67 research outputs found

    Teneurs en tanins de 15 ligneux fourragers du Burkina Faso

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    Face au recul progressif du fourrage herbacé, le bétail des villages de Diarabakoko et de Dionona est contraint en saison sèche de s’alimenter plus de fourrage des ligneux. Mais les teneurs en facteurs antinutritionnels particulièrement en tanins condensés de certaines espèces ligneuses peuvent limiter la consommation de leurs fourrages. L’objectif de l’étude est de caractériser et quantifier les tanins contenus dans les feuilles et/ou fruits de 15 ligneux fourragers couramment appétés. Les tanins ont été quantifiés par spectrométrie d’absorption UV-Vis à la longueur d’onde de 760 nm. Les tanins condensés ont été identifiés dans 53,33% des espèces étudiées avec des teneurs significativement différentes (P ˂ 0,05). Les teneurs des feuilles et des fruits ont varié respectivement de 0,810 ± 0,041 à 7,102 ± 0,117 g EAT/100 g MS et de 3,016 ± 0,056 à 8,074 ± 0,042 g EAT/100 g MS. Les teneurs en tanins galliques des feuilles ont oscillé entre 0,214 ± 0,006 et 3,627 ± 0,072 g EAT/100 g MS et celles des fruits entre 2,153 ± 0,006 et 2,380 ± 0,039 g EAT/100 g MS. Le fourrage des espèces étudiées sauf les feuilles de Acacia sieberiana et les fruits de Cassia sieberiana peuvent contribuer à la supplémentation des ruminants. Les teneurs en tanins peuvent servir de critère de choix supplémentaire des ligneux fourragers en aménagement pastoral et en agroforesterie.Mots-clés: Burkina Faso, ligneux fourragers, métabolites secondaires, tanins, teneurs, facteurs antinutritionnels. Tannins content of 15 woody forages from Burkina FasoFacing the progressive decline of herbaceous forage, ruminant animals from the villages of Diarabakoko and Dionona are forced in the dry season to feed more browse forages. But the levels of anti-nutritional factors particularly condensed tannins of some browses species may limit their consumption. The objective of the study was to characterize and quantify the tannins in the leaves and/or fruits of 15 common woody forage palatable. Tannins have been quantified by spectrophotometry UV-Vis absorption at wavelength of 760 nm. Condensed tannins were identified in 53.33% of the species studied with significantly different levels (P ˂ 0.05). The contents of leaves and fruits ranged respectively 0.810 ± 0.041 to 7.102 ± 0.117 g TAE/100 g DM and 3,016 ± 0.056 to 8.074 ± 0.042 g TAE/100 g DM. The contents of gallic tannins in leaves varied between 0.214 ± 0.006 and 3.627 ± 0.072 g TAE/100 g DM and those in fruits were between 2.153 ± 0.006 and 2.380 ± 0.039 g TAE/100 g DM. Forage species studied except the leaves of Acacia sieberiana and fruits of Cassia sieberiana can contribute to the supplementation of ruminants. Tannins content can be used as a supplementary criterion for selection of tree fodder in pasture management and in agroforestry.Keywords: Burkina Faso, browses, secondary metabolites, tannins, content, anti-nutritional factors

    Contribution à l’étude de l’influence des paramètres d’élaboration et optimisation du procédé de mise en oeuvre de bio-composites en coques de cotonnier et polystyrène recyclé

