705 research outputs found

    Planejamento familiar e emancipação das mulheres no Brasil: uma reflexão sob as lentes da psicologia feminista

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    Unequal gender relations still make women responsible for caring for the home, the family, and even family planning. Although such relationships permeate all women, inequality also manifests between them because of the intersectional constitution of identities and the inseparability between gender, race, and class violence. Therefore, this study aims to promote a reflection on family planning and women's access to emancipation processes in the Brazilian context, focusing on the contributions of Feminist Psychology and intersectional perspectives. Based on this, the present work consists of a narrative literature review that considers both nationally produced scientific articles and publications on government websites that help in understanding the theme. It was only in the 1980s that family planning became an action to promote women's health in Brazil, given its history marked by a control bias, which, after becoming a constitutional right, is crossed by the difficulty of implementation that ends up promoting unequal access to these actions among women in Brazil. Therefore, the psychologist, from the formative process, needs to develop an intersectional perception so that, in practice, regardless of the context in which they work, they do not reproduce stereotypes, prejudices, and inequalities that go against the grain of an emancipatory project for Brazilian women.As relações desiguais de gênero ainda colocam sobre as mulheres a responsabilização pelo cuidado do lar, da família e, inclusive, pelo planejamento familiar. Embora tais relações atravessem todas as mulheres, entre estas também se manifesta desigualdade, em decorrência da constituição interseccional das identidades e da indissociabilidade entre as violências de gênero, raça e classe. Dessa maneira, esse estudo tem como objetivo promover uma reflexão acerca do planejamento familiar e o acesso das mulheres aos processos de emancipação no contexto brasileiro, privilegiando as contribuições da Psicologia Feminista e das perspectivas interseccionais. A partir disso, o presente trabalho consiste em uma revisão narrativa de literatura que considera tanto artigos científicos nacionalmente produzidos quanto publicações em sites governamentais que auxiliassem na compreensão da temática. Apenas a partir da década de 1980 o planejamento familiar se tornou uma ação de promoção à saúde das mulheres no Brasil, tendo em vista o seu histórico marcado por um viés controlista e que, após se tornar um direito constitucional, é atravessado pela dificuldade de implementação que acaba por promover um acesso desigual dessas ações entre as mulheres no Brasil. Assim, a/o psicóloga/o, desde o processo formativo, precisa desenvolver uma percepção interseccional para que, na prática, independentemente do contexto de atuação, não reproduza estereótipos, preconceitos e desigualdades que sigam na contramão de um projeto emancipatório para as mulheres brasileiras

    Assessing recovery rates of distinct exogenous controls for gDNA extraction efficiency using phenol-chloroform or silica-column based extractions

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    Assessment of genomic DNA (gDNA) extraction efficiency is required for accurate bacterial quantification by qPCR. Exogenous DNA molecules are often added after bacterial cultures are lysed, but before DNA purification steps, to determine extraction efficiency. Herein we found that different exogenous DNA controls have different recovery rates, suggesting distinct DNA extraction efficiencies. Recovery rates are also affected by the gDNA extraction method being more affected in silica-based columns than in phenol-chloroform extraction. Overall, we determined that the use of long DNA fragments, such as gDNA, as exogenous controls have a higher recovery rate than use of smaller size DNA molecules.This work was partially funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), with the strategic funding of the unit (UIDB/04469/2020). It was also partially funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (R01AI146065-01A1 to CAM). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Time and Technology: a gender aproach for the Portuguese context

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    This paper addresses a project in progress, which envisages an account and understanding of the ways of employment of technology in the domestic space. According to the principal thesis adopted, gender is assumed as the structuring variable in the ways of appropriation and negotiation of spaces and times, and technology contains the distinctive orders of the masculine and feminine positions. In brief, an attempt is made to understand how perceptions and representations of technology and time are gendered, and create distinct and differentiated ways of use of space and time. In the paper, interim results are presented of the research, in particular of the survey carried out in the beginning of 2010 among couples in two regions of Portugal with different levels of development. This is preceded by an overview of some major studies about the relationship between time and technology, focusing on household equipment, its assumed and real time-saving effects for women and its repercussions on social organization within the household.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Translational and structural requirements of the early nodulin gene enod40, a short-open reading frame-containing RNA, for elicitation of a cell-specific growth response in the alfalfa root cortex

