155 research outputs found

    Prevalencia del enteroparasitismo en pacientes atendidos en el Laboratorio Quintanilla SRL., Trujillo (PerĂș): 2008-2012

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    Las prevalencias del parasitismo intestinal son reportadas en poblaciones infantiles o en entidades estatales, habiĂ©ndose analizado poco respecto de lo que sucede en entidades particulares, como laboratorios de anĂĄlisis clĂ­nicos. En el presente informe se presentan los resultados de una investigaciĂłn retrospectiva longitudinal que estuvo orientada a determinar la prevalencia del enteroparasitismo en pacientes atendidos en el Laboratorio Quintanilla SRL., Trujillo (PerĂș) en el periodo 2008-2012. Los datos obtenidos fueron obtenidos en la base de datos del laboratorio y agrupados segĂșn los años de estudio, sexo y edad. La mayor prevalencia se presentĂł para Blastocystis hominis en el año 2008 con 64,8%, Enterobius vermicularis en el año 2012 con 11,8%, Entamoeba coli en el año 2010 con 23,3%. El grupo etĂĄreo de 0 a 15 años fue el mĂĄs afectado puesto que se obtuvo una frecuencia de enteroparasitismo de 29,4%; el sexo masculino presento la mayor frecuencia de enteroparasitismo con 33,1%.Palabras clave: Prevalencia, Enteroparasitismo, Blastocystis hominis, Enterobius vermiculari

    Interação de fraçÔes proteicas de Chromobacterium violaceum com esporos de Colletotrichum sp. isolado de guaranazeiro.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar extratos proteicos de C. violaceum fracionados por diferenças de solubilidade dos seus componentes quanto à atividade inibitória da protrusão de hifas de Colletotrichum sp. isolado de folhas de guaranazeiro (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis) com sintomas de antracnose, principal doença dos guaranazais no Amazonas

    Bayesian Comparison of Neurovascular Coupling Models Using EEG-fMRI

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), with blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast, is a widely used technique for studying the human brain. However, it is an indirect measure of underlying neuronal activity and the processes that link this activity to BOLD signals are still a topic of much debate. In order to relate findings from fMRI research to other measures of neuronal activity it is vital to understand the underlying neurovascular coupling mechanism. Currently, there is no consensus on the relative roles of synaptic and spiking activity in the generation of the BOLD response. Here we designed a modelling framework to investigate different neurovascular coupling mechanisms. We use Electroencephalographic (EEG) and fMRI data from a visual stimulation task together with biophysically informed mathematical models describing how neuronal activity generates the BOLD signals. These models allow us to non-invasively infer the degree of local synaptic and spiking activity in the healthy human brain. In addition, we use Bayesian model comparison to decide between neurovascular coupling mechanisms. We show that the BOLD signal is dependent upon both the synaptic and spiking activity but that the relative contributions of these two inputs are dependent upon the underlying neuronal firing rate. When the underlying neuronal firing is low then the BOLD response is best explained by synaptic activity. However, when the neuronal firing rate is high then both synaptic and spiking activity are required to explain the BOLD signal

    FraçÔes protéicas de Chromobacterium violaceum em interação com esporos de Colletotrichum sp. isolado de guaranazeiro.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar fraçÔes de extratos protéicos de C. violaceum, distintas quanto à solubilidade, com relação à atividade inibitória da protrusão de hifas dos esporos de Colletotrichum sp. isolado de folhas de guaranazeiro (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis) com sintomas de antracnose.bitstream/item/63833/1/ComTec-69-2009.pd

    A Thalamocortical Neural Mass Model of the EEG during NREM Sleep and Its Response to Auditory Stimulation

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    Few models exist that accurately reproduce the complex rhythms of the thalamocortical system that are apparent in measured scalp EEG and at the same time, are suitable for large-scale simulations of brain activity. Here, we present a neural mass model of the thalamocortical system during natural non-REM sleep, which is able to generate fast sleep spindles (12–15 Hz), slow oscillations (<1 Hz) and K-complexes, as well as their distinct temporal relations, and response to auditory stimuli. We show that with the inclusion of detailed calcium currents, the thalamic neural mass model is able to generate different firing modes, and validate the model with EEG-data from a recent sleep study in humans, where closed-loop auditory stimulation was applied. The model output relates directly to the EEG, which makes it a useful basis to develop new stimulation protocols
