46 research outputs found

    Dynamique Spatio-temporelle de la Mangrove du bas Delta du Fleuve Sénégal de 1980 à 2021: Approche par Télédétection et Système d’Information Géographique

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    Le bas delta du fleuve SĂ©nĂ©gal est une zone d’intĂ©rĂŞt Ă©cologique au regard de la pluralitĂ© d’aires protĂ©gĂ©es qui sont localisĂ©es. Ce milieu, qui se caractĂ©rise par la diversitĂ© de ses ressources naturelles, dĂ©veloppe une très grande vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© imputable Ă  des causes aussi bien naturelles qu’anthropiques. Depuis quelques dĂ©cennies, cette fragilitĂ© du milieu se rĂ©percute sur la mangrove qui assume difficilement ses fonctions socioĂ©conomiques et Ă©cologiques. Dès lors, il convient d’analyser la dynamique spatiotemporelle de cet Ă©cosystème afin de comprendre les facteurs qui interviennent dans sa dĂ©gradation. Dans cette Ă©tude, l’objectif a Ă©tĂ© atteint au moyen de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection Ă  travers le traitement d’images satellitaires Landsat 1980 et 2000, Sentinel 2021 combinĂ© Ă  des travaux de terrains. Cela a permis la rĂ©alisation de cartes d’occupation du sol et de cartes de changements. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent une tendance globale Ă  la hausse de la mangrove avec des espaces couverts qui sont passĂ©s de 1 105,82 ha en 1980 Ă  1 482,32 ha en 2021 malgrĂ© une perte de superficies de 166,92 ha sur cette pĂ©riode.             The lower delta of the Senegal River is a zone of ecological interest with regard to the plurality of protected areas that are located. This environment, which is characterized by the diversity of natural resources, develops a very great vulnerability due to natural and anthropic causes. For several decades, this fragility of the environment has had repercussions on the mangrove, which is having difficulty fulfilling its socio-economic and ecological functions. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of this ecosystem in order to understand the factors involved in its degradation. In this study, this objective was achieved by means of remote sensing through the processing of Landsat 1980 and 2000, Sentinel 2021 satellite images combined with field work. This allowed the realization of land use maps and change maps. The results show an overall increasing trend of the mangrove with areas covered that have increased from 1 105.82ha in 1980 to 1 482.32ha in 2021 despite a loss of area of 166.92 ha over this period

    Dynamique Spatio-temporelle de la Mangrove du bas Delta du Fleuve Sénégal de 1980 à 2021: Approche par Télédétection et Système d’Information Géographique

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              Le bas delta du fleuve SĂ©nĂ©gal est une zone d’intĂ©rĂŞt Ă©cologique au regard de la pluralitĂ© d’aires protĂ©gĂ©es qui y sont localisĂ©es. Ce milieu, qui se caractĂ©rise par la diversitĂ© de ses ressources naturelles, dĂ©veloppe une très grande vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© imputable Ă  des causes aussi bien naturelles qu’anthropiques. Depuis quelques dĂ©cennies, cette fragilitĂ© du milieu se rĂ©percute sur la mangrove qui assume difficilement ses fonctions Ă©cologiques et socioĂ©conomiques. Dès lors, il convient d’analyser la dynamique spatiotemporelle de cet Ă©cosystème afin de comprendre les facteurs qui interviennent dans sa dĂ©gradation. Dans cette Ă©tude, l’objectif a Ă©tĂ© atteint au moyen de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection Ă  travers le traitement d’images satellitaires Landsat 1980 et 2000, Sentinel 2021 combinĂ© Ă  des travaux de terrains. Cela a permis la rĂ©alisation de cartes d’occupation du sol et de cartes de changements. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent une tendance globale Ă  la hausse de la mangrove avec des espaces couverts qui sont passĂ©s de 1 105,82 ha en 1980 Ă  1 482,32 ha en 2021 malgrĂ© une perte de superficies de 166,92 ha sur cette pĂ©riode.   The lower delta of the Senegal River is a zone of ecological interest with regard to the plurality of protected areas that are located. This environment, which is characterized by the diversity of natural resources, develops a very great vulnerability due to natural and anthropic causes. For several decades, this fragility of the environment has had repercussions on the mangrove, which is having difficulty fulfilling its socio-economic and ecological functions. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of this ecosystem in order to understand the factors involved in its degradation. In this study, this objective was achieved by means of remote sensing through the processing of Landsat 1980 and 2000, Sentinel 2021 satellite images combined with field work. This allowed the realization of land use maps and change maps. The results show an overall increasing trend of the mangrove with areas covered that have increased from 1 105.82ha in 1980 to 1 482.32ha in 2021 despite a loss of area of 166.92 ha over this period

