586 research outputs found

    The role of extracellular vesicles in cutaneous remodeling and hair follicle dynamics

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, microvesicles, and apoptotic bodies, are cell-derived membranous structures that were originally catalogued as a way of releasing cellular waste products. Since the discovery of their function in intercellular communication as carriers of proteins, lipids, and DNA and RNA molecules, numerous therapeutic approaches have focused on the use of EVs, in part because of their minimized risk compared to cell-based therapies. The skin is the organ with the largest surface in the body. Besides the importance of its body barrier function, much attention has been paid to the skin in regenerative medicine because of its cosmetic aspect, which is closely related to disorders affecting pigmentation and the presence or absence of hair follicles. The use of exosomes in therapeutic approaches for cutaneous wound healing has been reported and is briefly reviewed here. However, less attention has been paid to emerging interest in the potential capacity of EVs as modulators of hair follicle dynamics. Hair follicles are skin appendices that mainly comprise an epidermal and a mesenchymal component, with the former including a major reservoir of epithelial stem cells but also melanocytes and other cell types. Hair follicles continuously cycle, undergoing consecutive phases of resting, growing, and regression. Many biomolecules carried by EVs have been involved in the control of the hair follicle cycle and stem cell function. Thus, investigating the role of either naturally produced or therapeutically delivered EVs as signaling vehicles potentially involved in skin homeostasis and hair cycling may be an important step in the attempt to design future strategies towards the efficient treatment of several skin disordersThis research was funded by the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP 14/00219), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), H2020-EU.1.1.—European Research Council (ERC-2016-StG 715322-EndoMitTalk), and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS16/188). E.C. was supported by the Atracción de Talento Investigador grant 2017-T2/BMD-5766 (Comunidad de Madrid and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). G.S.-H. was funded by an FPI grant (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). M.M. was supported by the Miguel Servet program (Instituto de Investigación del Hospital 12 de Octubre

    Configuraciones de feminidad y masculinidad en jóvenes y su relación con el grado de percepción de violencia de género

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    La presente comunicación da cuenta de una investigación realizada el año 2017 que permitió identificar las configuraciones que jóvenes internalizan y actúan en base a ideas de masculinidad y feminidad e identificar si estas representaciones otorgarían mayor claridad para identificar conductas relacionadas con violencia de género. La investigación implicó dos estudios, estableciendo para ello una metodología mixta con estrategia de integración combinación. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 700 jóvenes a quienes se les aplicaron dos cuestionarios. El análisis de los datos se realizó con los programas NVIVO y SPPSS versión 21. Los resultados dan cuenta de que en los jóvenes hay cierta tensión entre dejar los mandatos tradicionales y adoptar nuevas formas de vivir su masculinidad. En las mujeres, lo femenino presenta un doble discurso; por un lado la idea de igualdad pero al mismo tiempo dificultad en abrir espacio en roles asociados a lo femenino (cuidado de otros, expresión afectiva, concepciones estéticas etc.)This communication reports an investigation carried out in 2017 that allowed us to identify the configurations that young people internalize and act on based on ideas of masculinity and femininity and identify if these representations would grant greater clarity to identify behaviors related to gender violence. The research involved two studies, establishing a mixed methodology with a combination integration strategy. The sample consisted of 700 young people who received two questionnaires. The analysis of the data was done with the NVIVO and SPPSS programs. The results show that in young people there is a tension between leaving traditional mandates and adopting new ways of living their masculinity. In women, the feminine presents a double discourse; On the one hand, the idea of equality but at the same time difficulty in opening space in roles associated with the feminine (caring for others, affective expression, aesthetic conceptions, among others.

    Exploring ways towards the excitation and amplification of surface plasmon-polaritons

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    On Driving plasmonic resonance THz graphena antennasWith the rapidly increasing demand for smaller and faster technology in the world of telecommunications over the past few years, there has come a time for nanotechnology to take over. Nanotechnology will provide with a new set of tools to the engineering community to design and manufacture nanoscale components with unprecedented functionalities. The ability to integrate several of those components into a single structure in just hundreds of nanometers will enable the development of new and advanced nanosystems. In this thesis, we go over the basics of nanoscale communications, the fundamentals of nanonetworks as well as the main state-of-the-art devices proposed to date. As the main focus of this work, two different alternatives to provide a signal source to an optical nanoscale communication system are proposed. First, as the optical term suggests, the basics of the most common light source are covered: the semiconductor laser. We describe its working principles and analyze its capabilities in order to determine its suitability for nanoscale communications. Last, a new concept of light source is proposed, which deals with light-matter interactions in the nanoscale: the plasmon nanolaser.Con la creciente demanda de dispositivos más inteligentes en el mundo de las telecomunicaciones en los últimos años, ha llegado la hora de hacer uso de la nanotecnología. La nanotecnología proporcionará un nuevo conjunto de herramientas para el sector de la ingeniería para diseñar y fabricar nano-dispositivos con funcionalidades sin precedentes. La habilidad de integrar múltiples componentes en una sola estructura en solo centenares de nanómetros permitirá el desarrollo de nuevos y avanzados nano-sistemas. En esta tesis, se presentan los fundamientos sobre las nano-comunicaciones, las nano-redes como también los componentes más avanzados que existen hoy en día. En concreto, en este trabajo se proponen dos alternativas sobre fuentes de señal para un sistema de nano-comunicaciones ópticas. En primer lugar se estudia la fuente de señal más común en comunicaciones ópticas: el láser semiconductor. Se analizan sus propiedades y características para determinar su idoneidad para integrarlo en un sistema de nano-comunicaciones ópticas. En segundo lugar, se propone otro tipo de fuente de luz, la cual se basa en interaciones de luz-materia en regiones cuánticas: el nano-láser plasmónico.Amb la creixent demanda de dispositius més intel·ligents en el món de les telecomunicacions en els darrers anys, ha arribat l'hora de fer ús de la nanotecnologia. La nanotecnologia proporcionarà un nou conjunt d'eines pel sector de l'enginyeria per dissenyar i fabricar nano-dispositius amb funcionalitats sense precedents. L'habilitat d'integrar diferents components en una sola estructura en només centenars de nanòmetres permetrà el desenvolupament de nous i avançats nano-sistemes. En aquesta tesi, es presenten els fonaments sobre les nano-comunicacions, les nano-xarxes com també els components més avançats que existeixen avui dia. En concret, en aquest treball es proposen dues alternatives sobre fonts de senyal per a un sistema de nano-comunicacions òptiques. En primer lloc s'estudia la font de senyal més comú a les comunicacions òptiques: el làser semiconductor. S'analitzen les seves propietats i característiques per determinar la seva idoneïtat per integrar-lo a un sistema de nano-comunicacions òptiques. En segon lloc, es proposa un altre tipus de font de llum, la qual es basa en interaccions de llum-matèria a regions quàntiques: el nano-làser plasmònic

