128 research outputs found

    Personalized Diet in Obesity: A Quasi-Experimental Study on Fat Mass and Fat-Free Mass Changes

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    Considering that the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Southeast of Spain is high, the aim of this work was to analyze the relation between the adherence to a personalized diet and the effectiveness of changes in the body composition in overweight and obese adults in this region. This quasi-experimental study presents the following selection criteria: attendance at the consultation between 2006 and 2012, subjects ≥ 19 years of age with overweight or obesity. In total, 591 overweight or obese individuals were involved in this study, attending 4091 clinic consultations in total. Most of the sample consisted of subjects who attended >3 consultations (>1.5 months), and were females aged 19–64 years who obtained clinically significant changes in fat mass (FM, ≥5%) and recommended changes in fat-free mass (FFM, ≥0%). Based on the results obtained and the experience gained from this research, the following recommendations are established: (i) record fat mass and fat-free mass index as a complement to body mass index; (ii) use FM and FFM to evaluate effectiveness of interventions with the aim of obtaining body composition changes; (iii) use personalized diet to achieve significant changes in FM and avoid non-recommended changes in FFM.This research has been partially funded by VIGROB−309 (University of Alicante)

    Dietary Intake, Nutritional Adequacy, and Food Sources of Selected Antioxidant Minerals and Vitamins; and Their Relationship with Personal and Family Factors in Spanish Children Aged 1 to <10 Years: Results from the EsNuPI Study

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    Minerals and vitamins involved in the antioxidant defense system are essential for healthy growth and proper development during infancy. Milk and dairy products are of particular importance for improving the supply of these nutrients to children. Indeed, the present study aimed to evaluate the nutrient intake and food sources of zinc (Zn), selenium (Se), retinol and carotenoids (sources of vitamin A), and vitamins C and E, and to analyze their relationships with personal and familiar factors in Spanish children from the EsNuPI study. One subpopulation representative of the Spanish population from 1 to <10 years old (n = 707) (reference group, REF) who reported consuming all types of milk over the last year, and another subpopulation of the same age who reported consuming fortified milk formulas (FMFs) (including follow-on formula, young child formula, growing up milk, toddler’s milk, and enriched and fortified milk) (n = 741) (fortified milk consumers, FMCs) completed two 24 h dietary recalls used to estimate their nutrient intakes and to compare them to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Dietary Reference Values (DRVs). The REF reported higher median intakes than FMCs for Se (61 g/kg vs. 51 g/kg) and carotenoids (1079 g/day vs. 998 g/day). Oppositely, FMCs reported higher intakes than REF for Zn (7.9 mg/day vs. 6.9 mg/day), vitamin A (636 g/day vs. 481 g/day), vitamin E (8.9 mg/day vs. 4.5 mg/day), vitamin C (113 mg/day vs. 71 mg/day), and retinol (376 g/day vs. 233 g/day). In the REF group, more than 50% of the children met the EFSA recommendations for Zn (79.6%), Se (87.1%), vitamin A (71.3%), and vitamin C (96.7%), respectively. On the other hand, 92.2% were below the EFSA recommendations for vitamin E. In the FMC group, more than 50% of the children met the EFSA recommendations for Zn (55.2%), Se (90.8%), vitamin A (75.7%), vitamin E (66.7%), and vitamin C (100%). We found statistically significant differences between subpopulations for all cases except for Se. In both subpopulations, the main sources of all antioxidant nutrients were milk and dairy products. For carotenoids, the main sources were vegetables and fruits followed by milk and dairy products. A high percentage of children had vitamins A and E intakes below the recommendations, information of great importance to stakeholders. More studies using intakes and biomarkers are needed, however, to determine an association with diverse factors of oxidative damage.Instituto Puleva de Nutricion (IPN)FENFINUTdairy company Lactali

    Usual Dietary Intake, Nutritional Adequacy and Food Sources of Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Vitamin D of Spanish Children Aged One to <10 Years. Findings from the EsNuPI Study †

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    The authors would like to thank IPN for its support and technical advice.Bone problems in the population begin to be establish in childhood. The present study aims to assess the usual calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D intakes, along with the food sources of these nutrients, in Spanish children participating in the EsNuPI (Estudio Nutricional en Población Infantil Española) study. Two 24 h dietary recalls were applied to 1448 children (1 to <10 years) divided into two sub-samples: one reference sample (RS) of the general population [n = 707] and another sample which exclusively included children consuming enriched or fortified milks, here called “adapted milks” (AMS) [n = 741]. Estimation of the usual intake shows that nutrient intake increased with age for all nutrients except vitamin D. Using as reference the Dietary Reference Values from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), calcium and magnesium intakes were found to be below the average requirement (AR) and adequate intake (AI), respectively, in a considerable percentage of children. Furthermore, phosphorus exceeded the AI in 100% of individuals and vitamin D was lower than the AI in almost all children studied. The results were very similar when considering only plausible reporters. When analyzing the food sources of the nutrients studied, milk and dairy products contributed the most to calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D. Other sources of calcium were cereals and vegetables; for phosphorus: meat, meat products, and cereals; for magnesium: cereals and fruits; and, for vitamin D: fish and eggs. These results highlight the desirability of improving the intake concerning these nutrients, which are involved in bone and metabolic health in children. The AMS group appeared to contribute better to the adequacy of those nutrients than the RS group, but both still need further improvement. Of special interest are the results of vitamin D intakes, which were significantly higher in the AMS group (although still below the AI), independent of age.Instituto Puleva de Nutricion (IPN

    Dietary intake, nutritional adequacy and food sources of vitamins involved in the methionine-methylation cycle from Spanish children aged one to <10 years: results from the EsNuPI study

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    Background: Methionine-methylation cycle and the derived critical functions during infancy are key regulated by folates, vitamins B12, and B6. At present in Spain, there is an absence of studies that assess the intakes and dietary sources of total folates and B12 by children consuming all types of milks and those regularly consuming adapted milk formulas. Thus, our aim was to evaluate folates intakes alongside with vitamins B6 and B12 while describing their major dietary contributors in Spanish children aged one to <10 years. Methods: A total of 1,448 children aged between 1 and 10 years (49.7% girls and 50.3% boys) from the EsNuPI, a prospective cross-sectional study, were allocated into two cohorts: one Spanish Reference Cohort (SRS) of the general population (n = 707), and another including children consuming adapted milks called Adapted Milk Consumers Cohort (AMS) (n = 741) completed two 24 h dietary recalls used to estimate their nutrient intakes and to compare them to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Population Reference Intakes. Results: The median intake of vitamin B6 was 1.35 (1.06–1.70) mg/day in the SRS and 1.45 (1.17–1.79) mg/day in the AMS, being significantly higher in the AMS for all age-groups. Prevalence of adequacy for vitamin B6 in the SRS and AMS was 97.7 and 98.7%, respectively. Total folates intakes in the AMS were significantly higher (p ≤ 0.001) in all age groups than in the SRS, independently of age. In addition, the prevalence of adequacy for folates intakes in all groups was more than 60%. Vitamin B12 intake increased with age independently of the type of milk consumed. The prevalence of adequacy for vitamin B12 was highly compliant by all population groups. The major contributors to vitamin B6 were milk and dairy products being significantly higher in AMS than SRS (p ≤ 0.001). The highest contributors to folates intakes were milk and dairy products, cereals, vegetables, and fruits in both groups whereas for vitamin B12 in the SRS sample were milk and dairy products followed by meat and meats products and for adapted milks, were milk and dairy products, followed by eggs, then meat and meats products. Conclusion: A satisfactory prevalence of adequacy for vitamins B6, and B12 amongst the Spanish children population was observed, which was not the case for folates, regardless of the dietary group evaluated. Nevertheless, a possible strategy to increase folate intake among the youngest children is to increase the consumption of milk and dairy products within a healthier dietary pattern, as these may contribute significantly to the vitamin needs of the infant population.Instituto Puleva de Nutrición (IPN) under an agreement with Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) and Iberoamerican Nutrition Foundation (FINUT

    Seed Carotenoid and Tocochromanol Composition of Wild Fabaceae Species Is Shaped by Phylogeny and Ecological Factors

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    Carotenoids distribution and function in seeds have been very scarcely studied, notwithstanding their pivotal roles in plants that include photosynthesis and phytohormone synthesis, pigmentation, membrane stabilization and antioxidant activity. Their relationship with tocochromanols, whose critical role in maintaining seed viability has already been evidenced, and with chlorophylls, whose retention in mature seed is thought to have negative effects on storability, remain also unexplored. Here, we aimed at elucidating seed carotenoids relationship with tocochromanols and chlorophylls with regard to phylogenetic and ecological traits and at understanding their changes during germination. The composition and distribution of carotenoids were investigated in seeds of a wide range of wild species across the Fabaceae (the second-most economically important family after the Poaceae). Photosynthetic pigments and tocochromanols were analyzed by HPLC in mature dry seeds of 50 species representative of 5 subfamilies within the Fabaceae (including taxa that represent all continents, biomes and life forms within the family) and at key timepoints during seedling establishment in three species representative of distinct clades. Total-carotenoids content positively correlated with tocopherols in the basal subfamilies Detarioideae, Cercidoideae, and Dialioideae, and with chlorophylls in the Papilionoideae. Papilionoideae lacked tocotrienols and had the highest total-carotenoids, chlorophyll and gamma-tocopherol contents. Interestingly, lutein epoxide was present in 72% of the species including several herbs from different subfamilies. Overall, species original from temperate biomes presented higher carotenoids and lower tocochromanols levels than those from tropical biomes. Also shrub species showed higher carotenoids content than herbs and trees. During germination, total content of photosynthetic pigments increased in parallel to changes in relative abundance of carotenoids: zeaxanthin and anteraxanthin decreased and beta-carotene augmented. Notably, the highest contents of nutritionally valuable carotenoids were found in Papilionoideae subfamily to which all pulses of socio-economic importance belong. The major differences in carotenoids and tocochromanols composition across the Fabaceae are apparently related to phylogeny in conjunction with ecological traits such as biome and growth form.This work was supported by the Basque Government [UPV/EHU-GV IT-1018-16], and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Research and Development Foundation (FEDER) through (i) [CTM2014-53902-C2-2-P] national grant and (ii) a "Juan de la Cierva-Incorporacion" postdoctoral grant [IJCI-2014-22489] to BF-M. BF-M, FM, and LM-F received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Research Vice Rectorate (UPV/EHU). The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, received grant-in-aid from DEFRA

    Efecto del consumo habitual de mate sobre el perfil lipídico en adultos normolipémicos

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    El mate es la infusión más popular de nuestro país y sus propiedades en la salud humana no han sido totalmente aclaradas aún. En los últimos años, esta bebida ha tomado mayor importancia, lo cual ha llevado a diversos científicos a estudiar sus actividades biológicas, siendo la capacidad hipocolesterolémica la más notable. Esta propiedad puede ser explicada desde dos aspectos. El primero está dado por la inhibi-ción de la absorción del colesterol exógeno debido principalmente a la presen-cia de saponinas, glucósidos esteroideos que a nivel intestinal forman micelas con el colesterol, provocando así su excreción. El segundo mecanismo implicado es la disminución de la actividad de la 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril coenzima A reductasa, principal interviniente en la síntesis de colesterol, propiedad atribuida a los flavonoides presentes en la infusión. Las líneas de investigación actuales tienden a dilucidar el efecto que produce el consumo del mate sobre los marcadores bioquímicos en individuos tanto dislipidémicos como normolipémicos

    Dietary Intake, Nutritional Adequacy, and Food Sources of Protein and Relationships with Personal and Family Factors in Spanish Children Aged One to <10 Years: Findings of the EsNuPI Study

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    This research was funded by Instituto Puleva de Nutricion (IPN), which is a non-profit entity that promotes scientific research, mainly in the field of nutrition and health: child nutrition, cardiovascular, bone and digestive health, etc., as well as the dissemination of quality scientific content. While the IPN is funded by the dairy company Lactalis, its actions are based on the decisions of an independent scientific board formed by renowned international scientists. A. G. is co-financed by the Research Plan of the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spain.The authors would like to thank IPN for its support and technical advice. The results presented in this article constitute part of Casandra Madrigal Arellano’s doctoral thesis, performed in the Nutrition and Food Sciences Doctorate Program of the University of Granada and financed by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT).Diet in the first years of life is an important factor in growth and development. Dietary protein is a critical macronutrient that provides both essential and nonessential amino acids required for sustaining all body functions and procedures, providing the structural basis to maintain life and healthy development and growth in children. In this study, our aim was to describe the total protein intake, type and food sources of protein, the adequacy to the Population Reference Intake (PRI) for protein by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) by the Institute of Medicine (IoM). Furthermore, we analyzed whether the consumption of dairy products (including regular milk, dairy products, or adapted milk formulas) is associated with nutrient adequacy and the contribution of protein to diet and whole dietary profile in the two cohorts of the EsNuPI (in English, Nutritional Study in the Spanish Pediatric Population) study; one cohort was representative of the Spanish population from one to <10 years old (n = 707) (Spanish reference cohort, SRS) who reported consuming all kinds of milk and one was a cohort of the same age who reported consuming adapted milk over the last year (including follow-on formula, growing up milk, toddler's milk, and enriched and fortified milks) (n = 741) (adapted milk consumers cohort, AMS). The children of both cohorts had a high contribution from protein to total energy intake (16.79% SRS and 15.63% AMS) and a high total protein intake (60.89 g/day SRS and 53.43 g/day AMS). We observed that protein intake in Spanish children aged one to <10 years old was above the European and international recommendations, as well as the recommended percentages for energy intakes. The main protein sources were milk and dairy products (28% SRS and 29% AMS) and meat and meat products (27% SRS and 26% AMS), followed by cereals (16% SRS and 15% AMS), fish and shellfish (8% in both cohorts), eggs (5% SRS and 6% AMS), and legumes (4% in both cohorts). In our study population, protein intake was mainly from an animal origin (meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fish and shellfish, and eggs) rather than from a plant origin (cereals and legumes). Future studies should investigate the long-term effect of dietary protein in early childhood on growth and body composition, and whether high protein intake affects health later in life.Instituto Puleva de Nutricion (IPN)dairy company LactalisResearch Plan of the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spai

    Valoración de hormonas esteroides en heces de una pareja de lobo mexicano (Canis lupus baileyi) en cautiverio

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    El lobo gris mexicano (Canis lupus baileyi) es la subespecie genéticamente más distintiva de los lobos que habitan Norteamérica y que ha sido eliminada de las zonas en que residía originalmente en nuestro país.Actualmente no hay evidencia de poblaciones en vida libre, por lo que todos los individuos existentes están en zoológicos o encierros construidos especialmente para su reproducción. Referente a su comportamiento yestructura social hay algunos estudios pero son menos los relacionados a su fisiología reproductiva. El presente trabajo describe en una pareja (macho-hembra) de lobo mexicano los perfiles de hormonas esteroides sexuales(HES) durante las estaciones de invierno y primavera que son cuando se reproduce. La cuantificación de las HES (progesterona, P4; testosterona, T, y estradiol, E2) se hicieron por inmunoanálisis a partir de heces fecales.Realizándose, además, observaciones de su conducta sexual usando el método focal con registros de puntos. Al ser las muestras de sexo desconocido se hizo su sexado a partir de la concentración diferencial de T. Validado lo anterior, el perfil hormonal de P4 y T en el macho resultó ser de tipo cíclico, mientras que el de E2 no tuvo cambios significativos durante toda la temporada; siendo su concentración inferior a las de P4 y T. En las hembras, la P4 tuvo un patrón cíclico con evidentes incrementos, así como el de T pero siendo sus concentraciones inferiores. El E2 tuvo incrementos considerables, sin embargo, sus concentraciones fueron menores que las otras dos hormonas. Se observaron montas del macho sobre la hembra pero sin constatarse cópulas, las cuales coincidieron con el perfil de HES, que concuerda con lo reportado para el estro en cánidos.The Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) is one of the most distinctive groups of wild canids.It has been erradicated from most of its original range and there is no solid evidence of wild populations. All known individuals of this species are kept in zoos or special enclosures. Recently a great deal of efforts have been done in oder to reintroduce this subespecies to its natural habitat. Studies on this species are focused on the behavior and socialstructure, but there are few on the reproductive physiology. In this paper we analyze progesterone (P4), testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2) concentrations in feces of a pair of Mexican grey wolves during the Winter and Spring. Steroids were quantified by enzime immunoassay and evaluated using a micro titer plate. We tested the use of hormone levels to determine gender of the animals and found T to be useful. In the male, P4 levels had a cyclic pattern with peaks in January and February that coincided with cyclic variation in T. E2 did not show significant changes. In the female, P4 showed a cyclic pattern with fluctuations from January to April, T followed the same pattern, and E2 peaked in January, February, and April. The peak of February ended with a rise in P4. These results suggest that concentrations of sexual steroid hormones are in general high during the reproductive period

    Dietary Intake of Individual (Intrinsic and Added) Sugars and Food Sources from Spanish Children Aged One to <10 Years—Results from the EsNuPI Study

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    This research was funded by Instituto Puleva de Nutricion (IPN), which is a non-profit entity that promotes scientific research, mainly in the field of nutrition and health: child nutrition, cardiovascular, bone and digestive health, etc., as well as the dissemination of quality scientific content. While the IPN is funded by the dairy company Lactalis, its actions are based on the decisions of an independent scientific board formed by renowned international scientists. a. G. is co-financed by the Research Plan of the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spain.Currently, in Spain there are no studies assessing the intakes and sources of intrinsic and added sugars by both children consuming standard milks and children regularly consuming adapted milk formulas. Our goal was to evaluate current sugar intake levels (intrinsic and added) and their major dietary sources within the EsNuPI study participants by applying two 24-h dietary recalls that were completed by 1448 children (1 to <10 years) divided into two subsamples: One “Spanish Reference Sample” (SRS) of the general population (n = 707) and another sample which included children consuming adapted milks including follow-on milk, toddler’s or growing up milk and fortified and enriched milks, here called “Adapted Milk Consumers Sample” (AMS) (n = 741). Estimates of intrinsic and added sugar intakes from the Spanish EsNuPI population as well as the adherence to recommendations varied notably according to age segment, but no major differences between subsamples were found. Younger children (1 to <3 years) showed the highest added sugar contribution to total energy intake (TEI) (SRS: 12.5% for boys and 11.7% for girls; AMS: 12.2% for boys and 11.3% for girls) and the lowest adherence to recommendations set at <10% TEI (SRS: 27.4% for boys and 37.2% for girls; AMS: 31.3% for boys and 34.7% for girls). Adherence increased with age but remains inadequate, with approximately one in two children from the older age segment (6 to <10 years) exceeding the recommendations. Main food sources of intrinsic sugars for both subsamples were milk and dairy products, fruits, vegetables and cereals, while for added sugars, these were milk and dairy products (mainly yogurts), sugars and sweets (mainly sugary cocoa and nougat), bakery products (mainly cookies) and cereals (mainly bread and wheat flour). However, for the AMS, the groups milk and dairy products and cereals showed a significantly lower contribution to intrinsic sugar intake but a significantly higher contribution to that of added sugars. These results demonstrate that sugar intake and the adherence to recommendations in the studied population varied notably according to age but not to the type of milk consumed. In addition, our results highlight the need to monitor the consumption of added sugars by the infant population, as well as the need to make efforts to facilitate this task, such as harmonizing the recommendations regarding free/added sugars and the inclusion of information on their content on the nutritional labeling of products in order to incorporate them into food composition databases.Instituto Puleva de Nutrición (IPN)dairy company LactalisResearch Plan of the Vice-Rectorate of Research and Transfer of the University of Granada, Spai

    El índice de calidad de la nutrición en las residencias de ancianos (QUINN). Una nueva herramienta para evaluar la calidad de la dieta en las residencias de ancianos

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    Acknowledgements: the authors would like to thank the cooperation of the personnel of this institution — Yolanda Velasco, Alfredo Zapatero-Llanos, Carolina Calderon-Niño, and Lidia Peña-Rampérez, and all the residents of the center who participated in the study. The authors would like to thank Verónica Casanova- Muñoz for her constructive comments on some aspects of this manuscript.Background: the assessment of diet quality (DQ) is fundamental to the study of disease-diet associations, and it is necesary to implement an easy to-apply tool in nursing homes (NHs). Our objective was to propose and apply a novel diet quality indicator (DQIn) using an a priori approach for NHs. Methods: the QUality Index for Nutrition in Nursing homes (QUINN) was implemented in a public NH located in Valladolid, Spain, during a 5-week period (n = 137 subjects). The choice of the QUINN components was based on a rapid review. The QUINN was based on 15 dietary components — 12 were basic (vegetables, fruits, legumes, olive oil, cereals, dairy, white fish and seafood, white-meat, eggs/positive; other fats, red and processed meat, and sweets/negative), and 3 were supplementary (fruits and vegetables variety, oily-fish, and whole-grains/positive). Each component was classified into 4-categories (0, 1, 2 o 3 points; range: 0-45 points). Results: the QUINN was tested on a menu offered by a NH giving a result of 34 points (good diet). The components with the highest scores were related to the Mediterranean diet (high consumption of legumes, olive oil, white fish and shellfish; low intake of other fats; and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables), together with cereals, white meat, dairy, and eggs. The components that required a major change were red- and processed-meats, sweets, and whole grains. Conclusion: the menu of this Spanish NH showed a good DQ according to the QUINN. The assessment of the DQ in NHs using QUINN will allow the proposal of interventions aimed at improving their diet.Antecedentes: la valoración de la calidad de la dieta es fundamental para el estudio de las asociaciones enfermedad-dieta, y es necesario implantar una herramienta de fácil aplicación en las residencias de ancianos. Nuestro objetivo fue proponer y aplicar un nuevo indicador de calidad de la dieta (diet quality indicator, DQIn) utilizando un enfoque a priori para su utilización en residencias de ancianos. Métodos: el Índice de Calidad Nutricional en Residencias de Ancianos (QUality Index for Nutrition in Nursing homes, QUINN) se aplicó en una residencia pública de Valladolid durante un periodo de 5 semanas (n = 137 sujetos). La elección de los componentes del QUINN se basó en una revisión rápida. En el QUINN se consideraron 15 componentes dietéticos, 12 básicos (verduras, frutas, legumbres, aceite de oliva, cereales, lácteos, pescado blanco y marisco, carnes blancas, huevos/positivos; otras grasas, carnes rojas y procesadas, y dulces/negativos) y 3 adicionales (variedad de frutas y verduras, pescado azul, y cereales integrales/positivos). Cada componente se clasificó en 4 categorías (0, 1, 2 o 3 puntos; rango: 0-45 puntos). Resultados: el QUINN se aplicó en el menú ofertado por una residencia de ancianos dando un resultado de 34 puntos (dieta de buena calidad). Los componentes con mayor puntuación estaban relacionados con la dieta mediterránea (alto consumo de legumbres, aceite de oliva, pescado blanco y marisco, bajo consumo de otras grasas y variedad de frutas y verduras), junto con los cereales, las carnes blancas, los lácteos y los huevos. Los componentes que requerían un cambio importante fueron las carnes rojas y procesadas, los dulces y los cereales integrales. Conclusión: el menú de esta residencia de ancianos situada en España mostró una calidad de la dieta buena según el QUINN. La evaluación de la calidad de la dieta en las residencias de ancianos mediante el QUINN permitirá proponer intervenciones para mejorar la dieta