76 research outputs found

    Theory and applications of mechanoplasma effect in the processes of machining intensification

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    The results of studying the deformation and destruction of solids in the process of machining by cutting under the influence of various media are reviewed. Dependences of the specific features of the deformation and destruction processes in the metal on the set of mechanical factors, the properties of the investigated solid, and its physicochemical interaction with the environment are revealed.Оглядаються результати вивчення деформації та руйнування твердих тіл у процесі механічного оброблення різанням за умов впливу різних середовищ. Встановлено залежності особливостей процесів, що перебігають за деформації та руйнування металу, від сукупності механічних чинників, властивостей досліджуваного тіла та його фізико-хімічної взаємодії з навколишнім середовищем.Обозреваются результаты изучения деформации и разрушения твёрдых тел в процессе механической обработки резанием в условиях влияния различных сред. Установлены зависимости особенностей протекающих процессов деформации и разрушения металла от совокупности механических факторов, свойств исследуемого тела и его физико-химического взаимодействия с окружающей средой

    Worlds Stupied Inventions

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    Each year people create new things in different fields: industrial machines, gadgets of high technologies, new kinds of art and so on. More of these things make our life easier and more interesting, but not all of them. Some creators use all their fantasy and creativity. As a result – the very strange inventions that can be not only useless, but also make people laugh

    Семантичні особливості образних порівнянь із зооморфним компонентом на позначення емоційних характеристик людини (на матеріалі української , німецької та англійської мов)

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    У статті проаналізовано спільну та відмінну мотивацію формування фразеологічного значення та лінгвокультурні особливості образних порівнянь із зооморфним компонентом на позначення емоційних характеристик людини в українській, німецькій та англійській мовах. (The article is focused on the semantic peculiarities of comparative phraseological units with zoomorphic component denoting emotional characteristics in English, German and Ukrainian. Common and different motivations of comparative phraseological meaning formation and their respective linguocultural peculiarities are analysed.

    Enable talk gloves

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    Modern technologies play an important role in our modern live because they do it easier, more comfortable and interesting. Every year more and more new gadgets are created but not all of them become popular and useful. Students from universities of different countries take part in development of modern technologies and very often their inventions are really brilliant. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3383

    Newspaper genres

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    Practicing journalists actively use a lot of different genres in their work. Open any newspaper and you will find notes, reports, interviews, articles, reviews and essays. Any material can be called an article or news items. But professionals must clearly recognize a particular genre in the publication and in any case don‘t call a sketch, for example, an article. If you are not sure how to classify the given text correctly, it is better to use a neutral word ''material''

    Teaching International Students to Analyze Textual-Discursive Categories

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    The purpose of the study is to identify how the course that covers the components of the ten-stepwise approach to discourse analysis of political texts helps international students study the political meanings in Ukraine. The study used the structured observation method to collect rather quantitative than qualitative data and observers’ reports on the sampled students’ performance in the in-class and out-of-class assignments. It also used discourse analysis awareness test, observation report checklist, and assessment checklist to yield the quantitative data. The course that is based on the ten-stepwise approach to discourse analysis of political texts proved to raise the students’ overall awareness of analysis of textual-discursive categories and fosters their skills of both discourse analysis and technical skills to use the NVivo 12 software tool. The results of the Discourse Analysis Awareness Test showed that the sampled students’ awareness of discourse analysis was generally good. The mean values varied between 0.643 and0.857, which corresponded to 65-85 grades ECTS. The analysis of the observation reports showed that the five most frequent words used in the corpus of the observation reports of seven experts were as follows: students, contributed, equally, succeeded, managed. All of them evoke a positive idea and feeling and reveal success in meeting goals. The quotes yielded from the reports implied that the course sessions were engaging, challenging, and fruitful in terms of learning how to analyze textual-discursive categories found in political texts. The descriptive statistics drawn from the observation checklist and presented by course topic showed that the observers’ mean values improved throughout the course sessions that meant that the students progressed in the discourse analysis

    Model-Based Supply Chain Management

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    Worlds Stupied Inventions

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    Each year people create new things in different fields: industrial machines, gadgets of high technologies, new kinds of art and so on. More of these things make our life easier and more interesting, but not all of them. Some creators use all their fantasy and creativity. As a result – the very strange inventions that can be not only useless, but also make people laugh