    Dynamique Spatio-temporelle de la Mangrove du bas Delta du Fleuve Sénégal de 1980 à 2021: Approche par Télédétection et Système d’Information Géographique

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    Le bas delta du fleuve SĂ©nĂ©gal est une zone d’intĂ©rĂŞt Ă©cologique au regard de la pluralitĂ© d’aires protĂ©gĂ©es qui sont localisĂ©es. Ce milieu, qui se caractĂ©rise par la diversitĂ© de ses ressources naturelles, dĂ©veloppe une très grande vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© imputable Ă  des causes aussi bien naturelles qu’anthropiques. Depuis quelques dĂ©cennies, cette fragilitĂ© du milieu se rĂ©percute sur la mangrove qui assume difficilement ses fonctions socioĂ©conomiques et Ă©cologiques. Dès lors, il convient d’analyser la dynamique spatiotemporelle de cet Ă©cosystème afin de comprendre les facteurs qui interviennent dans sa dĂ©gradation. Dans cette Ă©tude, l’objectif a Ă©tĂ© atteint au moyen de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection Ă  travers le traitement d’images satellitaires Landsat 1980 et 2000, Sentinel 2021 combinĂ© Ă  des travaux de terrains. Cela a permis la rĂ©alisation de cartes d’occupation du sol et de cartes de changements. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent une tendance globale Ă  la hausse de la mangrove avec des espaces couverts qui sont passĂ©s de 1 105,82 ha en 1980 Ă  1 482,32 ha en 2021 malgrĂ© une perte de superficies de 166,92 ha sur cette pĂ©riode.             The lower delta of the Senegal River is a zone of ecological interest with regard to the plurality of protected areas that are located. This environment, which is characterized by the diversity of natural resources, develops a very great vulnerability due to natural and anthropic causes. For several decades, this fragility of the environment has had repercussions on the mangrove, which is having difficulty fulfilling its socio-economic and ecological functions. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of this ecosystem in order to understand the factors involved in its degradation. In this study, this objective was achieved by means of remote sensing through the processing of Landsat 1980 and 2000, Sentinel 2021 satellite images combined with field work. This allowed the realization of land use maps and change maps. The results show an overall increasing trend of the mangrove with areas covered that have increased from 1 105.82ha in 1980 to 1 482.32ha in 2021 despite a loss of area of 166.92 ha over this period

    Evolution de la Mangrove de la Reserve de Biosphere du Delta du Saloum, Senegal

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    The mangrove is at the base of many ecological and socioeconomic functions in the Saloum Delta. However, in recent years, this ecosystem is subject to degradation whose causes are natural and human. It is thus necessary to study the dynamics of this ecosystem in order to understand the factors that contribute to its degradation. The remote sensing is a frequently used tool for monitoring environments. It is often used to study the spatiotemporal evolution of wetlands in the Sahelian zone. The adopted approach integrates Corona aerial photography, 1984 and 1999 Landsat satellite imagery, Sentinel 2 satellite imagery and fieldwork. The results show a regressive dynamics of the mangrove swamp which translates as follows: 55831.03 ha in 1965, 53533.70 ha in 1984, 54,135.86 ha in 1999, 53691.69 ha in 2017 and a decline rate of 3.83% between 1965 and 2017. La mangrove est à la base de multiples fonctions écologiques et socioéconomiques dans le delta du Saloum. Cependant, depuis quelques années, cet écosystème est soumis à une dégradation dont les causes sont d’ordre naturel et anthropique. Il s’avère ainsi important d’étudier la dynamique de cet écosystème pour comprendre les facteurs qui concourent à sa dégradation. La télédétection constitue un outil fréquemment utilisé pour le suivi des milieux. Il est souvent utilisé pour étudier l’évolution spatiotemporelle des milieux humides en zone sahélienne. Dans le cas de cette étude, la méthodologie utilisée intègre le traitement des photographies aériennes Corona de 1965, des images satellitaires Landsat de 1984 et 1999, Sentinel 2 de 2017 et destravaux de terrain pour l’élaboration des cartes d’occupation du sol. Les résultats montrent une dynamique à tendance régressive de la mangrove qui se traduit de la sorte : 55831,03 ha en 1965, 53533,70 ha en 1984, 54135,86 ha en 1999, 53691,69 ha en 2017 et un taux de recul de 3,83% entre 1965 et 2017

