564 research outputs found

    Highly selective fluoride sensing via chromogenic aggregation of a silyloxy-functionalized tetraphenylethylene (TPE) derivative

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.A silyloxy-functionalized tetraphenylethylene (TPE) derivative shows a remarkable change in the absorption spectrum on deprotection with fluoride ions. The reaction process is highly selective for fluoride and the resulting charge transfer band results in a bright green solution. A simple selective visual assay of aqueous fluoride ions was also obtained by the impregnation of cellulose strips with the TPE derivative

    Cyanide sensing via metal ion removal from a fluorogenic BODIPY complex

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We report a highly selective and sensitive reversible cyanide sensor operating in the ‘turn-off-on’ mode via decomplexation of Cu(II) ions from a brightly fluorescent boradiazaindacene derivative. The sensor is reversible as the emission signal originates from the dynamic equilibration of dipicolylamine–Cu(II) and tetracyanocuprate complex ions

    Effect of atorvastatin therapy on oxidant-antioxidant status and atherosclerotic plaque formation

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    PubMed ID: 21731885Background: The aim of this study was to determine the oxidant-antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation products, as well as paraoxonase and atherosclerotic plaque formation, in a hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis rabbit model to investigate the effects of atorvastatin in the atherosclerotic process. Methods: Forty male New Zealand rabbits were divided into four groups, ie, a control group receiving standard pellets, a group receiving atorvastatin therapy, a hypercholesterolemic group receiving an atherogenic diet, and a group receiving both an atherogenic diet and atorvastatin. Results: The atherogenic diet increased the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (1.84 vs 3.79 nmol/mg protein) and LDL-conjugated diene (147 vs 318 µmol/mg protein) after induction of oxidation by Cu2+, despite an increase of superoxide dismutase activity. Treatment with atorvastatin limited LDL oxidation significantly (LDL thiobarbituric acid reactive substances 2.19 nmol/mg protein, LDL-conjugated diene 222 µmol/mg protein). Paraoxonase, which prevents LDL oxidation and inactivates LDL-derived oxidized phospholipids, showed a pronounced decrease in the group receiving the atherogenic diet (110 U/L to 28 U/L), and atorvastatin treatment increased paraoxonase activity. Histological examination of arcus aorta tissues from the hypercholesterolemic group showed abundant plaque formation surrounding and obstructing the lumen, whereas treatment with atorvastatin prevented or limited plaque formation, keeping the plaque thin and localized. Conclusion: Atorvastatin has dramatic antiatherosclerotic effects, part of which seems to be due to the antioxidant features of the parent drug and/or its metabolites, favoring inhibition of LDL oxidation. © 2011 Sezer et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Keeping a sense of self. Pathologies and preferences of self and agency

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    This paper deals with the question concerning the effects of the sense of self on agency, particularly the implications that a disharmonious sense of self can have for agency. Consciousness, as intimately connected with a sense of self has a unique status in being accessible both from a first-person and a third-person perspective. A study of self therefore requires phenomenological approaches as well as neurological, psychological or sociological ones. A promising approach to understanding how the sense of self affects agency is studying pathologies. Such studies support the view that both the sense and the conception of self as unified and as an initiator of agency are valued, while a sense of conflict or dissonance is avoided. The frequency with which confabulations occur in pathologies of self can be taken as an indicator that distortions of perception, memory and narration are considered a fair price to pay to counteract a sense of diffused self. The picture or narrative of the self that is thereby produced necessarily involves a sense of what the individual regards as good. However a strong urge to maintain an idealised, unified and stable picture of self and agency may involve the danger that mechanisms used against a diffusion of the self misrepresent both self and the other

    The Protective Effect of Kefir and Vitamin C on Azoxymethane Induced Toxicity and Induction of Metallothionein in Mice

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    The present study was conducted to investigate whether vitamin C or kefir (a milk-based fermentation  product) protected Swiss albino mice from azoxymethane (AOM) toxicity. We also investigated the effect  of AOM administration on the induction of metallothionein (MT) expression in mice tissues. 40 12-weekold  male/female (20:20) Swiss albino mice with a mean weight of 31.4 g were allocated into four groups.  Animals in the first group were the control group. Animals in the other three groups were treated with  AOM (5mg/kg body weight) subcutaneously twice weekly for a total of 7 weeks. Animals in the second  group were treated only with AOM. Those in the third group were allowed access to kefir (50% wt/vol) ad  libitum. Those in the fourth group received vitamin C subcutaneously (500 mg/kg) per day for 7 weeks. Six  weeks after the final AOM treatment, all animals were sacrificed and necropsied. AOM administration  caused severe liver lesions including enlarged hepatocytes (megalocytes) and many contained enlarged  nuclei. Vitamin C and kefir administration clearly reduced the severity of AOM induced liver lesions.  Induction of MT expression was observed in the liver and kidneys, particularly in the centrilobular zones  and renal cortex, mainly in the distal renal tubules, collecting tubules, Henle's loop, and medulla, respectively.  In conclusion, vitamin C and kefir supplementation were found to be able to reduce the severity of  hepatotoxic lesions.,

