884 research outputs found

    Assessment of Hydration Thermodynamics at Protein Interfaces with Grid Cell Theory

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    Molecular dynamics simulations have been analyzed with the Grid Cell Theory (GCT) method to spatially resolve the binding enthalpies and entropies of water molecules at the interface of 17 structurally diverse proteins. Correlations between computed energetics and structural descriptors have been sought to facilitate the development of simple models of protein hydration. Little correlation was found between GCT-computed binding enthalpies and continuum electrostatics calculations. A simple count of contacts with functional groups in charged amino acids correlates well with enhanced water stabilization, but the stability of water near hydrophobic and polar residues depends markedly on its coordination environment. The positions of X-ray-resolved water molecules correlate with computed high-density hydration sites, but many unresolved waters are significantly stabilized at the protein surfaces. A defining characteristic of ligand-binding pockets compared to nonbinding pockets was a greater solvent-accessible volume, but average water thermodynamic properties were not distinctive from other interfacial regions. Interfacial water molecules are frequently stabilized by enthalpy and destabilized entropy with respect to bulk, but counter-examples occasionally occur. Overall detailed inspection of the local coordinating environment appears necessary to gauge the thermodynamic stability of water in protein structures

    BRCA1 mutations and other sequence variants in a population-based sample of Australian women with breast cancer

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    The frequency, in women with breast cancer, of mutations and other variants in the susceptibility gene, BRCA1, was investigated using a population-based case–control-family study. Cases were women living in Melbourne or Sydney, Australia, with histologically confirmed, first primary, invasive breast cancer, diagnosed before the age of 40 years, recorded on the state Cancer Registries. Controls were women without breast cancer, frequency-matched for age, randomly selected from electoral rolls. Full manual sequencing of the coding region of BRCA1 was conducted in a randomly stratified sample of 91 cases; 47 with, and 44 without, a family history of breast cancer in a first- or second-degree relative. All detected variants were tested in a random sample of 67 controls. Three cases with a (protein-truncating) mutation were detected. Only one case had a family history; her mother had breast cancer, but did not carry the mutation. The proportion of Australian women with breast cancer before age 40 who carry a germline mutation in BRCA1 was estimated to be 3.8% (95% Cl 0.3–12.6%). Seven rare variants were also detected, but for none was there evidence of a strong effect on breast cancer susceptibility. Therefore, on a population basis, rare variants are likely to contribute little to breast cancer incidence. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    An interdisciplinary cruise dedicated to understanding ocean eddies upstream of the Prince Edward Islands

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    A DETAILED HYDROGRAPHIC AND BIOLOGical survey was carried out in the region of the South-West Indian Ridge during April 2004. Altimetry and hydrographic data have identified this region as an area of high flow variability. Hydrographic data revealed that here the Subantarctic Polar Front (SAF) and Antarctic Polar Front (APF) converge toform a highly intense frontal system. Water masses identified during the survey showed a distinct separation in properties between the northwestern and southeastern corners. In the north-west, water masses were distinctly Subantarctic (>8.5°C, salinity >34.2), suggesting that the SAF lay extremely far to the south. In the southeast corner water masses were typical of the Antarctic zone, showing a distinct subsurface temperature minimum of <2.5°C. Total integrated chl-a concentration during the survey ranged from 4.15 to 22.81mgchl-am–2,with the highest concentrations recorded at stations occupied in the frontal region. These data suggest that the region of the South-West Indian Ridge represents not only an area of elevated biological activity but also acts as a strong biogeographic barrier to the spatial distribution of zooplankton

    Epigenetic mechanisms of lung carcinogenesis involve differentially methylated CpG sites beyond those associated with smoking

