9,105 research outputs found

    From Collective Amnesia to Shared Responsibility: Bridging Trauma in Haruki Murakamiā€™s Kafka on the Shore

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    In Kafka on the Shore (2002/tr.2005), Haruki Murakami explores the ambiguities surrounding Japanā€™s traumatic history and its lingering impact on contemporary generations. In the form of two parallel narratives, Kafka on the Shore juxtaposes the story of Kafka Tamura, a fifteen year-old runaway searching for his mother, with that of sixty year-old Satoru Nakata, a man who lost his memory in a strange episode during WWII. Initially isolated, both characters leave Tokyo for Shikoku (the smallest of Japanā€™s main islands), only arriving at their destination after accepting the support of others. Reaching across generational shores, friendships are used in the text to bridge the gap between past and present, personal trauma and collective amnesia. As affective gestures established outside traditional communities of belonging, these friendships teach characters new ways of interpreting their painful past, while allowing readers to reflect on their own sense of shared responsibility

    The Gandarela Mountain Range and the ā€œresistance spaceā€ against iron ore mining threat: a focus on the contrapositions

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    Full Text / Article completAnalyzing a clipping of Lefebvre's space theory and its dialogue with the doxa from Pierre Bourdieu as the theoretical basis, this research aims to build the concept of the ā€œresistance spaceā€. This is a qualitative study characterized as a metaphilosophy by which the knowledge is linked to the practice. This analysis on empirical object is based on the environmental conflict in the Gandarela Mountain Range, located in Brazil, in the state of Minas Gerais. Brazil is a giant supplier of iron ore exports for the world economy, and the state of Minas Gerais is where Vale ā€“ a very large transnational mining company - started its operation in the 1940s. Gandarela is the last mountain range environmentally well protected in the heart of Minas Gerais, holding a huge aquifer, but it has iron ore underground. An environmental-social movement has arisen to protect the place. For more than two years, participant observation was carried out and also in-depth interviews were applied to people belonging to the Movement for the Preservation of the Gandarela Mountain Range, who fights to block an iron ore mining activity proposed by ā€œValeā€. The resistance movement proposed the creation of a National Park as an instrumental strategy, and the movement goes beyond conservationism, it opposes the actual social metabolism of the world economy and believes in a different society. Inspired by Lefebvreā€™s space theory I developed a spacial analysis of the Gandarela case. My hypothesis is that the ā€œresistance spaceā€ transits between the abstract space and the differential space. The notion of the ā€œresistance spaceā€ contributes for understanding the dimensions from the resistance struggles, their thoughts, and glimpses which guide their actions in the name of territories and communities. This research reached three dialectic representations of the resistance space: the ā€œinstrumentsā€, the ā€œcontrapositionsā€, and the ā€œutopiaā€. The focus of the paper is on the ā€œcontrapositionsā€ of the resistance space, the arguments against mining and the current pattern of economic development, thoughts that go beyond development and economic valuation.Cette recherche vise aĢ€ construire le concept de d'Ā«espace de reĢsistance". Elle se fonde sur une eĢtude qualitative caracteĢriseĢe comme une meĢtaphilosophie par laquelle la connaissance est lieĢe aĢ€ la pratique. Cette analyse est baseĢe sur le conflit environnemental dans la CordilleĢ€re Gandarela, situeĢe au BreĢsil, dans l'eĢtat de Minas Gerais. Le BreĢsil est un fournisseur geĢant dā€™exportations de minerai de fer pour l'eĢconomie mondiale, et l'eĢtat de Minas Gerais ouĢ€ se situe Vale - une treĢ€s grande entreprise transnationale minieĢ€re - a commenceĢ son opeĢration dans les anneĢes 1940. Gandarela est la dernieĢ€re chaiĢ‚ne de montagnes proteĢgeĢe au coeur du Minas Gerais, posseĢdant un immense aquifeĢ€re, mais avec du minerai de fer souterrain. Un mouvement eĢcologiste-social a surgi pour proteĢger le lieu. Depuis plus de deux ans, une observation participante a eĢteĢ reĢaliseĢe et des entrevues en profondeur ont eĢteĢ faites aupreĢ€s de personnes appartenant au Mouvement pour la preĢservation de la chaiĢ‚ne de montagnes Gandarela, qui se bat pour bloquer une activiteĢ d'extraction de minerai de fer proposeĢ par "Vale". Le mouvement de reĢsistance a proposeĢ la creĢation d'un parc national comme une strateĢgie instrumentale, et le mouvement va au-delaĢ€ du conservatisme; il oppose le meĢtabolisme social reĢel de l'eĢconomie mondiale et croit en une socieĢteĢ diffeĢrente. InspireĢ par la theĢorie de l'espace de Lefebvre je deĢveloppe une analyse spatiale de l'affaire Gandarela. Mon hypotheĢ€se est que l 'Ā«espace de reĢsistance" est un transit entre l'espace abstrait et l'espace diffeĢrentiel. La notion d'Ā«espace de reĢsistance" contribue aĢ€ la compreĢhension des dimensions aĢ€ partir des luttes de reĢsistance, leurs penseĢes, et des apercĢ§us qui guident leurs actions au nom des territoires et des communauteĢs. Cette recherche a abouti aĢ€ trois repreĢsentations dialectiques de l'espace de reĢsistance : les Ā«instrumentsĀ», les Ā«contrapositionsĀ», et lā€™Ā«utopieĀ». L'objectif de cet article se focalise sur les "contrapositions" de l'espace de reĢsistance, les arguments contre l'exploitation minieĢ€re et le modeĢ€le actuel de deĢveloppement eĢconomique

