851 research outputs found
Two component Bose-Hubbard model with higher angular momentum states
We study a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian of ultracold two component gas of spinor
Chromium atoms. Dipolar interactions of magnetic moments while tuned resonantly
by ultralow magnetic field can lead to spin flipping. Due to approximate axial
symmetry of individual lattice site, total angular momentum is conserved.
Therefore, all changes of the spin are accompanied by the appearance of the
angular orbital momentum. This way excited Wannier states with non vanishing
angular orbital momentum can be created. Resonant dipolar coupling of the two
component Bose gas introduces additional degree of control of the system, and
leads to a variety of different stable phases. The phase diagram for small
number of particles is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Exploring the Spin Structure of the Proton with Two-Body Partonic Scattering at RHIC
The STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider is using
polarized proton beams at sqrt{s} = 200 GeV to study the spin structure of the
proton. The first results for the double spin helicity dependence of inclusive
jet production are presented along with projections for additional data taken
in 2005 and 2006. When fully analyzed these data sets should place strong
constraints on the possible contribution of gluonic spin to the proton spin as
expressed by Delta G. Future studies using 2-jet or photon-jet coincidences to
map out the gluon spin distribution vs. the gluon's momentum fraction of the
proton are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, presented at the 18th Int. IUPAP Conf. on
Few-Body Problems in Physics, Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 21-26,200
Alpha radioactivity of the lunar surface at the Surveyor 5, 6, and 7 landing sites
Alpha radioactivity of lunar surface at Surveyor 5, 6, and 7 landing site
Future Investigations of the Flavor Dependence of Sea Quark Helicities at STAR
The flavor dependence of polarized and unpolarized quark distributions in the
nucleon can lead to insights into the formation of the sea. Drell-Yan
measurements have pointed to flavor asymmetries in the unpolarized
distributions. Collisions at sqrt{s}=500 GeV with polarized protons at RHIC
will soon allow investigations of the flavor separated polarized quark
distributions via W production to complement measurements from semi-inclusive
DIS. We report on STAR's current plans, tracking upgrade, and expected
sensitivities.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the 18th International Spin
Physics Symposium (Spin08), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, October 6 - 11,
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Evaluation of automated segmentation of hip joint in revision arthroplasty
We present a case of a 72-year-old female patient with a history of degenerative hip joint disease for whom a custom-made prosthesis—an acetabulum cage—was designed. With the growing number of total hip arthroplasty (THA) operations and the rapid development of technology, biology, and tissue bioengineering, there is a market to develop new artificial hip joints. The quality of the custom made prosthesis depends on the quality of segmentation to delineate accurately patient’s anatomy. The error of segmentation may propagate to the overall error of the final prosthesis. We evaluate an in-house segmentation method, that was used in the design of the custom made prosthesis, and a commercial segmentation method, using qualitative and quantitative approaches
The Analyzing Power for p-p Scattering at 180 MeV
This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440
Draft genome sequence of the UV-Resistant antarctic bacterium Sphingomonas sp. strain UV9
We report the draft genome sequence of the Antarctic UV-resistant bacterium Sphingomonas sp. strain UV9. The strain has a genome size of 4.25 Mb, a 65.62% GC content, and 3,879 protein-coding sequences. Among others, genes encoding the resolving of the DNA damage produced by the UV irradiation were identified
The Results Are In! Updated Alternative I-O Graduate Program Rankings
In the summer of 2016, we issued a Call for Proposals to submit unique and innovative methodologies to rank I-O graduate programs. In response to this, many projects were proposed to us. After much hard work (and the broader SIOP community’s help), the five selected projects have been completed. Each of these five papers are included in the current issue of TIP. We believe each of these papers will be an important contribution to our field and will guide individuals in the future – as well as generate much thought and discussion about the state of our field and the programs that educate the future of IO Psychology. In particular, we hope that these rankings will result in graduate programs examining them-selves and thinking about ways they excel, as well as areas they could improve. Additionally, we hope that future undergraduate students applying to I-O programs will use these rankings, not to determine what the “best” programs are, but which programs are the best fit for them
I-O Graduate Program Rankings: Update
In the summer 2016 issue of TIP (Salter et al., 2016), we put out a Call for Proposals for updated I-O graduate program rankings. In this call, we were looking for new and unique methodologies for ranking I-O graduate programs that reflect the diversity of values and strengths across our field. We are pleased to announce we have conditionally accepted five proposals. Each of these teams will now conduct their project (which we hope all SIOP members will help with once data collection begins); we anticipate the final rankings will be published in the summer 2018 issue of TIP.
Please note that the goal of this project is to make our methodologies public before data collection to reduce the likelihood of researcher degrees of freedom influencing the results. Although frequently unintentional, it is all too common for analytic decisions to be driven in part by the results that follow. Our goal is to achieve transparency in the way rankings were conducted and to present multiple methodologies, to aid students and educators in their decision making
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