10,904 research outputs found

    Bomb Explode Up In The Head And Destroys Thief: The Gangster Style Adirley Queirós Film

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    Este ensaio se ocupa em analisar o cruzamento entre os elementos estéticos e políticos da cultura hip hop oriunda de Brasília, Distrito Federal brasileiro, nos filmes A cidade é uma só? (2012) e Branco Sai, Preto Fica (2014), do diretor ceilandense Adirley Queirós. Para tal se utiliza referências bibliográficas, entrevistas em blogs e documentários com o diretor. No primeiro momento se apresenta um panorama de conexões entre a cultura hip hop e a proposta estética e política dos filmes para, posteriormente, discutir e compreender as implicações do cruzamento na mise-en-scène e na estilística do diretor.This essay is concerned with analysing the intersection between aesthetic and political elements of hip hop culture originated in Brasilia, Brazilian Federal District, in the movies A cidade é uma só? (2012) and Branco Sai, Preto Fica (2014) the ceilandense director Adirley Queirós. To do this you use references, interviews in blogs and documentaries with the director. At first presents an overview of connections between hip hop culture and the aesthetic and political proposal of the films to subsequently discuss and understand the implications of crossing the mise-en-scène and stylistic director

    On multifractals: a non-linear study of actigraphy data

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    This work aimed, to determine the characteristics of activity series from fractal geometry concepts application, in addition to evaluate the possibility of identifying individuals with fibromyalgia. Activity level data were collected from 27 healthy subjects and 27 fibromyalgia patients, with the use of clock-like devices equipped with accelerometers, for about four weeks, all day long. The activity series were evaluated through fractal and multifractal methods. Hurst exponent analysis exhibited values according to other studies (H>0.5H>0.5) for both groups (H=0.98±0.04H=0.98\pm0.04 for healthy subjects and H=0.97±0.03H=0.97\pm0.03 for fibromyalgia patients), however, it is not possible to distinguish between the two groups by such analysis. Activity time series also exhibited a multifractal pattern. A paired analysis of the spectra indices for the sleep and awake states revealed differences between healthy subjects and fibromyalgia patients. The individuals feature differences between awake and sleep states, having statistically significant differences for αq−−α0\alpha_{q-} - \alpha_{0} in healthy subjects (p=0.014p = 0.014) and D0D_{0} for patients with fibromyalgia (p=0.013p = 0.013). The approach has proven to be an option on the characterisation of such kind of signals and was able to differ between both healthy and fibromyalgia groups. This outcome suggests changes in the physiologic mechanisms of movement control.Comment: Preprint accepted for publication at Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application

    De malandro a bandido: a metamorfose do outro urbano no cinema brasileiro

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    Monografia apresentada à disciplina de Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso vinculada ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Arte, Cultura e História da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Cinema e Audiovisual. Orientador: Prof.Dr. Dinaldo Sepúlveda Almendra Filho.Este trabalho percorre as diferentes formas de figuração do bandido urbano nos movimentos Cinema Novo, Cinema Marginal e no Cinema da Retomada em filmes de ficção que se passam no Rio de Janeiro. Todavia, se concentra na metamorfose da figuração do malandro dos morros cariocas para o bandido urbano militarizado. Esta transformação acontece na década de 1970, momento chave em que ocorre a justaposição do malandro e do bandido na representação cinematográfica. Para entender esta transfiguração a pesquisa analisa os filmes: Rio 40, graus (1955) de Nelson Pereira dos Santos, O Anjo Nasceu (1969) de Julio Bressane, O Amuleto de Ogum (1974) de Nelson Pereira dos Santos e Lucio Flávio: o passageiro da agonia (1979) de Hector BabencoThis study aims to identify and analyze the metamorphosis of urban bandit from the decade of 1970 in the city of Rio de Janeiro, by means of the films: The Angel was born (1969) Julio Bressane, The Amulet of Ogum (1974) by Nelson Pereira dos Santos and Lucio Flavio: the passenger of agony (1979) Hector Babenco. In this way, the search through the metamorphosis of cinematographic representations of Other urban areas in different periods of the cinema (Cinema Novo and Marginal and Resume) and focuses on this specific moment because it is a key moment: juxtaposition of malandro and bandit, in the characters of fiction. In this sense, the research shows that the representation in cinema acts as a sounding board of desires and discussions in societ

    Jogo do filme: análise do documentário Los Rubios (2003) a partir da teoria jogo do texto de Wolfgang Izer

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    II Jornadas Latino-Americanas de Linguagens e Cultura. Em comemoração aos 100 anos de nascimento de Roa Bastos e 50 anos da morte de Guimarães RosaO trabalho analisa o documentário Los Rubios (2003) de Albertina Carri através de aportes da Teoria do Jogo do texto de Wolfgang Iser (2002), buscando averiguar a proposta estética da diretora e os distintos suplementos produzidos pela recepção. Para tanto, introduzimos o leitor ao contexto de produção de suas obras até a confecção de Los Rubios, tratando de sua entrada no meio audiovisual e das obras que precedem o filme analisado, por meio das entrevistas realizadas com a diretora em revistas especializadas e sites da internet.Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura Comparada Programa de Pós-Graduação Interdisciplinar em Estudos Latino-Americanos Curso de Graduação em Letras – Artes e Mediação Cultura

    Glueing spaces without identifying points

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    In this paper we develop the theory of Artin-Wraith glueing for topological spaces. As an application, we show that some categories of compactifications of coarse spaces that agrees with the coarse structures are invariant under coarse equivalences. As a consequence, we have that if a space ZZ is the coproduct of a family {Ci}i∈Γ\{C_{i}\}_{i \in \Gamma} of Hausdorff compact spaces, then the category of compactifications of Γ\Gamma, with discrete topology, is isomorphic to a full subcategory of the category of compactifications of ZZ. As an another application, we show that for every compact metrizable space YY, there exists only one, up to homeomorphisms, compactification of the Cantor set minus one point such that the remainder is homeomorphic to YY.Comment: this article draws heavily from arXiv:1903.1174


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    Urban dynamics can be characterized more effectively by considering spatial aspects in studies. This paper, using a synthetic spatially correlated data set, aims to model the spatial effect on travel mode choice based on geostatistics precepts. A method was proposed based on three main steps. The first step consists of building synthetic spatially correlated data, using the intrinsic spatial dependence on travel demand data and mathematical principles of bilinear interpolation. The following two steps correspond to the modeling approach. The Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis stage aimed to attest the existence of spatial autocorrelation of the data set using two indicators: Moran and G-SIVAR (Global Spatial Indicator Based on Variogram). The Confirmatory Spatial Data Analysis stage proposed the calibration of two Binomial Logit models. The first model includes only the original database variables (nonspatial model). The second one is analogous to the original but added to spatial covariates obtained by geostatistical concepts (spatial model). A 15% increase in cross-validation hit rates is achieved when spatial variables are included. This paper presents three significant research contributions: (1) The methodological procedure to model spatial effect on travel mode choice; (2) The proposal of spatial covariates based on geostatistical assumptions; and (3) The suggestion of a simple procedure to propose a simulation of a spatially correlated database
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