    A focus on learners' metacognitive processes: the impact of strategic planning, repetition, strategic planning plus repetition, and strategic planning for repetition on L2 oral performance

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de ComunicaĆ§Ć£o e ExpressĆ£o. Programa de PĆ³s-GraduaĆ§Ć£o em Letras/InglĆŖs e Literatura CorrespondenteThe present study, carried out under an information-processing perspective, investigated the impact of four metacognitive processes - strategic planning (Foster & Skehan, 1996), repetition (Bygate, 2001b), strategic planning plus repetition (D'Ely & Fortkamp, 2003), and strategic planning for repetition (D'Ely, 2004) - on 47 L2 learners' oral performance of a video-based narrative task. The participants of this study, registered in the Licenciatura, Secretariado, and Extra-curricular courses of the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, were divided into 5 groups: (1) the control group (2) the strategic planning group, (3) the repetition group, (4) the strategic planning plus repetition group, and (5) the strategic planning for repetition group. Following Foster and Skehan (1996) and Fortkamp (2000), learners' oral production was examined in four dimensions of speech: fluency, complexity, lexical density, and accuracy. Post-task questionnaires were administered for the purpose of assessing learners' appraisal of task type, their oral performance, and the conditions in which they performed. In general, statistical analyses revealed that repetition, strategic planning plus repetition, and strategic planning for repetition exerted a positive and significant impact on some of the dimensions of oral performance such as fluency, lexical density, and accuracy for the repetition group, lexical density for the strategic planning plus repetition group, and accuracy and lexical density for the strategic planning for repetition group. The strategic planning for repetition group also obtained significant gains in complexity. The strategic planning condition, for participants in the strategic planning group, had little impact on participants' oral performance. Overall, these results may be taken as evidence for the trade-off effects among the different dimensions of L2 learners' oral performance. Furthermore, the multifaceted results signal that learners' approach to different experimental conditions is idiosyncratic and that a series of variables interact in different ways when learners perform orally in L2. These variables include the nature of the task, learners' focus of attention during performance, and learners' effectiveness in implementing and retrieving pre-planned ideas. The findings of the present study might contribute to theory building in second language performance as well as to L2 pedagogy

