde die Produktionsraten von schwerflüchtigen Oxidationsprodukten für die Mittagszeit zur Sommerzeit am Ort der Probenahme kalkuliert. Die Werte über der Baumkrone lagen zwischen 1,2 bis 1,3 10^4 Moleküle m^-3 s^-1. Diese Produktionsraten machen einen prozentualen Anteil von 10 bis 16 % des kondensierbaren Materials aus, der benötigt wird, um den beobachteten Partikelwachstum während der Meßkampagne zu erklären. Weiterhin konnten schwerflüchtige Oxidationsprodukte von biogenen VOCs, Pinon- und Pinsäure in der Partikelphase direkt über der Baumkrone im Frühling 1998 in Hyytiälä, Finnland, nachgewiesen werden. Die Summe der Konzentrationen für diese beiden Substanzen in der Partikelphase lag im Bereich von 1 bis 4 ng m^-3. Zur Analyse dieser Dicarbonsäuren wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die nur eine vergleichsweise kurze Probenvorbereitung benötigt. Dies ermöglicht zukünftig den zeitlichen Verlauf des Partikelwachstums mit der chemischen Zusammensetzung in Beziehung setzen zu können

    Mode of action-based risk assessment of genotoxic carcinogens

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    The risk assessment of chemical carcinogens is one major task in toxicology. Even though exposure has been mitigated effectively during the last decades, low levels of carcinogenic substances in food and at the workplace are still present and often not completely avoidable. The distinction between genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens has traditionally been regarded as particularly relevant for risk assessment, with the assumption of the existence of no-effect concentrations (threshold levels) in case of the latter group. In contrast, genotoxic carcinogens, their metabolic precursors and DNA reactive metabolites are considered to represent risk factors at all concentrations since even one or a few DNA lesions may in principle result in mutations and, thus, increase tumour risk. Within the current document, an updated risk evaluation for genotoxic carcinogens is proposed, based on mechanistic knowledge regarding the substance (group) under investigation, and taking into account recent improvements in analytical techniques used to quantify DNA lesions and mutations as well as “omics” approaches. Furthermore, wherever possible and appropriate, special attention is given to the integration of background levels of the same or comparable DNA lesions. Within part A, fundamental considerations highlight the terms hazard and risk with respect to DNA reactivity of genotoxic agents, as compared to non-genotoxic agents. Also, current methodologies used in genetic toxicology as well as in dosimetry of exposure are described. Special focus is given on the elucidation of modes of action (MOA) and on the relation between DNA damage and cancer risk. Part B addresses specific examples of genotoxic carcinogens, including those humans are exposed to exogenously and endogenously, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and the corresponding alcohols as well as some alkylating agents, ethylene oxide, and acrylamide, but also examples resulting from exogenous sources like aflatoxin B1_{1}, allylalkoxybenzenes, 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f] quinoxaline (MeIQx), benzo[a]pyrene and pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Additionally, special attention is given to some carcinogenic metal compounds, which are considered indirect genotoxins, by accelerating mutagenicity via interactions with the cellular response to DNA damage even at low exposure conditions. Part C finally encompasses conclusions and perspectives, suggesting a refined strategy for the assessment of the carcinogenic risk associated with an exposure to genotoxic compounds and addressing research needs

    Emission fluxes and atmospheric degradation of monoterpenes above a boreal forest: field measurements and modelling

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    The contribution of monoterpenes to aerosol formation processes within and above forests is not well understood. This is also true for the particle formation events observed during the BIOFOR campaigns in Hyytiälä, Finland. Therefore, the diurnal variation of the concentrations of several biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) and selected oxidation products in the gas and particle phase were measured on selected days during the campaigns in Hyytiälä, Finland. α-pinene and Δ3-carene were found to represent the most important monoterpenes above the boreal forest. A clear vertical gradient of their concentrations was observed together with a change of the relative monoterpene composition with height. Based on concentration profile measurements of monoterpenes, their fluxes above the forest canopy were calculated using the gradient approach. Most of the time, the BVOC fluxes show a clear diurnal variation with a maximum around noon. The highest fluxes were observed for α-pinene with values up to 20 ng m−2 s−1 in summer time and almost 100 ng m−2 s−1 during the spring campaign. Furthermore, the main oxidation products from α-pinene, pinonaldehyde, and from β-pinene, nopinone, were detected in the atmosphere above the forest. In addition to these more volatile oxidation products, pinic and pinonic acid were identified in the particle phase in a concentration range between 1 and 4 ng m−3. Beside these direct measurement of known oxidation products, the chemical sink term in the flux calculations was used to estimate the amount of product formation of the major terpenes (α-pinene, β-pinene, Δ3-carene). A production rate of very low volatile oxidation products (e.g., multifunctional carboxylic) from ·OH- and O3-reaction of monoterpenes of about 1.3·104 molecules cm−3 s−1 was estimated for daylight conditions during summer time. Additionally, model calculations with the one-dimensional multilayer model CACHE were carried out to investigate the diurnal course of BVOC fluxes and chemical degradation of terpenes

    Mode of action-based risk assessment of genotoxic carcinogens

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    The risk assessment of chemical carcinogens is one major task in toxicology. Even though exposure has been mitigated effectively during the last decades, low levels of carcinogenic substances in food and at the workplace are still present and often not completely avoidable. The distinction between genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens has traditionally been regarded as particularly relevant for risk assessment, with the assumption of the existence of no-effect concentrations (threshold levels) in case of the latter group. In contrast, genotoxic carcinogens, their metabolic precursors and DNA reactive metabolites are considered to represent risk factors at all concentrations since even one or a few DNA lesions may in principle result in mutations and, thus, increase tumour risk. Within the current document, an updated risk evaluation for genotoxic carcinogens is proposed, based on mechanistic knowledge regarding the substance (group) under investigation, and taking into account recent improvements in analytical techniques used to quantify DNA lesions and mutations as well as "omics" approaches. Furthermore, wherever possible and appropriate, special attention is given to the integration of background levels of the same or comparable DNA lesions. Within part A, fundamental considerations highlight the terms hazard and risk with respect to DNA reactivity of genotoxic agents, as compared to non-genotoxic agents. Also, current methodologies used in genetic toxicology as well as in dosimetry of exposure are described. Special focus is given on the elucidation of modes of action (MOA) and on the relation between DNA damage and cancer risk. Part B addresses specific examples of genotoxic carcinogens, including those humans are exposed to exogenously and endogenously, such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and the corresponding alcohols as well as some alkylating agents, ethylene oxide, and acrylamide, but also examples resulting from exogenous sources like aflatoxin B1_{1}, allylalkoxybenzenes, 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f] quinoxaline (MeIQx), benzo[a]pyrene and pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Additionally, special attention is given to some carcinogenic metal compounds, which are considered indirect genotoxins, by accelerating mutagenicity via interactions with the cellular response to DNA damage even at low exposure conditions. Part C finally encompasses conclusions and perspectives, suggesting a refined strategy for the assessment of the carcinogenic risk associated with an exposure to genotoxic compounds and addressing research needs

    Correction to: Mode of action-based risk assessment of genotoxic carcinogens

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    The author would like to thank N. Bakhiya, S. Hessel-Pras, B. Sachse, and B. Dusemund for their support in the chapter about pyrrolizidine alkaloids