1,983 research outputs found

    Microalgal Systems, a Green Solution for Wastewater Conventional Pollutants Removal, Disinfection, and Reduction of Antibiotic Resistance Genes Prevalence?

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    The low-efficiency rate of urban wastewater (UWW) treatment generates tons of discharged water with a high concentration of pollutants, pathogens and antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs). Microalgal systems may be a green alternative to be implemented as a UWW polishing treatment. This study assessed the ability of Chlorella vulgaris and UWW autochthonous microalgal species (AMS) to simultaneously remove PO4-P, and reduce the proliferation of coliforms and ARGs. AMS seems to be more promising due to: (i) the higher specific growth rate, mu(max) (0.687 +/- 0.065 d(-1)); (ii) efficient PO4-P removal (92.62 +/- 0.10%); (iii) faster reduction of coliforms proliferation achieving concentrations below the limits of quantification (6 d); (iv) the reduction of intl1 and the ARGs sul1 and blaTEM abundance in ca. of 70.4%, 69.2%, and 75.7%, respectively (9 d); and (v) the additional reduction of these genes in ca. of 97.1%, 94.2%, and 99.9%, respectively, after 5 d storage in the dark and at room temperature. Results also revealed that the high pH values in both microalgal systems (due to microalgal growth) were highly correlated with a reduction in the proliferation of coliforms, including Escherichia coli. In conclusion, using AMS as a final polishing treatment of UWW seems to be very promising

    Tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS coinfection in Porto Alegre, RS/Brazil - invisibility and silencing of the most affected groups

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze how belonging to certain social groups contributes to constituting the vulnerabilities associated with illnesses due to tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS coinfection. METHODOLOGYThis is a qualitative study carried out in the city of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, in regions of high social vulnerability. Twenty coinfected people were interviewed in specialized health services between August and December 2016. The analysis was based on the frameworks The Sound of Silence and Vulnerability and Human Rights. RESULTS: Socioeconomic conditions were decisive for the constitution of the vulnerability conditions. Processes of people invisibilization, and the silencing of their voices, in a scenario marked by economic, racial and gender inequalities, contributed for their health needs not to be understood and effectively taken into account in the services actions. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The more effective strategies are to legitimize voices and to understand the needs of those affected by coinfection, the greater the chances that programmatic responses to the problem will be successful

    CD45RA, CD8β, and IFNγ Are Potential Immune Biomarkers of Human Cognitive Function

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    There is increasing evidence that in humans the adaptive immunological system can influence cognitive functions of the brain. We have undertaken a comprehensive immunological analysis of lymphocyte and monocyte populations as well as of HLA molecules expression in a cohort of elderly volunteers (age range, 64-101) differing in their cognitive status. Hereby, we report on the identification of a novel signature in cognitively impaired elderly characterized by: (1) elevated percentages of CD8+ T effector-memory cells expressing high levels of the CD45RA phosphate receptor (Temra hi); (2) high percentages of CD8+ T cells expressing high levels of the CD8β chain (CD8βhi); (3) augmented production of IFNγ by in vitro activated CD4+ T cells. Noteworthy, CD3+CD8+ Temra hi and CD3+CD8βhi cells were associated with impaired cognition. Cytomegalovirus seroprevalence showed that all volunteers studied but one were CMV positive. Finally, we show that some of these phenotypic and functional features are associated with an increased frequency of the HLA-B8 serotype, which belongs to the ancestral haplotype HLA-A1, Cw7, B8, DR3, DQ2, among cognitively impaired volunteers. To our knowledge, this is the first proof in humans linking the amount of cell surface CD45RA and CD8β chain expressed by CD8+ Temra cells, and the amount of IFNγ produced by in vitro activated CD4+ T cells, with impaired cognitive function in the elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organic-resistant screen-printed graphitic electrodes: Application to on-site monitoring of liquid fuels.

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    This work presents the potential application of organic-resistant screen-printed graphitic electrodes (SPGEs) for fuel analysis. The required analysis of the antioxidant 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol (2,6-DTBP) in biodiesel and jet fuel is demonstrated as a proof-of-concept. The screen-printing of graphite, Ag/AgCl and insulator inks on a polyester substrate (250 μm thickness) resulted in SPGEs highly compatible with liquid fuels. SPGEs were placed on a batch-injection analysis (BIA) cell, which was filled with a hydroethanolic solution containing 99% v/v ethanol and 0.1 mol L(-1) HClO4 (electrolyte). An electronic micropipette was connected to the cell to perform injections (100 μL) of sample or standard solutions. Over 200 injections can be injected continuously without replacing electrolyte and SPGE strip. Amperometric detection (+1.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl) of 2,6-DTBP provided fast (around 8 s) and precise (RSD = 0.7%, n = 12) determinations using an external calibration curve. The method was applied for the analysis of biodiesel and aviation jet fuel samples and comparable results with liquid and gas chromatographic analyses, typically required for biodiesel and jet fuel samples, were obtained. Hence, these SPGE strips are completely compatible with organic samples and their combination with the BIA cell shows great promise for routine and portable analysis of fuels and other organic liquid samples without requiring sophisticated sample treatments