    Les Diatomées Sub-fossiles de L’estuaire du Saloum, Sénégal: inventaire floristique et paléo-environnement fournis par la carotte de Ndangane Babou

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    Dans le programme de reconstitution de l’histoire des estuaires et lagunes du SĂ©nĂ©gal et de l’inventaire de la microflore Ă  diatomĂ©es de la SĂ©nĂ©-Gambie, une carotte de sondage de 400 cm de long a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  Ndangane Babou sur un des bras de l’estuaire du Saloum (14°07′53.86″ N/16°17′40.08″ W) Ă  95 km de l’embouchure. L’analyse comparĂ©e de la lithologie et de la microflore a montrĂ© une corrĂ©lation significative entre la fraction pĂ©litique, l’abondance absolue des diatomĂ©es et leur diversitĂ© spĂ©cifique. Le faible taux de sable, majoritairement d’origine marine tout au long de la carotte pourrait s’expliquer par l’éloignement du site de prĂ©lèvement par rapport Ă  l’embouchure du fleuve. L’étude a permis d’inventorier 89 espèces et variĂ©tĂ©s de diatomĂ©es appartenant Ă  48 genres. Les genres les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©s sont Nitzschia (11 espèces), Coscinodiscus (7 espèces), Amphora et Navicula (4 espèces chacune). Huit espèces sont citĂ©es pour la première fois en SĂ©nĂ©-Gambie. La dominance des espèces euryhalines tout au long de la carotte ainsi que la prĂ©sence constante des formes d’eau douce tĂ©moignent de variations de la salinitĂ© entre les saisons hivernales marquĂ©es par des apports d’eau douce et les saisons sèches. D’un milieu deltaĂŻque ouvert aux influences marines (Zone A), le Saloum a Ă©tĂ© marquĂ© par des upwellings qui ont apportĂ©s des sels nutritifs jusqu’à la hauteur de Ndangane Babou durant le dĂ©pĂ´t de la zone B. Par la suite, l’installation d’un climat chaud et humide a entrainĂ© une augmentation de la pluviomĂ©trie et permis d’atteindre une palĂ©o-productivitĂ© primaire et une palĂ©o-biodiversitĂ© maximales au sommet de la zone C, avant l’installation d’un climat aride Ă  l’origine du caractère inverse de l’estuaire (zone D). Dans ce milieu, l’hydrodynamisme serait Ă  l’origine de l’augmentation du taux de sable et corrĂ©lativement la diminution des diatomĂ©es suivie de leur disparition.   As part of the program to rebuilt the estuaries and lagoons history in Senegal and the inventory of the diatom microflora in Senegal and Gambia, a 400 cm long core was taken at Ndangane Babou on one of the arms from the Saloum estuary (14°07′53.86″ N/16°17′40.08″ W), 95 km from the ocean. The comparative analysis of the lithology and the microflora showed a significant correlation between the lutite fraction, the absolute abundance of diatoms and their specific diversity. The low rate of sand, mostly of marine origin throughout the core, could be explained by the distance of the site from the mouth of the estuary. The study allowed to inventory 89 species and varieties of diatom belonging to 48 genera. The most represented genera are Nitzschia (11 species), Coscinodiscus (7 species each), Amphora and Navicula (4 species each). Eight species are cited for the first time in Sene-Gambia. The dominance of euryhaline species throughout the core as well as the constant presence of freshwater forms attest to variations in salinity between the rainy seasons marked by freshwater inflows and the dry seasons. From a delta environment open to marine influences (Zone A), the Saloum estuary was marked by upwellings brought nutritive salts up to the height of Ndangane Babou during Zone B deposit. Subsequently, the installation of a hot and humid climate led to an improvement in rainfall and allowed to achieve maximum primary paleo-productivity and paleo-biodiversity at the top of zone C, before the installation of an arid climate at the origin of the opposite character of the estuary (zone D). In this environment, hydrodynamics would be the cause of the increase in the rate of sand and correlatively the decrease in diatoms followed by their disappearance