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    A diversity of mRNAs containing only short open reading frames (sORF-RNAs; encoding less than 30 amino acids) have been shown to be induced in growth and differentiation processes. The early nodulin gene enod40, coding for a 0.7-kb sORF-RNA, is expressed in the nodule primordium developing in the root cortex of leguminous plants after infection by symbiotic bacteria. Ballistic microtargeting of this gene into Medicago roots induced division of cortical cells. Translation of two sORFs (I and II, 13 and 27 amino acids, respectively) present in the conserved 5* and 3* regions of enod40 was required for this biological activity. These sORFs may be translated in roots via a reinitiation mechanism. In vitro translation products starting from the ATG of sORF I were detectable by mutating enod40 to yield peptides larger than 38 amino acids. Deletion of a Medicago truncatula enod40 region between the sORFs, spanning a predicted RNA structure, did not affect their translation but resulted in significantly decreased biological activity. Our data reveal a complex regulation of enod40 action, pointing to a role of sORF-encoded peptides and structured RNA signals in developmental processes involving sORF-RNA

    “Modern Love”: um caso de hibridização do jornalismo com a literatura

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    O New York Times se configura como um dos principais jornais do mundo, tendo procurado apostar na personalização, hibridização e transmidiação de conteúdo. Tais iniciativas caracterizam o seu modelo de negócio digital, responsável por fazê-lo atravessar com sucesso a crise enfrentada pelos veículos comunicacionais após a internet. Um destes conteúdos é a coluna “Modern Love”, objeto deste artigo, que traz histórias relacionadas ao amor moderno. Ela se diferencia, porque o estilo dos textos bebe de atributos literários, configurando-se, assim, como um caso de cruzamento do jornalismo com a literatura. Ademais, a coluna também inspira uma websérie e um podcast de mesmo nome. O objetivo deste artigo é o de analisar a coluna “A boyfriend too good to be true”, a partir da análise crítica da narrativa (MOTTA, 2013)

    Research students exhibition catalogue 2011

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    The catalogue demonstrates the scope and vibrancy of current inquiries and pays tribute to the creative capacity and investment of UCA research students. It brings together contributions from students who are at different stages in their research ad/venture. Their explorations are connected by the centrality of contemporary material practices as focal point for the reconsideration of societal values, cultural symbols and rituals and their meaning, and the trans/formation of individual, collective and national identities The media and formats employed range from cloth, jewellery and ceramics to analogue film, the human voice and the representation of dress and fashionin virtual environments. Thematic interests span from explorations at the interface of art and medical science to an investigation of the role of art in contested spaces, or the role of metonymy in ‘how the arts think’ And whilst the projects are motivated by personal curiosity and passion, their outcomes transcend the boundaries of individual practice and offer new insights, under-standing and applications for the benefit of wider society. Prof. Kerstin Me

    Morphological and histological characterization of sexual segment of the kidney in Notomabuya frenata (Cope, 1862) and Aspronema dorsivittatum (Cope, 1862) (Squamata, Mabuyidae)

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    The kidneys in two viviparous species of Neotropical lizards, Notomabuya frenata and Aspronema dorsivittatum (Mabuyidae), were investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy in order to determine the presence of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) and to study its morphology. The individuals used in this study belong to the Herpetological Collection of the Herpetology Laboratory - Reptiles of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CHUFJF-Reptiles) and they were collected between the years 2008 and 2012 from the Cerrado region in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The SSK was present only in sexually mature males (with sperm in the testes / epididymis), whereas it was absent in sexually immature males. The nephron in both species consists of renal corpuscle, proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct and sexual segment of the kidney. The SSK of the analyzed species were coated with a simple columnar epithelium, with high cells, basal nucleus and in the apical portion innumerable secretory granules. This study adds to the knowledge on reproductive biology and structures related to reproductive strategies of both lizard species and viviparous Neotropical lizards.

    Avaliação diagnóstica no ensino fundamental anos iniciais: relato de experiência sobre uma intervenção na língua portuguesa na rede municipal de ensino de Caxingó/PI

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    The article critically analyzes the diagnostic assessment of Portuguese Language adopted by the municipality of Caxingó in the Early Years of Elementary School, as well as addressing the role of assessment in society as an instrument to guide the teacher's pedagogical practice in view of the results obtained. The reality of this work is pertinent for contributing to a reflection on the intervention of educational institutions, in this case the Pedagogical Coordination of Teaching/Learning of the Municipal Department of Education, in presenting specific methodological guidelines relevant to the transformation of reality. As a methodology, we will analyze the results of the diagnostic evaluations applied by SEMEC in the 2nd and 5th municipal public schools in 2019, the main proposed methodological guidelines will be presented in this article, and we will still wait for the second application of the diagnostic evaluation in November of this year to conclusions of this research.O artigo analisa criticamente a avaliação diagnóstica de Língua Portuguesa adotada pelo município de Caxingó nos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, bem como abordando o papel da avaliação na sociedade como instrumento de direcionamento da prática pedagógica do professor diante dos resultados obtidos. A realidade desse trabalho se mostra pertinente por contribuir para uma reflexão sobre a intervenção das instituições educativas, neste caso a Coordenação Pedagógica de Ensino/Aprendizagem da Secretaria Municipal de Educação, em apresentarem encaminhamentos metodológicos específicos pertinentes para a transformação da realidade. Como metodologia analisaremos os resultados das avaliações diagnósticas aplicadas pela SEMEC nas escolas públicas municipais do 2º e do 5º no ano de 2019, os principais encaminhamentos metodológicos propostos serão apresentados neste artigo, e ainda esperaremos a segunda aplicação da avaliação diagnóstica em novembro do corrente ano para conclusões desta pesquisa.

    Bacterial vaginosis multi-species biofilms: can standard quantification methods accurately quantify in vitro biofilms?

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    Background. While it is well established that Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), the most common cause of vaginal discharge, involves the presence of a multi-species biofilm adhered to vaginal epithelial cells, in-depth study has been limited due to the complexity of the bacterial community comprising the biofilm. Assessing bacterial interactions between bacterial species that inhabit the BV biofilm can provide key information regarding synergism or antagonism between these species and provide insights into the pathogenesis of BV. Thus, proper biofilm quantification approaches are essential to further this body of research. Objectives. To evaluate BV biofilm formation by several key individual BV-associated bacteria (Gardnerella vaginalis, Fannyhessea vaginae, and Prevotella bivia) and compare with a multispecies biofilm formed simultaneously by all three bacterial species. Methods. Single- or multi-species biofilms were quantified by the crystal violet (CV) staining method, total cell counts by epifluorescence microscopy, and the plate counting technique (CFU); individual traits were assessed by bacterial species. Results. Each individual species had a unique signature assessed by the distinct relationship between the total number of cells, CFUs, and total biofilm biomass. Conclusions & Significance: The assessment of multi-species BV biofilm quantification results in significant bias, mainly since individual species quantification signatures cant be related to the multi-species consortia. To minimize this bias, a multiple-technical approach should be considered when quantifying multi-species BV biofilms, to circumvent the caveats of individual techniques alone, tailoring a more complete picture of the biofilm-forming capacity of key bacterial species and furthering the field of BV pathogenesis research.This work was partially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) by the research project [PTDC/BIA-MIC/28271/2017] under the scope of COMPETE 2020 [POCI-01-0145-FEDER 028271] and by the strategic funding of unit [UID/BIO/04469/2020]. It was also partially funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (R01AI146065-01A1)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio