3,154 research outputs found

    Small Mammal Activity Alters Plant Community Composition and Microbial Activity in an Old-Field Ecosystem

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    Herbivores modify their environment by consuming plant biomass and redistributing materials across the landscape. While small mammalian herbivores, such as rodents, are typically inconspicuous, their impacts on plant community structure and chemistry can be large. We used a small mammal exclosure experiment to explore whether rodents in a southeastern old field directly altered the above ground plant species composition and chemistry, and indirectly altered the below ground soil community composition and activity. In general, when rodents were excluded, C3 graminoids increased in cover and biomass, contributing toward a shift in plant species composition relative to plots where rodents were present. The plant community chemistry also shifted; plant fiber concentration and carbon : nitrogen were higher, whereas plant nitrogen concentration was lower in exclosure plots relative to access plots. While microbial community enzyme activity increased when rodents were excluded, no significant changes in the fungal : bacterial or potential nitrogen mineralization occurred between treatments. Our results show that rodents can rapidly influence aboveground plant community composition and chemistry, but their influence on below ground processes may require plant inputs to the soil to accumulate over longer periods of time

    Degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca e da proteína bruta das silagens de seis genótipos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), com e sem tanino no grão, ensilados no estádio de grão farináceo.

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    Este experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o valor nutricional (materia seca e proteina bruta) de seis genotipos de sorgo para silagem, com e sem tanino no grao, colhidos no estadio de grao farinaceo, utilizando a tecnica da degradabilidade in situ. Seis genotipos de sorgo para ensilagens foram utilizadas: BR 303, BR 304, BR 601 e AG 2006 (sem tanino no grao) e BR 700 e BR 701 (com tanino no grao). quatro bovinos machos, canulados no rumen foram utilizados. os tempos de incubacao foram: 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas. Utilizou-se o tempo zero (t0) para calculo da solubilidade das silagens. A silagem do sorgo BR 304 apresentou os melhores resultados para a media de desaparecimento da MS e da PB as 96 horas de incubacao, seguida pela do AG 2006. O tanino presente nos graos dos genotipos BR 700 e BR 701 ensilados no estadio de grao farinaceo, nao respondeu por nenhum efeito sobre os parametros estudados de degradacao da materia seca e da proteina bruta

    Degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca e da proteína bruta das silagens de seis genótipos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), com e sem tanino no grão, ensilados no estádio de grão farináceo.

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    Este experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o valor nutricional (matéria seca e proteína bruta) de seis genótipos de sorgo para silagem, com e sem tanino no grão, colhidos no estádio de grão farináceo, utilizando a técnica da degradabilidade in situ. Seis silagens de genótipos de sorgo foram utilizadas: BR 303, BR 304, BR 601 e AG 2006 (sem tanino no grão) e BR 700 e BR 701 (com tanino no grão). Quatro bovinos machos, canulados no rúmen foram utilizados. Os tempos de incubação foram: 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas. Utilizou-se o tempo zero (t0) para cálculo da solubilidade das silagens. A silagem do sorgo BR 304 apresentou os melhores resultados para a média de desaparecimento da MS e da PB às 96 horas de incubação, seguida pela do AG 2006. O tanino presente nos grãos dos genótipos BR 700 e BR 701 ensilados no estádio de grão farináceo, não respondeu por nenhum efeito depressivo sobre os parâmetros estudados de degradação da matéria seca e da proteína bruta

    Mitophagy induction improves salivary gland stem/progenitor cell function by reducing senescence after irradiation

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer often experience a decline in their quality of life due to the co-irradiation of salivary glands. Radiation-induced cellular senescence is a key factor contributing to salivary gland dysfunction. Interestingly, mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular senescence have been reported to be strongly interconnected and thus implicated in several aging-related diseases. This study aims to investigate the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in senescence induction in salivary gland stem/progenitor cells after irradiation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A dose of 7 Gy photons was used to irradiate mouse salivary gland organoids. Senescent markers and mitochondrial function were assessed using rt-qPCR, western blot analysis, SA-β-Gal staining and flow cytometry analysis. Mitochondrial dynamics-related proteins were detected by western blot analysis while Mdivi-1 and MFI8 were used to modulate the mitochondrial fission process. To induce mitophagy, organoids were treated with Urolithin A and PMI and subsequently stem/progenitor cell self-renewal capacity was assessed as organoid forming efficiency.RESULTS: Irradiation led to increased senescence and accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria. This was accompanied by a strong downregulation of mitochondrial fission-related proteins and mitophagy-related genes. After irradiation, treatment with the mitophagy inducer Urolithin A attenuated the senescent phenotype and improved organoid growth and stem/progenitor cell self-renewal capacity.CONCLUSION: This study shows the important interplay between senescence and mitochondrial dysfunction after irradiation. Importantly, activation of mitophagy improved salivary gland stem/progenitor cell function thereby providing a novel therapeutic strategy to restore the regenerative capacity of salivary glands following irradiation.</p

    Mitophagy induction improves salivary gland stem/progenitor cell function by reducing senescence after irradiation

