315 research outputs found

    Redescription of some species of Bryozoa described by J. Jullien and L. Calvet in the NE Atlantic

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    Five species described by Jullien and/or Calvet from the NE Atlantic are redescribed and stabilized by typification: Hippothoa amoena, Schizoporella confusa, S. jullieni, S. ovum and Smittia guernei. Three new synonymies are established: Schizoporella jullieni with Hippothoa amoena, S. ovum with Escharina alderi, and Escharella pseudopunctata with Smittia guernei. A new trypostegid genus, Pulpeirina gen. nov., is erected for H. amoena. Three new combinations are introduced.This work was partially supported by the project “Fauna Ibérica: Briozoos II (Familia Cribrilinidae – Familia Watersiporidae)” (CGL2010-22267-C07-02), co-financed by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spanish Government, and FEDER. JS thanks the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, Lise Meitner Program, grant M1444-B25) for financial supportS

    Explainable Depression Symptom Detection in Social Media

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    Users of social platforms often perceive these sites as supportive spaces to post about their mental health issues. Those conversations contain important traces about individuals' health risks. Recently, researchers have exploited this online information to construct mental health detection models, which aim to identify users at risk on platforms like Twitter, Reddit or Facebook. Most of these models are centred on achieving good classification results, ignoring the explainability and interpretability of the decisions. Recent research has pointed out the importance of using clinical markers, such as the use of symptoms, to improve trust in the computational models by health professionals. In this paper, we propose using transformer-based architectures to detect and explain the appearance of depressive symptom markers in the users' writings. We present two approaches: i) train a model to classify, and another one to explain the classifier's decision separately and ii) unify the two tasks simultaneously using a single model. Additionally, for this latter manner, we also investigated the performance of recent conversational LLMs when using in-context learning. Our natural language explanations enable clinicians to interpret the models' decisions based on validated symptoms, enhancing trust in the automated process. We evaluate our approach using recent symptom-based datasets, employing both offline and expert-in-the-loop metrics to assess the quality of the explanations generated by our models. The experimental results show that it is possible to achieve good classification results while generating interpretable symptom-based explanations

    Usos de la microscopía electroquímica de barrido (SECM) para la investigación de procesos localizados de corrosión

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    La microscopía electroquímica de barrido (SECM) es una técnica muy apropiada para el estudio local de los procesos de corrosión debido a que suministra información  insitu, a escalas micrométrica y submicrométrica, relativa a la topografía y a la actividad electroquímica de superficies reactivas en disolución acuosa. La resolución espacial se obtiene en base a desplazar una sonda colocada en la proximidad de la superficie activa, permitiendo la comparación de las respuestas locales en diferentes regiones. En esta comunicación se presentan los modos de operación de la técnica que encuentran aplicación para la investigación de procesos localizados de corrosión, ilustrándose cada uno de ellos con un ejemplo de su aplicación en el laboratorio de corrosión

    Three non-indigenous species from Madeira harbors, including a new species of Parasmittina (Bryozoa)

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    During a study investigating the identity and abundance of fouling non-indigenous species in marinas from the Madeira Archipelago, three species of bryozoans were detected on experimental settlement plates. These three species are described and figured. Celleporaria inaudita was previously only known from Vanuatu (South Pacific Ocean) and Safaga Bay (Red Sea). Parasmittina alba was previously only known from the Brazilian coast. The origin of Parasmitina multiaviculata sp. nov. is unknown. Secondary introduction by anthropogenic vectors (via hull fouling of recreational vessels) seems the most plausible explanation for the presence of these species in the Madeira IslandsThe work of J.S. was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, Lise Meitner Program M1444-B25 and Project Number AP28954-B29). P. Ramalhosa holds a research fellowship in the Project M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000001 — project Observatório Oceânico da Madeira (OOM). J. Canning-Clode was supported by a starting grant in the framework of the 2014 FCT Investigator Programme (IF/01606/2014/CP1230/CT0001)S

    Diversity of Bugulidae (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) colonizing artificial substrates in the Madeira Archipelago (NE Atlantic Ocean)

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    Until very recently the Madeira Archipelago registered a total of eight Bugulidae species. In the present study we include descriptions of seven Bugulidae species, now with Scanning Electron Microscopy images, with four new records for the Archipelago: Bugulina fulva and Bugulina simplex for Madeira Island and Bugula neritina and Crisularia gracilis for the neighbouring Island of Porto Santo. Furthermore, we report the correction of the previous identification of Bugulina calathus minor earlier reported from Funchal harbour in 1998, now as Bugulina flabellata. This study is part of an ongoing monitoring program for detecting non-indigenous species in all marinas from the Madeira archipelago, between 2007 and 2015. Specimens were collected in previously deployed PVC settling plates, marina pontoons, and also on recreational hull vessels while performing dry dock inspections at a local shipyard. Our study reveals that the Madeira archipelago now registers a total of ten Bugulidae species, contributing therefore to the total bryozoan fauna of the Archipelago, now with more than 100 records. These numbers could increase, as Madeira is considered to be a “hotspot” for bryozoan diversity when compared to other nearby regions. Finally, hull fouling is considered as the most likely vector of introduction for the non-indigenous species of Bugulidae detected in MadeiraP. Ramalhosa was partially funded by the Project Observatório Oceânico da Madeira-OOM (M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000001), co-financed by the Madeira Regional Operational Programme (Madeira 14-20), under the Portugal 2020 strategy, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). J. Canning-Clode was supported by a starting grant in the framework of the 2014 FCT Investigator Programme (IF/01606/2014/CP1230/CT0001). The work of J. Souto was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, Lise Meitner Program, Grant M1444-B25). This is contribution number 31 of Marine Biology Station of FunchalS

    Implantación de una tienda online. Venta de productos de automoción

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    [Resumen]: En este trabajo se han analizado los aspectos más importantes sobre el comercio electrónico, que con el auge de las nuevas tecnologías se ha convertido en uno de los modelos de negocio con mayor crecimiento en la economía mundial. Este comercio supone para las empresas la oportunidad de promocionar, vender u ofertar sus productos en una nueva plataforma cada vez más demandada por los consumidores. El objetivo de este trabajo de fin de grado es la puesta en funcionamiento de una tienda on line después de haber comprobado que nos encontramos ante un sector en actual crecimiento en el ámbito on line; con su propio blog, dedicada a la venta de todo tipo de productos para el mundo del motor logrando que esté operativa salvo el pago final de pago con tarjeta o Paypal. Conoceremos sus ventajas, inconvenientes, la seguridad física y jurídica en Internet y las herramientas para protegerse de posibles fraudes virtuales. Una vez tratados los contenidos citados, evaluaremos las distintas alternativas para crear la tienda y el proceso de diseño y configuración. Para ver más detalles, véanse las condiciones en estas tres páginas web: http://udc.fernandoaguiar.es/ http://udc.fernandoaguiar.es/tfg-comun/tfg/ http://udc.fernandoaguiar.es/tfg-tienda/tfg-tienda-on-line-201617-2c/ El motivo de la elección de este tipo de productos para su venta ha sido principalmente con fines didácticos de cara a un futuro profesional, ya sea de forma independiente, con la implantación de una nueva tienda, o de ventaja competitiva en un proceso de selección de personal.[Abstract]: In this project there has been analyzed the most important on line business features, which with the boom of the new technologies has become one of the business models with the highest growth in the world economy. This business gives companies the opportunity to promote, sell or offer their products in a new platform wich is being very much in demand by the consumers. The aim of this final degree project is to start a shop on line; with its own blog, and wich will only be selling products to the motor world. It will be fully operative except for the final payment with credit card or Paypal. We know its advantages, and disadvantages, the legal and physical security on the Internet and the tools in order to be protect against a possible virtual fraud. Once dealt with the contents already mentioned, it will be evaluated the different alternatives to start the shop and its desing and configuration.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). ADE. Curso 2016/201