    The diversity and rapprochement of theories of institutional change: original institutionalism and new institutional economics

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    Understanding the complexity of institutional change is a necessary step in gaining deeper knowledge of economic performance over time, and it is one of the main challenges in the research agenda of institutionalism. Institutional change can be studied using a variety of theoretical approaches. We study some of the main approaches to institutional change in original economic institutionalism and new institutional economics. First, after comparing the approaches of Émile Durkheim and Thorstein Veblen, we focus on the contributions of the instrumental value theory and other original institutional traditions in the study of institutional change. Second, new institutional economics improved on the weak points of rational choice institutionalism regarding institutional change and incorporated the “institutions-as-rules” approach (Douglass North) and the “institutions-as-equilibria” approach (Avner Greif, Masahiko Aoki). We analyze both approaches to institutional change. Furthermore, we present an updated nonintegral overview of approaches to institutional change, show several interconnections between original and new institutionalisms, and conclude that the dialogue between the different theories of institutional change is relevant and beneficial.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. HAR2013-40760-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2014/02

    Environmental crime and judicial rectification of the Prestige oil spill: the polluter pays

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    The enforcement of institutional rules requires the judicial system to perform well. In the case of oil spills, courts are key actors in determining the allocation of liabilities according to international and national norms. In 2002, the Prestige oil spill led to a major environmental disaster on the coasts of Spain, France and Portugal. The limitations of liability provided by the International Regime of Civil Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage have prevented the polluters from fully compensating injured parties for the damage the spill produced. In 2013, the Spanish Provincial Court of A Coruña condemned the captain of the tanker for disobedience, but no environmental crime was found; therefore, no further civil liabilities were incurred. Nevertheless, in 2016, the Spanish Supreme Court overruled the ruling of the provincial court and proclaimed the existence of an environmental crime. This judicial rectification changed the allocation of liabilities, extended the application of the polluter-pays principle, and opened a different stage for estimating and covering the costs of the damage. This paper presents a highly relevant case study that analyses the new situation involving oil spills and the distribution of liabilities within the current international regime.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC2014/022Xunta de Galicia | Ref. AGRUP2015/08Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO2014-52412-

    Building The Research Disposition Of Teachers Through Pedagogical Documentation

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    This research, supported by the University of Malaga and Spanish Government (FPU 17/03577), incorporates the concept of practical knowledge to understand the complexity of the teaching profession and, therefore, its evolution (Pérez Gómez, 2012, 2017). We understand practical knowledge as the conglomerate of attitudes, emotions, values, skills and knowledge that are put into play, automatically and unconsciously, in action and educational analysis (the so-called theories in use by Argyris, 1982). Therefore, we need to incorporate experiences in teacher training that make visible, mobilize and make possible the reconstruction of this practical knowledge through reflective and inquiry processes. When this process takes place, we can affirm that teachers are reconstructing their knowledge and experiences through the development of practical thinking. This concept refers to the "conscious, reflective, contrasted and reposed reconstruction, of this same system of understanding and action that includes both knowledge in action and reflexive knowledge about the action" (Pérez Gómez, 2017, p.17). How can we design experiences that promote the development of practical thinking and incorporate research on one's own practice in teacher education? From this point of view, this paper shows part of an investigation that seeks to know in what sense, introducing pedagogical documentation as a methodological axis in the Degree in Early Childhood Education, makes visible and mobilizes pre-service teacher’s practical knowledge. We understand the pedagogical documentation as a systematic collection and exposition process (Hoyuelos, 2013) of photographs, recordings, materials, videos, conversations, etc. that enlighten "flashes in the complexity of learning and students" (Krechevsky, Mardell, Rivard, & Wilson, 2013, p.58)Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Oil spills, governance and institutional performance: the 1992 regime of liability and compensation for oil pollution damage

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    The oil industry is nowadays of vital importance for industrialized and developing countries. However, oil transportation continues to be a highly risky activity, both for the actors involved in its production and exchange and for the rest of society, producing enormous negative externalities. This article delves into the international system of liability and compensation for oil pollution damage (1992 CLC/CF) from the perspective of New Institutional Economics, evaluates its operation in practice across countries and its evolution over time. It reveals substantial heterogeneity in terms of performance across nations and the main drivers and obstacles to its transformation.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC 2014/022Xunta de Galicia | Ref. AGRU2015/08Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. ECO 2014-52412-