    Direct targeting of hippocampal neurons for apoptosis by glucocorticoids is reversible by mineralocorticoid receptor activation

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    Prova tipográfica (In Press)An important question arising from previous observations in vivo is whether glucocorticoids can directly influence neuronal survival in the hippocampus. To this end, a primary postnatal hippocampal culture system containing mature neurons and expressing both glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid (MR) receptors was developed. Results show that the GR agonist dexamethasone (DEX) targets neurons (microtubule-associated protein 2-positive cells) for death through apoptosis. GR-mediated cell death was counteracted by the MR agonist aldosterone (ALDO). Antagonism of MR with spironolactone ([7a-(acetylthio)-3-oxo-17a-pregn- 4-ene,21 carbolactone] (SPIRO)) causes a dose-dependent increase in neuronal apoptosis in the absence of DEX, indicating that nanomolar levels of corticosterone present in the culture medium, which are sufficient to activate MR, can mask the apoptotic response to DEX. Indeed, both SPIRO and another MR antagonist, oxprenoate potassium ((7a,17a)-17-Hydroxy-3-oxo-7- propylpregn-4-ene-21-carboxylic acid, potassium salt (RU28318)), accentuated DEX-induced apoptosis. These results demonstrate that GRs can act directly to induce hippocampal neuronal death and that demonstration of their full apoptotic potency depends on abolition of survival-promoting actions mediated by MR

    Photoinhibition of Photosystem I Provides Oxidative Protection During Imbalanced Photosynthetic Electron Transport in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Photosynthesis involves the conversion of sunlight energy into stored chemical energy, which is achieved through electron transport along a series of redox reactions. Excess photosynthetic electron transport might be dangerous due to the risk of molecular oxygen reduction, generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) over-accumulation. Avoiding excess ROS production requires the rate of electron transport to be coordinated with the capacity of electron acceptors in the chloroplast stroma. Imbalance between the donor and acceptor sides of photosystem I (PSI) can lead to inactivation, which is called PSI photoinhibition. We used a light-inducible PSI photoinhibition system in Arabidopsis thaliana to resolve the time dynamics of inhibition and to investigate its impact on ROS production and turnover. The oxidation state of the PSI reaction center and rates of CO2 fixation both indicated strong and rapid PSI photoinhibition upon donor side/acceptor side imbalance, while the rate of inhibition eased during prolonged imbalance. PSI photoinhibition was not associated with any major changes in ROS accumulation or antioxidant activity; however, a lower level of lipid oxidation correlated with lower abundance of chloroplast lipoxygenase in PSI-inhibited leaves. The results of this study suggest that rapid activation of PSI photoinhibition under severe photosynthetic imbalance protects the chloroplast from over-reduction and excess ROS formation

    Emotional stress as a trigger of myasthenic crisis and concomitant takotsubo cardiomyopathy: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular junction post-synaptic autoimmune disorder. Myasthenic crisis is characterized by respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a rare clinical syndrome defined as a profound but reversible left ventricular dysfunction in the absence of coronary artery disease.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report a unique case of a 60-year-old Hispanic woman with myasthenia gravis who developed takotsubo cardiomyopathy and concomitant myasthenic crisis that appear to have been triggered by a stressful life event. On admission, she presented with severe mid-sternal chest pain and shortness of breath shortly after a personally significant stressful life event. A pertinent neurological examination showed bilateral facial weakness and right ptosis. The left ventriculogram showed apical ballooning with hyperdynamic proximal segments with sparing of the apex. Her troponin I level was elevated, while cardiac catheterization revealed no significant coronary artery disease. The findings were consistent with takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Shortly after cardiac catheterization, she developed bilateral ophthalmoparesis and significant bulbar and respiratory muscle weakness. Forced vital capacity values were persistently less than 1 L. The patient developed respiratory failure and required endotracheal intubation. After plasmapheresis and corticosteroid treatment, her clinical course improved with successful extubation. A normal left ventricle chamber size and a normal ejection fraction were noted by an echocardiogram repeated 10 months later.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first reported case of the simultaneous triggering of both takotsubo cardiomyopathy and myasthenic crisis by the physiologic consequences of a state of severe emotional stress. We hypothesize that the mechanism underlying the rare association of takotsubo cardiomyopathy with myasthenic crisis involves excessive endogenous glucocorticoid release, a high-catecholamine state, or a combination of both. We advocate careful cardiac monitoring of myasthenia gravis patients during acute emotional or physical stress, as there is potential risk of developing takotsubo cardiomyopathy.</p