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    Smoking-related epigenetic changes have been linked to lung cancer, but the contribution of epigenetic alterations unrelated to smoking remains unclear. We sought for a sparse set of CpG sites predicting lung cancer and explored the role of smoking in these associations. We analysed CpGs in relation to lung cancer in participants from two nested case–control studies, using (LASSO)-penalised regression. We accounted for the effects of smoking using known smoking-related CpGs, and through conditional-independence network. We identified 29 CpGs (8 smoking-related, 21 smoking-unrelated) associated with lung cancer. Models additionally adjusted for Comprehensive Smoking Index-(CSI) selected 1 smoking-related and 49 smoking-unrelated CpGs. Selected CpGs yielded excellent discriminatory performances, outperforming information provided by CSI only. Of the 8 selected smoking-related CpGs, two captured lung cancer-relevant effects of smoking that were missed by CSI. Further, the 50 CpGs identified in the CSI-adjusted model complementarily explained lung cancer risk. These markers may provide further insight into lung cancer carcinogenesis and help improving early identification of high-risk patients

    Plasma concentration of Propionibacterium acnes antibodies and prostate cancer risk: results from an Australian population-based case–control study

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    Background:Recent studies in prostatic tissue suggest that Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), a bacterium associated with acne that normally lives on the skin, is the most prevalent bacterium in the prostate and in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Its prevalence is higher in samples from patients subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer. The aim of our study was to test whether circulating levels of P. acnes antibodies are associated with prostate cancer risk and tumour characteristics using plasma samples from a population-based case-control study.Methods:We measured plasma concentration of P. acnes antibodies for 809 cases and 584 controls using a recently developed ELISA assay. We compared antibody titres between cases and controls using unconditional logistic regression adjusted for batch and variables associated with the study design (i.e., age, year of selection and centre). The primary analysis included P. acnes titres in the model as a dichotomous variable using the median value for controls as the cut-off value.Results:P. acnes antibody titres for both cases and controls ranged from 1: 16 (i.e., low concentration) to 1: 65 536 (i.e., high concentration; median value1: 1024). The odds ratio for prostate cancer associated with titres at or above the median value was 0.73 (95% CI 0.58-0.91, P0.005). The association appeared to be particularly strong for advanced prostate cancer (AJCC Stage grouping III-IV) for which the odds ratio was 0.59 (95% CI 0.43-0.81, P0.001) but there was insufficient evidence that the association differed by tumour stage (p heterogeneity0.07).Conclusion: These results need to be confirmed in prospective studies but they are consistent with the hypothesis that P. acnes has a role in prostate cancer. © 2010 Cancer Research UK All rights reserved

    Morphological predictors of BRCA1 germline mutations in young women with breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Knowing a young woman with newly diagnosed breast cancer has a germline BRCA1 mutation informs her clinical management and that of her relatives. We sought an optimal strategy for identifying carriers using family history, breast cancer morphology and hormone receptor status data.METHODS: We studied a population-based sample of 452 Australian women with invasive breast cancer diagnosed before age 40 years for whom we conducted extensive germline mutation testing (29 carried a BRCA1 mutation) and a systematic pathology review, and collected three-generational family history and tumour ER and PR status. Predictors of mutation status were identified using multiple logistic regression. Areas under receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves were estimated using five-fold stratified cross-validation.RESULTS: The probability of being a BRCA1 mutation carrier increased with number of selected histology features even after adjusting for family history and ER and PR status (Po0.0001). From the most parsimonious multivariate model, the odds ratio for being a carrier were: 9.7 (95% confidence interval: 2.6-47.0) for trabecular growth pattern (P=0.001); 7.8 (2.7-25.7) for mitotic index over 50 mitoses per 10 high-powered field (P 0.0003); and 2.7 (1.3-5.9) for each first-degree relative with breast cancer diagnosed before age 60 years (P 0.01). The area under the ROC curve was 0.87 (0.83-0.90).CONCLUSION: Pathology review, with attention to a few specific morphological features of invasive breast cancers, can identify almost all BRCA1 germline mutation carriers among women with early-onset breast cancer without taking into account family history. British Journal of Cancer (2011) 104, 903-909. doi: 10.1038/ bjc. 2011.41 www. bjcancer. co