111 research outputs found

    A standardized formula for aesthetic mandibular reconstruction using an osteocutaneous fibular free flap

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    Ameloblastoma is the most common benign odontogenic tumor of the jaw, and expansional growth of a huge untreatedĀ ameloblastoma can result in disturbances in facial aesthetics and function, such as difficulty with mouthĀ opening, swallowing, chewing, breathing, neurologic deficits, and pathologic fractures. Radical wide resection withĀ safety margins and subsequent reconstruction is generally recommended. A fibular free flap (FFF) is commonlyused to reconstruct the mandible in order to adequately restore both aesthetic appearance and function. The aim ofĀ this brief clinical report is to present a case of huge ameloblastoma after wide resection with free safety margins, andĀ describe the immediate one-step mandibular reconstruction using a vascularized composite FFF. The sterolithographic(rapid prototype, RP) model, a wax pattern of the resected mandible, and a surgical fibular stent made fromĀ the wax pattern were constructed preoperatively. We suggest a standardized surgical protocol for mandibular reconstructionĀ with FFF.Funding: Supported by the International Research & Development Program of the National Research Foundation ofĀ Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (NRF-2015K1A3A9A01028230)Keywords: Mandibular reconstruction, fibular osteocutaneous free flap, huge ameloblastoma, stereolithographicmodel, standardized formul

    Changes in oncogenic protein levels in peri-implant oral malignancy: a case report

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    Background Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) constitutes a group of tumors that exhibit heterogeneous biology, histopathology, and clinical behaviors. Case presentation A 73-year-old male had a whitish leukoplakia-like lesion around inflamed peri-implant area (#42, #43, and #44), and this lesion had transformed to OSCC within 3Ā years. He underwent mass resection, selective neck dissection, and reconstructive surgery. To detect any carcinogenesis progression, we examined the removed tumor tissue as well as the patients preoperative and postoperative sera to identify causative oncogenic proteins using immunoprecipitation high-performance liquid chromatography (IP-HPLC). Conclusions The protein expression levels of p53, E-cadherin, Ī²-catenin, MMP-10, HER2, NRAS, Met, HER2, and ERb were significantly lower in the serum collected on postoperative day 10 than in the preoperative serum, and if these proteins are consistently not elevated in the serum 3Ā months after surgery compared with the preoperative serum, these proteins can be potential oncogenic proteins. However, we also found that the serum extracted 3Ā months after the operation had elevated levels of oncogenic proteins compared with that of the preoperative and 10-day postoperative serum indicating the possibility of tumor recurrence. At postoperative follow-up period, ipsilateral neck metastasis and second primary lesion were found and additional surgery was performed to the patient. IP-HPLC using the patients serum shows the possibility of oncogenic protein detection. However, follow-up IP-HPLC data is needed to find out patient-specific prognostic factors

    Polypoid Endobronchial Lung Cyst with Bronchoscopic Removal : A Case Report

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    Pulmonary bronchogenic cyst in adults is rare and the typical appearance is a sharply circumscribed, round or oval nodule or mass, usually in the medial third of the lungs. Bronchial polyps are rare histopathologically distinct nonneoplastic endobronchial lesions and are classified as multiple papillomas, solitary papillomas, and inflammatory polyps. We herein report a patient with polypoid endobronchial lung cyst. A 68-yr-old woman presented with a discomfort and pain in the right upper chest of four weeks??duration. Chest radiography revealed a cystic lesion in the right upper lung. Computed tomography revealed a 4Ɨ5 cm sized large cyst. Neither enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes nor extrabronchial involvements were observed. Flexible bronchoscopy revealed a peduncular polyp about 2 cm in length originating from the anterior segment of right upper lung. After bronchoscopic removal of polyp, cystic lesion of the right upper lung disappeared

    A Case of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Treated with a Bench to Bedside Approach

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    We report a relapsed case of a 25 year-old man with multi-drug resistant Salmonella serovar Typhi (MDRST) bacteremia who had recently returned from travel in India. Due to unresponsiveness to ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone, we examined the strain's resistance to quinolones and extended-spectrum Ī²-lactamases (ESBLs). The strain had a single gyrA mutation at codon 83 (Ser83Phe), which explains its decreased susceptibility to fluoroquinolone and resistance to nalidixic acid. In the screening tests of ESBLs, TEM-1 was positive, which is beta-lactamase but not ESBL. The patient was finally successfully treated with meropenem and aztreonam. In the presence of clinical unresponsiveness despite favorable sensitivity tests, further laboratory evaluations are needed, which should include studies of genes related to antibiotic resistance and ESBLs. In addition, further prospective trials should be done about the possible inclusion of antibiotics not yet mentioned in the current guidelines. With MDRST on the rise worldwide, the most optimal and effective line of antibiotic defense needs to be devised

    Estrogen Receptor-1 Genetic Polymorphisms for the Risk of Premature Ovarian Failure and Early Menopause