    The use of zootherapeutics in folk veterinary medicine in the district of Cubati, Paraíba State, Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The present work addresses the use of zootherapy in folk veterinary medicine (ethnoveterinary) by the residents of the municipal district of Cubati, microregion of Seridó, Paraíba State, Brazil. It sought to identify the principal animals used as medicinal sources for zootherapeutics and to contribute to the preservation and sustainability of this traditional knowledge.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Field research was undertaken on a weekly or biweekly basis during the period November, 2006, to January, 2007. Free, semi-structured, and open interviews were made with local residents of the municipal district of Cubati (in both urban and rural settings) as well as with venders in public markets. A total of 25 individuals of both sexes were interviewed (with ages varying from 26 to 78 years) although only 16 were finally chosen as informants as these people demonstrated the greatest degree of knowledge concerning zootherapeutics. Graphs and percentages were generated using Microsoft<sup>© </sup>Excel 2007 software, and the species were identified by photographic registration and subsequent bibliographical surveys.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mammals constitute the main medicinal zootherapeutic source for folk veterinary medicines in the studied area, both in terms of the total number of species used and the frequency of their citation. Sheep (<it>Ovis aries</it>), pigs (<it>Sus scrofa</it>), cattle (<it>Bos taurus</it>), and foxes (<it>Cerdocyon thous</it>) were mentioned by 62.5, 43.75, 37.5, and 31.25% of the informants, respectively, as being used in folk veterinary medicine. Additionally, chameleons (<it>Iguana iguana</it>), chickens (<it>Gallus domesticus</it>), and rattlesnakes (<it>Crotalus durissus</it>) were mentioned by 75, 43.75, and 31.25% of the informants, respectively. Relatively simple animal illnesses, such as furuncles, or injuries resulting from embedded thorns or skin eruptions are responsible for the largest number of zootherapeutic treatment, while, diseases of greater complexity, such as rabies and brucellosis, were not even mentioned. Fat from various animals constituted the most frequently cited resource used for its medicinal-veterinary properties.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The examination of folk knowledge and health practices allows a better understanding of human interactions with their local environment, and aids in the formulation of appropriate strategies for natural resource conservation.</p

    Adaptive Immunity against Leishmania Nucleoside Hydrolase Maps Its C-Terminal Domain as the Target of the CD4+ T Cell–Driven Protective Response

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    Nucleoside hydrolases (NHs) show homology among parasite protozoa, fungi and bacteria. They are vital protagonists in the establishment of early infection and, therefore, are excellent candidates for the pathogen recognition by adaptive immune responses. Immune protection against NHs would prevent disease at the early infection of several pathogens. We have identified the domain of the NH of L. donovani (NH36) responsible for its immunogenicity and protective efficacy against murine visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Using recombinant generated peptides covering the whole NH36 sequence and saponin we demonstrate that protection against L. chagasi is related to its C-terminal domain (amino-acids 199–314) and is mediated mainly by a CD4+ T cell driven response with a lower contribution of CD8+ T cells. Immunization with this peptide exceeds in 36.73±12.33% the protective response induced by the cognate NH36 protein. Increases in IgM, IgG2a, IgG1 and IgG2b antibodies, CD4+ T cell proportions, IFN-γ secretion, ratios of IFN-γ/IL-10 producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and percents of antibody binding inhibition by synthetic predicted epitopes were detected in F3 vaccinated mice. The increases in DTH and in ratios of TNFα/IL-10 CD4+ producing cells were however the strong correlates of protection which was confirmed by in vivo depletion with monoclonal antibodies, algorithm predicted CD4 and CD8 epitopes and a pronounced decrease in parasite load (90.5–88.23%; p = 0.011) that was long-lasting. No decrease in parasite load was detected after vaccination with the N-domain of NH36, in spite of the induction of IFN-γ/IL-10 expression by CD4+ T cells after challenge. Both peptides reduced the size of footpad lesions, but only the C-domain reduced the parasite load of mice challenged with L. amazonensis. The identification of the target of the immune response to NH36 represents a basis for the rationale development of a bivalent vaccine against leishmaniasis and for multivalent vaccines against NHs-dependent pathogens