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer often experience a decline in their quality of life due to the co-irradiation of salivary glands. Radiation-induced cellular senescence is a key factor contributing to salivary gland dysfunction. Interestingly, mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular senescence have been reported to be strongly interconnected and thus implicated in several aging-related diseases. This study aims to investigate the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in senescence induction in salivary gland stem/progenitor cells after irradiation.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A dose of 7 Gy photons was used to irradiate mouse salivary gland organoids. Senescent markers and mitochondrial function were assessed using rt-qPCR, western blot analysis, SA-β-Gal staining and flow cytometry analysis. Mitochondrial dynamics-related proteins were detected by western blot analysis while Mdivi-1 and MFI8 were used to modulate the mitochondrial fission process. To induce mitophagy, organoids were treated with Urolithin A and PMI and subsequently stem/progenitor cell self-renewal capacity was assessed as organoid forming efficiency.RESULTS: Irradiation led to increased senescence and accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria. This was accompanied by a strong downregulation of mitochondrial fission-related proteins and mitophagy-related genes. After irradiation, treatment with the mitophagy inducer Urolithin A attenuated the senescent phenotype and improved organoid growth and stem/progenitor cell self-renewal capacity.CONCLUSION: This study shows the important interplay between senescence and mitochondrial dysfunction after irradiation. Importantly, activation of mitophagy improved salivary gland stem/progenitor cell function thereby providing a novel therapeutic strategy to restore the regenerative capacity of salivary glands following irradiation.</p

    Screening Of Miners And Millers At Decreasing Levels Of Asbestos Exposure: Comparison Of Chest Radiography And Thin-section Computed Tomography.

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    Chest radiography (CXR) is inferior to Thin-section computed tomography in the detection of asbestos related interstitial and pleural abnormalities. It remains unclear, however, whether these limitations are large enough to impair CXR´s ability in detecting the expected reduction in the frequency of these asbestos-related abnormalities (ARA) as exposure decreases. Clinical evaluation, CXR, Thin-section CT and spirometry were obtained in 1418 miners and millers who were exposed to progressively lower airborne concentrations of asbestos. They were separated into four groups according to the type, period and measurements of exposure and/or procedures for controlling exposure: Group I (1940-1966/tremolite and chrysotile, without measurements of exposure and procedures for controlling exposure); Group II (1967-1976/chrysotile only, without measurements of exposure and procedures for controlling exposure); Group III (1977-1980/chrysotile only, initiated measurements of exposure and procedures for controlling exposure) and Group IV (after 1981/chrysotile only, implemented measurements of exposure and a comprehensive procedures for controlling exposure). In all groups, CXR suggested more frequently interstitial abnormalities and less frequently pleural plaques than observed on Thin-section CT (p<0.050). The odds for asbestosis in groups of decreasing exposure diminished to greater extent at Thin-section CT than on CXR. Lung function was reduced in subjects who had pleural plaques evident only on Thin-section CT (p<0.050). In a longitudinal evaluation of 301 subjects without interstitial and pleural abnormalities on CXR and Thin-section CT in a previous evaluation, only Thin-section CT indicated that these ARA reduced as exposure decreased. CXR compared to Thin-section CT was associated with false-positives for interstitial abnormalities and false-negatives for pleural plaques, regardless of the intensity of asbestos exposure. Also, CXR led to a substantial misinformation of the effects of the progressively lower asbestos concentrations in the occurrence of asbestos-related diseases in miners and millers.10e011858

    De um projeto de estágio curricular supervisionado à co-docência e co-formação no Colégio de Aplicação da UFSC

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    From a supervised internship project to co-teaching and co-training at an elementary school (Colégio de Aplicação, UFSC)ResumoNeste artigo, apresentamos um estudo sobre o estágio curricular com foco na co-docência e co-formação, que fundamentam a concepção do projeto de estágio realizado com os 4ºs e 5ºs anos no Colégio de Aplicação da UFSC. Há dupla finalidade: debater princípios basilares para a formação docente e sistematizar conhecimentos produzidos no período de 2016 a 2018, com vistas a fortalecer ainda mais os vínculos interinstitucionais entre UFSC e Udesc. Abordagem qualitativa orientada pelos critérios da pesquisa exploratória e documental, as ações do estágio se traduzem como o campo empírico de ação e investigação. Os resultados apontam que quanto maior conjugação colaborativa, articulada a um plano mais amplo de mudança social, entre o campo de estágio e a instituição formadora maior será a efetividade na formação docente por estar comprometida com uma Didática crítica, sensível e emancipadora.Palavras-chave: Estágio Curricular Supervisionado; Co-docência; Formação de Professores.AbstractIn this paper, we describe a study on a supervised curricular internship focusing on co-teaching and co-training, which guides the conception of the internship project carried out with the fourth- and fifth-year pupils at Colégio de Aplicação, UFSC. The goals are: to reflect on the basic principles of teacher training and to systematize the knowledge gained from 2016 to 2018. A qualitative approach guided by the criteria of exploratory and documentary research, the internship activities translate into the empirical field of action and investigation. The results indicate that the greater the collaborative association, combined with a broader plan of social exchange between the internship field of action and the larger educational institution, the more effective the teacher training will be, since it is committed to a critical, sensitive and emancipating didactic strategy and theory.Keywords: Supervised Internship; Co-teaching; Teacher training.

    Linezolid Resistance in Brazilian Staphylococcus hominis Strains Is Associated with L3 and 23S rRNA Ribosomal Mutations

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    Univ São Paulo, Sch Pharm, Dept Clin Anal, BR-05508 São Paulo, BrazilHosp Beneficencia Portuguesa, Lab Clin Microbiol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Alerta, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Biomed Sci, Dept Microbiol, BR-05508 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Lab Alerta, São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc
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