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    L’élaboration d’un éco-matériau requière outre la caractérisation physico-chimique des matières premières utilisées, la maîtrise des paramètres du procédé de mise en oeuvre utilisés. Le présent travail est consacré à l’étude de l’influence des paramètres d’élaboration d’un biocompositeinjecté en coques de cotonnier et polystyrène recyclé, en vue d’optimiser le procédé de mise en œuvre et les propriétés du produit fini.Dans la démarche d’élaboration adoptée, deux procédés sont retenus:il s’agit del’extrusion,qui estutilisée pour l’élaboration ducompoundetde l’injection-moulage (des granulats issus de l’extrusion), utilisée pour fabriquerles éprouvettes et les produits finis. L’objectif visé est d’identifier les valeurs optimales des paramètres de mise en œuvredeces deux procédés en vue de l’élaboration des produits de qualité ayant notamment les propriétés mécaniques requisespour des applications diverses.Ainsi,après identification des paramètres optimisés de mise en œuvre, des éprouvettes ont été produites avec ces paramètres optimisés d’élaboration et leurs propriétés mécaniques tellesque:le module d’élasticité (E) ou module de Young, la contrainteà la rupture (σr),Le module d’élasticité en torsion ou module de cisaillement (G), les contraintes de traction,La résistance à l’impact du matériau appelée encore résilience (R),déterminéspar les essais de caractérisation et le meilleur matériau élaboré,identifié.Les résultats obtenus sont consignés dans le présent document à travers les courbes, tableaux et figuresqui suivent.Mots-clés: extrusion, injection, polystyrène recyclé/coques de cotonnier, paramètres d’élaboration. Contribution to the study of the influence of parameters to formulation and optimization of process implementation of bio-composite at cottonhulls and recycled polystyreneThe development of an eco-material requires further physico-chemical characterization of raw materials, control parameters of processof implementation used. This work is devoted to the study of the influence of processing parameters of a biocomposite injected cottonhullsand recycled polystyrene, in order to optimize the process of implementation and the properties of the finalproduct.In the development process adopted, two methods are used: this is extrusion, which is used for the preparation of the compound and injection molding (aggregates from extrusion),which isused for fabricate specimens and finalproducts.The objective is to identify the optimal parameter values for the implementation of these two methods for the development of quality products including having the required mechanical properties for various applications.Thus, after identification of optimized parameters forimplementation, test pieces were produced with the optimized parametersand mechanical properties as: the modulus of elasticity (E) or Young's modulus, the breaking stress (σr) the torsional spring or shear modulus (G),tensile stresses, the impact resistance of the material, also called resilience (R), determined by testing and characterization of the material produced better identified. The results obtained are reported in this paper through the curves, tables and figures that follow.Keywords: extrusion, injection, recycled polystyrene / cotton hulls, seed processing parameters

    Typologie spatiale de la végétation sahélienne en relation avec les indicateurs de dégradation au Burkina Faso

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    La variation spatiale du couvert vegetal constitue un des determinismes majeurs de la qualite des ecosystemes. Elle influence la physionomie  spatiale de la vegetation ainsi que les mutations des ressources naturelles. Lfobjectif de ce travail est dfexaminer la typologie spatiale de la vegetation sahelienne selon le taux de couverture vegetale en decrivant les glacis selon le stade de degradation a travers une caracterisationfonctionnelle et structurale. La variation spatiale de la couverture vegetale a ete determinee par utilisation dfune image satellitaire de type Modis appuyee dfobservations visuelles et dfinvestigations de terrain. Erdas Imagine 9.2 et ArcGIS.10 ont ete utilises pour la cartographie synchronique de lfindice Normalise Differentiel  de Vegetation (NDVI). Le taux de  couverture vegetale a ete visuellement apprecie sur le terrain. Des relevesphytosociologiques et dendrometriques ont ete faits et des variables  environnementales ont ete examinees et caracterisees. Au terme de cette etude, trois stades de degradation bases sur le taux de couverture  vegetale ont ete definis: le stade tres degrade (NDVI faible et couverture vegetale < 10%), le stade moyennement degrade (NDVI moyen et 10% . couverture vegetale < 30%) et le stade peu degrade (NDVI eleve et couverture vegetale . 30%). Les analyses multivariees montrent une importante dissimilarite entre les stades de degradation des glacis. La caracterisation comparative des variables a revele des differences  significatives. Lfanalyse statistique en composantes principales (ACP) basee sur une approche correlative a permis la mise en evidence des meilleures variables indicatrices de chaque stade de degradation. Cette etude constitue un outil dfaide a la caracterisation des stades de degradation des glacis saheliens, etape importante pour le suivi de ladesertification pour un amenagement durable des ecosystemes.Mots cles: Images satellitaires, couverture vegetale, stades de  degradation, variables indicatrices, amenagement durable, Burkina Faso

