43 research outputs found

    Cambio e variación dialectal: o atlas lingüístico de la península ibérica

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    Linguistic geography came into being as an auxiliary method of historical linguistics; subsequently as it established itself as an autonomous discipline it gradually shed its links to diachronic studies. With the development of sociolinguistics from the nineteen-sixties onwards, the data provided by projects in linguistic geography again became relevant to studies concerning language change. This paper examines the usefulness of language atlases for analysing language change in real time, taking the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI) as an example. A comparison of some of the ALPI data with atlases of more limited geographic scope produced from the fifties onwards will serve to illustrate the benefits of such analyses. Data in linguistic geography studies can be used to track changes over time as well as to determine the direction of their spread over space. The illustrations given show how language atlases may offer an invaluable data source for the study of language change and the history of individual language varieties.A xeolingüística naceu como método auxiliar da lingüística histórica e segundo se foi afianzando como disciplina autónoma foi perdendo a vinculación cos estudos diacrónicos. Co desenvolvemento da sociolingüística a partir dos anos sesenta do século pasado, os materiais ofrecidos polos proxectos de xeografía lingüística volveron tomarse como referencia para estudos sobre o cambio lingüístico. Esta contribución reflexiona sobre a utilidade dos atlas lingüísticos para realizar análises sobre o cambio lingüístico en tempo real e toma como ilustración o Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI). A comparación dalgúns materiais do ALPI cos doutros atlas de menos alcance realizados a partir dos anos cincuenta do século pasado serve para ilustrar o rendemento destas análises. A información extraída das obras xeolingüísticas permite comprobar a evolución temporal dos cambios e tamén o sentido da súa difusión no espazo. Os exemplos utilizados deixan ver como os atlas lingüísticos poden ser unha fonte de información insubstituíble para a análise do cambio lingüístico e da historia das variedades lingüísticas

    Measuring language contact in geographical space

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    Conferencia pronunciada no ICLaVE 9 (International Conference on Language Variation in Europe)

    Léxico dialectal e estandarización

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    Na miña contribución vou tratar de presentar algunhas reflexións sobre a forma en que as variedades xeográficas están representadas no estándar léxico. Para este fin, primeiro intentarei definir e situar as dúas variedades de lingua que vou tratar, dialectos e estándar; a continuación describirei sucintamente o modelo seguido para a constitución do estándar do galego, e por último ilustrarei de que xeito inflúen os dialectos galegos na constitución do estándar léxico

    From Regional Dialects to the Standard: Measuring Linguistic Distance in Galician Varieties

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    The analysis of the linguistic distance between dialect varieties and the standard variety typically focuses on establishing the influence exerted by the standard norm on the dialects. In languages whose standard form was established and implemented well after the beginning of the last century, however, such as Galician, it is still possible to perform studies from other perspectives. Unlike other languages, standard Galician was not based on a single dialect but aspired instead to be supradialectal in nature. In the present study, the tools and methods of quantitative dialectology are brought to bear in the task of establishing the extent to which dialect varieties of Galician resemble or differ from the standard variety. Moreover, the results of the analysis underline the importance of the different dialects in the evaluation of the supradialectal aim, as established by the makers of the standard varietyThis research was funded by the State Programme for the Development of Scientific and Technical Research Excellence, State Subprogramme of Knowledge Generation of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, grant number PGC2018-095077-B-C44 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)S

    Distance in space: dialects and standard Galician

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    Conferencia presentada no congreso Methods in Dialectology XV. Groningen, 11-15 agosto 201