    A New Fossil Amiid from the Eocene of Senegal and the Persistence of Extinct Marine Amiids after the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary

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    We report a new fossil amiid from Eocene rocks of West Africa representing the first record of this clade from Senegal. The new specimen has a maxilla that is very similar in size to that of Amia calva. It is distinctly smaller than reported remains of another West African Eocene taxon, Maliamia gigas. We tentatively refer the Senegal specimen to Vidalamiini because it has the large postmaxillary process diagnostic of this clade; however, it also exhibits anatomical features not previously described in extinct amiids. We recovered the specimen in rocks of the Lam-Lam Formation in Central-Western Senegal that we interpret to have been a shallow marine depositional environment. The occurrence of an Eocene marine amiid contradicts existing hypotheses that marine amiids were generally absent after the Cretaceous– Paleogene boundary having been replaced by freshwater taxa. Research completed since the initial discovery of Maliamia gigas indicates that this Eocene taxon was also found in shallow marine rocks

    Morphology of two Mastogloia species (Bacillariophyta) from Lac de Guiers (Senegal) and comparison with the type material of M. braunii

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    [EN] Two Mastogloia Thwaites ex W.Sm. taxa were found during a survey of the diatom flora of Lac de Guiers, Senegal. Based on all currently available literature, one taxon could be identified as M. belaensis M.Voigt, a species formerly described from Pakistan. The second species showed some resemblance to M. braunii Grunow. Analysis of the type of M. braunii revealed, however, important morphologic differences, leading to the description of a new species from the Senegal population: M. senegalensis Van de Vijver, Fofana, Sow & Ector sp. nov. The present paper describes this new species and discusses and illustrates the morphology of M. belaensis and the type of M. braunii. All taxa are discussed with morphologically similar taxaSIThe project was financed by the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) (project n° D-2092 RR 723

    Forage resources and animals’ feeding in southern groudnut bassin and eastern regions of Senegal

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    Rainfall disturbances, a consequence of the effects of climate change, aggravated by anthropogenic pressure on vegetation, are leading to the progressive disappearance of several adapted local plant species in the so-called "groundnut basin" and eastern Senegal. Also, the clearing of land for agriculture potentiates and amplifies this degradation. At this rate, the loss of most of the local plant, forage and forest resources will follow. As part of a multi-species census and collection of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, an inventory of available forage resources in the groundnut basin and eastern Senegal was made. This inventory was made by field observations triangulated with interview data. The results show that the methods and level of exploitation of natural forage resources and crop residues differ from one area to another. The natural rangeland, which still constitutes the essential part of domestic ruminants feed in these regions, is in continuous degradation. In fact, this rangeland in groundnut basin is not very diversified like southern area, with a low index of quality and volume of pastures. Crop residues are abundant but not very varied. They represent an interest for the breeders of this zone and their sale prices can sometimes exceed those of the harvested products. This is a snapshot of the situation, valid for a given time. This situation is dynamic and can change significantly from one moment to the next. Nevertheless, the results obtained will make it possible to conceive methods of conservation and production of the identified species; in order to identify the best methods of management and sustainable use

    Insecticidal effects of siliceous sands as preservative for maize and cowpea storage

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    Siliceous sands were tested in maize and cowpea storage against pests. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the insecticidal activity of two sands applied at increased doses of 1, 2, 3 and 4g/250g of maize and cowpea on Sitophilus zeamais, Callosobruchus maculatus, Prostephanus truncatus and Tribolium castaneum adults. Sands (Diobe1 and 2) were sieved and the two particles sizes retained for the study were 1×1 mm and 0.3×0.3 mm. Untreated plots and Actellic® served as control and the experiment was conducted during one month. Each dose was repeated 4 times. Results revealed a high efficiency of siliceous sand against these four pests with greater efficiency of Diobe1. Mortality of 85% was observed with Diobe 1 against 100% for actellic® and 0% for untreated plots. Emergences progressed inversely to the mortality. Damage and losses reached respectively 25% and 6% with untreated plots. P. truncatus caused nearly 16% of damages and 3% of losses at lower doses. However, with 4g/250g of stored substances (1.6%, w/w), the losses were below 1%. Insects did not show the same sensitivity to treatment and fineness of particles sands inhibits their action as long as the dose increases