22 research outputs found

    Macro- and microstructural organization of the rabbit's celiac-mesenteric ganglion complex (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    The macro- and microstructures of the rabbit celiac-mesenteric ganglion complex are described in 20 young animals. We found ten celiac ganglia, twenty-seven cranial mesenteric ganglia and eleven celiac-mesenteric ganglia. The celiac ganglia had a rectangular shape in nine cases (90%) and a circular one in one case (10%). The cranial mesenteric ganglia presented triangular (66.7%), rectangular (11.1%), L-shape (18.5%) and semilunar (3.7%) arrangements. The celiac-mesenteric ganglia were organized in three patterns: a single left celiac-mesenteric ganglion having a caudal portion (72.7%); celiac-mesenteric ganglia without a caudal portion (18.2%) and a single celiac-mesenteric ganglion with two portions: left and right (9.1%).The microstructure was investigated in nine celiac-mesenteric ganglia. The results showed that the celiac-mesenteric ganglion is actually a ganglion complex constituted of an agglomerate of ganglionic units separated by nerve fibers, capillaries and septa of connective tissue. Using the semi-thin section method we described the cellular organization of the celiac-mesenteric ganglion complex. Inside of each ganglionic unit, there were various cell types: principal ganglion neurons (PGN), glial cells (satellite cells) and SIF cells (small intensely fluorescent cells or small granular cells), which are the cytologic basis for each ganglionic unit of the rabbit's celiac-mesenteric ganglion complex

    Antiplasmodial activity of synthetic ellipticine derivatives and an isolated analog

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Ellipticine has been shown previously to exhibit excellent in vitro antiplasmodial activity and in vivo antimalarial properties that are comparable to those of the control drug chloroquine in a mouse malaria model. Ellipticine derivatives and analogs exhibit antimalarial potential however only a few have been studied to date. Herein, ellipticine and a structural analog were isolated from Aspidosperma vargasii bark. A-ring brominated and nitrated ellipticine derivatives exhibit good in vitro inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum K1 and 3D7 strains. Several of the compounds were found not to be toxic to human fetal lung fibroblasts. 9-Nitroellipticine (IC50 = 0.55 mu M) exhibits greater antiplasmodial activity than ellipticine. These results are further evidence of the antimalarial potential of ellipticine derivatives. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.241226312634Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)National Malaria Network, Bionorth NetworkAmazonas State Foundation for the Advancement of Research (FAPEAM/PRONEX)European Community FP7-Marie Curie Actions-People-International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)PIRSES-GA-2011-295262Academy of Finland and Magnus Ehrnrooth FoundationConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Linguagem oral de adolescentes deficientes auditivos: avaliação fonoaudiológica e relato dos professores

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    Resumo:OBJETIVO:caracterizar a linguagem de adolescentes deficientes auditivos oralizados que frequentam a escola regular, assim como a percepção do professor a respeito da comunicação desses alunos.MÉTODOS: amostras de fala espontânea de adolescentes portadores de perda auditiva pré-linguística de grau severo ou profundo e entrevista com os professores.RESULTADOS: as maiores dificuldades apresentadas pelos indivíduos na avaliação fonoaudiológica foram em relação à linguagem abstrata e à inteligibilidade de fala; no relato dos professores foram em relação à argumentação em avaliações escritas e à conversação com mais de um interlocutor.CONCLUSÃO: apesar do grau de perda auditiva apresentado pelos indivíduos, observou-se um bom desempenho destes quanto à comunicação, sendo esta efetiva em sua vida diária e escolar

    Tendência das meningites por Haemophilus influenzae tipo b no Brasil, em menores de 5 anos, no período de 1983 a 2002 Trends in Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis in Brazil in children under five years of age from 1983 through 2002

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    Trata-se de um estudo ecológico, tipo série histórica (1983-2002), onde foram calculados os coeficientes de incidência, mortalidade e letalidade de meningites por Haemophilus influenzae , tipo b, no Brasil, e avaliou-se a tendência da morbi-mortalidade em menores de 5 anos. Para a análise de tendência dos coeficientes construíram-se modelos de regressão polinomial para as faixas etárias de < 1 ano e de 1 a 4 anos. O nível de significância adotado foi alfa=0,05. 43,9% dos casos confirmados ocorreram em menores de 1 ano e 38,7% nos de 1 a 4 anos. Os indicadores de maior magnitude também foram observados nestas duas faixas etárias. Desde o início da série, houve uma tendência de ascensão dos coeficientes de incidência e mortalidade até, aproximadamente, 1999, quando foi observado declínio abrupto destes indicadores. Os resultados reforçam a eficiência do Programa de Vacinação contra HIB, no Brasil, que favoreceu, inclusive, faixas etárias não vacinadas (Imunidade Rebanho).<br>The study was based on an ecological design using a historical time series (1983-2002), related to Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis in Brazil. Incidence, mortality and case-fatality rates, as well as trends in incidence and morbidity-mortality were estimated in children less than 5 years of age. Polynomial regression analysis was used to analyze trends, adopting a significance level of 0.05. 43.9% of confirmed cases occurred in infants less than 1 year old and 38.7% in children 1-4 years old. The observed rates were also highest in these two age strata. The incidence and mortality rates showed an increasing trend, until approximately 1999, when a quick decline was observed. The study results reinforce the effectiveness of the Vaccination Program against HIB in Brazil, which benefited age ranges that did not receive the vaccine (Herd Immunity)