102 research outputs found

    Valeur economique de l’eau et flux d’eau virtuelle des principales cultures strategiques en Tunisie

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    L’eau virtuelle fait référence à l’eau douce utilisée durant toutes les étapes de production des biens échangés à l’échelle internationale (Allan, 1993). La teneur en eau virtuelle comprend trois composantes : l’eau virtuelle bleue qui renferme l’eau d’irrigation et l’eau utilisée durant la transformation d’un produit, l’eau verte incluant l’eau de pluie et l’eau emmagasinée dans le sol et finalement l’eau grise qui représente le volume d’eau nécessaire pour diluer tous les polluants introduits durant le processus de production. Plusieurs recherches considèrent que les échanges d’eau virtuelle présentent une solution potentielle à la mauvaise allocation des ressources en eau qui représente un problème commun dans plusieurs pays confrontés à des risques de pénurie d’eau, tel est le cas de la Tunisie. En effet, plusieurs recherches ont souligné le fait que l’optimisation des systèmes de culture et de la répartition géographique de la production en s’appuyant sur le concept d’eau virtuelle peut diminuer considérablement la pression sur l’eau d’irrigation et entraîne, par conséquent, un meilleur niveau de sécurité hydrique et alimentaire. L’objectif de ce travail, est de voir dans quelles mesures les instruments de protection peuvent-ils prendre en compte la composante gestion de la ressource eau et contribuer à travers les politiques commerciales et les flux d’eau virtuelle à une meilleure conservation, usage et allocation des ressources en eau ? Pour cela, on procède d’une part, à l’évaluation de la valeur économique de l’eau à travers des indicateurs tels que la productivité économique apparente de l’eau totale utilisée (définie comme étant le rapport entre le prix local du produit (TND/kg) et l’évapotranspiration réelle en (m3/kg)) et la valeur de l’eau d’irrigation (IWV) pour chacune des cultures sélectionnées. La IWV est estimée comme la valeur nette de la production par hectare de culture en système irrigué moins la valeur nette de la production en système pluvial divisée par le volume d'eau appliqué (m3). La valeur nette de la production est la valeur de la production moins les coûts de tous les intrants sauf l'eau. D’autre part, on se propose d’estimer les teneurs et les flux d’eau virtuelle des principaux produits agricoles et agroalimentaires produits, exportés et importés par la Tunisie

    Efficiency of Crop–Livestock Production Systems Under Conservation Agriculture: Scope for sustainable system transformation to Achieving Food Security in Rain-Fed Drylands of Tunisia

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the technical efficiency of farmers engaged in mixed crop–livestock systems under conservation agriculture (CLCA) in Tunisian rainfed areas who are using Resource-Conserving Technologies (RCTs) such as forage mixture, minimum and zero tillage, and small machinery

    Efficiency of Crop–Livestock Production Systems Under Conservation Agriculture: Scope for Sustainable System Transformation in Rain-Fed Drylands of Tunisia

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    Presentation on “Efficiency of Crop–Livestock Production Systems Under Conservation Agriculture: Scope for Sustainable System Transformation in Rain-Fed Drylands of Tunisia” delivered during the International Symposium LESOR'2022 (Djerba-Tunisia, 23-25 November 2022

    Contribution of virtual water to improving water security in Tunisia: a case study of wheat and olive growing farms in Zaghouan region

