622 research outputs found

    Intervenção na hipertensão arterial em doentes em cuidados de saúde primários

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    Trata-se de um programa de intervenção em grupo para doentes hipertensos que tem como objetivos: Aumentar conhecimentos e informações acerca da doença, promover uma melhor gestão da doença através do desenvolvimento de competências necessárias para os autocuidados de forma a promover um melhor ajustamento à doença, promover uma boa adesão terapêutica e, por último fomentar estratégias de coping e gestão do stresse. Este programa foi composto por seis sessões semanais de noventa minutos baseando-se numa abordagem multidisciplinar que incluiu: Psicólogo, médico de família, enfermeiro, nutricionista e fisioterapeuta. Assim, as primeiras duas sessões abordaram aspetos clínicos da doença (i.e. sintomas, causas, consequências, tratamento e evolução da doença) e prevenção de comportamentos de risco e saúde (álcool, tabagismo, monitorização da pressão arterial e adesão à medicação), a terceira sessão abordou a promoção de hábitos alimentares saudáveis, a quarta focou-se na promoção do exercício físico e a quinta e sexta sessões abordaram efeitos do stresse na hipertensão e estratégias de coping para a sua gestão (i.e. treino de relaxamento, treino de autoinstrução e treino de resolução de problemas). Cada sessão terminou com uma tarefa para casa, de forma a consolidar conhecimentos e criar uma interligação entre todas as sessões. O programa foi avaliado através de três instrumentos: Representações da doença (IPQ-Brief), adesão à medicação (MARS) e estilos de vida na hipertensão (HPLP-II). Devido ao reduzido número de participantes, para avaliar a eficácia do programa, foi calculado o Índice de Mudança Confiável e o Índice de Significância Clinica, segundo o método de JT

    Retailtainment: Popota fun experience

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    This project was developed in the context of master thesis, and it has the objective to develop a strategic marketing plan. In this respect, and applying the knowledge acquired over the last four years, it is developed the “Popota Fun Experience”, a retail toys store of a well-known character by Portuguese population. Popota Fun Experience is a retail store target to children and it is based in two important concepts: entertainment and education. Having said that, the main objective is to educate children while they are playing. It is a new retail store concept with a different positioning from the main competitors and that will stimulate the market growth. In order to support the opening of Popota Store, it is defined a marketing strategy and it is designed the retailing-mix variables.Este projecto foi desenvolvido no âmbito da tese de mestrado e tem como objectivo o desenvolvimento de um plano de marketing a nível estratégico. Neste contexto, e aplicando os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo dos últimos quatro anos, é desenvolvida a “Popota Fun Experience”, a loja de brinquedos de retalho de uma personagem bastante conhecida pelos portugueses. A Popota Fun Experience é uma loja de brinquedos orientada para as crianças e tem como base dois importantes conceitos: entretenimento e educação. Desta forma, tem como principal objectivo educar as crianças enquanto brincam. É um novo conceito de loja com um posicionamento diferente dos principais concorrentes e que vai dinamizar e estimular o crescimento do mercado. De forma a suportar a abertura da loja da Popota, é definida a estratégia de marketing e são desenvolvidas as variáveis do retailing-mix

    Cancer and fertility: state of the art and future directions

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    Early menopause and infertility are common consequences of antineoplastic treatments in premenopausal women. Since the ability to have biological children is of great importance for cancer survivors, the risk of infertility is a source of great distress and lower quality of life among these patients. Several procedures can be presented to both men and women at the time of diagnosis. Despite increasing awareness, fertility in cancer is not universally discussed, in spite of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) latest recommendations. This review summarized and contextualized the existing research that has been conducted on oncofertility, while reflecting on future research and clinical directions, aiming to optimize patient care

    Skeleton geometry, physical activity and proximal femur bone mass distribution in 8-12 year old children

