847 research outputs found

    Melos y opsis en la crítica de Northrop Frye

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    Este artículo ofrece una sistematización de las ideas de Frye acerca de las relaciones de la literatura con la música y la pintura, según se exponen en la Anatomía; sugiere algunas críticas, e invita a un estudio interdisciplinar más detallado. A survey of Frye’s ideas on the relation of Literature to Music and Painting, according to the Anatomy. This essay tries to systematize the thought of Frye on the subject, offers some critique and calls for further interdisciplinary study

    Expression of the proto-oncogenes c-met and c-kit and their ligands, hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor and stem cell factor, in SCLC cell lines and xenografts.

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    We examined a panel of 25 small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines and nude mouse xenografts for expression of the proto-oncogenes c-met and c-kit, and for expression of the corresponding ligands, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) (also known as scatter factor (SF)), and stem cell factor (SCF), respectively. Expression of mRNA was detected by Northern blotting, and c-met and c-kit protein expression was detected by Western blotting and immunocytochemistry. c-met and c-kit mRNA was expressed in 22 of the examined cell lines or xenografts, and coexpression of the two proto-oncogenes was observed in 20 tumours. Expression of c-met and c-kit protein paralleled in the mRNA expression. HGF/SF mRNA was expressed in two of the examined tumours, and only one of these also expressed the c-met proto-oncogene. SCF mRNA was expressed in 19 of the examined tumours, and in 18 of these coexpression of c-kit and SCF was present. The high percentage of SCLC tumours expressing c-met and c-kit indicates that these proto-oncogenes may have an important function in this disease. The rare coexpression of c-met and HGF/SF is evidence that an autocrine regulatory pathway is not present for this receptor/ligand system in SCLC, while the frequent coexpression of c-kit and SCF indicates that this receptor/ligand system may have an autocrine function in SCLC

    Rigor y creatividad en la traducción técnica

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    Después de una sucinta distinción entre la traducción literaria y la técnica se reseñan algunos aspectos definitorios de la traducción en general. La mayor parte del trabajo se dedica a la traducción técnica, sus particularidades y dificultades, situadas ante todo en el ámbito del vocabulario, pero también se mencionan algunas características morfológicas y sintácticas. Dadas las particularidades de los textos teóricos, el traductor debe moverse constantemente entre el rigor y la creatividad. After a short distinction between literary and technical translation, this article tries also to define translation as such. The major part of the paper is dedicated to technical translation, its properties and difficulties, above all the lexical ones, but there are glances at morphological and syntactical problems too. Being aware of the special characteristics of technical texts the translator is permanently moving between rigour and creativity

    Interaction between three subpopulations of Ehrlich carcinoma in mixed solid tumours in nude mice: evidence of contact domination.

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    Clonal interaction between three subpopulations of Ehrlich carcinoma were studied during growth as mixed solid tumours and as ascites tumours in immune-incompetent nude NMRI mice. The tumour cell lines differed in DNA content as determined by DNA flow cytometry (FCM). Tumour growth was evaluated by tumour growth curves including calculation of tumour volume doubling times, tumour weight on day 14, cell cycle times (per cent labelled mitoses) and cell cycle distributions (FCM). Two subpopulations (E1.15 and E1.95) showed nearly identical growth characteristics during both solid and ascites tumour growth. The third subpopulation (E1.80) grew more slowly. FCM on fine-needle tumour aspirates was used to determine the relative proportions of the cell populations in mixed solid tumours in which E1.95 showed a growth-dominating effect on E1.15. No such effect was demonstrated during single-cell tumour growth in ascitic fluid in which the cells had no intimate contact. Ascitic fluid from E1.95-bearing animals or radiation-killed E1.95 cells had no effect on the growth of E1.15, and no remote effect was seen when the two cell lines were growing in opposite flanks. This indicates that only viable E1.95 cells in close in vivo contact were able to induce growth inhibition of the E1.15 subpopulation. Both the E1.95 and the E1.15 cells dominated the E1.80 cells, but in these cases cell kinetic differences may have played a role as the E1.95 and the E1.15 lines grew faster than the E1.80. The E1.80 cell line had no dominating effect on the E1.15 or E1.95. It is concluded that non-immunologically mediated cellular dominance in heterogeneous tumours may contribute to the evolution of these tumours and may be involved in fundamental tumour biological phenomena

    Retórica y empresa

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    Pintar con palabras. Sobre A la pintura de Rafael Alberti

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    Aproximación semiótica al chiste

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    Intenta el autor definir el chiste antes de adentrarse en cuestiones como el análisis semiótico del chiste verbal, tanto desde el punto de vista sintáctico (brevedad, historia, dialogicidad, estructura triádica), semántico (disociación, ficcionalidad, horizonte de expectación como condicionante semántico), y pragmático (la risa, el potencial socializante del chiste, la virtual esteticidad de lo cómico y lo chistoso). The author attempts to define the concept of joke before entering in aspects such as the semiotic analysis of the verbal joke, from a syntactic point of view (briefness, story, dialogues, triadic structure), a semantic one (dissociation, fiction, expectation horizon as a semantic conditioner), and a pragmatic one (laughter, the joke’s potential of socializing, the virtual aestheticism of what is comic and what is funny)
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