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    Virtual water represents all freshwater used in the process of producing a commodity. In the case of agricultural products, many studies have focused on quantifying virtual water flows through international trade products. The concept of virtual water commercialization should be carefully studied as a potential solution for water scarcity, especially in countries facing risks of water shortage in a few years such as in Tunisia. The main idea of this paper is to optimize water use, by the mean of estimation of virtual water in exported crops which have high water consumption. We also analyze the crops that are imported and therefore, might contribute to save water. Commonly exported and imported crops are widely cultivated in the region of Zaghouan characterized by diversity of agricultural products. That’s why it could represent a good case study from Tunisia. In this study we especially focus on olive oil which is one of the most strategic exported products in Tunisia and on wheat as main imported product. We attempt to create technical and economic data sheets through monitoring about 40 farmers in this region. These sheets are not only to estimate the gross margin but also to calculate water demand for each crop allowing the estimation of virtual water. We found out that Tunisia may saves 1.13 m3 of water per kilogram of wheat if we import it instead of producing it domestically. In the case of olive trees, for an average yield of 2339 kg per hectare we exports 2.10 m3 of virtual water for every kilogram of exported olive. Results presented in this study are of essential implications for policy making regarding water use optimization and water security enhancementPublishe

    Linking farmers’ perceptions and management decision toward sustainable agroecological transition: evidence from rural Tunisia

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    Global food systems face sustainability challenges like undernourishment, inequity, resource degradation, and pollution. Food production and consumption drive environmental change with greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity loss, and land-system shifts. The climate change crisis has intensified concerns about the ecological impact of these systems. Sustainable food networks, such as community-supported agriculture, are promoting sustainable production and consumption through short supply chains. International bodies like the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) are also spearheading initiatives for more equitable and sustainable food systems. In Tunisia, where dryland areas predominate, the ongoing implementation of the Agroecology Initiative provides the context for this study, which explores the drivers and barriers of agroecological transformation in this challenging environment. The research focuses on stakeholder engagement, with a gender perspective to explore farmer perceptions. The study, conducted in the northwest of Tunisia in 2022–2023, involved focus groups, workshops, surveys, and questionnaires with various stakeholders. Findings highlight farmer organizations’ potential in promoting sustainable farming, with clear goals, diversified systems, and collaborations. However, challenges such as input scarcity, water shortage, low income, and marketing must be addressed. Results also indicate that over 90% of farmers who received assistance with agroecological practices reported a change in their ideas and practices. Fifty seven percent of the workshops participants identified the olive oil value chain as having the greatest potential for agroecological transformation, but it faces constraints such as climate, lack of policy incentives, training, funding, and difficulty in adopting technical innovations. Women’s inclusion in agriculture, environmental, social, and economic challenges were also highlighted. Despite these obstacles, key drivers for agroecological transition were identified. These include the compatibility of many agroecological practices with existing farmer capabilities, their cultural and economic benefits, and the positive outcomes for environmental sustainability and health. The study advocates for a socio-technical systems analysis to address the root causes hindering Tunisia’s agroecological transformation. A participatory approach is crucial to understanding priorities and developing a sustainable and resilient food system. Furthermore, the research underscores the importance of considering diverse farmer perspectives and tailoring strategies to support this critical transition effectively

    Contraintes et Défis de la Transition Agroécologique Comme Perçus par les Agriculteurs en Tunisie

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    Global food systems are moving away from the goals of sustainable development. In addition to the problems of undernourishment and inequity, these systems contribute to the degradation of natural resources, environmental pollution, and the loss of biodiversity. In this context, several initiatives are being launched by international bodies such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) in order to establish more equitable and ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable systems. The agro-ecological transition is seen to change towards sustainable and resilient agricultural systems. However, this transition faces many institutional, social, technical, economic, and environmental obstacles and challenges. The main objective of this study is to determine and understand these obstacles and to identify the factors that inhibit this agro-ecological transition in the Tunisian context. The study is based on the convictions of farmers, who represent not only the first link in the production chain but also the weakest link. The research methodology is based on a participatory approach and qualitative analysis. Focus groups, workshops and an open-ended survey were conducted with farmers in the north-eastern region of Tunisia, where the mixed crop-livestock system is omnipresent. A literature review preceded and accompanied the field study and the analysis of the results. This work was carried out within the framework of the "Agroecology" initiative launched by the CGIAR and implemented in Tunisia by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). The results of this study reveal many constraints perceived by farmers, mainly related to the climatic conditions, the institutional framework (notably the lack of incentive policies), the lack of financing mechanisms and the complexity of the acceptance and adoption of technical innovations at the farm level (lack of information, failure of extension services, etc.). The results also reveal the importance of using socio-technical systems analysis to better understand and address the root causes behind the issues blocking agro-ecological transitions in Tunisia. This diagnosis contributes to the identification of required actions and to generate the necessary recommendations for decision-makers to stimulate the agro-ecological transition. This communication occurred during the 20th International Scientific Day of INRGREF in Tunis, Tunisia “Sustainable Ecosystem Management for Agroecological Transition and Food Security” (10-11 October 2023)