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    Doutoramento em Motricidade Humana, especialidade em Actividade Física e SaúdeIn the context of bone health promotion, the aim of this Ph.D dissertation was to analyze potential explanatory factors of the effects of physical activity and of bone geometry on bone mass distribution at the proximal femur in 8-12 year old children. Four studies were undertaken to compare the bone mineral density (BMD) between: (a) the sub-regions of the proximal femur – the neck and its superolateral and inferomedial aspects, the trochanter and the intertrochanter; (b) sexes, concerning the associations/effects of non-targeted physical activity and bone geometry. Sex and regional specific effects of non-targeted physical activity on bone mass distribution at the proximal femur in children were observed. The geometry of the pelvis and the proximal femur, namely the pelvis width and the abductor lever arm, emerged as predictors of bone mass distribution at the proximal femur, therefore as explanatory factors of both the regional and the sex specific patterns. These geometric features might mediate the physical activity effects on bone mineralization at the proximal femur, as long as, when they are considered, the power of physical activity to explain the distribution of bone mass at this skeletal site seems limited.Resumo : No contexto da promoção da saúde óssea, o objetivo desta dissertação de doutoramento foi analisar potenciais fatores explicativos dos efeitos da atividade física habitual e da geometria óssea na distribuição da massa óssea do fémur proximal, em crianças de 8-12 anos de idade. Para o efeito foram realizados quatro estudos comparando a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) entre: (a) as diversas sub-regiões do fémur proximal - o colo do fémur e os seus aspetos supero-lateral e infero-medial, o grande trocanter e a sub-região intertrocantérica; (b) os sexos, relativamente às associações/efeitos da atividade física habitual e da geometria óssea. Foram observadas associações/efeitos da atividade física habitual na massa óssea do fémur proximal diferenciados quanto ao sexo e sub-região. A geometria da pélvis e do femur proximal, nomeadamente a largura da pélvis e o braço de momento de força dos abdutores, surgiram como preditores da distribuição de massa óssea no fémur proximal e consequentemente como fatores explicativos de diferenciação da distribuição de massa óssea de acordo com o sexo e sub-região. Estas caraterísticas geométricas poderão mediar os efeitos da atividade física na mineralização do femur proximal uma vez que quando consideradas parecem limitar a capacidade explicativa da atividade física na distribuição de massa óssea no fémur proximal.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    The future of additive manufacturing: materialise´s Lbo - exit strategy & returns

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    This investment paper reviews the potential Leveraged Buy out of Materialise, a service provider and software producer operating in the Additive Manufacturing industry. An analysis of the company and market was conducted, facilitating the assessment of key market trends that enabled the creation of investment strategies set to improve the company in various are as and aspects. The result of this work presented Materialise a san attractive investment, with strong returns across a multitude of possible scenarios in the upcoming future. Keyword

    Yogurt as an alternative ingredient to improve the functional and nutritional properties of gluten-free breads

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    Absence of gluten in bakery goods is a technological challenge, generating gluten-free breads with low functional and nutritional properties. However, these issues can be minimized using new protein sources, by the addition of nutritional added-value products. Fresh yogurt represents an interesting approach since it is a source of protein, polysaccharides, and minerals, with potential to mimic the gluten network, while improving the nutritional value of gluten-free products. In the present work, di erent levels of yogurt addition (5% up to 20% weight/weight) were incorporated into gluten-free bread formulations, and the impact on dough rheology properties and bread quality parameters were assessed. Linear correlations (R2 > 0.9041) between steady shear (viscosity) and oscillatory (elastic modulus, at 1 Hz) values of the dough rheology with bread quality parameters (volume and firmness) were obtained. Results confirmed that the yogurt addition led to a significant improvement on bread quality properties, increasing the volume and crumb softness and lowering the staling rate, with a good nutritional contribution in terms of proteins and minerals, to improve the daily diet of celiac peopleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving the technological and nutritive properties of gluten-free bread by fresh curd cheese enrichment

