6 research outputs found

    Phenotyping introgression lines of Solanum incanum in the eggplant gene pool

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    [ES] La berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) es un cultivo con una estrecha base gen茅tica. Esto puede deberse a que la domesticaci贸n de la berenjena se realiz贸 a partir de un acervo gen茅tico limitado, lo cual pudo originar un efecto fundador, que contribuir铆a a que las variedades de berenjena cultivadas presenten una baja diversidad gen茅tica. En la actualidad se est谩 desarrollando una colecci贸n de l铆neas de introgresi贸n de S. incanum en el fondo gen茅tico de S. melongena (MIILs), que junto con estudios de selecci贸n asistida por marcadores permitir谩n dilucidar el control gen茅tico e identificar QTLs de caracteres importantes como la forma, tama帽o y color del fruto, contenido en antocianinas y polifenoles de la pulpa, la espinosidad, resistencias y tolerancias a estreses bi贸ticos y abi贸ticos. Los objetivos de la presente investigaci贸n fueron realizar la caracterizaci贸n tanto fenot铆pica como fen贸mica y la evaluaci贸n del contenido en 谩cido clorog茅nico de los frutos de la segunda generaci贸n de autofecundaci贸n para la construcci贸n de las MIILs. La caracterizaci贸n fenot铆pica y fen贸mica realizada mostr贸 una considerable variabilidad en los caracteres evaluados entre las MIILs. La caracterizaci贸n detallada de la forma del fruto utilizando el programa Tomato Analyzer proporcion贸 datos cuantitativos sobre muchos caracteres que no se obtienen utilizando descriptores morfol贸gicos medidos manualmente, dichos datos permitieron detectar diferencias entre las MIILs. El estudio del control gen茅tico en cuanto a la acumulaci贸n de polifenoles, en particular del 谩cido clorog茅nico mostr贸 que las MIILs presentaron contenidos muy diferentes entre ellas y algunas superaron claramente los contenidos de los parentales.[EN] Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is a crop with a narrow genetic base. This may be caused by the fact that the domestication of eggplant was carried out from a limited gene pool, perhaps resulting in a founder effect that contributed to a low-genetic diversity in eggplant varieties. Today, a collection of introgression lines of S. incanum in the gene pool of S. melongena (MIILs), is being developed, which together with marker-assisted selection studies, will elucidate the genetic control and will identify QTLs of important characteristics such as shape, size and fruit colour, anthocyanin and polyphenol contents of eggplant pulp, thorniness, resistance and tolerance towards biotic and abiotic stresses. The objectives of this research were to conduct a phenotypical and phenomic characterization and evaluation of fruits (from the second generation of self-fertilization for MIILs formation) in chlorogenic acid. The phenotypical and phenomic characterization showed a considerable variability in the evaluated characteristics among MIILs. The detailed characterization of fruit shape, using the Tomato Analyzer software, yielded quantitative data about different characteristics that are not obtained through morphological descriptors measured by hand. Such data made it possible to detect differences among MIILs. The genetic control study, particularly with chlorogenic acid, showed that MIILs had contents that were significantly different, some of them exceeding the contents of parent material.Sotomayor Cantos, IA.; Gramazio, P.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; Plazas 脕vila, MDLO.; Prohens Tom谩s, J. (2016). Fenotipado de l铆neas de introgresi贸n de Solanum incanum en el fondo gen茅tico de la berenjena. Revista ESPAMCIENCIA (Online). 7(2):117-126. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/96985S1171267

    Desarrollo y fenotipado de dos generaciones para la construcci贸n de l铆neas de introgresi贸n de S.incanum en el fondo gen茅tico de la berenjena (S. melongena)

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    [ES] El trabajo se enmarca en el contexto del desarrollo de unas l铆neas de introgresi贸n de S. incanum en el fondo gen茅tico de S. melongena. Para la obtenci贸n de estas l铆neas es necesario realizar varios ciclos de retrocruzamientos (BC) as铆 como autofecundaciones(S) al final del proceso para poder fijar las l铆neas. Por otra parte, en estas generaciones tambi茅n es conveniente fenotipar las plantas de manera que podamos estimar la variabilidad en los caracteres de las familias que se van obteniendo. Esto ayudar谩 a decidir que caracteres ser谩n m谩s interesantes evaluar al finalizar las l铆neas. En este trabajo se pretende realizar los cruces necesarios para la obtenci贸n de las generaciones BC5S1 y BC5S2. Por otra parte se caracterizar谩n los individuos de cada generaci贸n utilizando caracteres de fruto (peso, espinas en c谩liz, color, forma, etc) y flor (n煤mero de p茅talos, color, tama帽o, etc). As铆 mismo, se realizar谩 una caracterizaci贸n detallada de la forma de fruto utilizando el programa 驴Tomato Analyzer驴, que permite obtener datos fenomicos cuantitativos de fruto de manera automatizada. Uno de los objetivos del desarrollo de las l铆neas de introgresi贸n es el de estudiar que partes del genoma controlan la acumulaci贸n de 谩cido clorog茅nico. Por esta raz贸n se medir谩 tambi茅n mediante HPLC la cantidad de 谩cido clorog茅nico en todos los individuos de estas generaciones.Sotomayor Cantos, IA. (2016). Desarrollo y fenotipado de dos generaciones para la construcci贸n de l铆neas de introgresi贸n de S.incanum en el fondo gen茅tico de la berenjena (S. melongena). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/68716TFG

    Fenotipado de l铆neas de introgresi贸n de Solanum incanum en el fondo gen茅tico de la berenjena

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    Eggplant (Solanum melongenaL.) is a crop with a narrow genetic base. This may be caused by the fact that the domestication of eggplant was carried out from a limited gene pool, perhaps resulting in a founder effect that contributed to a low-genetic diversity in eggplant varieties. Today, a collection of introgression lines of S. incanum in the gene pool of S. melongena (MIILs), is being developed, which together with marker-assisted selection studies, will elucidate the genetic control and will identify QTLs of important characteristics such as shape, size and fruit colour, anthocyanin and polyphenol contents of eggplant pulp, thorniness, resistance and tolerance towards biotic and abiotic stresses. The objectives of this research were to conduct a phenotypical and phenomic characterization and evaluation of fruits (from the second generation of self-fertilization for MIILs formation) in chlorogenic acid. The phenotypical and phenomic characterization showed a considerable variability in the evaluated characteristics among MIILs. The detailed characterization of fruit shape, using the Tomato Analyzer software, yielded quantitative data about different characteristics that are not obtained through morphological descriptors measured by hand. Such data made it possible to detect differences among MIILs. The genetic control study, particularly with chlorogenic acid, showed that MIILs had contents that were significantly different, some of them exceeding the contents of parent material.La berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) es un cultivo con una estrecha base gen茅tica. Esto puede deberse a que la domesticaci贸n de la berenjena se realiz贸 a partir de un acervo gen茅tico limitado, lo cual pudo originar un efecto fundador, que contribuir铆a a que las variedades de berenjena cultivadas presenten una baja diversidad gen茅tica. En la actualidad se est谩 desarrollando una colecci贸n de l铆neas de introgresi贸n de S. incanum en el fondo gen茅tico de S. melongena (MIILs), que junto con estudios de selecci贸n asistida por marcadores permitir谩n dilucidar el control gen茅tico e identificar QTLs de caracteres importantes como la forma, tama帽o y color del fruto, contenido en antocianinas y polifenoles de la pulpa, la espinosidad, resistencias y tolerancias a estreses bi贸ticos y abi贸ticos. Los objetivos de la presente investigaci贸n fueron realizar la caracterizaci贸n tanto fenot铆pica como fen贸mica y la evaluaci贸n del contenido en 谩cido clorog茅nico de los frutos de la segunda generaci贸n de autofecundaci贸n para la construcci贸n de las MIILs. La caracterizaci贸n fenot铆pica y fen贸mica realizada mostr贸 una considerable variabilidad en los caracteres evaluados entre las MIILs. La caracterizaci贸n detallada de la forma del fruto utilizando el programa Tomato Analyzer proporcion贸 datos cuantitativos sobre muchos caracteres que no se obtienen utilizando descriptores morfol贸gicos medidos manualmente, dichos datos permitieron detectar diferencias entre las MIILs. El estudio del control gen茅tico en cuanto a la acumulaci贸n de polifenoles, en particular del 谩cido clorog茅nico mostr贸 que las MIILs presentaron contenidos muy diferentes entre ellas y algunas superaron claramente los contenidos de los parentales

    Variaci贸n fenot铆pica y selecci贸n de genotipos de cacao de alto rendimiento en Ecuador

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    In Ecuador, the exploitation of the genetic diversity of the species Theobroma cacao L., has been the basis for the development of materials of high productivity and organoleptic quality. The INIAP in the last two decades has concentrated its efforts on hybridization programs that allow to accelerate and expand the identification of new materials that allow to increase the exportable supply of fine cocoas. The present investigation evaluated the productive potential of 53 genotypes derived from crosses of different genetic origin: 17 derived from crosses Alto Amazo虂nico x Alto Amazo虂nico, 10 crosses between Nacional x Alto Amazo虂nico, 3 crosses between National x National, 23 derived from crosses between CCN 51 x Alto Amazo虂nico and commercial clones EET-103, JHV-10 and CCN 51 were used as controls. Productive and sanitary characteristics were evaluated, using descriptive statistics techniques, bivariate correlations analysis, principal component analysis, analysis were performed. Cluster with the Ward method and a dendrogram was constructed to determine the similarity between genotypes. As a result, it was determined that the genotype INIAPT 484 (derived from the crossing between genotypes Alto Amazo虂nicos), presented the best productive characteristics, with a cocoa yield significantly higher than that of CCN 51, which should be validated in subsequent tests at the multilocal level and with greater number of individuals, prior to a possible commercial release as new improved variety of cocoa for the benefit of the cocoa sector.En Ecuador, el aprovechamiento de la diversidad gen茅tica de la especie Theobroma cacao L., ha sido la base para el desarrollo de materiales de alta productividad y calidad organol茅ptica. El INIAP en las 煤ltimas dos d茅cadas ha concentrado sus esfuerzos en programas de hibridaci贸n que permitan acelerar y ampliar la identificaci贸n de nuevos materiales que permitan incrementar la oferta exportable de cacaos finos. La presente investigaci贸n evalu贸 el potencial productivo de 53 genotipos derivados de cruces de distinto origen gen茅tico: 17 derivados de cruces Alto Amaz贸nico x Alto Amaz贸nico, 10 de cruces entre Nacional x Alto Amaz贸nicos, 3 de cruces entre Nacional x Nacional, 23 derivados de cruces entre CCN 51 x Alto Amaz贸nico y como controles se usaron los clones comerciales EET-103, JHV-10 y CCN 51. Se evaluaron caracter铆sticas productivas y sanitarias, usando t茅cnicas de estad铆stica descriptiva, se realizaron an谩lisis de correlaciones bivariadas, an谩lisis de componentes principales, an谩lisis de cl煤ster con el m茅todo de Ward y se construy贸 un dendograma para determinar la similitud entre genotipos. Como resultado se determin贸 que el genotipo INIAPT 484 (derivado del cruce entre genotipos Alto Amaz贸nicos), present贸 las mejores caracter铆sticas productivas, con un rendimiento de cacao significativamente superior al de CCN 51, lo cual deber谩 ser validado en pruebas posteriores a nivel multilocal y con mayor n煤mero de individuos, previo a una posible liberaci贸n comercial como nueva variedad mejorada de cacao para el beneficio del sector cacaotero

    Selecci贸n de genotipos de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) con resistencia a escoba de bruja (Moniliophthora perniciosa) en Los R铆os, Ecuador

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    The Cocoa and Coffee Improvement Program at INIAP EET-Pichilingue has been studying, for several years, higher cocoa genotypes (Theobroma cacao L.) characterized by genetic resistance to major diseases, especially to witch broom (Moniliophthora perniciosa), which is the main limiting factor for its cultivation in several Central and South American countries. The objective of the research was to identify and select those cocoa clones having a low incidence of witch broom disease. 21 genotypes were tested: (14) resulting from Amazonian x Amazonian and (4) from Amazonian x National crossings. Among the population derived from National vs. National crosses, no genotypes showing resistance to the disease were found. In addition, INIAPT 074 was selected from the cross between CCN 51 x B 60 and TIP 1 and TAP 6 were used as control clones. The following features were evaluated: Number of healthy pod (MS), Fresh weight (PF), Number of diseased pod (ME), Number of vegetative brooms (EBveg), Number of bearing brooms (EBcojin) and Number of cherimoya fruits (Fchir). A Principal Components Analysis and a cluster analysis were performed using the Ward method and a dendrogram was constructed to determine the similarity between productive and sanitary characteristics. Was determined that the genotypes resulting from the Amazonian x Amazonian crossing: INIAPT 527, INIAPT 560 and INIAPT 526 presented lower incidence of witch broom, and identified themselves as sources of genetic resistance to Moniliophthora perniciosa.El Programa de Mejoramiento del Cacao y el Caf茅 en el INIAP EET-Pichilingue ha estado estudiando, durante varios a帽os, los genotipos de cacao m谩s altos (Theobroma cacao L.) caracterizados por la resistencia gen茅tica a las principales enfermedades, especialmente la escoba de brujas (Moniliophthora perniciosa) Factor limitante para su cultivo en varios pa铆ses de Am茅rica Central y del Sur. El objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue identificar y seleccionar los clones de cacao con una baja incidencia de la enfermedad de la escoba de brujas. Se probaron 21 genotipos (14) resultantes de Amazonas x Amazonas y (4) de Amazonas x Cruces Nacionales. Entre la poblaci贸n derivada de cruces nacionales vs. nacionales, no se encontraron genotipos mostrando resistencia a la enfermedad. Adem谩s, se seleccion贸 INIAPT 074 del cruce entre CCN 51 x B 60 y TIP 1 y TAP 6 como clones de control. Se evaluaron las siguientes caracter铆sticas: N煤mero de mazorcas sanas (MS), Peso fresco (PF), N煤mero de mazorcas enfermas (ME), N煤mero de escobas vegetativas (EBveg), N煤mero de escobas portadoras (EBcojin) y N煤mero de chirimoyas. Un an谩lisis de componentes principales y un an谩lisis de conglomerados se realizaron utilizando el m茅todo de Ward y se construy贸 un dendrograma para determinar la similitud entre las caracter铆sticas productivas y sanitarias. Se determin贸 que los genotipos resultantes del cruce amaz贸nico x amaz贸nico: INIAPT 527, INIAPT 560 e INIAPT 526 presentaron menor incidencia de escobas y se identificaron como fuentes de resistencia gen茅tica a Moniliophthora perniciosa

    Conservation and use of genetic resources of cacao ( Theobroma cacao L .) by gene banks and nurseries in six Latin American countries

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    International audienceCacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is among the most important cash crops in tropical countries. The existing cacao genetic diversity represents a key resource to ensure the long-term sustainability of cacao cultivation but it remains vastly underused. The objective of this paper is to describe the current state of conservation and use of cacao genetic materials in six countries in South (Peru and Ecuador) and Central America (Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala). For each country, we reviewed the regulations for cacao genetic resources, we carried out a survey of 176 gene banks and nurseries, and we performed a review of breeding and selection programs. We found that all countries had poor systems of certification, verification and traceability. Gene banks conserved many local materials in Peru and Ecuador while they mainly conserved international clones in Central American countries. In all countries except Honduras, more than half of the gene banks did not have any characterization or evaluation data of the conserved materials. Although nurseries in all countries had fair productive capacities, varieties sold were unevenly characterized in Peru, Ecuador and Guatemala, and less than half of the nurseries provided technical assistance to farmers in Ecuador and El Salvador. Breeding and selection programs had not fully used the cacao diversity in these countries. Based on the results, we identified the strengths and weakness, as well as the most appropriate investment areas for each country. A better conservation and use of cacao genetic resources in Latin America would benefit not only these countries but also the whole cacao sector