    Volume XCIII, Number 15, February 22, 1974

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    11th International Conference of Inborn Errors of Metabolism -- AUG 29-SEP 02, 2009 -- San Diego, CAWOS: 00026894260018

    Fast Responding and Selective Near-IR Bodipy Dye for Hydrogen Sulfide Sensing

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.A Bodipy based, highly selective probe for hydrogen sulfide has been designed, synthesized and demonstrated to detect H2S in living cells. In this design, the reduction of two arylazido groups change the charge transfer characteristics of the 3,5-distyryl substituents on the Bodipy core, producing a 20 nm bathochromic spectral shift in the absorption band, and quenching of the emission by 85% compared to the original intensity, through photoinduced electron transfer

    Ekspresija faktora rasta trombocita, njihovih receptora kao i subjedinice alfa integrina u postvakcinalnim sarkomima mačaka na mestu injekcije

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    Injection-site sarcomas are considered an important entity in veterinary oncology, especially in cats. The current study investigated the immunohistochemical expression of platelet-derived growth factor A (PDGFA), platelet-derived growth factor receptor-α (PDGFR-α), and integrin alpha subunit v in feline injection-site sarcomas (FISS). A total of 14 paraffin-embedded tissue samples previously diagnosed as soft tissue sarcomas were selected from the departmental archive and sectioned at 5µm using a microtome. Tissue sections were stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin, Alcian blue-Periodic Acid Schiff (AB-PAS), Masson’s Trichrome, and immunohistochemically for PDGFA, PDGR-α, and integrin alpha v. The majority of the tumors were fibrosarcomas (n=13/14), except one case of myxoid liposarcoma. The tumors occurred at sites commonly used for injections or vaccine administration. Histologically, tumors were characterized by peripheral infiltration of mononuclear cells mainly lymphocytes, variable sized central necrotic areas, and many multinucleated tumor giant cells. AB-PAS staining revealed the presence of myxoid or mucinous areas in (8/14) tumors while trichrome staining demonstrated a variable amount of collagenous stroma in 12/14 tumors. Vimentin immunoreactivity was observed in all the tumors while smooth muscle actin and muscle actin staining was noticed in four and two cases, respectively. PDGFA and PDGFR-α immunoexpression was observed in all 14 casesSmatra se da su sarkomi na mestu injekcije značajan patološki entitet u veterinarskoj onkologiji, naročito kod mačaka. Studija je ispitivala imunohistohemijsku ekspresiju faktora rasta A, poreklom iz trombocita (PDGFA), receptora za faktor rasta – alfa poreklom iz trombocita (PDGRF-α) i integrin alfa subjedinice v u slučajevima sarkoma na mestu inokulacije (FISS). Ukupno je ispitano 14 parafi nskih uzoraka, poreklom od prethodno dijagnostikovanih sarkoma mekih tkiva, iz podataka arhive departmana. Uzorci su standardno obrađeni i isečeni na isečke debljine od 5 µm pomoću mikrokriotoma. Uzorci tkiva su bojeni standardnom hematoksilin-eozin, Alcian plavo-Periodic Acid Schiff (AB-PAS) i Mason-trihrom tehnikama bojenja kao i imunohistohemijski u cilju detekcije PDGFA, PDGR-α kao i integrin-alfa v. Većina tumora su po svojim karakteristikama bili fi brosarkomi (n=13/14), osim u jednom slučaju miksoliposarkoma. Tumori su bili locirani na uobičajenim mestima inokulacije vakcina. Histološki u tumorima je uočena infi ltracija mononuklearnim ćelijama, većinom limfocitima, a u centralnim regionima nekrotična područja promenljive veličine, i prisustvom većieg broja multinuklearnih gigantocita. AB-PAS bojenjem, uočeno je prisustvo miksoidnih ili mucinoznih regiona kod 8 od 14 tumora dok je trihrom bojenje ukazalo na varijabilnu količinu kolagene strome kod 12 od ukupno 14 tumora. Kod svih tumora, uočena je imunoreaktivnost na vimentin, pri čemu je reaktivnost na glatkomišični aktin uočena kod četiri, odnosno kod dva slučaja. Imunoekspresija PDGFA kao i PDGFR-α zapašena je u svih 14 slučajeva pri čemu je pozitivan nalaz na integrin alfa bio u 13 od 14 slučajeva. Rezultati studije ukazuju da je morfološki fenotip FISS prevashodno u tipu fi brosarkoma. PDGFA, njegovi receptori i ekspresija integrin alfa v su povećani u slučaju ovih tumora mačaka, što ukazuje na njihovu ulogu u patogenezi FISS

    Heteroleptic Metallosupramolecular Complexes of Bodipy Dyes as Energy Transfer Cassettes

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Bodipy dyes with integral phenanthroline and terpyridine units heteroleptically assemble in the presence of zinc(II) ions to form energy transfer cassettes. These discrete complexes exhibit an approach to modularly designed efficient energy transfer and light harvesting systems through metal ion coordination