    Teneurs en coumarines de 15 ligneux fourragers du Burkina Faso

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    Les antinutritionnels ont été le plus souvent ignorés dans l’évaluation de la qualité des fourrages ligneux dont la part augmente continuellement dans le bol alimentaire des ruminants au Burkina Faso. L’objectif de l’étude a été de caractériser et de quantifier les coumarines dans les feuilles et/ou les fruits de 15 ligneux fourragers couramment appétés par les ruminants à Diarabakoko et Dionona. Des tests de caractérisation en tubes ont été réalisés sur les échantillons frais collectés pour détecter la présence des coumarines. Des dosages spectrophotométriques des coumarines ont été également réalisés à partir des extraits frais des échantillons. L’étude a révélé la présence des coumarines chez toutes les espèces à des teneurs oscillant respectivement entre 10,590 ±0,354 et 31,174±0,477 μg EC/g d’extraits frais des feuilles et entre 1,250 ±0,014 et 22,899±0,561 μg EC/g d’extraits frais des fruits (P˂0,05). L’analyse des variances a permis de distinguer 2 classes de teneurs en coumarines des feuilles dont la première a les plus faibles valeurs. Nos résultats constituent des critères supplémentaires pour le choix des ligneux fourragers en aménagement pastoral et en agroforesterie. Ils montrent aussi que le fourrage (feuilles et fruits) des espèces étudiées peut contribuer sans danger à la supplémentation des ruminants. Mots clés : Alimentation, antinutritionnels, fourrage, aménagement pastoral, ruminant

    Fertilisation des sols avec la litiere foliaire en zone Subsahelienne du Burkina Faso: Diversite des especes, effets sur les rendements du sorgho

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    Organic matter sources management for soil fertility improvement has been the subject of many researches. Agroforestry is one of the topics addressed by these researches. In Burkina Faso\u2019s Northern Center, leaf litter of woody species is collected, piled, crumbled before spreading in fields. This practice is not well known in the rest of the country. The present study aims to provide information on the diversity of spontaneous plant species concerned, farmers\u2019 motivations of litter crumbling and to evaluate, empirically the effects of litter spreading on sorghum yields. A participatory study, using qualitative surveys and biometric field measurements, was conducted in five villages in the Northern Center of Burkina Faso. Because of their availability, accessibility, and agronomic performance, plants such as Vitellaria paradoxa , Anogeissus leiocarpa , Combretum micranthum , Lannea microcarpa and Diospyros mespiliformis were the species whose leaf litter was valued most. Measurements achieved in situ indicate that sorghum yields from fields that received Vitellaria leaf litter for the first time were lower than those in the control plots. On the other hand, fields that received this litter for three consecutive years were more productive. A scientific study on leaf litter chemical characteristics and their influence on soil fertility parameters should be considered in order to validate local knowledge and to improve knowledge about these practices.La gestion des sources de mati\ue8res organiques, pour am\ue9liorer la fertilit\ue9 des sols, a fait l\u2019objet de nombreuses recherches. L\u2019agroforesterie est une des th\ue9matiques abord\ue9es par ces recherches. Dans le Centre-Nord du Burkina Faso, la liti\ue8re foliaire des esp\ue8ces ligneuses est ramass\ue9e, mise en tas, \ue9miett\ue9e avant d\u2019\ueatre \ue9pandue dans les champs. Cette pratique est peu connue dans le reste du pays. La pr\ue9sente \ue9tude visait \ue0 fournir des informations sur la diversit\ue9 des esp\ue8ces v\ue9g\ue9tales spontan\ue9es concern\ue9es, les motivations paysannes de l\u2019\ue9miettement de la liti\ue8re et \ue0 \ue9valuer, empiriquement et par des mesures, les effets de l\u2019\ue9pandage de ces liti\ue8res sur les rendements du sorgho. Une \ue9tude participative, \ue0 l\u2019aide d\u2019enqu\ueates qualitatives et des mesures biom\ue9triques dans des champs, a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e dans cinq villages du Centre Nord du Burkina Faso. A cause de leur disponibilit\ue9, leur accessibilit\ue9, leur performance agronomique, les plantes telles que Vitellaria paradoxa , Anogeissus leiocarpa , Combretum micranthum , Lannea microcarpa , Diospyros mespiliformis ont \ue9t\ue9 cit\ue9es comme \ue9tant les esp\ue8ces dont la liti\ue8re des feuilles est valoris\ue9e. Les mesures r\ue9alis\ue9es in situ montrent que, les rendements du sorgho dans les champs ayant re\ue7u de la liti\ue8re foliaire de Vitellaria pour la premi\ue8re fois, ont \ue9t\ue9 inf\ue9rieurs \ue0 ceux des parcelles t\ue9moin. Par contre, les champs ayant re\ue7u cette liti\ue8re pendant trois ann\ue9es cons\ue9cutives ont \ue9t\ue9 plus productifs. Dans l\u2019optique de valider les savoirs locaux et d\u2019approfondir les connaissances sur l\u2019effet des liti\ue8res foliaires sur la fertilit\ue9 du sol, une \ue9tude scientifique sur leur caract\ue9ristique chimique et sur leur influence sur les param\ue8tres de fertilit\ue9 du sol, est \ue0 envisager

