17 research outputs found

    More than just a side effect: Dynamic knee valgus and deadbug bridging performance in youth soccer players and alpine skiers have similar absolute values and asymmetry magnitudes but differ in terms of the direction of laterality

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    From a preventative perspective, leg axis and core stabilization capacities are important for soccer players and alpine skiers; however, due to different sport-specific demands, the role of laterality clearly differs and may result in functional long-term adaptations. The aims of this study are 1) to determine whether there are differences in leg axis and core stability between youth soccer players and alpine skiers and 2) between dominant and non-dominant sides, and 3) to explore the outcomes of applying common sport-specific asymmetry thresholds to these two distinct cohorts. Twenty-one highly trained/national-level soccer players (16.1 years, 95% CI: 15.6, 16.5) and 61 alpine skiers (15.7 years, 95% CI: 15.6, 15.8) participated in this study. Using a marker-based 3D motion capture system, dynamic knee valgus was quantified as the medial knee displacement (MKD) during drop jump landings, and core stability was quantified as the vertical displacement during deadbug bridging exercise (DBB displacement_{displacement} ). For the analysis of sports and side differences, a repeated-measures multivariate analysis of variance was used. For the interpretation of laterality, coefficients of variation (CV) and common asymmetry thresholds were applied. There were no differences in MKD or DBB displacement_{displacement} between soccer players and skiers or between the dominant and non-dominant sides, but there was an interaction effect side*sports for both variables (MKD: p = 0.040, η2^{2} p = 0.052; DBB displacement_{displacement} : p = 0.025, η2^{2} p = 0.061). On average, MKD was larger on the non-dominant side and DBB displacement_{displacement} laterality on the dominant side in soccer players, whereas this pattern was reversed in alpine skiers. Despite similar absolute values and asymmetry magnitudes of dynamic knee valgus and deadbug bridging performance in youth soccer players and alpine skiers, the effect on the direction of laterality was opposite even though much less pronounced. This may imply that sport-specific demands and potential laterality advantages should be considered when dealing with asymmetries in athletes

    Ăśber die Potenziale und HĂĽrden der Schweizer Kreislaufwirtschaft

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    Obwohl die Schweiz theoretisch alle Möglichkeiten für eine nachhaltigere und ökologische Produktion hätte, wird diese noch nicht umgesetzt. Woran dies liegt, hat das Institut Sustainable Business der BFH Wirtschaft zusammen mit der EPB Schweiz AG im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Umwelt (BAFU) untersucht

    Wheat Pm4 resistance to powdery mildew is controlled by alternative splice variants encoding chimeric proteins

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    Crop breeding for resistance to pathogens largely relies on genes encoding receptors that confer race-specific immunity. Here, we report the identification of the wheat Pm4 race-specific resistance gene to powdery mildew. Pm4 encodes a putative chimeric protein of a serine/threonine kinase and multiple C2 domains and transmembrane regions, a unique domain architecture among known resistance proteins. Pm4 undergoes constitutive alternative splicing, generating two isoforms with different protein domain topologies that are both essential for resistance function. Both isoforms interact and localize to the endoplasmatic reticulum when co-expressed. Pm4 reveals additional diversity of immune receptor architecture to be explored for breeding and suggests an endoplasmatic reticulum-based molecular mechanism of Pm4-mediated race-specific resistance

    Gesundheitliche Ungleichheit und Armut

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    Health and Performance Assessment in Winter Sports

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    Comparison of injury patterns between electric bicycle, bicycle and motorcycle accidents

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    BACKGROUND: Electric bicycles (E-bikes) are an increasingly popular means of transport, and have been designed for a higher speed comparable to that of small motorcycles. Accident statistics show that E-bikes are increasingly involved in traffic accidents. To test the hypothesis of whether accidents involving E-bikes bear more resemblance to motorcycle accidents than conventional bicyclists, this study evaluates the injury pattern and severity of E-bike injuries in direct comparison to injuries involving motorcycle and bicycle accidents. METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study, the data of 1796 patients who were treated at a Level I Trauma Center between 2009 and 2018 due to traffic accident, involving bicycles, E-bikes or motorcycles, were evaluated and compared with regard to injury patterns and injury severity. Accident victims treated as inpatients at least 16 years of age or older were included in this study. Pillion passengers and outpatients were excluded. RESULTS: The following distribution was found in the individual groups: 67 E-bike, 1141 bicycle and 588 motorcycle accidents. The injury pattern of E-bikers resembled that of bicyclists much more than that of motorcyclists. The patients with E-bike accidents were almost 14 years older and had a higher incidence of moderate traumatic brain injuries than patients with bicycle accidents, in spite of the fact that E-bike riders were nearly twice as likely to wear a helmet as compared to bicycle riders. The rate of pelvic injuries in E-bike accidents was twice as high compared with bicycle accidents, whereas the rate of upper extremity injuries was higher following bicycle accidents. Conclusion: The overall E-bike injury pattern is similar to that of cyclists. The differences in the injury pattern to motorcycle accidents could be due to the higher speeds at the time of the accident, the different protection and vehicle architecture. What is striking, however, is the higher age and the increased craniocerebral trauma of the E-bikers involved in accidents compared to the cyclists. We speculate that older and untrained people who have a slower reaction time and less control over the E-bike could benefit from head protection or practical courses similar to motorcyclists

    Comparison of Injury Patterns between Electric Bicycle, Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents

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    Background: Electric bicycles (E-bikes) are an increasingly popular means of transport, and have been designed for a higher speed comparable to that of small motorcycles. Accident statistics show that E-bikes are increasingly involved in traffic accidents. To test the hypothesis of whether accidents involving E-bikes bear more resemblance to motorcycle accidents than conventional bicyclists, this study evaluates the injury pattern and severity of E-bike injuries in direct comparison to injuries involving motorcycle and bicycle accidents. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, the data of 1796 patients who were treated at a Level I Trauma Center between 2009 and 2018 due to traffic accident, involving bicycles, E-bikes or motorcycles, were evaluated and compared with regard to injury patterns and injury severity. Accident victims treated as inpatients at least 16 years of age or older were included in this study. Pillion passengers and outpatients were excluded. Results: The following distribution was found in the individual groups: 67 E-bike, 1141 bicycle and 588 motorcycle accidents. The injury pattern of E-bikers resembled that of bicyclists much more than that of motorcyclists. The patients with E-bike accidents were almost 14 years older and had a higher incidence of moderate traumatic brain injuries than patients with bicycle accidents, in spite of the fact that E-bike riders were nearly twice as likely to wear a helmet as compared to bicycle riders. The rate of pelvic injuries in E-bike accidents was twice as high compared with bicycle accidents, whereas the rate of upper extremity injuries was higher following bicycle accidents. Conclusion: The overall E-bike injury pattern is similar to that of cyclists. The differences in the injury pattern to motorcycle accidents could be due to the higher speeds at the time of the accident, the different protection and vehicle architecture. What is striking, however, is the higher age and the increased craniocerebral trauma of the E-bikers involved in accidents compared to the cyclists. We speculate that older and untrained people who have a slower reaction time and less control over the E-bike could benefit from head protection or practical courses similar to motorcyclists

    Gesamtheitliche Betrachtungen zum endneolithischen Kollektivgrab von Spreitenbach-Moosweg – eine integrative Synthese = Considérations globales à propos de la sépulture collective de Spreitenbach-Moosweg – une synthèse intégrativ

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    La sépulture collective de Spreitenbach (Argovie, Suisse) a été découverte en 1997 dans le cadre de travaux d’aménagement du projet « Rail 2000 ». Cette structure se compose d’une fosse accueillant une chambre funéraire en bois. Douze individus ont été déposés à l’intérieur de la chambre sépulcrale (5 hommes, 4 femmes, 2 jeunes et un nouveau-né). Les inhumations sont primaires et successives. Les individus ont été, en majorité, inhumés en décubitus dorsal et membres fléchis. Les datations C14 réalisées sur les ossements humains placent cette sépulture entre le 26e et le 25e siècles avant J.-C., une datation cohérente avec l’ensemble des 13 offrandes qui y étaient associées (2 fusaïoles en céramiques décorées, 3 haches en pierre, 2 objets en bois de cerf, 3 artefacts en os, 2 éclats de silex retouchés et 1 pointe de silex). Les diverses analyses anthropologiques mobilisées montrent qu’il s’agit d’un groupe d’individus très probablement apparentés qui respectaient des règles de résidence patrilocale. Des comparaisons avec divers sites contemporains indiquent une affiliation de la sépulture de Spreitenbach à la culture Cordée

    The Twannberg iron meteorite strewn field in the Swiss Jura mountains: insights for Quaternary environmental conditions

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    The ~ 10 km 2 strewn field of the Twannberg type IIG iron meteorite is located in the Swiss Jura Mountains, 30 km northwest of Bern. The strewn field has been mapped by a group of citizen scientists since 2006, yielding more than 2000 meteorite fragments with a total mass of 152.7 kg until the end of 2022. With a terrestrial age of 176 ± 19 ka and a minimum pre-atmospheric mass of ~ 250 t, the Twannberg meteorite is a local time marker in an area with a poorly-known paleoenvironmental history. The Twannberg strewn field is located just outside of the maximum extent of ice during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). On the Mont Sujet, meteorites are size-sorted in a 6-km long section of the primary strewn field (altitude 945-1370 m a.s.l.), indicating a fall direction from east-northeast to west-southwest (azimuth approximately 250°). On the Twannberg plateau and in the Twannbach gorge, meteorites are not size-sorted and occur in a ~ 5.7-km long area associated with till and recent stream sediments (altitude 430-1075 m a.s.l.). The mass distribution of meteorites on the Twannberg plateau demonstrate that these meteorites were not found where they fell but that they must have been transported up to several km by glacier ice flow after the fall. The distribution of meteorites and of glacially transported Alpine clasts on the Mont Sujet and on the Chasseral chain indicates the presence of local ice caps and of an approximately 200-m higher Alpine ice surface with respect to the LGM at the time of fall. This high ice level during MIS 6 (Marine Isotopic Stage 6, 191-130 ka) indicated by the meteorite distribution is consistent with surface exposure ages of 50-144 ka from nearby resting erratic boulders at altitudes of up to 1290 m a.s.l., including the newly dated Jobert boulder (63 ka). These boulders indicate an ice level ~ 400 m higher than during LGM at a time not later than MIS 6. Post-LGM luminescence ages of loesscontaining meteorites on the Mont Sujet and 14 C ages of materials associated with meteorite finds indicate relatively young pedoturbation and increased oxidation of meteorites since ~ 7300 cal BP, possibly correlated with deforestation and enhanced erosion resulting from increased human activities since the Neolithic. This study shows that Twannberg meteorites in their palaeoenvironmental context provide valuable information about ice levels and transport directions during MIS 6 and about their interaction with the post-LGM environmental conditions. The unique Twannberg strewn field has the potential to reveal more valuable information