16,623 research outputs found
On the functional form of the metallicity-giant planet correlation
It is generally accepted that the presence of a giant planet is strongly
dependent on the stellar metallicity. A stellar mass dependence has also been
investigated, but this dependence does not seem as strong as the metallicity
dependence. Even for metallicity, however, the exact form of the correlation
has not been established. In this paper, we test several scenarios for
describing the frequency of giant planets as a function of its host parameters.
We perform this test on two volume-limited samples (from CORALIE and HARPS). By
using a Bayesian analysis, we quantitatively compared the different scenarios.
We confirm that giant planet frequency is indeed a function of metallicity.
However, there is no statistical difference between a constant or an
exponential function for stars with subsolar metallicities contrary to what has
been previously stated in the literature. The dependence on stellar mass could
neither be confirmed nor be discarded.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted in A&
The Use of Garlic Oil for Olfactory Enrichment Increases the Use of Ropes in Weaned Pigs
Pig producers are required to provide environmental enrichment to provide pigs the opportunity to perform investigative and manipulative behaviours (EU directive 2001/93/EC). Preventing enrichment from losing its novelty and decreasing the rate at which animals become habituated is important to maintain use of enrichment over time. A comparative study was formulated to identify whether weaner pigs housed in a semi-barren environment displayed a preference for olfactory enrichment compared to non-scented enrichment. Pigs (n = 146) were selected at 28 days old from two different batches (n = 76 and n = 70) and divided into pens. All pigs were given a control and a treatment (garlic scented) rope. Behavioural observations and rope interactions were assessed through direct observation. Throughout the entire study, the length of interaction with the garlic device was significantly higher (p < 0.02), indicating that there was a preference for olfactory enrichment compared to an odourless device. There was no significant occurrence of tail, ear, or flank biting in both batches. Weaner pigs showed a preference towards olfactory enrichment. Although habituation began to occur, this effect was mitigated by re-spraying the ropes, which resulted in increased interactions
L’innovation pédagogique vue de l’intérieure
Cet article vise Ă souligner l’importance de l’ethnographie de l’éducation comme outil pour comprendre et dĂ©crire de manière critique les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques innovatrices qui ne prennent du sens que lorsqu’elles sont envisagĂ©es Ă partir de l’intĂ©rieur, c’est-Ă -dire du point de vue de leurs praticiens. D’autre part, elle fait le compte-rendu de l’extension de cette mĂ©thode d’analyse de l’école, Ă travers les programmes de Master et de Doctorat de Sciences de l’Education, dans la spĂ©cialitĂ© d’Innovation PĂ©dagogique de l’UniversitĂ© de Madère et son Centre de Recherche en Education (CIE-UMa), qui se dĂ©roulent Ă Madère, Ă SantarĂ©m (près de Lisbonne) et au BrĂ©sil (dans les villes de BrasĂlia, SĂŁo Luis do MaranhĂŁo, Salvador, IbicaraĂ, Feira de Santana, Recife et Fortaleza) et qui intègrent une bonne partie de la pensĂ©e ethnographique de Lapassade, parmi d’ autres auteurs.