    Pseudomonas rhizophila S211, a New Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacterium with Potential in Pesticide-Bioremediation

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    A number of Pseudomonas strains function as inoculants for biocontrol, biofertilization, and phytostimulation, avoiding the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Here, we present a new metabolically versatile plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium, Pseudomonas rhizophila S211, isolated from a pesticide contaminated artichoke field that shows biofertilization, biocontrol and bioremediation potentialities. The S211 genome was sequenced, annotated and key genomic elements related to plant growth promotion and biosurfactant (BS) synthesis were elucidated. S211 genome comprises 5,948,515 bp with 60.4% G+C content, 5306 coding genes and 215 RNA genes. The genome sequence analysis confirmed the presence of genes involved in plant-growth promoting and remediation activities such as the synthesis of ACC deaminase, putative dioxygenases, auxin, pyroverdin, exopolysaccharide levan and rhamnolipid BS. BS production by P. rhizophila S211 grown on olive mill wastewater based media was effectively optimized using a central-composite experimental design and response surface methodology (RSM). The optimum conditions for maximum BS production yield (720.80 ± 55.90 mg/L) were: 0.5% (v/v) inoculum size, 15% (v/v) olive oil mill wastewater (OMWW) and 40◦C incubation temperature at pH 6.0 for 8 days incubation period. Biochemical and structural characterization of S211 BS by chromatography and spectroscopy studies suggested the glycolipid nature of the BS. P. rhizophila rhamnolipid was stable over a wide range of temperature (40–90◦C), pH (6–10), and salt concentration (up to 300mM NaCl). Due to its low-cost production, emulsification activities and high performance in solubilization enhancement of chemical pesticides, the indigenous BS-producing PGPR S211 could be used as a promising agent for environmental bioremediation of pesticide-contaminated agricultural soils

    Effectiveness of Innovation Platforms in Enhancing the Viability of the Wheat Seed Sector in Terbol Station, Lebanon

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    The objective of this research was to assess the effectiveness of the innovation platform (IP) (Terbol Station) on the wheat seed sector in Lebanon. Data were collected from 16 seed producers after identifying and mapping the key stakeholders in the seed sector. Descriptive statistics was used to categorize and evaluate the efficacy of the innovation platform by identifying six groups: seed availability and access, knowledge and training, seed production and market impact, incentives, joint planning, and the situation of the seed sector in Lebanon. Incentives and joint planning were found to be the primary groups of the IP that the farmers emphasized their importance. The correlation between different groups was found to be statistically significant. Farmers noted that the wheat seed sector is non-profitable and, therefore, needs financial support and joint planning of the value chain. The study recommends the intervention of the government and the Ministries of Agriculture and Economy & Trade by customizing governance strategies and policies. In addition, the adaptation of regulatory measures of the wheat seed sector and agricultural guidance can provide essential information, recommendations, and expertise to optimize the production, distribution, and utilization of seeds in Lebanon

    Scoping study report on potential existing value chains in the North-West region of Tunisia

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    The objective of this report is to select the main value chains with potential to integrate the agroecological principles in the Northwest of Tunisia. A descriptive analysis on the two governorates chosen was first made, then 4 focus group discussions were organized with local farmers associations. The VC assessment according to agroecological principles conducted with the main actors places the olive oil VC as the major value chain with agroecological character
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