57 research outputs found

    Macrophage polarization and obesity complications: what we can learn from experimental studies

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    Clinical and experimental evidences pointed to the role of immune cells and inflammatory mediators on the development of diseases in obese patients. Therefore, it is our objective to explore experimental studies that approach the relationship between the different types of inflammatory reaction inside the adipose tissue, particularly the macrophage polarization and the development of obesity complications. Further, we intend to speculate how to translate this knowledge, obtained from experimental studies, to treatments applicable to the human diseases. PubMed database was sought using the terms “obesity”, “macrophage” and “polarization”. After applying the filters “Language - English” and “Species - Animals”, we arrived to 90 references. Sixty-two were excluded for being reviews or not related to the main subject. Results in experimental models of obesity pointed a relevant correlation between the macrophage polarization to a type 1 response (M1) inside white adipose tissue and the development of insulin resistance, diabetes and other complications of obesity. Several articles report strategies to shift to a type 2 phenotype (M2), using drugs or lifestyle changes. How these findings could be translated to new human treatments is still an open question that only well designed researches could answer.Evidências clínicas e experimentais apontam para o papel das células do sistema imunológico e mediadores inflamatórios no desenvolvimento de doenças em pacientes obesos. Nosso objetivo neste trabalho é explorar estudos experimentais que abordam a relação entre os diferentes tipos de reação inflamatória no tecido adiposo, particularmente a polarização de macrófagos e o desenvolvimento de complicações da obesidade. Além disso, temos a intenção de especular como traduzir esse conhecimento, obtido a partir de estudos experimentais, em tratamentos aplicáveis às doenças humanas. Para tanto, foi realizada busca no banco de dados PubMed, usando-se os termos “obesidade”, “macrófago” e “polarização”. Depois de aplicados os filtros “Idioma - Inglês” e “espécies - Animais”, chegamos a 90 referências. Sessenta e duas dessas foram excluídas por serem revisões ou não estarem relacionados com o assunto principal. Os resultados em modelos experimentais de obesidade indicaram uma correlação significativa entre a polarização de macrófagos para uma resposta do tipo 1 (M1) no interior do tecido adiposo branco e o desenvolvimento de resistência à insulina, diabetes e outras complicações da obesidade. Vários artigos relatam estratégias de mudança para o fenótipo tipo 2 (M2), como uso de drogas ou mudanças de estilo de vida. Ainda é uma questão em aberto o modo como estas descobertas podem ser traduzidas para novos tratamentos em seres humanos, o que só poderá ser respondido por pesquisas bem elaboradas

    Analysis of geothermal temperatures for heat pumps application in Paraná (Brasil)

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    Geothermal heat pumps are broadly used in developed countries but scarcely in Brazil, in part because there is a lack of Brazilian soil temperature data. The aims of this work are: to present soil temperature measurements and to compare geothermal heat pump system performances with conventional air conditioning systems. Geothermal temperature measurement results are shown for ten Paraná State cities, representing different soil and climate conditions. The measurements were made yearlong with calibrated equipment and digital data acquisition system in di erent measuring stations. Geothermal and ambient temperature data were used for simulations of the coe cient of performance (COP), by means of a working uid pressure-enthalpy diagram based software for vapor-compression cycle. It was veri ed that geothermal temperature measured between January 13 to October 13, 2013, varied from 16 to 24 °C, while room temperature has varied between 2 and 35 °C. Average COP values for conventional system were 3.7 (cooling mode) and 5.0 kW/kW (heating mode), corresponding to 5.9 and 7.9 kW/kW for geothermal system. Hence it was verified an average efficiency gain of 59%with geothermal system utilization in comparison with conventional system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An Eco-Energetic performance comparison of dehumidification systems in High-Moisture indoor environments

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    This study discusses the choice of dehumidification systems for high-moisture indoor environments, such as indoor swimming pools, supported by an eco-energetic performance comparison. Initially, the causes of the high relative humidity and condensation in these spaces are reported, as well as the available dehumidification technologies. Two different solutions are described: desiccant wheel dehumidification and re-cooling. The energy demand required by a refrigeration system is lower than the desiccant wheel; however, the former system requires less maintenance and does not require refrigerant fluid. An eco-energetic comparison is performed between the two systems in two countries with different energy matrices (Brazil and USA). In Brazil, the desiccant wheel is the best choice for the past 10 years, with a predicted 351,520 kgCO2 of CO2 emissions, which is 38% lower than the refrigeration system. In the USA, the best option is the refrigeration system (1,463,350 kgCO2), a 12% more efficient option than desiccant wheels. This model can be considered for energy and CO2 emissions assessment, predicting which system has better energy efficiency and lower environmental impact, depending on the refrigerant type, location and environmental conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of temperatures for geothermal heat pumps application in Paraná