    Stakeholder perceptions on the deployment of multiple first-line therapies for uncomplicated malaria: a qualitative study in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso

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    BACKGROUND: In Burkina Faso, malaria remains the first cause of medical consultation and hospitalization in health centres. First-line case management of malaria in the country's health facilities is based on the use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). To optimize the use of these anti-malarial drugs in the perspective of mitigating the emergence of artemisinin resistance, which is a serious threat to malaria control and elimination, a pilot programme using multiple first-line therapies (MFTs) [three artemisinin-based combinations-pyronaridine-artesunate, dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and artemether-lumefantrine] has been designed for implementation. As the success of this MFT pilot programme depends on the perceptions of key stakeholders in the health system and community members, the study aimed to assess their perceptions on the implementation of this strategy. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews, including 27 individual in-depth interviews and 41 focus groups discussions, were conducted with key stakeholders including malaria control policymakers and implementers, health system managers, health workers and community members. Volunteers from targets stakeholder groups were randomly selected. All interviews were recorded, transcribed and translated. Content analysis was performed using the qualitative software programme QDA Miner. RESULTS: The interviews revealed a positive perception of stakeholders on the implementation of the planned MFT programme. They saw the strategy as an opportunity to strengthen the supply of anti-malarial drugs and improve the management of fever and malaria. However, due to lack of experience with the products, health workers and care givers expressed some reservations about the effectiveness and side-effect profiles of the two anti-malarial drugs included as first-line therapy in the MFT programme (pyronaridine-artesunate, dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine). Questions were raised about the appropriateness of segmenting the population into three groups and assigning a specific drug to each group. CONCLUSION: The adherence of both populations and key stakeholders to the MFT implementation strategy will likely depend on the efficacy of the proposed drugs, the absence of, or low frequency of, side-effects, the cost of drugs and availability of the different combinations

    Do floristic composition, plant species abundance and vegetation structure in Sudanian wetlands vary according to conservation status?

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    In Sahel, wetlands are particularly endangered hence practical knowledge for their sustainable management is needed. The aim of this study was to compare plant community structure between protected and unprotected wetland bank stands in eastern Burkina Faso. Phytosociological and dendrometrical parameters were carrying out in adult trees, seedling individuals and herbaceous species. Discrimination of plant communities and diversity indices were calculated for each group. Weibull distribution was used to compare the diameter structures. The results shows that plant communities located in riverbanks of unprotected wetlands have a greater specificheterogeneity. They are rich inannual speciesand in species with a wide distribution. Finally their woody stands are characterized by lower basal areas than unprotected wetland riverbank stands. Plant community stands in riverbanks of protected wetlands were better preserved but some disturbances were noticed. Furthermore, juvenile plants of the two sites were threatened and this may affect in long term, the relative stability of these trees stands as revealed by Weibull distribution. Further study should focus on wetlands riverbanks seedling status in order to propose restoration strategies

    Feasibility and acceptability of a strategy deploying multiple first-line artemisinin-based combination therapies for uncomplicated malaria in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso

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    (1) Background: Effective malaria case management relies on World Health Organization (WHO) recommended artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), but partial resistance to artemisinin has emerged and is spreading, threatening malaria control and elimination efforts. The strategy of deploying multiple first-line therapies (MFT) may help mitigate this threat and extend the therapeutic life of current ACTs. (2) Methods: A district-wide pilot quasi-experimental study was conducted, deploying three different ACTs at the public health facility (PHF) level for uncomplicated malaria treatment from December 2019 to December 2020 in the health district (HD) of Kaya, Burkina Faso. Mixed methods, including household and health facility-based quantitative and qualitative surveys, were used to evaluate the pilot programme. (3) Results: A total of 2008 suspected malaria patients were surveyed at PHFs, of which 79.1% were tested by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) with 65.5% positivity rate. In total, 86.1% of the confirmed cases received the appropriate ACT according to the MFT strategy. The adherence level did not differ by study segment (p = 0.19). Overall, the compliance level of health workers (HWs) with MFT strategy was 72.7% (95% CI: 69.7-75.5). The odds of using PHF as the first source of care increased after the intervention (aOR = 1.6; 95% CI, 1.3-1.9), and the reported adherence to the 3-day treatment regimen was 82.1%; (95% CI: 79.6-84.3). Qualitative results showed a high acceptance of the MFT strategy with positive opinions from all stakeholders. (4) Conclusions: Implementing an MFT strategy is operationally feasible and acceptable by stakeholders in the health systems in Burkina Faso. This study provides evidence to support the simultaneous use of multiple first-line artemisinin combination therapies in malaria-endemic countries such as Burkina Faso

    Seasonal performance of a malaria rapid diagnosis test at community health clinics in a malaria-hyperendemic region of Burkina Faso

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    BACKGOUND: Treatment of confirmed malaria patients with Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) at remote areas is the goal of many anti-malaria programs. Introduction of effective and affordable malaria Rapid Diagnosis Test (RDT) in remote areas could be an alternative tool for malaria case management. This study aimed to assess performance of the OptiMAL dipstick for rapid malaria diagnosis in children under five. METHODS: Malaria symptomatic and asymptomatic children were recruited in a passive manner in two community clinics (CCs). Malaria diagnosis by microscopy and RDT were performed. Performance of the tests was determined. RESULTS: RDT showed similar ability (61.2%) to accurately diagnose malaria as microscopy (61.1%). OptiMAL showed a high level of sensitivity and specificity, compared with microscopy, during both transmission seasons (high & low), with a sensitivity of 92.9% vs. 74.9% and a specificity of 77.2% vs. 87.5%. CONCLUSION: By improving the performance of the test through accurate and continuous quality control of the device in the field, OptiMAL could be suitable for use at CCs for the management and control of malaria

    Attitudes, practices, and determinants of community care-seeking behaviours for fever/malaria episodes in the context of the implementation of multiple first-line therapies for uncomplicated malaria in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria case management relies on World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), and a continuous understanding of local community knowledge, attitudes, and practices may be a great support for the success of malaria disease control efforts. In this context, this study aimed to identify potential facilitators or barriers at the community level to inform a health district-wide implementation of multiple first-line therapies (MFT) as a new strategy for uncomplicated malaria case management. METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional study using a mixed-method design was carried out from November 2018 to February 2019, in the health district (HD) of Kaya in Burkina Faso. Quantitative data were collected using a standardized questionnaire from 1394 individuals who had fever/malaria episodes four weeks prior to the survey. In addition, 23 focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted targeting various segments of the community. Logistic regression models were used to assess the predictors of community care-seeking behaviours. RESULTS: Overall, 98% (1366/1394) of study participants sought advice or treatment, and 66.5% did so within 24 h of fever onset. 76.4% of participants preferred to seek treatment from health centres as the first recourse to care, 5.8% were treated at home with remaining drug stock, and 2.3% preferred traditional healers. Artemether-lumefantrine (AL) was by far the most used anti-malarial drug (98.2%); reported adherence to the 3-day treatment regimen was 84.3%. Multivariate analysis identified less than 5 km distance travelled for care (AOR = 2.7; 95% CI 2.1-3.7) and education/schooling (AOR = 1.8; 95% CI 1.3-2.5) as determinants of prompt care-seeking for fever. Geographical proximity (AOR = 1.5, 95% CI 1.2-2.1), having a child under five (AOR = 4.6, 95% CI 3.2-6.7), being pregnant (AOR = 6.5, 95% CI 1.9-22.5), and living in an urban area (AOR = 2.8, 95% CI 1.8-4.2) were significant predictors for visiting health centres. The FGDs showed that participants had good knowledge about malaria symptoms, prevention tools, and effective treatment. Behaviour change regarding malaria treatment and free medication for children under five were the main reasons for participants to seek care at health centres. CONCLUSIONS: The study showed appropriate knowledge about malaria and positive community care-seeking behaviour at health centres for fever/malaria episodes. This could potentially facilitate the implementation of a MFT pilot programme in the district. CLINICALTRIALS: gov Identifier: NCT04265573