Finalement, la communication témoigne de notre hommage en forme d’action à la contribution scientifique de Georges Lapassade
Two-dimensional quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg model with competing interactions
We study the quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg model in two dimensions, interacting
through a nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic exchange () and a ferromagnetic
dipolar-like interaction (), using double-time Green's function, decoupled
within the random phase approximation (RPA). We obtain the dependence of as a function of frustration parameter , where is the
ferromagnetic (F) transition temperature and is the ratio between the
strengths of the exchange and dipolar interaction (i.e., ). The
transition temperature between the F and paramagnetic phases decreases with
, as expected, but goes to zero at a finite value of this parameter,
namely . At T=0 (quantum phase transition), we
analyze the critical parameter for the general case of an
exchange interaction in the form , where ferromagnetic
and antiferromagnetic phases are present.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Environmental Epidemiology of Intestinal Schistosomiasis in Uganda: Population Dynamics of Biomphalaria (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Lake Albert and Lake Victoria with Observations on Natural Infections with Digenetic Trematodes
This study documented the population dynamics of Biomphalaria and associated natural infections with digenetic trematodes, along the shores of Lake Albert and Lake Victoria, recording local physicochemical factors. Over a two-and-a-half-year study period with monthly sampling, physicochemical factors were measured at 12 survey sites and all freshwater snails were collected. Retained Biomphalaria were subsequently monitored in laboratory aquaria for shedding trematode cercariae, which were classified as either human infective (Schistosoma mansoni) or nonhuman infective. The population dynamics of Biomphalaria differed by location and by lake and had positive relationship with pH (P < 0.001) in both lakes and negative relationship with conductivity (P = 0.04) in Lake Albert. Of the Biomphalaria collected in Lake Albert (N = 6,183), 8.9% were infected with digenetic trematodes of which 15.8% were shedding S. mansoni cercariae and 84.2% with nonhuman infective cercariae. In Lake Victoria, 2.1% of collected Biomphalaria (N = 13,172) were infected with digenetic trematodes with 13.9% shedding S. mansoni cercariae, 85.7% shedding nonhuman infective cercariae, and 0.4% of infected snails shedding both types of cercariae. Upon morphological identification, species of Biomphalaria infected included B. sudanica, B. pfeifferi, and B. stanleyi in Lake Albert and B. sudanica, B. pfeifferi, and B. choanomphala in Lake Victoria. The study found the physicochemical factors that influenced Biomphalaria population and infections. The number and extent of snails shedding S. mansoni cercariae illustrate the high risk of transmission within these lake settings. For better control of this disease, greater effort should be placed on reducing environmental contamination by improvement of local water sanitation and hygiene
A new analysis of the WASP-3 system: no evidence for an additional companion
In this work we investigate the problem concerning the presence of additional
bodies gravitationally bounded with the WASP-3 system. We present eight new
transits of this planet and analyse all the photometric and radial velocity
data published so far. We did not observe significant periodicities in the
Fourier spectrum of the observed minus calculated (O-C) transit timing and
radial velocity diagrams (the highest peak having false-alarm probabilities of
56 per cent and 31 per cent, respectively) or long-term trends. Combining all
the available information, we conclude that the radial velocity and transit
timing techniques exclude, at 99 per cent confidence limit, any perturber more
massive than M \gtrsim 100 M_Earth with periods up to 10 times the period of
the inner planet. We also investigate the possible presence of an exomoon on
this system and determined that considering the scatter of the O-C transit
timing residuals a coplanar exomoon would likely produce detectable transits.
This hypothesis is however apparently ruled out by observations conducted by
other researchers. In case the orbit of the moon is not coplanar the accuracy
of our transit timing and transit duration measurements prevents any
significant statement. Interestingly, on the basis of our reanalysis of SOPHIE
data we noted that WASP-3 passed from a less active (log R'_hk=-4.95) to a more
active (log R'_hk=-4.8) state during the 3 yr monitoring period spanned by the
observations. Despite no clear spot crossing has been reported for this system,
this analysis claims for a more intensive monitoring of the activity level of
this star in order to understand its impact on photometric and radial velocity
measurements.Comment: MNRAS accepted (14/08/2012
Polimorfismo de (GA)n intra e inter SSR em germoplasma mandioca.
O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar o polimorfismo de (GA)n Inter e Intra SSR na análise preliminar de acessos de germoplasma mantidos no Campo Experimental do CaldeirĂŁo, municĂpio de Iranduba
Effect of long range spatial correlations on the lifetime statistics of an emitter in a two-dimensional disordered lattice
The effect of spatial correlations on the Purcell effect in a bidimensional
dispersion of resonant nanoparticles is analyzed. We perform extensive
calculations on the fluorescence decay rate of a point emitter embedded in a
system of nanoparticles statistically distributed according to a simple 2D
lattice-gas model near the critical point. For short-range correlations (high
temperature thermalization) the Purcell factors present a long-tailed statistic
which evolves towards a bimodal distribution when approaching the critical
point where the spatial correlation length diverges. Our results suggest
long-range correlations as a possible origin of the large fluctuations of
experimental decay rates in disordered metal films.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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