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    Replacing wheat flour in the breadmaking process is a technology challenge since the elimination of gluten has a strong influence on bread quality. Proteins addition are often used to form a protein network capable of mimicking gluten-like structure, giving to dough a foaming support. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of denatured whey proteins coming from fresh curd cheese addition, to strengthening gluten-free dough structure, enhancing the breadmaking performance. Curd cheese additions were tested (5% up to 20%, weight/weight) and the e ect on dough rheology behavior and bread quality was evaluated. Findings obtained revealed that the technology and nutritional properties of the bread can be enhanced by curd cheese addition, and such e ects should be related to the composition and functionality of denatured whey proteins. Considering higher levels of curd cheese (20%) tested, improvements on bread quality was observed, leading to a considerable increase in bread volume (73%), softness (65%), with a significant reduction on staling kinetics (70%), comparing with control bread. Additionally, an improvement in nutritional value in terms of proteins (80%) and minerals content (P—50.0%, Mg—6.0%, and Ca—360.3%) was obtained, which can give an additional contribution to the nutritional daily requirements of celiac patients. Linear correlations between dough rheology properties and bread quality attributes were found, supporting the good breadmaking performance obtainedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The implementation of mobile location based-games and Qr codes : the case of MobiGeo

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    Education is being revolutionized by the introduction, of mobile technologies in the teaching and learning process. However, studies that focus in the application of mobile technologies to informal learning environments is scarce and not systematized [1]. This is the reason for conducting a research project that involved a urban game MobiGeo, designed in to take better advantage of the flexibility and ubiquity offered by the Mobile Learning (ML) but also taking into account the importance of motivation and interaction to enhance students learning. The definition of ML has been a complicated task for researchers, but there are assumptions that can not be neglected: the mobility, portability and ubiquity [2], these are features that will drive new learning spaces and thus motivate students. This idea is supported by [2] that introduces the concepts of "just in time", "just enough" and "just-for-me" and [4] that speaks of the triad "location independence”, "independence time" and "meaningful content”. These principles of "anytime" and "anywhere" consolidated by mobile technologies came to renew the variety of educational activities available to teachers and in this context arises the concept of mobile location-based games. According to [5] "these games are played in physical space, but at the same time, they are supported by actions and events in an interconnected virtual space", which can be classified into three categories: ludic, pedagogic and hybrid. By being in direct contact with the contents to assimilate and move in a real context, students will have a more significant learning [6] and this will result in the mobilization of knowledge in different contexts. To make the connection between the physical and the virtual world, our research has made use of Qr codes as these devices provide information in real time and in a dynamically way. For this research was idealized an urban game called “MobiGeo”, that respect the principles suggested by [7] and that has as common thread the history of the European Union. To measure results the researchers developed a questionnaire that was adapted from a proposal of [8] which created a "Model to evaluate Educational Games”, so our proposal was built taking into account the motivational model of Kirkpatrick (level1) and encompassing three major dimensions: Motivation/Interest, Interaction and Perceived Learning. To assess the Motivation/Interest was used the Model ARCS (Relevance, Confidence and Satisfaction) and items of Fun, Immersion and Challenge of “Game User Experience”. On the other hand the interaction was evaluated by items of the Social Interaction dimension of the “Game of User Experience”, the Learning Perceptions were evaluated by Bloom's Taxonomy (Knowledge category). In this paper we present the design and implementation of the MobiGeo outdoor learning activity with a group of 173 students from the 7th grade of a basic school in the north of Portugal. Initial results show that this urban game with Qr codes was an adequate activity to use in informal learning environments that could engage students in gaming with high degrees of motivation and interaction in order to solve the tasks presented to them and so consolidate and acquired new knowledge about the European Union.CIEC – Research Centre on Child Studies, UM (FCT R&D 317

    On becoming a mother after cancer survival: a comprehensive literature review

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    Problem identification: The desire for motherhood is one of the top priorities for most female young cancer survivors. The risk of infertility after cancer therapy is an important concern with several phys ical and emotional consequences. This comprehensive literature review aims to summarize and con textualize recent research that has been carried out on female fertility after cancer, suggesting future research and clinical directions. Literature search: Searches included the key words “cancer”, “female”, “adults”, and “fertility”. Studies were selected if focused on infertility issues in female cancer survivors. Data synthesis: Eight themes were identified: the effects of anticancer treatments on fertility, fertility preservation methods, international recommendations regarding infertility risk, health professionals’ attitudes towards fertility preservation, patients’ concerns regarding the risk of infertility, patients’ in formation needs, and the impact of the risk of infertility in patients’ quality of life. Conclusions: Psycho-oncologists should be integrated in the oncofertility teams to assess patients’ needs before cancer treatment initiation