7 research outputs found

    Recovery from Transient Global Amnesia Following Restoration of Hippocampal and Fronto–Cingulate Perfusion

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    A patient who suffered a transient global amnesia (TGA) attack underwent regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) SPECT imaging and neuropsychological testing in the acute phase, after one month and after one year. Neuropsychological testing in the acute phase showed a pattern of anterograde and retrograde amnesia, whereas memory was within age normal limits at follow up. SPECT data were analysed with a within subject comparison and also compared with those of a group of healthy controls. Within subject comparison between the one month follow up and the acute phase detected increases in rCBF in the hippocampus bilaterally; further rCBF increases in the right hippocampus were detected after one year. Compared to controls, significant hypoperfusion was found in the right precentral, cingulate and medial frontal gyri in the acute phase; after one month significant hypoperfusion was detected in the right precentral and cingulate gyri and the left postcentral gyrus; after one year no significant hypoperfusion appeared. The restoration of memory was paralleled by rCBF increases in the hippocampus and fronto-limbic-parietal cortex; after one year neither significant rCBF differences nor cognitive deficits were detectable. In conclusion, these data indicate that TGA had no long lasting cognitive and neural alterations in this patient

    Antiapoptotic activity of argon and xenon.

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    International audienceAlthough chemically non-reactive, inert noble gases may influence multiple physiological and pathological processes via hitherto uncharacterized physical effects. Here we report a cell-based detection system for assessing the effects of pre-defined gas mixtures on the induction of apoptotic cell death. In this setting, the conventional atmosphere for cell culture was substituted with gas combinations, including the same amount of oxygen (20%) and carbon dioxide (5%) but 75% helium, neon, argon, krypton, or xenon instead of nitrogen. The replacement of nitrogen with noble gases per se had no effects on the viability of cultured human osteosarcoma cells in vitro. Conversely, argon and xenon (but not helium, neon, and krypton) significantly limited cell loss induced by the broad-spectrum tyrosine kinase inhibitor staurosporine, the DNA-damaging agent mitoxantrone and several mitochondrial toxins. Such cytoprotective effects were coupled to the maintenance of mitochondrial integrity, as demonstrated by means of a mitochondrial transmembrane potential-sensitive dye and by assessing the release of cytochrome c into the cytosol. In line with this notion, argon and xenon inhibited the apoptotic activation of caspase-3, as determined by immunofluorescence microscopy coupled to automated image analysis. The antiapoptotic activity of argon and xenon may explain their clinically relevant cytoprotective effects

    Cacao yield in different planting densities

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    The effect of six planting densities on cacao yield of a commercial hybrid mixture as well as the interaction of planting densities with the years were investigated. Crop data collected over a 14-year period (1977-1990) showed that it was possible to optimise the regional cacao yields by implementing high planting densities (2500 and 1736 trees ha-1). This was however only true for the first half of the crop period. In the second half, low planting density (1059 trees ha-1) attained the best yields. This change in the ranking of planting densities over the years confirmed the presence of density-year interaction. Alternatives to achieve high productivity in high planting density systems were presented and discussed.O efeito de seis densidades de plantio sobre a produção de um híbrido comercial de cacau, bem como a interação das densidades com os anos, foi investigado. Dados coletados do cultivo por 14 anos (1977-1990) mostraram que é possível otimizar a produção de cacau da região implementando uma alta densidade populacional (2500 e 1736 plantas ha-1). Todavia, isto se verificou apenas para a primeira metade do período de cultivo. Na segunda metade, a baixa densidade (1059 plantas ha-1) foi superior em produção. Esta mudança na densidade com o passar dos anos foi confirmada pela presença da interação densidades por anos. Alternativas para alcançar elevadas produtividades nos sistemas com altas densidades foram apresentadas e discutidas

    COVID-19 infection in patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition for chronic intestinal failure

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    International audienceRationale: To investigate the incidence and the severity of COVID-19 infection in patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition (HPN) for chronic intestinal failure (CIF).Methods: Period of observation, from March 1st 2020 to March 1st 2021. Inclusion criteria: patients included in the database since 2015 and still on HPN on March 1st 2020; patients included in the database during the period of observation. Data recorded on March 1st 2021: 1) occurrence of infection since the beginning of pandemic (yes, no, unknown); 2) infection syndrome (asymptomatic, mild-no hospitalization, moderate-hospitalization no-ICU, severe-hospitalization in ICU); 3) vaccination (yes, no, unknown); 4) patient outcome at March 1st 2021: still on HPN, weaned form HPN, deceased, lost to follow up. Statistics by Pearson Chi-Square.Results: 68 centres from 23 countries included 4680 patients; COVID-19 data were available for 55.1% of patients. The cumulative incidence of infection was 9.7% in the total group and ranged from 0% to 21.9% among countries. Infection syndrome was asymptomatic 26.7%, mild 32.0%, moderate 36.0%, severe 5.2%. Vaccination status was unknown 62.0%, non-vaccinated 25.2%, vaccinated 12.8%. Infection rate was lower in pediatric patients (p=0.03) and in those with cancer (p=0.03). In the group of the deceased patients, a higher incidence of infection (p=0.04), a more severe degree of infection syndrome (p<0.001) and a lower percentage of vaccination (p=0.01) were observed.Conclusion: In patients with CIF, the incidence of COVID-19 infection differed greatly among countries and was asymptomatic or with mild symptoms in most cases. COVID infection, severity of infection and vaccination status were associated with a higher risk of death

    The transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from unconventional sources: an innovative approach to multiple sclerosis therapy

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