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) genetic polymorphisms for early menopause that was classified as premature ovarian failure (POF) and early menopause (EM) and to examine whether the associations of ESR1 genetic variants are different for POF and EM. Methods: We selected 100 POF cases and matched 100 EM cases and 200 normal menopause (NM) controls from the Korean Multi-Center Cohort. Among them, we restricted idiopathic POF and EM cases vs NM controls by excluding POF/EM cases with medical/surgical causes. The XbaI (rs9340799) and PvuII (rs2234693) in the ESR1 gene were genotyped. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and haplotype effects were analyzed by multivariate logistic regression and haplotype analysis. Also nominal polytomous logistic regression was used to find whether ESR1 genetic variants are differently associated with POF and EM. Results: The global p values for idiopathic POF and EM were 0.08 and 0.39 (SNP-based), and <0.001 and 0.12 (haplotype-based), respectively. The XbaI genetic variant containing the X allele was marginally significantly associated with a reduced risk of idiopathic POF (OR=0.6, 95% CI 0.3-1.0). The P-x haplotype and diplotypes significantly decreased the risk of idiopathic POF (OR=0.5, 95% CI 0.2-0.9; OR 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.9, respectively). In contrast from POF, the P-x haplotypes and diplotypes insignificantly increased the risk for both idiopathic EM (p(polytomous)=0.009 for P-x haplotype; p(polytomous)=0.02 for P-x diplotypes). Conclusion: Our results suggest that the ESR1 gene including PvuII and XbaI polymorphisms may modify the risk of idiopathic premature ovarian failure (POF) but not idiopathic early menopause (EM) risk.Bretherick KL, 2008, FERTIL STERIL, V89, P318, DOI 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.03.008Chang SH, 2007, MATURITAS, V58, P19, DOI 10.1016/j.maturitas.2007.04.001Kitamura I, 2007, BONE, V40, P1623, DOI 10.1016/j.bone.2007.02.016Molvarec A, 2007, HYPERTENS RES, V30, P205Hsieh YY, 2007, MOL HUM REPROD, V13, P117, DOI 10.1093/molehr/gal099Dvornyk V, 2006, MATURITAS, V54, P19, DOI 10.1016/j.maturitas.2005.08.005Onland-Moret NC, 2005, CANCER CAUSE CONTROL, V16, P1195, DOI 10.1007/s10552-005-0307-5Popat RA, 2005, NEUROLOGY, V65, P383Schuit SCE, 2005, EUR J ENDOCRINOL, V153, P327, DOI 10.1530/eje.1.01973Kok HS, 2005, HUM REPROD, V20, P536, DOI 10.1093/humrep/deh600Ioannidis JPA, 2004, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V292, P2105van der Klift M, 2004, J BONE MINER RES, V19, P1172, DOI 10.1359/JBMR.040215Schuit SCE, 2004, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC, V291, P2969Wasserman L, 2004, INT J OBESITY, V28, P49, DOI 10.1038/sj.ijo.0802481van Meurs JBJ, 2003, HUM MOL GENET, V12, P1745, DOI 10.1093/hmg/ddg176Gorai I, 2003, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V88, P799, DOI 10.1210/jc.2002-020353Laml T, 2002, HUM REPROD UPDATE, V8, P483Herrington DM, 2002, CIRCULATION, V105, P1879, DOI 10.1161/01.CIR.0000016173.98826.88Kobayashi N, 2002, MATURITAS, V41, P193YOO KY, 2002, ASIAN PAC J CANCER P, V3, P85de Bruin JP, 2001, HUM REPROD, V16, P2014Pelletier G, 2000, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V85, P4835Weiderpass E, 2000, CARCINOGENESIS, V21, P623Yan G, 2000, J WOMEN HEALTH GEN-B, V9, P275Lorentzon M, 1999, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V84, P4597Weel AEAM, 1999, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V84, P3146Drummond AE, 1999, MOL CELL ENDOCRINOL, V151, P57, DOI 10.1016/S0303-7207(99)00038-6Christin-Maitre S, 1998, MOL CELL ENDOCRINOL, V145, P75Torgerson DJ, 1997, EUR J OBSTET GYN R B, V74, P63vanderSchouw YT, 1996, LANCET, V347, P714Kobayashi S, 1996, J BONE MINER RES, V11, P306NELSON LM, 1996, REPROD ENDOCRINOLOGY, P1394KAPRIO J, 1995, HUM BIOL, V67, P739CRAMER DW, 1995, FERTIL STERIL, V64, P740EXCOFFIER L, 1995, MOL BIOL EVOL, V12, P921NELSON LM, 1994, J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, V79, P1470CAPLAN GA, 1994, J ROY SOC MED, V87, P200PALMER JR, 1992, AM J EPIDEMIOL, V136, P408BAGUR AC, 1992, CALCIFIED TISSUE INT, V51, P4FRANCESCHI S, 1991, INT J CANCER, V49, P57MEYER JM, 1991, AM J MED GENET, V39, P148TRELOAR SA, 1990, AM J HUM GENET, V47, P137SNOWDON DA, 1989, AM J PUBLIC HEALTH, V79, P709

    Interleukin-13 and Its Receptors in Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonia: Clinical Implications for Lung Function

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    Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) is characterized by varying degrees of interstitial fibrosis. IL-13 and IL-4 are strong inducers of tissue fibrosis, whereas IFN-Ī³ has antifibrotic potential. However, the roles of these substances in IIP remain unknown. IL-13, IL-4, and IFN-Ī³ were measured in the BAL fluid of 16 idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients, 10 nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP) patients, and 8 normal controls. The expression of IL-13 and IL-13RĪ±1/Ī±2 in lung tissues was analyzed using ELISA and immunohistochemistry. IL-13 levels were significantly higher in IPF patients than the others (P<0.05). IL-4 levels were higher in both IPF and NSIP patients than in normal controls (P<0.05), and IFN-Ī³ levels were lower in NSIP patients than in normal controls (P=0.047). IL-13 levels correlated inversely with FVC% (r=-0.47, P=0.043) and DLCO% (r=-0.58, P=0.014) in IPF and NSIP patients. IL-13 was strongly expressed in the smooth muscle, bronchial epithelium, alveolar macrophages and endothelium of IPF patients. IL-13RĪ±1, rather than IL-13RĪ±2, was strongly expressed in the smooth muscle, bronchial epithelium, and endothelium of IPF patients. IL-13 and its receptors may contribute to the pathogenesis of fibrosis in IIP and appear to be related to the severity of the disease
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