    Aspectos arquitectĆ³nicos de los clubes de Salvador en el siglo XX

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    El artĆ­culo trata de un tipo especĆ­fico de arquitectura de recreaciĆ³n, que se propaga en Salvador durante el siglo XX: la de los clubes. Se pretende presentar y valorar sus usos, caracterĆ­sticas y aspectos arquitectĆ³nicos, ademĆ”s de seƱalar sus actuales circunstancias, aunque consciente de que se trata tan solo de un texto introductorio. Para tratar del tema, se recurre a la utilizaciĆ³n de las pistas voluntarias y de los rastros involuntarios. Las pistas voluntarias son aquellas que se dejan en los documentos de una forma clara y repetida, con la intenciĆ³n de que perduren e indiquen determinados relatos de los hechos que deben repetirse indefinidamente, con tendencia a apuntar siempre las mismas historias. Los rastros involuntarios son aquellos que se presentan en los documentos de un modo discreto y disperso, sin la intenciĆ³n de perdurar o de consolidar ninguna historia. TambiĆ©n existe la posibilidad de que las pistas voluntarias se conviertan en rastros involuntarios. Aunque los clubes tengan un importante papel en el cotidiano de los ciudadanos y en la ciudad, susĀ precarias circunstancias actuales demuestran la dificultad de manutenciĆ³n de sus estructuras fĆ­sicas y de sus memorias.This article deals with specific types of architecture for recreation prevalent in Salvador in the 20th century: that of the clubs. It aims to present and assess their uses, characteristics and architectural features, as well as to reveal their current circumstances, understanding that this is an introductory text. To address this issue, we resorted to intentional clues and unintentional traces. Intentional clues are those left in documents in a clear and repeated manner, with the intention of making lasting accounts of events, for indefinite repetition and with a tendency to recount the same stories. Unintentional traces are those left within documents in a discreet and disperse manner, without the intention of enabling a particular history to take shape or endure. It is also possible for intentional clues to transform into unintentional traces. Although the clubs play an important role in the daily life of local citizens and the city, their current precarious circumstances demonstrate the difficulty of maintaining both their physical structures and their memories.O artigo trata de um tipo especĆ­fico de arquitetura de recreaĆ§Ć£o que se difunde em Salvador durante o sĆ©culo XX: aquela dos clubes. Pretende-se apresentar e valorar seus usos, suas caracterĆ­sticas e aspectos arquitetĆ“nicos, alĆ©m de apontar suas circunstĆ¢ncias atuais, tendo-se consciĆŖncia de que se trata apenas de um texto introdutĆ³rio. Para tratar do assunto se recorre Ć  utilizaĆ§Ć£o das pistas voluntĆ”rias e dos rastros involuntĆ”rios. Pistas voluntĆ”rias sĆ£o aquelas deixadas nos documentos de uma forma clara e repetida, com a intenĆ§Ć£o de perdurar e indicar determinados relatos dos acontecimentos que devem ser repetidos indefinidamente, tendendo a apontar sempre as mesmas histĆ³rias. Os rastros involuntĆ”rios sĆ£o aqueles que se apresentam nos documentos de um modo discreto e disperso, sem a intenĆ§Ć£o de perdurar e de consolidar alguma histĆ³ria. HĆ” ainda a possibilidade das pistas voluntĆ”rias se transformarem em rastros involuntĆ”rios. Embora os clubes tenham um importante papel no cotidiano dos cidadĆ£os locais e na cidade, suas precĆ”rias circunstĆ¢ncias atuais demonstram a dificuldade da manutenĆ§Ć£o das suas estruturas fĆ­sicas e das suas memĆ³rias.

    Asthma Mortality Inequalities in Brazil: Tolerating the Unbearable

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    Asthma is responsible for a high morbidity, resulting in hospitalizations, recurrent asphyxiation, and eventually death. In Brazil, where asthma is the third cause of hospitalizations for clinical illnesses and the fourth cause of death from respiratory diseases, some 20% of the population present wheezing. We evaluated the asthma mortality rates in the period between 1998 and 2009, using linear regressions, using the National Mortality Database (Ministry of Health of Brazil). The annual mortality rate (per 100,000 inhabitants) ranged from 1.68 in 1998 to 1.32 in 2009 (meanā€‰:ā€‰1.49). Brazil presents a slight tendency of reduction in asthma mortality. Asthma mortality rates trends declined in the most developed regions of the country: ā€‰Midwest, South, and Southeast, but it increased in the underprivileged regions: North (not statistically significant) and Northeast. This terrible sort of inequality requires urgent reaction from the public health authorities
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