44 research outputs found

    Moquegua : ¿cómo vamos en educación?

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    Reúne información estadística relevante de la situación actual de la educación de la región Moquegua, ha sido hecho para servir como una guía informativa amigable de todos aquellos actores de la región que puedan influir positivamente en su realidad educativa. Entre 2004 y 2013, la tasa media de crecimiento anual del gasto público educativo por alumno fue de 14.6% en inicial, 16.6% en primaria y 11.6% en secundaria. En casi todos estos años dicho indicador en Moquegua superó al nacional en el nivel inicial, primaria y secundaria. En 2014, casi todos los distritos de la provincia de Ilo tienen más del 90% de locales escolares de educación básica con los tres servicios básicos (agua potable, desagüe y electricidad), mientras que en las regiones de Mariscal Nieto y General Sánchez Cerro el porcentaje es menor (76.0% y 54.9% respectivamente) El porcentaje de escuelas moqueguanas con acceso a Internet en primaria pasó de 7.7% en 2005 a 33.1% en 2014, superando ese año al nacional (27.9%). Similarmente, en secundaria, el porcentaje de escuelas moqueguanas con internet pasó de 22.1% a 56.5% frente a 52% de todo el país. El acceso a inicial en Moquegua, medido por la tasa neta de asistencia, tiene una tendencia creciente pasando de 65% a 93% entre el 2004 y 2013, mientras que el acceso a educación primaria se mantiene relativamente estables con tasas que fluctúan alrededor del 93% y 96% respectivamente. Por último en secundaria, el acceso a la educación tiene una tendencia creciente pasando de 83.8% a 94.1%. El indicador en Moquegua de alumnos por docente muestra una ligera tendencia decreciente en los tres niveles. Entre el 2005 y el 2014, este indicador pasó de 14 a 12 alumnos por docente en el nivel inicial, de 10 a 8 en el nivel primario y de 8 a 6 alumnos por docente en el nivel secundaria. En el 2014, el indicador de Moquegua en inicial, primaria y secundaria es inferior al nacional. Moquegua tiene tasas de desaprobación, retiro y atraso inferiores a los valores nacionales. Respecto al atraso escolar, todos los distritos, en primaria y en secundaria, se ubican debajo de 20% (percentil inferior), excepto, en secundaria, los distritos de Carumas, Torata, Chojata e Ichuda ubicados por debajo del 40%. En cuanto al porcentaje de retirados en 2013, todos los distritos del Callao tienen tasas de retiro que las ubica en el percentil más bajo (menor a 8%) tanto en primaria como en secundaria con la excepción, en secundaria, de los distritos Chuchumbaya, Chojata, Quinistaquillas (por debajo del 16%, respectivamente) y Matalaque (por debajo del 24%). distrito de Mi Perú en secundaria (3.2%)

    Exposure to trauma-relevant pictures is associated with tachycardia in victims who had experienced an intense peritraumatic defensive response : the tonic immobility.

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    Tonic immobility is an involuntary, last-ditch defensive reaction characterized by physical inactivity in a context of inescapable threat that has been described in many species, including humans. The occurrence of this defensive response is a predictor of the severity of psychiatric disorders and may be considered as an index of an intense reaction to a traumatic event. Here, we investigated whether the retrospective reports of peritraumatic tonic immobility reaction in participants exposed to a traumatic event would modify their cardiac responses to pictures related to their trauma. Using a questionnaire of life-threating events, we selected students who experienced violent crime as their most intense trauma and students who had never experienced a violent crime trauma, but experienced other traumatic events. All participants completed a questionnaire that estimated the intensity of tonic immobility during their most intense trauma. Electrocardiographic recordings were collected during exposure to pictures. Participants viewed emotional pictures (human attack with guns) and neutral pictures. These emotional stimuli were selected to be trauma-relevant to the violent crime group and non trauma-relevant to the no violent crime trauma group. Violent crime group showed a positive correlation between heart rate changes after viewing trauma-related pictures and tonic immobility scores. We observed that low tonic immobility scores were associated with bradycardia and high scores with tachycardia in response to trauma-relevant pictures. For the no violent crime group, no significant correlation was detected. These results suggest that the relevance of the stimuli and the magnitude of the defensive response during a previous trauma event were important factors triggering more intense defensive responses

    Orthoses effects in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease: update

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    Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is the most common hereditary peripheral neuropathy in humans, presenting incidence of 1:2.500 people. The distal crural weakness of the CMT causes numerous gait impairment changes, for example, velocity, length, width and cadence of the steps. Several rehabilitation resources have been proposed to manage the walking problems, among them, the use of orthoses is highlighted. The objective of this study was to present and discuss the results of studies on the effects of orthotic uses in CMT gait patterns. In this study it was used to literature update through major national/international databases (SciELO, LILACS and MEDLINE), published between the years 2006-2012. The CMT treatment consisted of physical therapy and using of assistive equipment, since there are no drugs or gene therapy able to attenuate the clinical and functional damages. This association seeks to maximize the function and improve life quality of these patients in an attempt to prevent additional injuries related to physical disability. From literature update it is possible to conclude that there is a consensus on the use of lower limb orthoses to promote the stabilization of the ankle articulation and a more functional pattern of walking, avoiding inadequate synergy of movement and reducing the risk of falls.A Doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (DCMT) é a neuropatia periférica hereditária mais comum em seres humanos, apresentando incidência de 1:2.500 pessoas. A fraqueza distal crural na DCMT provoca inúmeras alterações na marcha, como, por exemplo, na velocidade, no comprimento, na largura e cadência dos passos. Vários recursos em reabilitação têm sido propostos para gerenciar os problemas de deambulação, dentre eles, destaca-se a utilização de órteses. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar e discutir os resultados de estudos sobre os efeitos da utilização de órteses nos padrões de marcha na DCMT. Neste estudo foi utilizada atualização da literatura através das principais bases de dados nacionais/internacionais (SciELO, LILACS e MEDLINE), publicados entre os anos de 2006-2012. O tratamento da DCMT consiste em fisioterapia e utilização de equipamentos de assistência, visto que ainda não há fármacos ou terapia gênica capaz de atenuar os danos clínicos e funcionais. Tal associação busca maximizar a função e melhorar a qualidade de vida desses pacientes, na tentativa de evitar agravos adicionais relativos à incapacidade física. A partir de atualização de literatura é possível concluir que existe consenso sobre a utilização de órteses nos membros inferiores para promover a estabilização das articulações do tornozelo e um padrão de deambulação mais funcional, evitando sinergias inadequadas de movimento e atenuando o risco de quedas

    Tonic immobility in PTSD : exacerbation of emotional cardiac defense response.

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    Among defensive behaviors, tonic immobility (TI) is considered the last defensive resort when life is at extreme risk. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is the main psychiatric consequence resulting from exposure to traumatic events. Increasing evidence indicate an association between peritraumatic tonic immobilility and severity of PTSD. Cardiac defense response, a reactivity to perceived danger or threat, has been studied by recording heart rate changes that follows the presentation of an unpredictable intense auditory aversive stimulus. The aim of this study was to investigate potential distinctiveness in cardiac defense response among PTSD patients who presented ? compared to those that did not ? TI reaction in the laboratory setting. Patients (N = 17) completed the TI questionnaire for signs of immobility elicited by passive listening to their autobiographical trauma script. After a while, they were exposed to an intense white noise, while electrocardiogram was recorded. The heart rate during the 80 s after the noise, subtracted from baseline, was analyzed. Higher reports of TI to the trauma script were associated with stronger and sustained heart rate accelerations after the noise. The effects on cardiac defense response add to increasing evidence that some PTSD patients are prone to repeated re-experiences of TI, which may implicate in a potentially distinct pathophysiology and even a new PTSD subtype

    Síndrome de Pickardt: Pickardt syndrome

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    Introdução: A síndrome de Pickardt-Fahlbusch, muito rara, encontra-se no grupo das síndromes endócrinas de interrupção da haste hipofisária, resultando no hipotireoidismo terciário. A fisiopatologia não está totalmente elucidada, sugerindo alterações de ordens cromossômicas. Apresentação do caso:  Paciente com 13 anos, sexo feminino, natural do Gama - DF, deu entrada no pronto socorro do Hospital Regional de Santa Maria (HRSM) com rebaixamento do nível de consciência associado a hipoglicemia grave, apresentando melhora após reversão da hipoglicemia. Discussão:  Observa-se uma maior prevalência da síndrome de Pickardt-Fahlbusch no sexo masculino, com sintomas de hipotireoidismo grave bem presentes, necessitando realizar exames complementares: laboratoriais e de imagens. Afastadas outras causas e realizado diagnóstico, deve iniciar precocemente as medidas terapêuticas, reduzindo os efeitos e complicações da ausência dos hormônios tireoidianos principalmente na faixa etária pediátrica. Outras características também podem vir acompanhadas, mascarando o diagnóstico, já que alteração ocorre a nível de haste hipofisária, o que induz outras sintomatologias. Conclusão: É imprescindível, diante das várias características apresentadas, entender e estudar mais sobre a síndrome de Pickardt. &nbsp

    Exostoses múltiplas hereditárias com transformação maligna: Exostoses malignos hereditários com transformação

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    Introdução: Exostose múltipla hereditária (EMH) corresponde ao distúrbio hereditário musculoesquelético do crescimento ósseo intracondral. Caracteriza-se pela presença de saliências ósseas recobertas por cartilagem hialina em duas ou mais regiões metafisárias, formando, dessa forma, os osteocondromas. Estes ocorrem devido ao ativo crescimento e multiplicação celular no local. A EMH representa 40% dos tumores ósseos benignos e 10% de todos os tumores ósseos. Apresentação do caso: FAP, sexo masculino, 60 anos, com queixa de tumoração em joelho esquerdo, lateralmente à patela, há cerca de 10 anos. Relatou crescimento lento e indolor. Ao exame físico notou-se abaulamento de 8 cm longitudinal x 6 cm transversal x 3 cm anteroposterior, aderido ao plano ósseo patelar, endurecido, sem sinais flogísticos e que à movimentação acompanhava a patela em flexo-extensão do joelho esquerdo, ou seja, sem limitação de amplitude de movimento do membro em questão. Paciente apresentava-se estável e sem outras queixas. Realizou exames de imagem que evidenciaram tumoração óssea localizada no polo inferior da patela do joelho esquerdo, de caráter osteocartilaginoso, sugestivo de artrose nesta região. Foi orientada ressecção por abordagem cirúrgica, que sucedeu sem intercorrências, e o anatomopatológico confirmou diagnóstico de osteocondroma patelar sem sinais de malignidade. Discussão: As exostoses ou osteocondromas, nas proximidades das placas de crescimento ósseo, ocorrem mais comumente nas porções justa-epifisárias dos ossos longos, principalmente no fêmur distal, tíbia proximal, fíbula e úmero. A sintomatologia inclui dor persistente, causada pela pressão nos tecidos vizinhos, por distúrbios da circulação sanguínea ou raramente por compressão da medula espinhal. O diagnóstico é feito através do exame físico e exames de imagem. A EMH pode causar complicações, sendo que a mais grave é a malignização em condrossarcoma, que pode ocorrer em até 3,9% dos pacientes. Quanto ao tratamento, na presença de características clínicas ou radiológicas suspeitas, deve ser realizada a ressecção cirúrgica em bloco e a correlação histopatológica. Conclusão: Na EMH, a maioria das lesões são benignas, entretanto podem cursar com malignização e suscitar repercussões consideráveis na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos afetados. O diagnóstico é elementar, aprimorado no exame físico e radiológico, geralmente detectado na primeira década de vida e deve ser realizado precocemente a fim de evitar maiores complicações

    Dynamics and determinants of SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR testing on symptomatic individuals attending healthcare centers during 2020 in Bahia, Brazil

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    RT-PCR testing data provides opportunities to explore regional and individual determinants of test positivity and surveillance infrastructure. Using Generalized Additive Models, we explored 222,515 tests of a random sample of individuals with COVID-19 compatible symptoms in the Brazilian state of Bahia during 2020. We found that age and male gender were the most significant determinants of test positivity. There was evidence of an unequal impact among socio-demographic strata, with higher positivity among those living in areas with low education levels during the first epidemic wave, followed by those living in areas with higher education levels in the second wave. Our estimated probability of testing positive after symptom onset corroborates previous reports that the probability decreases with time, more than halving by about two weeks and converging to zero by three weeks. Test positivity rates generally followed state-level reported cases, and while a single laboratory performed ~90% of tests covering ~99% of the state's area, test turn-around time generally remained below four days. This testing effort is a testimony to the Bahian surveillance capacity during public health emergencies, as previously witnessed during the recent Zika and Yellow Fever outbreaks

    Affiliative stimuli as primers to prosocial predispositions.

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    Affiliative stimuli are pleasant and highly biologically relevant. Affiliative cues are thought to elicit a prosocial predisposition. Here affiliative and neutral pictures were exposed prior to a reaction time task which consisted in responding to a visual target. Half the participants responded with finger-flexion, a movement frequently involved in prosocial activities. The other half responded with finger extension, a less prosocially compatible movement. Results showed that under the exposure to affiliative pictures, as compared to neutral ones, participants who used finger flexion were faster, while those using finger extension were slower. Performance benefits to the task, when flexing the finger, together with performance costs, when extending it, indicate the relevance of movement compatibility to the context. These findings put forward a possible link between affiliative primers and motor preparation to facilitate a repertoire of movements related to prosocial predispositions including finger flexion

    High depressive symptomatology reduces emotional reactions to pictures of social interaction

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    Individuals with severe depressive symptoms present diminished facial expressions compared to healthy individuals. This reduced facial expression, which occurs in most depressive patients could impair social relationships. The current study sought to investigate whether pictures with social interaction cues could elicit different modulations of facial expressions and mood states in individuals with depressive symptoms compared to healthy individuals. A total of 85 individuals were divided into depressive and non-depressive groups based on their beck depression inventory scores. Participants viewed pictures containing neutral (objects), affiliative (people interacting socially), and control (people not interacting) scenes. Electromyographic signals were collected during the entire period of visualization of the blocks, and emotional questionnaires were evaluated after each block to assess sociability and altruism (prosocial states). In non-depressed individuals, affiliative pictures increased the activity of the zygomatic muscle compared to both neutral and control pictures and reduced fear of rejection compared to neutral pictures. During the visualization of the affiliative block, zygomatic major muscle activation was higher and fear of rejection was lower in the non-depressive individuals than in the depressive. These effects reflected the low expressions of smiling and sociability to affiliative pictures in depressive individuals. These findings highlight the importance of smiling and prosocial states in social interactions, especially in these individuals.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico—CNPq)Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, Brazil (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—CAPES)Research Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais—FAPEMIG)Federal University of Ouro Preto—Brazil (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto—UFOP