33 research outputs found

    Diaspora as Nation: Examining the Transnational Mobility of Syrian Armenians during Wartime

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    Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data empiris tentang pengaruh penggunaan media audio visual terhadap hasil belajar IPA yang diterapkan kepada dua kelas sampel dari populasi siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri gugus I wilayah Kecamatan Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan design posttest only design dan statistik yang mencakup analisis distribusi frekuensi, mean, median, modus, deviasi dan varians, serta grafik distribusi frekuensi dari data kedua kelompok. Sebelum diujikan pada kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol, materi tes sumatif terlebih dahulu diujikan kepada kelompok anggota populasi diluar sampel penelitian guna mensortir butir-butir soal yang valid dan drop, serta dicari koefisien reliabilitasnya. Diperoleh 35 butir soal valid, 10 butir soal drop, koefisien reliabilitasnya 0.911, nilai ini mengindikasikan bahwa instrumen memiliki reliabilitas yang sangat tinggi. Sebelum melakukan uji hipotesis dilakukan uji persyaratan analisis, data diuji secara normalitas dengan metode Liliefors untuk menguji apakah data memiliki distribusi normal atau tidak, data diuji dengan taraf signifikansi 5% dan dikatakan berdistribusi normal apabila Lhitung < Ltabel. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, kedua populasi data berdistribusi normal karena baik Lhitung kelas eksperimen = 0.095 dan Lhitung kelas kontrol = 0.117, lebih kecil dari nilai Ltabel = 0.161. Pengujian data selanjutnya dengan uji homogenitas yang dilakukan dengan uji varians, nilai F didapat Fhitung = 1.31, sedangkan Ftabel = 1.90, karena Fhitung < Ftabel hal tersebut menandakan bahwa data varians adalah homogen. Hal ini menandakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh Pengujian hipotesis dengan uji t. dilakukan pada taraf signifikansi α=0.05. Data uji t hasil perhitungan didapat thitung = 3.718, sedangkan pada nilai ttabel = 2.02, hal ini menunjukan t-test hasil perhitungan lebih besar dari pada nilai t-test pada tabel, dengan demikian Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima. antara penggunaan media audio visual terhadap hasil belajar IPA. Hasil penelitian ini secara teoretis memberikan suatu gambaran mengenai penggunaan media audio visual dalam pengaruhnya terhadap hasil belajar IPA. ***** The goal of the research is to search about the effect of the usage of audiovisual media toward learning science outcomes which apply to the two sample classes from elementary school student population of cluster I Setiabudi subdistrict of South Jakarta. This research uses experimental methods to design post-test only design and statistical analysis that includes frequency distribution, mean median, mode, deviation and variance, and frequency distribution graph of the data the two groups. Before tested on the experimental group and control group, summative test material was tested prior to group members outside the sample population in order to sort the items and drop a valid question, and sought the coefficient of reliability. Retrieved 35 point about valid, 10 items about the drop, the reliability coeffitient of 0.911, this value indicates that the instrument has a very high reliability. Before conducting test of hypotheses to test requirements analysis, data normality was tested with Liliefors method to test whether the data has a normal distribution or not, the data are tested with significance level of 5% and is said to have normal distribution when Lhitung < Ltabel. Based on calculations, the two populations because both the normal distribution of data = 0.095 Lhitung experimental class and control class Lhitung = 0.117, less than the value Ltabel = 0.161. Testing further data with homogeneity test conducted by testing the variance, F value obtained Fhitung = 1.31, while Ftabel = 1.90, because Fhitung < Ftabel it indicates that the data variance is homogeneous. Testing the hypotheses with the t-test conducted at significance level α = 0.05. Data t-test calculations results obtained thitung = 3.718, whereas the values ttabel = 2.02, this shows t-test results of the calculation is greater than the value of t-test on the table, so H0 rejected and H1 accepted. This indicates that there is influence between the use of audiovisual media on science learning outcomes. The results of this study is theoretically provide an overview of the use of audiovisual media influence on learning outcomes in science

    Redundant or separate entities?—roles of Twist1 and Twist2 as molecular switches during gene transcription

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    Twist1 and Twist2 are highly conserved members of the Twist subfamily of bHLH proteins responsible for the transcriptional regulation of the developmental programs in mesenchymal cell lineages. The regulation of such processes requires that Twist1 and Twist2 function as molecular switches to activate and repress target genes by employing several direct and indirect mechanisms. Modes of action by these proteins include direct DNA binding to conserved E-box sequences and recruitment of coactivators or repressors, sequestration of E-protein modulators, and interruption of proper activator/repressor function through protein–protein interactions. Regulatory outcomes of Twist1 and Twist2 are themselves controlled by spatial-temporal expression, phosphoregulation, dimer choice and cellular localization. Although these two proteins are highly conserved and exhibit similar functions in vitro, emerging literature have demonstrated different roles in vivo. The involvement of Twist1 and Twist2 in a broad spectrum of regulatory pathways highlights the importance of understanding their roles in normal development, homeostasis and disease. Here we focus on the mechanistic models of transcriptional regulation and summarize the similarities and differences between Twist1 and Twist2 in the context of myogenesis, osteogenesis, immune system development and cancer

    Assessment of urban development and land use changes' impact on the environment: a case study of urban development in Klang Valley Region, Malaysia

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    The increasing demand for housing, employment opportunities, institutions and other urban facilities and services due to migration of rural and town’s dwellers to urban centres leading to drastic changes of urban land covers is believed to be the main factor contributing to the degradation of environmental qualities, namely the increase in temperature, geohazard occurrences, as well as noise, air and water pollution in urban areas. Analyses using various GIS functions were carried out to illustrate the relationship between urban development as well as land use changes and the degradation of environmental qualities in Klang Valley Region. This paper will look into the impact imposed by urban development and land use change upon the trend of environmental quality described earlier

    Strategi periklanan dalam menunjang pemasaran Green Sands pada PT Multi Bintang Indonesia

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    Kesimpulan dan saran menunjukkan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh PT Multi Bintang Indonesia yang terpenting dalam mengembangkan strategi periklanan adalah menetapkan sasaran periklanan. Sasaran ini merupakan hasil ramuan dari keputusan sebelumnya mengenai pemasaran Green Sands yang intinya tercermin di dalam bauran pemasaran dan keputusan mengenai khalayak sasaran dari produk Green Sands

    Impulse response estimation for robust speech recognition in a reverberant environment

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    This paper refers to a voice-enabled smart-home scenario, for which contaminated speech is produced to train a distant-speech recognition system. The impulse response measurement process is investigated, with a specific focus on its impact on speech recognition performance. Experimental results, related to a phone-loop and to a word-loop task, show that a significant change of performance is obtained when using different techniques for impulse response estimation. In particular, the best performance is obtained when an exponential sine sweep excitation sequence is used, with a proper choice of its length and of the energy with which it is propagated in the environment