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    Bombas de calor geotérmicas são muito utilizadas em países desenvolvidos, porém, são pouco utilizadas no Brasil, em parte porque faltam medidas de temperatura do solo brasileiro. Os objetivos deste trabalho são: apresentar medidas de temperatura geotérmica e comparar o desempenho do sistema geotérmico e do sistema convencional de ar condicionado. Apresentam-se resultados da medição de temperatura geotérmica em dez cidades paranaenses, representativas dos diferentes solos e climas. As medições foram realizadas ao longo de um ano, com equipamentos aferidos e sistemas digitais de aquisição de dados nas diferentes estações de medição instaladas. Os dados de temperatura geotérmica e ambiente foram utilizados para simulação do coeficiente de performance (COP), por meio de software de dimensionamento de sistemas em ciclo de refrigeração por compressão de vapor, baseado no diagrama de pressão-entalpia do fluido de rabalho. Verificou-se que a temperatura geotérmica medida entre janeiro e outubro de 2013 variou de 16 a 24 °C, enquanto a temperatura ambiente variou entre 2 e 35 °C. Valores médios de COP para o sistema convencional foram de 3,7 (refrigeração) e 5,0 kW/kW (aquecimento), correspondente a 5,9 e 7,9 para o sistema BCG, o que significa ganho em eficiência de 59% com o uso do sistema geotérmico.Geothermal heat pumps are broadly used in developed countries but scarcely in Brazil, in part because there is a lack of Brazilian soil temperature data. The aims of this work are: to show soil temperature measurements and to compare geothermal heat pumps system performance with conventional air conditioning systems. Geothermal temperature measurement results are shown for ten Paraná State cities, representing different soil and climate conditions. The measurements were made yearlong with calibrated equipment and digital data acquisition system in different measuring stations. Geothermal and ambient temperature data were used for coefficient of performance (COP) simulation, by means of working fluid pressure-enthalpy diagram based software for vapor-compression cycle. It was verified that geothermal temperature measured between Jan/13 to Oct/13 varied from 16 to 24 °C, while ambient temperature has varied between 2 and 35 °C. Average COP values for conventional system were 3.7 (cooling) and 5.0 kW/kW (heating), corresponding to 5.9 and 7.9 kW/kW for geothermal system. Hence it was verified an average efficiency gain of 59% with geothermal system utilization in comparison with conventional system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ao Editor da Revista de Medicina

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    Prediction of intensive care admission and hospital mortality in COVID-19 patients using demographics and baseline laboratory data

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    Introduction: Optimized allocation of medical resources to patients with COVID-19 has been a critical concern since the onset of the pandemic. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, the authors used data from a Brazilian tertiary university hospital to explore predictors of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission and hospital mortality in patients admitted for COVID-19. Our primary aim was to create and validate prediction scores for use in hospitals and emergency departments to aid clinical decisions and resource allocation. Results: The study cohort included 3,022 participants, of whom 2,485 were admitted to the ICU; 1968 survived, and 1054 died in the hospital. From the complete cohort, 1,496 patients were randomly assigned to the derivation sample and 1,526 to the validation sample. The final scores included age, comorbidities, and baseline laboratory data. The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves were very similar for the derivation and validation samples. Scores for ICU admission had a 75% accuracy in the validation sample, whereas scores for death had a 77% accuracy in the validation sample. The authors found that including baseline flu-like symptoms in the scores added no significant benefit to their accuracy. Furthermore, our scores were more accurate than the previously published NEWS-2 and 4C Mortality Scores. Discussion and conclusions: The authors developed and validated prognostic scores that use readily available clinical and laboratory information to predict ICU admission and mortality in COVID-19. These scores can become valuable tools to support clinical decisions and improve the allocation of limited health resources

    Relationship between acid–base status and inflammation in the critically ill

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    Abstract\ud \ud Introduction\ud There is a complex interplay between changes in acid–base components and inflammation. This manuscript aims to explore associations between plasma cytokines and chemokines and acid–base status on admission to intensive care.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud We conducted a prospective cohort study in a 13-bed ICU in a tertiary-care center in Brazil. 87 unselected patients admitted to the ICU during a 2-year period were included. We measured multiple inflammatory mediators in plasma using multiplex assays and evaluated the association between mediator concentrations and acid–base variables using a variety of statistical modeling approaches, including generalized linear models, multiadaptive regression splines and principal component analysis.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud We found a positive association between strong ion gap (SIG) and plasma concentrations of interleukin (IL)6, 8, 10 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF); whereas albumin was negatively associated with IL6, IL7, IL8, IL10, TNF and interferon (IFN)α. Apparent strong ion difference (SIDa) was negatively associated with IL10 and IL17. A principal component analysis including SAPS 3 indicated that the association between acid–base components and inflammatory status was largely independent of illness severity, with both increased SIG and decreased SIDa (both drivers of acidosis) associated with increased inflammation.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud Acid–base variables (especially increased SIG, decreased albumin and decreased SIDa) on admission to ICU are associated with immunological activation. These findings should encourage new research into the effects of acid–base status on inflammation.Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP